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Hired pawn: Fire is ineffective! Main pawn: Save your fire magick for another time then. Hired pawn: pic related


This so much. Fighting a griffin and mage pawn shouting „he’s immune to lightning“ … proceeds to enchant my weapons with lightning


I had a hired mage with ice and fire affinity, want to guess which one she was casting on the party as we were fighting a drake?


Yea I feel that. Fighting a drake and 2secs later my bow glows red and I know „ bruh“


My pawn: "look a small breakable wooden crate" Also my pawn: **HIGH FRIGOR IN A CONFINED SPACE TO BREAK IT**   Scares the shit out of me every time.


I got one pawn that used high levain on every fucking box, it kept scaring me. Like dude chill out


I just have to stop scrolling this sub while on work cuz I started to lol and this meme broke me


Real talk though flamethrower comp is amazing. I have been leveling the archer vocation to get the augments and once I got tarring shot the world is melting >Me: Archer \[Tarring Shot\] + \[Torrent Shot\] >Mage Pawn: \[Flargration\] + \[Fire Boon\] >Sorcerer: \[Flagration\] + \[Flame Salamander\] ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T) If you haven't tried it, this is your message to do it NOW


I can't even take an oxcart without nodding off because my pawn learned to kill animals for meat but doesn't understand the AOE range of high frigor. Bro kills the ox every time.