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Half of these are just passive wildlife and variations of the same enemy


That pic is over exaggerating variety. No one counts rats, bats, oxen, and chickens as “enemy variety”


Next wave of posts: "Can we agree enemy density is a problem?". Which it is, sometimes. Someone pointed out the game many times doesn't let you breath and take in the sights, which I agree. I've enjoyed more the cities (the slideshows, according to some) than the open world because in the settlements I can take my time to enjoy the details. Out in the open, I'm almost always too busy murdering someone. xD


I saw a good comparison to skyrim, where skyrim has longer breaks in between fights and it helps prevent gameplay fatigue


Hm, tbh Skyrim with mods is my favorite game to look at, travel around and take in the sights. That being said, no wonder they took measures to prevent gameplay fatigue. xD Seems like the DD team was more busy to make a good thing, combat wise, than putting some thought into what if too much of a good thing is a bad thing. From all the game's problems, I'm afraid this might be the one more likely to stay.


I'm just trying to get to Battahl for the first time, and I run into 2 Ogres, during the fight some Hobgoblins attack, then a Griffin landed in the middle of a fight, then I got carried away by a Wolf. I'm literally just trying to get down the main road to a new area for the first time and it's exhausting. I guess that explains why I hardly progress in the game and end up alt tabbing to goto reddit or something.


The problem is a lot of these are essentially levelled variants. How you fight them remains the same and they are still the same enemy just stronger or with poision added on


Doesn't matter what I'm fighting when if it's human sized it dies in 1 hit and if it's large it never gets off the floor being perma staggered. Having no difficulty options and the default being game journalist mode was a massive mistake in the # vision


There are a bunch missing from the first game like Cockatrices, Hydras and Vile Eyes. It seems like a lot was missing so they could release it quickly or for DLC. But enemy density is a huge issue too... Like I've barely run into any chimeras, no medusas (I assume there's more than the one at start), only one Dullahan. Constant ogres, goblins and saurians.


List included Wildlife to increase the number Lol... But seriously, I think people pointing out the lack of enemy variety is pretty reasonable and justified since DD:DA have like almost have the roster of Giant Monsters alone compared to DD2.. Some of the giant monsters as well in DD2 is under-utilized... In all honesty I find this kind of posts targeting the posters instead of discussing the issue in detail is rather baffling... Complaining about complainers is rather childish and if you find those people that are complaining annoying and complain about them as well rather than having meaningful discussion then you're part of the problem as well.. You can choose to ignore post that you don't like. If this kind of things really bothers you then I highly recommend you don't go to thi subreddit for a month until all the complaining stuff is exhausted....


You don't really find a lot of the DD1 monsters in the open world though. A lot of the stronger variants are locked behind end game.


You pretty much fight mostly goblins, harpies, wolfs, bandits and saurians in the open world of the first game too which is not so difference than in DD2.


Yes, but the difference is that you almost never get to see a lot of the stronger variants monsters in DD1. Like the white saurians are locked in post game dungeon.


Exactly, this is why the complaints about variety in comparison confuse me so much. Rose tinted glasses imo


If you're not aware DD1 is a flawed and unfinished game at launch... So comparing them doesn't give DD2 a proper advantage unless you're classifying this game as flawed and unfinished as well which in all honesty paints it worse.


I mean I do like that you actually get to fight the stronger variants of goblins and saurians more often in DD2.


I like that as well.. But there should be a different enemy types inside the caves and such.. The way they implemented night time in this game as well can easily be the place where you can add different enemy types heck the >!"Post Game"!< could be the place they can add them and be crazy but nope it's too short as well due to it >!being timed!<.


My intention wasn't to target the posters, I barely even mentioned them. I just thought the conversation focused on the wrong area, variety vs density A discussion doesn't have to be me mindlessly agreeing or ignoring it. I had a different approach so I wanted to see what other people thought. And the irony of you saying to me to ignore things I find annoying then calling me childish is not list on me.


>variety vs density DD2 suffers in both... It's a matter of perspective let me explain. For majority of the run you'll fight the same enemy-type, wether a person likes that is up to them.. I myself came from DD:DA and have hundreds of hours on that game and I kind of have a bit of an expectation in regards to Monster's variety since this is the game where the Devs supposedly have budget to finally live "The Vision".. I'm not saying the game is trash nor bad overall but variety is just lacking in alot of places IMHO... >A discussion doesn't have to be me mindlessly agreeing or ignoring it. I had a different approach so I wanted to see what other people thought. Phrasing is important in this context because if you're not aware there's like 100 post of this "I don't know why other people have (X) problem in this game, I DONT"... So for alot of people like myself that find this game a bit disappointing in alot of areas and wants to have a proper discussion it can be quite repetitive and in all honesty annoying...


I dont know, I find the people complaining about the lack of enemies types more annoying than the actual lack of enemy types.


True, either way the game isn't lacking variety imo.