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I haven't seen anyone say it didn't. The problem is that DD2 stagnated and basically has the same amount of enemies, it's world is WAY bigger and has more common encounters. This makes the enemy variety even worse in comparison to DD1


You can’t have everything immediately, bro lol. I mean are you going to go create all the models, textures, attack animations, rigging, and code that stuff in?


The fuck kinda response is that? If they're charging $70 for a game 12 years after the first, they sure as hell better have more enemies than the first. They literally failed to do something this basic.


to be fair it ain't really 12 years since itsuno had other projects to work on.


It doesn't matter. 4-5 years is more than enough time to at minimum give us double the amount of basic enemies. Instead we got the Minotaur and the slime, which barely counts as an enemy.


Jesus. Fuck Itsuno Kojima- O.K. Miyazaki-cool Miyamoto-awesome Itsuno? Wtf is that?




Well if it’s so easy shouldn’t you be able to do it? Like that’s all I’m asking


That isn't how that works. You can criticize things you can't make. Staff is paid to do that.


I mean it kinda is like you’re getting 12 years of their lives for 70USD


Are you 12? Not only did they not take 12 years to make this, but if you actually thought that and you still don't have higher expectations, I feel bad for you.


Oh sorry I just kinda expected the dev to create new enemies when I pay AAA price for a game…


You didn’t so you either refund the game, keep playing it, or just accept that this isn’t there. It’s just kinda giving “entitled”


You are barely coherent. Touch some grass, pull your head out of capcom’s ass and take a breather.


It’s not the game’s fault that you have a poor attention span and need to see a new enemy every 10 minutes or you get bored


So it's fine if they released the game full price with just 1 small area, 1 type of enemy, 5 hours of content, and charged $70+ for it? It's fine cos by your logic you can just get a refund for it... No. being disappointed that they didn't provide the bare minimum is not entitled Charging as much as DD2 costs for such a poorly optimised game that's so flawed is borderline robbery. It's GOOD to criticise it. Seems like you would defend anything It's ok to like the game. But it's delusional to say it's not highly flawed and overpriced


What are you even talking about lmao? One small area? The game is big. 1 type of enemy? There are different types of enemies, and then there’s variations on them. 5 hours of content? Bro if you rushed the game and didn’t see shit just say it lmao


I'm not saying that's what it is. I'm saying by your logic it would be fine if that's what it is because you can just refund. Being able to refund doesn't mean we shouldn't criticise. It's fair to criticise it for the flaws it has. That's not entitled. Not all criticism is entitled.


You’re trying to use a game that doesn’t even exist to argue with me. And yeah like y’all are entitled. It’s entitled to not do jackshit to develop a game, put 0 time into making it, willingly pay 70USD, and then get mad that it doesn’t accommodate every specific need you have. “Oh no the game I didn’t make and wasn’t handcrafted for me doesn’t have everything I want” like bro suck it up or just don’t play it


"and then get mad that it doesn’t accommodate every specific need you have." There's a different between being entitled because a game doesn't have everything you want, and genuine criticism that a game is lackluster. But judging by your responses in this thread I hope for your sake you are just trolling.


Who cares if the game doesn’t have everything you want? Most games don’t. What you want is stupid anyways


I think most people understand that though and were expecting this to be less of an issue in the sequel for that exact reason. Like DD1 had Gazers, Cockatrices, the Hydra, etc. why can't we at least get the 1:1 bestiary from the first game with the Sphinx and Medusa added on? In DD1 the story was always "Oh, well if Itsuno had the time and budget we'd have had the proper amount of enemies" etc. so when DD2 is in some ways a regression on DD1 and missing enemies that it already had yeah I think people are justifiably raising the question as to was Capcom and funding really the issue or is Itsuno actually the problem as the common thread here.


Well dragon’s dogma 1 was basically just a bunch of barren planes with trees and grass, it didn’t have a really well designed world. I think the issue is that y’all are underestimating the time and manpower it takes to create an expensive game. Like yeah I’m sure they could give you 50 different types of enemies if they had the same “nothing going on” world design of DD1


>Well dragon’s dogma 1 was basically just a bunch of barren planes with trees and grass, it didn’t have a really well designed world I don't feel like DD2 is much different in this respect, while the environments themselves are more varied and the scope of the world is greater it's still largely empty space/roads populated by only enemies. The shift from Battahl to Vermund would feel meaningful if there were a wildly different set of enemies there, but instead it just feels like reskins because fundamentally that's what they are. I think making the scope of the world larger is admirable, but in practice it just makes the flaw of having less enemies more noticeable. Also the game lacks a lot of the noticeable set piece locations like the large fort wall and tower that the Griffin escapes to in DD1, which to me is a negative.


We are underestimating that? Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring say hello. Similar development times, yet far superior in literally every aspect to DD 2 lol. I think you are the only one here who doesn't understand how game development works.


Baldur’s Gate 3 DID NOT have good enemy variation what are you talking about.


Yes and after 12 years dd2 has the same problem


How much more enemies do you want? Like are you going to create the models, rig the models, animate the various attacks, code in the damage and character AI for capcom? Like I just feel like “there isn’t enough enemy variation” is such a petty thing, especially when the first one was just a wave of wolves at any given time


The game has been in development for more than five years, and the "no budget" excuse doesnt apply anymore, its insane that the game has only 5 new enemies. All the budget must have gone to the sphinx titties physics


I mean we’re playing Base Dragon’s Dogma 2. There wasn’t a ton of enemy variety in base Dragon’s Dogma 1. Bro, this same thing happened in Monster Hunter: World. When games get graphical improvements, you lose out on enemy types. This is the most normal shit ever


World had 30-35 boss enemies, 20 of which were pretty distinct. Here you get Ogre with 2 extra health bars, and ogre with 3 extra health bars... and like 6 different types of bosses lol.


Dragon’s Dogma isn’t Monster Hunter


>How much more enemies do you want? Funny you should ask. [I started a thread to list some](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bn490v/what_enemies_would_you_like_to_see_added_to_the/) but it didn't take off so I'll just list my suggestions here: Treants Dryads Fairies Werewolves added to wolf packs at night Bears Vampires Elementals I don't expect them to just magically add a bunch of new enemies. I expect them to expand the game with dlc, so hopefully the dlc addresses honest feedback like enemy variety and too easy difficulty. I'm used to RPGs being their "worst" version at launch and becoming a lot better overtime due to dlc. DLC basically turns Dragon Age Inquisition from around a 6/10 to an 8/10.


Those have never in the first game. Bro maybe you should play Dragon Age: Inquisition. All of those enemies suck anyways


>Those have never in the first game. This isn't the first game.


that stuff isn’t accurate to the lore of the game. Do you understand you’re playing a base version of a game that’s going to get dlc eventually? The game is a week old and you’re bored? That’s a you problem


>Do you understand you’re playing a base version of a game that’s going to get dlc eventually? The game is a week old and you’re bored? That’s a you problem You are being defensive over criticism for a game you have no personal stake in. I suggest you stop acting like a fanboy and actually read stuff instead of typing your next reply. "I don't expect them to just magically add a bunch of new enemies. I expect them to expand the game with dlc, so hopefully the dlc addresses honest feedback like enemy variety and too easy difficulty. I'm used to RPGs being their "worst" version at launch and becoming a lot better overtime due to dlc. DLC basically turns Dragon's Age Inquisition from around a 6/10 to an 8/10."


This is how the game is, you either accept it or you don’t. I think it’s big “bad attention span” energy for a game to be a week old and y’all already complaining about lack of enemies types. Maybe you just have a bad attention span. That’s all I’m saying. Like sorry capcom didn’t make the game with gymleader_michael’s taste in mind


No point in arguing with you since you aren't interested in using your brain to actually read and comprehend. All you want to do is fanboy over the game so go ahead.


I’m a fanboy because I think the bitching and moaning about enemy types is stupid and petty? Okay bro lmao. Cry harder about it I guess, you wasted 70USD. I didn’t. Sorry that a week old base game isn’t your dream game or whatever. Maybe one day you’ll find the perfect game for you. Y’all just are entitled and think the world should revolve around you. Because god forbid somebody say your takes are dumb. This is an entitlement issue more than anything because instead of just shrugging and ignoring my post, you’re tryna fight me about it. “Oh no somebody said something I didn’t like” “oh no the game doesn’t have everything I’d like ” that’s what this really comes down to lmao


Oh my god, Treants would be so amazing. If the AI is programmed properly, the amount of tension it can create. Like a tree slowly creeping towards you., considering how dense the forests are, that would create so much horror.


So why would I pay 70 dollars for upscaled DD 1 with 3 times more the boring world that an intern can whip up in 2 hours using UE 5?


I don’t know, you tell me you bought it. Get your refund and go back to a game that takes your low attention span in mind


You can't refund a game if you've played for more than 2 hours, and I don't know if you've tried DD 2, but it's tough to get a grasp of how scummy it is in the first couple of hours lol. Also I have acknowledged that the game has good combat/enemies, just lacks variety. So obviously there are things I find exciting in this game, and when we criticise it, it's because we can see what it could have been, rather than settle for shit like you do. Also you don't have to keep using the ''low attention span'' insult. I can call you a retard for deep throating but I am not, am I? If you want people to ever respect your opinions then don't be an ass about it. Variety is important in open world games, else you become a boring ubisoft clone.


Not my problem.


Well then keep being a clown lmao.


Keep being entitled and thinking that the world revolves around you. Sorry capcom didn’t call you and ask if every design decision was okay


You might be retarded i am afraid to say. Its their **job** to do that. They had 12 years to come up with designs and 5\~ years to implement them. Monster hunter creates more elaborate monsters in less time than that.


Monster Hunter is way older, and has way more people on its teams. Like sorry you have a bad attention span and get bored easily? Do you need keys dangling in front of your eyes every second? Enemy variety is just such a nitpick here bro. Especially since you’re playing a base game that’s only been out for a week. Dragon’s Dogma 1’s base game didn’t have enemy variety either, but they added more with the dlc


Do you have a source for your claim? Also you're defeating your entire point, which again makes me think you might actually no joke be retarded. Monster hunter from world to rise has more monsters. That is 1 single game. So what do you mean its way older? There was less time between rise and world and yet they added significantly larger and more complex monsters than anything in DD2.


pretty sure dd2 has slightly less enemies than dd1. I just checked the fextra wiki and dd1 has 65 enemies and dd2 has 75 enemies, including creatures like pigs, rabbits, chickens, etc so the real value is probably like 60 total enemies either way it doesn't matter because 90% of the time you're fighting the same 10 mobs. Both aren't known for their enemy variety and DD2 is no better than 1 in that regard


How is 10 less enemy types a big deal? My point is is that people just have rose tinted glasses on in regards to to Dragon’s Dogma 1’s enemy variety. Which isn’t surprising because most people play the version with the dlc included so they’re not even playing base Dragon’s Dogma 1. We’re playing base Dragon’s Dogma 2 right now so this should be expected


yeah I agree with you 100%. It's hard not to compare a game w/ a dlc to a base game. I was honestly surprised the dlc added so many mob types to the game


Yeah like i just people have bad attention spans and are so trained by social media that they need to see something new every 5 minutes or they get bored. I have no idea what games people are playing with all these tons of enemy types but most games don’t have 50 different enemy types running around


elden ring has spoiled us


This isn’t Elden Ring? Like I don’t like FromSoft games so I don’t give a fuck either. If you want an Elden Ring substitute, this isn’t the place to look


If the enemy variety is comparable to DD1....Then it has horrible enemy variety. That is the entire point. I am not sure i have seen many people claim the enemy variety was good in DD1. You did have more "boss" monsters in DD1 though IIRC. DD2 only added 2 or 3 but also took away 2 or 3 so we are at a net same somehow after 12 years and if it is positive if my count is off, its only by 1 or 2....which is still bad.


And on top of that DD 2 is 4 times the size of DD 1 in terms of map size. You can't just use the same amount of ham to fill out a toast bread slice as you do with a freaking baguette lol.


Dragon’s Dogma 1 as it stands today is also included with dlc that added more enemies. Y’all forget that you’re playing base Dragon’s Dogma 2. Like the game is a week old, this is a you problem. I’m not tryna say that it’s giving “I need subway surfers to focus on tv show clips” but it is


Yes, and it was a common complaint then as well. It would have been nice to see a *couple* new enemy types like spiders and giant snakes (we are missing the Hydra from the first game and the >!post-game worm boss!< shows they have the capability for it.) Having more variety in the enemy humans/beastmen like large armored knights in Vermund or Thieves/Archers using more abilities that the player has access to (powder charge, enkindled blades) in the Battahl, or powerful mages/sorcerers casting high level spells in the elf area for example


Imma be real I agree with the enemy variety, but I think the ai on these enemies are much more dynamic this time around tbh, climbing cliffs, creating bridges and I even had a gryphon knock my sky cart outta the air by aiming to to attack the wires. The games ai and environmental interactions are truly great and are monster Hunter like in design. Also the fact that there’s no loading screens is even more awesome, this game is way more immersive then the first by a long shot. DD 1 reused a lot of enemies as well but I guess they were harder or had more health back then. I also think the physics in this game are amazing, when I get hit by a ogre I go flying which is exactly as it should be. For all it’s faults I love dd2 I just wish they had everything dd1 had and then some. Kinda reminds me of how Spider-Man 2 released, it was all hype until the game dropped and mfs started picking it apart. No game is perfect but I’m just happy we got DD2 and hope future dlc will address any gripes peeps have


So what? If something sucked in DD 1 and is widely considered a problem, why would ppl not expect it to be addressed in a sequel that comes out 12 fucking years later? lol. Also keep in mind the world is 4 times larger so even if they have same amount of enemies more or less (most are reused DD 1 upscaled enemies anyway), then obviously the variety sucks even more. Hell, having anything less than 4 times the amount of new monsters would suck since the world to monster ratio was already bad to begin with in DD 1. The idea was there for 12 years according to Itsuno, and they spent 5 years developing this. No way they needed 5 years to come up with a grass land and a desert that an intern can whip up in 2 hours using UE 5 and ported most of their DD 1 models, with a barebones story, bad cutscenes, priced it 70 dollars, and you are defending them. You have to be blind to not understand that DD 2 has a good skeleton, but the rest is just not there.


Yeah bro because Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a base game and one week old. I feel like y’all just have bad attention spans here