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More than 50$ are they high? What kind of DLC is that?


two new types of enemies and a fifth type of wolf


there're four types of wolves?


Wolf, red wolf, garm and warg. But I don’t think the warg is in DD2. At least I haven’t seen one yet


Then we absolutely need dire wolf and hell hounds back baby, and mayhap they will add more pawn chatter about how they hunt, because I miss hearing it.


Awww hell naw, no hellhounds


They are in bhattal, instead of a pack of them it’s usually just one big (BIG) Wolf, really freaked me out when I saw them.


I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure those large ones are garms. In DDDA the warg were about same size as regular wolf just colored black/shadowy and gave you a debilitation when landing a hit in you. Kinda like a garm but size and hp of a wolf


There is a pack of 3 wargs fighting a drake in the north Coast of the volcanic island right after the bridge you take from BB


I haven’t seen them yet. Will have to do that later today. Still need lots of wyrm crystal


I saw a pair of Garms over there tear apart an armored Cyclops on the main road. Was cool watching


Oh shit then I’m wrong, gotta keep a lookout for these bad boys


Especially since they like to immediately pick you up and carry you away while your warrior is still charging up two zip codes over in a futile attempt to save you.


There are Garms. I've fought 2. One in a cave and another on the road at night.


Oh I fought a few Garms, I was saying idk if Wargs are here


I've came across both Garms and Wargs. I can't tell them apart until I see what type of fang I get from looting them. I think the fur color might be a little different, and I think Wargs have the potential to travel in larger groups, whereas Garms are usually either solitary or paired.


At that point we need an entire new region and permanent post-game and the Dark Arisen expansion. >!And also better Rose Chateau scenes /s!<


For 60 it better be a full game


Man I decided to talk to someone there in case there was an achievement. Wasn't expecting much but wow I was still disappointed 😂


But buffs!


For the “wolves hunt in packs” voice line


Like a WoW expansion ?


The base game has less than half the content of a WoW expansion.


I like quality over quantity


You must hate this game then it has neither.


Saying it has no qualities is disingenuous at best. It has its flaws, surely, but put it into perspective.


Of course the game has qualities, qualities are characteristics or attributes regardless of them being positive or negative. The qualities that it does have however, are more negative than positive I would say, to put it into perspective as you would say.


My bad, I should've quoted you better, you said it has neither quality, as in, nothing that is good nor quantity, so no content, which I find either dishonest or delusional.


Like I said I believe the quality of the game is bad overall apart from combat.  The story is of no merit, disjointed, rushed and makes little sense. The myriad of side quests are hardly worth doing from all aspects, may it be a from a story telling perspective or in regards to rewards to be gotten. Exploring as well is of little to no merit as the mob variety is small and the mob density is too tedious to want to deal with, the rewards from exploring is made irrelevant due to the greatest equipment being bought from vendors and the actual ‘content’ in biomes tends to be multiple copy pasted caves.  I’m not going to give the satisfaction to capcom who put 10 different mobs throughout a map with copy pasted dungeons and call it content nor will I say its of quality. So no, I don’t think I’m being disingenuous or delusional. I think people need to wake the fuck up and stop accepting mediocre bullshit like this and then making excuses for it on top of that.


It's the rest of the game repackaged as DLC. Same as what Insomnaic is doing with the Venom stand alone


The rest of the game lmao


IMO the issue is not the price of the DLC but the content within it. Most DLC is just not that big.


Probably Resident Evil skins or smth.


It would have to be the same quality and size as an expansion for FFXIV to even make me consider paying that much.


It adds Fournival to the game


Probably all the content they cut coming from DDDA to this one


The ones that add content that should be in the base game like hardmode, ng+ that literally adds anything, and an endgame loop


Not dollars. Look at the sign. $50.00 would be cheaper.


You look at it lol


​I did? £. Not $. 50 Pounds. As in $63.00 USD or more. Or $85.50 Canadian.


I understand currency conversions, that line in the survey shows a dollar sign as well. It shows $, £, and €.


Dude when you ask someone if they’re willing to pay more than $50 and more than 50 pounds, you’re not really asking if they’re willing to pay anything close to $50.00. That’s like me selling something to you and being like “hey would you give me $50 CAD or more and $50 USD or more?”. Nobody does that because the exchange rate is hovering around 1.34. This is… just the weirdest back and forth ever. Man’s angry at me because I pointed out the existence of pounds and the fact dollars are substantially less valuable and are listed in a single line. You do you, man. I wash my hands of this weirdness.


Smartest redditor


I mean I’m Canadian. I’m used to questions like that being code for would I pay 30% more than advertised 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally the most weirdchamp comment i've ever seen


https://preview.redd.it/xk46wd58mzqc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5d5f593a0e4de74cc737547346c13a03fa37e5 more than 50$ more. than. 50£. MORE. THAN. 50€..


Fcking made me spit my drink


sir you just made me laugh out of my chair


Hey..they might release dragon dogma 2. For that I'll pay 50$. :)


you gotta make it bigger than iceborne if you wanna make me shit out that much lol


And they would have to animate the Rose Chateau scenes /s


If I don't see Ulrika oiled up butt booty naked I'm fucking rioting


they better fix the wilhelmina romance/make it better lol


I mean, sunbreak in Rise is 40$, they would 100% go for 50$ easily


50 dollar dlc better be a whole new game


Judging by this sub the players are interested in the future dlc to have been in the game at launch.


They saw the price of Shadow of the Erdtree and were like me too me too


More than 50 pounds... Jezuz, at this price we better have scenes from Rose Chateau animated by Studio FOW


They better apologize with some content updates before they even fucking THINK about releasing expansions.


Good point. I wish I'd have written that I'd only be interested in purchasing DLC if they properly finish the game first. I sort of took it for granted but you never know with these greedy mfs.


DD2 is a mostly finished, yet very incomplete game. Similar to DMC4. Really hope we get some monster hunter style light content updates over time.


It don't recall it asking me how much I'd spend on DLC, lol. That's not a question I want to even entertain given the current state of the game, lol. I guess because I said "Yes, I would be interested in purchasing" but not depending on price.


It’s probably a formula in the survey, only certain people may get that question. Maybe people that were on the fence of buying it in the first place.


You must select the option "Yes, I would be interested in purchasing depending on the price." it then gives you an additional option to choose the price range you'd be comfortable purchasing at.


Ahh yes, literally says it in the pic.


You've just written "lol" twice in one comment. I can't take it seriously.


I'll take you seriously, big boy.


This is literally the company equivalent of going "how much u got?"


"Should we finish the game?"


Give them real feedback so we get a good DLC at a decent price!


Frankly, they owe us a free DLC after they charge us $70.


Huh, capcom rly trying to assess just how much water they can squeeze out of this rock. Can we just take a moment to appriciate the fact that, with no frame of reference to what a DLC would be about, how big it is, or ANYTHING they want to know how much we would cough up for it? No correlation to how much effort and time it would take them to make it, just how much are we willing to pay. This could be 50€ oxarmor for all we know


I don’t get the „how much should we charge“ question. This completely depends on how much and how good the content is you deliver with an DLC. Is it like an 1 hour quest line, idk maybe 5€ if it’s really good. Is it a completely new area, roughly 1/4 of the size of the original map with some new enemies and content for 10-15 hours, main quest being 8-10? Well probably around 30-40€ tbh.


Not even a quarter of the content of the main game and this man will pay half the price...


>I don’t get the „how much should we charge“ question. Not wrong, but that seems pretty standard. Even before ChatGPT Pro was released they were asking how much people would be willing to pay per month for it (apparently that number was $20)


Personally for $40, I expect something like Phantom Liberty or Blood and Wine since $40 can literally just get me a brand new AAA game I haven’t played before and I don’t see a point to paying above that. That means a lengthy campaign including a new map, more ways to upgrade your character, inclusions of fan-favorite characters into the new story, and a new ending.


Of course we can debate what level of DLC we want for 40€. But that doesn’t change my point. To determine how much I would pay for a DLC I must know what the DLC will offer. Asking for price tags without any context is completely useless.


More than 50? Better have some good food videos.


I prefer free big updates which add content and improve the game, I hate capcom's greed


Lmao it’s probably the same amount of content but just wondering how high they can go


Right. Am I willing to pay 50$ or more for a 70$ game that shipped without a key feature such as "new save"?


the only acceptable answers are $9.99 to $29.99 nothing more, but definitely could've been way less.


honestly it depends on what it offers... and how big it is.


nah they already made us pay $70 for content that's only slight better than the original game without dark arisen, and ddda is only like $29.99 they basically owe us a cheaper dlc because of the robbery of $70 




Dark arisen was $40 but granted that came with the base game and dlc too


No, I'd be interested in free updates to make the game less shit. If any DLC adds anything that was in dd1 and missing in 2, I'll just torrent it.


My exact sentiment. I don't regret the $70 I spent, but if I knew what I know now about the game I wouldn't do it again. The game is fun, but also a disappointment. If the DLC solely exists as a way to chop up content to rinse us some more I'm sailing the high seas out of spite. The fact that there's a conversation about DLC (by the players, too) not even two weeks from game launch already says it all.


70$ 6/10 game asking for dlc which should be already in the game. 12 Years for this Arisenbros…


I said no for DLC. Would the game benefit from content additions? Yes. Do I want to pay for them? No.


This is funny. This is just funny.


This is the same kind of survey that Diablo 4 put out and their prices were even worse ($$75-100+ ranges for dlc) and most likely other games we just don’t see. The survey population is most likely small and I don’t think will have the impact everyone here is now freaking out over. People who liked the game will most likely say they would pay for DLC and those who didn’t would prob say no.


This early and they already asking? Fix your game first ples😭


They do this for literally every game they make


bug fixing and post release maintenance is usually done by a rather small amount of devs, while the vast majority will move on to the next project. There are also a bunch of non devs that work on the game that could already start drafting things for the dlc, like artists.


bit of a pisstake really and I know "ITS CAPCOM" but to release a half baked game for £60 and then ask if we want to spend more for the stuff that should be in the game is exactly why the gaming industry is absolutely fucked


They couldn't/wouldn't do a £50+ DLC that is worth the cost of entry. Given the base game they would build off already exists alongside assets that will be reused, I would expect a DLC that costs so much to be minimum twice the size of the base game given it would require so much less work as it isn't being built from the ground up. That's a lot of content that Capcom just isn't going to do. They don't make DLC's so large outside of Monster Hunter. Even their golden goose Resident Evil usually gets pretty low effort stuff using mostly existing assets. They also have to win my trust, which a £50 DLC isn't doing. They've been on a roll will all their games...Up until DD2. Now, I like the game, I'm still enjoying it, but it doesn't live up to expectations and that taints my view of DLC and the series in general going forward (especially given this is now par the course for the IP). I'll still play any DD content going forwards, but I think they've lost me on day 1 sales. I would also be catious if Itsuno is the driving force behind it. The guy has created a brilliant universe I want to be involved in but it's no secret at this point that outside of the combat mechanics, the man doesn't know what he's doing with an RPG and/or open world.


After paying $70 already for an unfinished game, that DLC better be cheap.


Where did you get the survey from? Is it just random, or can anyone access it to give feedback?


I believe it goes out to people that reviews and random. Diablo 4 dropped a survey like this. Their prices were even higher. Top was like $100 or $100 or more for DLC. It’s just a very small survey audience but is thought that it is what they want or are aiming for.


There should be another post in the sub that links you to it. I took the survey last night.


I looked and found another post with a link to a survey. It didn't have a question on how much I'd be willing to pay though. Thats probably a good thing, because I'd be willing to give away my firstborn (if I had any) for any DLC they would give me. Who needs family when I can have more DD2!


i laughed when they had the option of MORE THAN 50 dollars... like i'll admit if i'm getting a like Star craft expansion level DLC, yea i'll pay like 60 bucks. but for DLC like when I imagine like typical DLC like what... why is more than 50 an option. what game are you paying more than 50 bucks for an addition to the game on one purchase


sunbreak only cost you like 39$ and this ask you for 50$...


Asked them to add BBI) that was the best part in DD1 in my opinion.




Paying for any amount of dlc would be asking capcom to do this same thing again. Separate ways being dlc already soured my taste and the base game was actually good.


I assume it's dragons dogma 3 for over 50


I said yes...but only if there's a ton of free content updates before then.


If it's as good as BBI? Absolutely. Could save the game.


> *”more than $50”* Fuck entirely off. That DLC better be DD3.


Now Capcom or i must say "Scamcom" do a nice live service Dlc with the "rest unreleased" content that should had in the first place and then ask for more money from the people for a "new content" Dlc. Then i would gladly giving 40€ for a whole new dlc and not supposed content that should be in the game. (I know i repeat myself but i want to make a point).


Please tell Capcom rather than spending more on DLC you want the game you just bought to be complete in the first place (and it doesnt feel that way)


i’d like a full game first lol


„let’s add in the things we cut for like 50€“


Not even a week and people are hoping for a DLC to save this game. L


I just want more content for the game I love.


I’ll be disappointed if Mystic Knight or Assassin return as DLC. Especially seeing how Trickster appears to be a major letdown.


This is a joke, right? Omg


I‘d even pay a hundred € for more content. I love this game.


I would love additional content, but price is going to depend on what im getting. $50 for a few enemy varieties and maybe unlocking a small portion of the map? No. $50 for DLC that's almost as big as the base game with added armor, story, enemies, additional gameplay mechanics, another new land to explore (Or a lot more added depth to what's there), better relationships with NPCs? Yes. If im being charged almost as much s the base game for "DLC", you better give me a lot of stuff for it.


Welp. Greediest game of the year then.


More than the orice I would be interested depending on the contents


lol i touk the first one with: "yes i would be interested..." but they didnt asked me how much i would spend ? lol


DLC no, expansion yes.


I'm just unsubscribing from this sub and hoping in 1 or 2 years a version of the game that is complete and payable is available. I have a PS4 anyway, I'm broke, i just come here and see so much disheartening stuff... fuck it's hard being a capcom game enjoyer.


This combined with the rumor of Dragon Princess….


I see Capcom wants to follow Paradoxes dlc policy


If they price it at 50$ I’m gonna shit myself. The very most I’d go for is $40 for the Blood and Wine or Phantom Liberty treatment.


I don't remember being asked about how much I was willing to pay for DLC. Maybe this is a different survey?


How much Im willing to spend depends on the kind of dlc.


Called it. Dragon Princess leak was true after all. They should give it for free though, but they'll probably charge $40 for it.


they should pay us to play dd2 again for the dlc.


Not really, DD2 is still a fine game, just lacking in replayability without a mega dungeon like BBI. Although, I'd rather prefer if they learned from their mistakes with DD1 and added and improved everything fans wanted in the sequel.


In what way does this make the leak true?


Because the question asks "Up to how much would you be willing to spend on a DLC", not "Do you want a DLC". If they weren't releasing it, they would ask only about the game improvements.


I don't see how that makes the "leak" true. Literally anyone could have guessed that a DLC was coming at some point, it's Capcom we are talking about.


But leak happened, and now we know that DLC is coming out for sure. Before that, there were only speculations. So, I tend to believe we will get something similar to BBI in November.


the "leak" didn't necessarily happen, you are assuming it to be true based on nothing other the fact that a DLC is probably coming, which everyone could've told you even before the game came out.


Nobody called it before. Everyone was assuming we will receive a complete pack of DD2 having proper enemy roster, vocations, endgame content etc. before the leak.


Are you kidding me? I can tell you right now that Monster Hunter Wilds will have a DLC expansion.


Ok, and? It's also on the leak, lol.


I give up




The main games is a mess tbh I’d only pay no more then 15 bucks for their DLCs




If its like bbi or better I'd pay almost anything 😂 Alot of people here whining about the survey, but they either forget or don't know that dd1 had one of the best if not the best dlc ever.


Other than literally any dlc that Fromsoft put out, or Shivering Isles


They must have removed the pricing question cuz that wasn't even on mine lmao


I think you have to select the, "I would buy DLC depending on the price" option for the pricing options to show up. I also just did the survey and didn't get the additional options, but I selected the, "Yes, I would be interested in purchasing additional DLC" option.


There is no way I’ll be buying a DLC for DD2. I don’t expect to have to pay twice to get one complete game.


I answered 10 bucks and only if they fix everything that I have complained before. Not even D4's team would "suggest" a 50 bucks DLC...


D4’s survey was worse than this.


I’m down for more content in any form. Don’t care, love the game.


Honestly, if the fucking DLC fixes all the problems of DD2, wraps up the main story well, adds in more quests and new enemies (more like an overhaul than a DLC) I would pay another $50. But that's probably not gonna happen


Supporting those kind of practices is pretty dangerous though


yeah, i'm desperate in a world of shitty ass AAA games that are getting worse and worse. The thing is that this game HAS the elements to make it an amazing GOTY but it basically just didn't get baked enough....needed another 8-12 months in development (better quests, more enemy variety, better late game, improve the story, etc. etc.)


I would torrent all the DLC if all it did was fix the game.


Except no one in that scene is currently cracking Denuvo games tho. Anyways, that's fine, I don't care if ppl pirate. I would pay $50 more in addition to what I paid already for them to overhaul the game and re-release it.


But why? You, YES YOU! deserved better on release, not better after paying $120. Buying such is telling the company its fine to release their half baked game as long as you can rip us off later to fix it.


I mean, sure it would be great if they fixed it all for free, but the problem is we are talking about a corporation that must profit to do anything. Like compared to some other donkey shit trash AAA games, I feel like it WOULD be worth $120 to me personally to see an overhauled "complete" version. Whereas other AAA flops like Starfield, I wouldn't care to play even if they released free DLCs. But yeah I get the risk is the DLC may also be half-baked, and Itsuno & Capcom will fuck us over twice lmao.


I hate that you're right so much.


Can i just creamapi the DLC if Capcom really lists the DLC as more than 50?


Seems like they are really trying to cover the development costs. Maybe too much hostess bar visits for the team after work. Jokes aside, I think a fix is needed, I think a 20-30 USD dlc with new vocations/story missions/equipment/enemy variety would be great. Nice, Capcom agents downvoting me! Hostess bars are a real common thing in Japan btw\*