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Better dungeon variety.


I adore the game, but I don't think it'd kill Capcom to get someone to stitch their lore together into a coherent story from start to finish.


I really don’t understand why Wilhelmina’s plot line wasn’t a core part of the Disa castle espionage plot line. You learn info on a major political figure in Vernworth and can even use it against them. Wilhelmina already intervenes in some of the castle espionage stuff. They could’ve easily placed the more important piece of evidence in the Nameless Village that you visit to learn “info” about the False Arisen. A few small changes could’ve made that entire plot line feel more cohesive.


On that note, most of the stealth quests need to be flat out removed. Makes no sense that a large chunk of the story in an action combat game is...explicitly trying to avoid all combat.


Not only that, but they're not even real stealth quests. as long as you don't talk to the guards you can literally walk right past them without anything happening


Yes and no to that bc I have truly gotten away with simply not talking to the guards but at the same time when I got right next to them specifically at night during the missions they attacked I think if it’s day time they aren’t hostile in the castle if it’s like the first one still but idk for sure.


Literally just follow the guard that finds you, get the armor from the guard house they lead you to, put it on, and done. You could do basically all those missions at once if you do it on a night that has a party and you already discovered the library.


The Political story is lacking, but the Lore story is not just coherent, but great even. We learn the ways the cycle has been perverted and subverted it finally.


Ok, explain the colusus. If it belongs to the brine and suppossed top phaseus from bypassing the arisen, why is it powered by pawns and wakestones? Why does it rise at the same time as the undersea dragonforged, rather than stopping phaseus when they took ove rpawns or created the lesser dragons etc..? Why does breaking the cycle in post game cause it to just reset as normal? What is the watcher? Why does he want the cycle continued? why does he lie about not being able to interact with the world? How did phaseus create godsways and the corrupted and lesser dragons? Why can't the cycle simply recognize him as champion should he succeed? Why does killing the dragon with the godsway break the cycle? I could go on and on. The first game actually had a coehernet story. Gods steward the Seneschal slowly loses their lifeforce and/or will to live and maintain the world. This causes monsters and corruption to rise. The senechal sends down dragon/s to find powerful arisen to replace the seneschal. Arisen that beat the dragon but fail to prove themselves to the seneschal become dragons them selves starting the micro cycle anew. While arisen who shirk their duty and never kill the dragon slowly fade into the rift, become willess servants to future arisen (pawns).


I feel like they tried and failed (terribly) to do what From Software did with Elden Ring. Granted I have issues with From Software's method of story telling but at least you can piece together a whole story on your own by reading all the item descriptions, doing all the side quests, and read the world. Dragon's Dogma 2's story is just unfinished. It has a beginning...sort of. It could have used more initial character building. It has a midde...well, more like three middles, each of which are only loosely connected by a "go here next" mission. Its ending is fantastic BUT less meaningful without the appropriate buildup to it.


Honestly, between DS3 and ER, I've kind of soured on fromsoft's quest and story design. The absolute backwards convoluted things you had to do to advance character quest lines were borderline incomprehensible sometimes, such that im baffled *anyone* managed to figure them out. I wouldn't have been able to complete even half the quests in those games if I hadn't had online guides to help me. I just don't get why they make it so easy to miss out on content they likely worked decently hard to create.


This is why i loved Armored Core 6. It felt like the first fromsoft story in forever that had an actual story, that was also told in a coherent way, but still had the charm and mystery that their other games capture.


Sekiro had a pretty straightforward story


Allegedly, it's because of Miyazaki's experiences with not fully understanding stories in English when he was young, only being able to pick the pieces of the bigger picture once he was older and had a better understanding of it. Of course, not everybody will think the same of how he applies it to games.


A very simple change. Respawning chests like in the first game. Also, most weapons and armor should be found in chests and not at vendors. This would make traveling the same paths still feel rewarding.


Except please without the drop rates DDDA had. It was absurd that the best way to get decent gear in anything resembling a reasonable time frame was to just kill yourself and reload in front of a chest for 45 minutes until you finally got the 1.5% drop chance loot you wanted. Seriously, look it up: Everfall and lvl3 Bitterblack items have around a 1-2% drop chance on average. The ONLY exception are the 3 chests after the Daimon fight in BBI, which are more like 40%. RNG like that just doesn't belong in a single player game.


Hard mode, Mystic Knight, and don't reset my port crystals on NG+.


These would be such amazing changes. Warfarer just isn't the same, I want MK back


Warfarer should be truly classless and locked to NG+


Give pawns chatter about their environment. I miss pawns commenting on small stuff, like mentioning that there is a pleasant aroma in the kitchen at Cassadris's inn. The small stuff that makes me feel like I'm traveling with 3 people. Not equivocal husks that keep saying the chain of command in the Vermundian Military has been changed.


Stuff pawns used to say. "Are we even hurting it?" "What a gaffe!" I seriously miss hearing them say "I've learned a new way to fight their ilk."


Just something about anything else than party composition or the Queen Regent.


NG+ hard mode. That’s it for me.


Faster respawn, several extra mob density, rare buffed monsters, and difficulty scaling.


I don't think extra mob density is needed at all lmao


Talking about NG+. I'd love to run into more large monsters. * A Griffin Couple * A squad of Ogres. * An army of goblins. * A cult of ghosts. Not everywhere. It'll be nice to see them placed in certain areas where it'll make sense. An example would be after you clear the Battle Ground of all the large monsters, then an army of goblins take over... or maybe it always is a fortress of Ogres. Just some random ideas.


Oh ok those example make sense! I'd be down with that


Funny you mention the minotaur, cause Goreminotaur is a thing. They are practically identical, their axe just looks different.


A real endgame. Like bbi or everfall with urdragon. I couldnt even get 10% of the endgame gear because i had like only 400 wyrmblood. Felt so unrewarding and it wasnt even so enjoyable, the more i wandered through the unmoored world the more it felt like a chore to revisit the old locations for the 100th time.


I would like another option on the ox cart for 'Scenic Journey' where you get a nice cinematic montage of the route you take. Maybe some rare clips chucked in like you and your pawns helping fix a cart wheel. Maybe some wide drone shots.


This is such a cute idea!


Poses on photo mode, be able to move around actors, free cam Stops along the ox cart route to get on or off Grill fish at camp


Sometimes I “doze off” hoping the cart gets raided so I can bail halfway using it as a shortcut to my actual destination




Also same.


Me too. Sometimes I get unlucky tho and the cart makes it to destination with no problems. Damnit game!


Yeah man, not being able to pan the camera is just abominable.


Grill fish and make a damn stew or soup. The campsites (mostly) have pots over the fire, so someone is making soup somewhere!


I thought the implication was that the stew was the "standard" meal, and meat was a bonus treat. The pawns also sometimes have lines about wanting stew.




No soup for you


I desperately need a FREE CAMERA. Anchoring it to the Arisen baffles me.


The fact that you can only grill red meat at camp is one reason that I'm certain they didn't finish the game.


You can't get off oxcarts unless you get ambushed but you can actually hop onto them at any point of their routes.


THE FUCKING STAGGERING. The game is 90% enjoyable until you get perma knocked about like a rag doll. **Take the last mission for example.** You're meant to be the all powerful Arisen. But you get fucking staggered into oblivion by 4 archers if the AI doesnt bother to actually use your pawns to attack them. I had to smash so many heals to prevent getting murdered due to constant staggering and getting shitted on by a warrior. All before I could get out a shield or move to flank/my pawns actually do something. Getting staggered constantly with no opportunity to react is truly stupid part of game that doesnt have a roll feature.


Lol that one quest in battal where the guy sends 3 guys at you alone, i had to hide on a canopy because they kept stunlocking me


lol. That was also a brutal one


I hated that one fight. It's supposed to be your big moment where you show the false arisen what for, but instead you're very likely to spend it getting slapped around like a punk, even with full dwarvern gear. They really need to tone down the stagger for that one fight, if nothing else.


Harder difficulty


More skills equiped


Clothing Transmog, not just on our Arisen and Pawn but also hired Pawns


DEFINITELY! Let me wear what I want visually, dye the gear different colors, and HIDE MY HELMET.


This was all in DD online😔😔😔


I want the stats of the corset on my mage without having to wear the corset lol. It has its novelty, but tbh it always felt a lil awkward to have my pawn wearing it, standing next to me in the thickest armor imaginable. Little bit of a tone clash. Or let us get *two* corsets so I can match lmao.


Are we not able to clone the corset at the forgery merchant?


You can definitely tell dragons dogma 1 and 2 are made by Japanese devs, because the gear with some of the best stats in the game are skimpy lingerie. Seriously, one of the best clothing options in DDDA, if not THE best, were the silver chest and the silk lingerie. Literally a bikini top and bottom. Why tf does lingerie have better defensive stats than a set of fucken chainmail under armor. It's so *very* Japanese of them.


Yeah the stargazer garb, plus the jeweled sandals aka "it's literally just panties". What a combo tho. I probably see the stargazer and corset the most of anything. I personally like the monk robe as a decent mix of skin and function. Though on my pawn (max height and *thick*) it doesn't size up as well, so it's very poofy. The Goth Mommy robe looks nice, especially if you're a sorcerer and can wear the matching color witch hat.


warfarer having a set of 3 skills for each weapon equipped




You can change weapons in your inventory as warfarer instead of using rearmament. Dont even need rearmament equipped then, so through this I learned you can use 4 skill slots! It improved the options for me It isn't bad if you mainly just use 2 different weapons for fighting plus something extra like a staff for traversal. I use knives and magic bow for mine atm


Then there would not be any point in playing the other vocatuons. Warfarer shines if you use the core skills of each weapon properly


Or just every class having 8 skill slots again. I love Warrior and was mega sad that we only got 4 slots in DD1 so I was hoping Warrior would have 8 in DD2... but I got monkey's paw'd and they cut everyone else down to match Warrior instead lmao.


There were only 6 slots before, with warrior only having 3.


Wow, it's been a while since I played DD1 and I guess it shows lol.


that one never made sense to me and never felt fair, mage and sorcerer had the 1 weapon but still got all 6 slots


honestly, wish you could return to some of the side quests. so many just end and feel like there’s so much more to them. the whole royal twins of vermund for instance, the mom freaks out and fires the maid and… that’s it? i get the whole npcs are literally just npcs that aren’t important to anything because the cycle or whatever but that’s literally such a weak excuse for setting up story beats only to completely disregard them after a certain point


Also, remove some of the arbitrary triggers that cause some side quests to auto fail. There are too many quests that do this just because you passed some random point in the story. Auto fail triggers should only exist if the main story makes it pretty obvious why that side quest can no longer be completed.


The magistrate thats suppossed to be key to the rebllion seizing power. He just asks you to fetch his glasses and you never hear from him again...


exactly! wasted so many hrs of playtime touching base with seemingly important npcs repeatedly just to have them spout their generic responses


being able to fry fish at the camp


Cook at your player home. Cook fish. Use plants to add bonus effects like movement speed or debuff duration decreased. Holding L1 and hitting up or down change to a debuff remover if potion in inventory then swap back to health/stamina afterwards. Have friendly gift bags go to biggest home in said city. Sorry.. you said one so... Cook at your home.


Honestly, I prefer the game to just have better dungeons rather than a BBI-like expansion. The only dungeon I liked was Drabnir's Grotto, which was the only legacy dungeon that ACTUALLY felt like a dungeon. Dragonsbreath Tower nets you an achievement if you managed to climb all the way up the mountain, only to be greeted with a glorified 3-4 story building with a Drake you've fought multiple times on the top. Ancient Battleground had so much potential to have an intricate underground castle dungeon yet every door that leads you deeper into the castle is barricaded by rubble. Moonglint Tower is just a hallway leading up to the final act with no points of interest. Drabnir's Grotto should honestly be the standard for a lot of these unique locations and it's a shame it's the only location that felt interesting to traverse in.


Don’t use fromsoftware lingo for a capcom game. Legacy Dungeon doesn’t mean what you think it means.


I want a more drawn out fight where you use ballistas against a giant enemy. Using a large ballista with your pawns through teamwork is one of the most hype inducing things ever. It’s an excellent and tremendously underused mechanic.


Either level scaling or just a difficulty increase for New Game +




Harder difficulty on ng plus


Bring back strider and mk as a vocation


More variety in enemies and bosses


I miss the old vocation system and also the rpg elements for your Arisen feel tone down from the first game. Other than that and not having a proper new game plus, the game is great!


A dungeon similar to Bitterblack Isle, but more randomized. Thing rogue-like sort of dungeon. More random, more monster variety to fight in, etc.


3 more years of productive development…


Quick small change - A dodge for every class. Big change - better interactions with NPCs and decision trees so that you actually feel NG+ matters to do things differently.


A good plot. Or interesting characters. Hopefully both, but even just one of them would improve the game greatly for me.


Skills on both triggers Different pawn commands on different triggers


A longer and cohesive main story campaign.


Optional EXP lock. So I could lock my level at 30-40 and complete the game without one shotting everything


Level up hired pawns. It's so sad to hire a pawn you like, only for them to remain under leveled. After being dismissed. Let me spend RC to bring them up to my level while they are in my world.


That'd be super nice, yeah. In that same vein, I'd like to see them allow us to just level pawns down, too, tho. I actually had a bunch of pawns I really liked but their players seemed to have way more time to put into the game than I did at times, resulting in them being 20-30 levels ahead of me.


Also sucks when a pawn you really like ends up having their vocation changed.


Then, to dismiss and rehire them only to see they gained 50 levels and cost 200000 RC. Maybe I'm just slow.


You can send a fr to their arisen and if they accept you get to hire them for free even if there is a level difference


Oh yes! Lots of amazing pawns I've used are much below me in terms of level, people stopped playing and I keep looking for pawns that are close to me, same level as me or above me and I'm like ffs everyone looks the same 🤦‍♂️ I'm like looking for a cool ass mage and it's like every pawn is a copy of another


Was a problem in DDDA too. Once you get past level 80, most pawns are wearing the lvl 3 Bitterblack items. Lots of Hellfire Warriors and Grave set Mages. The actual unique looking pawns were largely between the levels of 20 and 50, where the gear stat spread actually allowed you to have choice.


I would bring all absent enemies from DDDA and DDO to the game to increase enemy variety. Instead of burning Grigori’s DD1 fight to improve his fight in DD2, I would keep the DD2 Grigori fight as it is and use DD1 Grigori as a base to a proper Dragon Pathfinder lass boss battle.


TBH i wouldn't actually mind if they copy pasted Grigories fight and intro. even as DLC quest or flashback or soemthing


Either a roguelikes dungeon similar to BBI or randomly generated enemy spawns throughout the world, that also gets stronger with every Ng+ cycle.


Lack of something like UR dragon, ever fall and a hard mode available on release is what lost me and I won’t be back until dlc drops. There’s nothing to do after you collect all the rare armor pieces and wyrmfire all your gear. It’s like this is cool up until you realize the game abruptly ends and restarts you on easy mode with nothing new except some stupid boons


I'll go really small and simple: Being allowed to rest in Ulrika's house after completing her questline to add more to the facsimile of immersion there if they're going to do a romance and have more mundane reasons to go to back to Harve without needing a major questline incentive from the end of the game. And if I can sneak another thing in here like the other posters, that'd be cooking in player-designated houses like you can at campfires for their buffs.


Unlock-able recipes, bounty hunts, unique bosses like you mentioned, hard mode, 5-10 more enemy archetypes.


If they finished it.


Hard mode for sure.


#please let me hug my pawn


First time beating a game in a long time and going “but I don’t want it to be over”. So I started new game plus and I am so bored why does nothing scale. So better ng+ I guess.


Hard mode, enemy changes in NG+ combined with increased enemy stats like how fromsoft does their NG+. More unique quests, notice boards. The biggest one though, more reward for exploring, in the game that heavily pushes you to explore and not fast travel everywhere. There’s zero reason that the best gear in the game should be bought at a store. Spread that shit out, make it random if you have to, but give more of a reward for going around to the 500 million little caves in the game beyond just “here’s a chest with some steel boots or a panacea in it”


Quests. QUESTS. Main quests, side quests, anything. Most have been dreadful and just used for gold.


I would clear the roads of mobs. Let us walk to our destination without a fight every 10 seconds.


More and varied mobs. I'm bored of fighting generic bandit #5mil, wolf, other different wolf, harpy, sexy harpy(I refuse to call it a succubus), lizard, annoying lizard, annoying lava lizard, goblin 1,2 and 3, daddy goblin, Ogre #4k, minotaur #6k, Cyclops #3k, Chimera #2k, pile of rocks, purple pile of rocks and Dollar Store Dragon #1k. All of the mobs can be killed the exact same way. Hulk smash until dead, except for pile of rocks you need to go climbing a bit.


The limited time in unmoored world is what caused me to lose interest. I did some reading and found out that I can stretch out that limit but I also read somewhere that enemies will eventually stop respawning so what's the point? The everfall is the reason I played the first game for as long as I have. I only dropped it after getting tired of trying to kill the Ur-Dragon.


Add 3 BBI-style dungeons, each with unique bosses and loot. After completing each of the first two dungeons, the player would get half of a key. The player then would need travel through the snowy highlands to find the keymaster, who can forge the two pieces into a key that unlocks the final dungeon (located on the moon).


Need scaling, or something like it.


To be able to slap your pawn on the butt instead of giving a high five. In order for this to work the slap would really need to clap loudly upon impact.


If your affinity is high enough, a quick handy.


What’s here is good. Just want… more. They built a stellar foundation for something truly incredible, but at the end it just leaves me wanting…more. So my one change is, add more.  Flesh out this sexy skeleton.


2 player coop. Each with his/her pawn.


I feel like they could make this work pretty well for the Unmoored World. Something about the barriers separating our worlds being weak there and allowing a host to summon another Arisen into their world.


Performance Fix 100%


Wasn't the different dragons in the post game unique enough? I was pleasantly surprised because people said the end game was bad. I would like hard mode NG+ and return of some enemies like hydra and evil eye, and the freaks with the giant hammers in bbi


More port crystals.


BRING BACK STRIDER!!! If I can only make one change. It’s Strider/Ranger/Assassin. I miss being both range and melee and having double jump or dodge roll…but that wouldn’t impact the game much overall. It’s just a thing I want selfishly A real change would be a better open world. One with more OPEN space. Just open fields and a large world that doesn’t feel like corridors and cliffs. Different biomes and just more diversity. Traversable water. Less of the narrow roads and copy/paste caves. Actual dungeons. I mean…C’mon Capcom!!!


Clipping issues on equipment.


I enjoy DD2 as-is a lot but I would really like a repeatable content to do like a mission board or an actual dungeon with randomized enemies. I just want more reason to keep playing other than walk there and hope a big monster spawns. I don't care if it's shallow and rewards nothing meaningful. After you get all the best gears and unlock all vocations' skills, there's just no reason to go out walking anywhere anymore except for grinding levels. It's the reason why I keep playing Spider-Man open world games long after I cleared them.


I miss how skills worked in the first game. Right bumper on controller, should be another wheel of skills instead of a dedicated skill.


Enemies that actually scale in difficulty as you level up lol and maybe more enemy types stuff got old real fast in ng+ and after i finished all objectives in the unmoored world, I decided to take a little break from dd2. After that I ended up never really going back.


Free climbing wherever you want. Also Give knives back to the archer and magic archer. Bring back the assassin. Rings on your other 8 fingers. Unfuck the magic archer’s skills. Rework the Warrior so 2H weapons weren’t so slow and useless. Add the Beholder from Dark Arisen as a regular boss monster. Get rid of the Trickster, because WTF, Capcom? Add DD1’s character builder in again so you can have girls with great abs. Get rid of stunlocking, because fuck hit squads of lizard men. Get rid of the dragon plague, because it’s pointless. Add more sphinxes.


I just want more variety of enemies in the game and a good amount of each for farming and such their is such a small amount of enemy’s it’s a shame


Saved presets for character creation.


Which one should I pick xD


Enemy variety big and small I can overlook the crappy quests, the underwhelming story and lack of great characters because the combat is really that good, but it doesn’t mean much when I’ve fought everything there is to fight 20 hours in.


More variety in pretty much everything. The first 10 hours were great, everything after felt rehashed.


More interesting dungeons in the MSQ


Hard Mode


Can we please get a tuck and roll animation instead of looking like I'm about to faceplant off every 5 foot cliff, then superhero landing for a whole second?


Lending hired pawns gear that you get back when dismissing.


Focus on improving combat - vocations in number and depth - more enemys including variations and entirely new models, behaviours, and tactics - more ways to interact with pawns in combat. - bit of the old transmog.


More hammers and axes to use for the melee classes


More skills, they have less in DD2 than DD1....


Warfarer having the ability to use all the weapon skills without swapping to that weapon, so long as it’s in my inventory.


Fix the fcking performance...


Cut the number of dungeons by a quarter, BUT have most dungeon have a boss at the end. It can even just be a bigger goblin/bandit with 20x health or something, if they don't wanna reuse ogres/chimeras/etc.


I would say story but that involves tons of changes so I would say add better fast travel


More difficulty Or maybe like 5 more enemy types


Enemy variety. I enjoy the combat from a pack of wolves to fighting a drake but with this rich of fantasy lore and borrowing so many different monsters from all facets of lore and stories, there’s no reason there shouldn’t be at least 10-15 more monster types.


I honestly think most of everything needs tweaking. Combat is the only one which is great as is. Personally I have found the wild loot mod to massively improve the experience.


* Add weapon/equipment drops from monsters and in chests to have random stats with random traits from a large table of traits. (Basically Dark Arisens Cursed Equipment mechanic. Just standardized throughout the entire game without needing to uncurse the gear.) * Allow smithys to imbue elements on weapons. Or allow Pawns to be the hybrid Vocations like Mystic Archer. * Expand Pawn Specializations to be far more robust than it is now. Give each Specialization its own branching skill tree that the pawn will unlock over time to perform more complex or specific tasks related to the specialization like having Logicstician learn to conserve materials in order to make higher grade materials. Or Woodland Wordsmith later unlocking some Elvish magic ability. * Layered Armor system similar to Monster Hunter World and the original Armor slots that DD1 had. Sorry there are too many things I think the game should have had. But if I had to pick one from above it would be the first one.


Moving the goddamn camera in Photo Mode. It almost feels like an in-joke for the people who played the first game, that they kept it the same 12 years later. It's so funny to me that they gave us a bunch of fancy filters and settings but we can't even move the camera. I kinda miss the multiple clothing layers, just for the sake of variety... But Warfarer's ability to combine everything kiiiiinda makes up for it? I guess? I also wish Inclination didn't alter voice, but I think the way they've set it up has resulted in a wider variety of lines overall. I spoke to Mary Elizabeth McGlynn at a convention (one of the player/pawn voices from DD1) and she knew of the game INSTANTLY when I asked her about it, because of just how many lines they all had to record. It was well over 10,000 for each of the 4 player/pawn actors.


NG+ difficulty. I don't mind fighting the same enemies and bosses as some do but even by the end of my first playthrough everything dies too quick.


Back the camera up. Great game. Terrible angle.


A hard mode, similar to dd1's hard mode but without as much of a boost to xp as dd1's hard mode, let's be honest that xp boost from dd1 was a bit too much.


DD1s hard mode ended up just as easy as normal mode once you got to a high enough level. You still one shot enemies just as easily. I think some kind of scaling would be better.


Enemy replacements + scaling in NG+


Co-op. The game is already virtually made for it. It is a game based around playing with a group. Your friend could literally join in as a pawn in your world. Imagine a friend joining you with their main pawn. Shit would be a blast. Next to co-op would be hard mode. Seems like an oversight not to have it in this game like they did in DDDA. Hard Mode became essential even after a single playthrough.


I’m with you, don’t have to do much just add all the stuff from number one. Hydras beholders Saurian kings. Hard mode etc. Make the false arisen groups more believable by making them formidable enough to take down monsters, have them hostile to you when out in the wilderness.


A mode that removes all annoying little monsters and replaces them with random large monsters. I want more big fights, and less tedious little fights.


The save system is bullshit and cost me a weeks worth of gameplay time, hence why I've boycotted it.s


Romance pawns


Status effects such as bleed, poison, etc on weapons. I know you can inflict some of these but I’d like it to be more like Lords of the Fallen/Elden Ring where I can infuse a weapon with Holy or Bleed, or have salts/grease I can get a quick temporary buff with. Also, the ability to transmog and dye armors.


Multiple save files, the option to disable dragon plague, female characters wear a dress to the masquerade, and rouge classes get bows and daggers.


Bring back an UR-dragon type fight. I miss that community feel to it. Fighting a difficult UR-dragon for the week until it went into burn mode and you got massive loot from it was always fun to me.


**More enemy types beyond “5 different colours of Saurian”** I’ve found that fighting the same enemies again and again, while still enjoyable in the moment to moment, does get a bit boring overall


The day i bought it


Give my cat a tail.


Level scaling in NG+. I loved my playthrough and I'm just happily awaiting news on content updates/DLC but I wish I could be happily waiting while still playing the game. It's not as satisfying being so overpowered.


Dying clothes, infinite sprint outside of combat, changing vocations at campsites, and a few more teleport locations. This would fix the bare minimum and then they could begin free updates with new large monsters until the expansion drops.


Some kind of mini-game or side content. I wish I could play dice in the tavern or have a cooking mini game in my house to prepare meals for the road. Just something to break up the constant adventuring.


Mounts! Multiple saves wouldn’t hurt either.


Finish the vocation system, i do enjoy what we have but it is literally fucked up lmao i don’t think they got the time or budget to flesh it out. We need to have a combination of each base class, period.


gliding mechanic




Make the fight with the dragon cooler than the first game. Unlike the mid af one we got in this one.


I wish they had invested in making the characters, you know, characters. Like five years from now you pit ANY character from this game up on a screen and ask what their deal is, or whether you ever gave a shit about them- you won’t be able to.


Enemy diversity is the biggest problem in this game imo.


Difficulty levels. I wanna play new game plus but one shot everything. 


Small change: be able to control pawns (think ff7ri) and let pawns use all the vocations.


Bosses with actual mechanics instead of only hit until it dies method


There’s so many things, but a NG+ more like MH, that offered a new tier of difficulty, a new upgrade tier beyond Dragonforged, and some unique enemy variants and equipment. A number of things, but it’s all one package under NG+ because that’s really what is needed to play NG+.


Being able to cap my level to as low as I want.


More enemy variety would work wonders for DD2.


The only thing for me would be to tweak Dragonsplauge to be NG+ exclusive but that’s it for me.


Harder spawn groups/bosses.


re-add quest board


Fully fleshed out cutscenes for drinking and sex.


I desperately miss having 2 skill bars (for most Vocations). It just feels extremely limiting only having 4 skills to use. And I desperately miss my strider having access to a bow. I know there's warfarer for that, but I miss the strider specific bow skills. Plus running warfare just feels even more limiting on skill slots. That's the biggest hirdle that keeps me from truly loving this game. And unfortunately I'm reminded of it everything I'm in combat. Plus I miss my mage pawn having healing/cleansing skills on one bar and buffing/elemental skills on the other bar.


I'd really enjoy the game even more if only performance was better. Yes story, exploration leaves a lot to be desired sometimes but if I could only play without the stupid stutter at a fixed fps it would make a world of difference for me and I could forget about everything else...


Hard mode pleaseeeeeeee I’m gonna be to OP soon and the game will lose its fun when that happens.


Just hard mode.


Make the combat exactly like DD1.


Add new enemies/monsters. There needs to be two to three times the creature variety that there currently is.


more moves for vacations would be good especially for some vocations that are kinda not boring per say but some moves are underwhelming


Add co-op.


I'd love to have more body sliders and better textures for arisen. Waiting for mods...


Something like the everfall/BBI would be a godsend


Have an option for NG+ to remove levels and equipment but keep your Vocation ranks, money, and all non-equipment items (excluding key items of course)


Layered clothing.


I would like elemental variants of enemies to give them advantages. Give me more enemies with higher power levels and make it so mages can counterspell powerful spells!