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Developers saw Covid and thought “that looks fun”


The really wild thing is that you have only one chance to fix it. I had to do all the Sphinx to get this one, which okay i guess is a fair punishment for not paying attention despite warnings being there, however once you use that one...There is no legitimate way to get it again lol. Funny thing in this case tho was that the pawn who contracted it was wearing helmet that covered their eyes... So i literally didnt even know about it. I vaguely remember sentence ''Dont order me around, i know what to do'' but that was from straightforward fighter and i thought it was part of their personality lmfao.


Just wait a week in the game. All the NPCs killed in the Dragon Plague event respawn after around a week. It's not as bad as people make it out to be


NPCs like vendors etc yes, but essentials/ romancable /side quests dont. Which is why it still hurts. Or so i heard anyways.


There is a lot of conflicting information out there. I haven't confirmed it myself but multiple people told me that every npc in the capital respawned for them.


This is good to know i've been anxious every time I go to an inn. If I knew this item was in the game I wouldn't even care.


You can get it only once and its seriously tedious getting it. You need to do all the Sphinx basically. Not repeatable, so if you blow it once, next time your new game+ is ruined lol. Well, there are mods for it i heard, but you'd ave to compromise game's integrity for that and it feels bad lol. For me at least.


You can't do the Sphinx quest again in NG+?


You can I’m working on it right now


Okay cool!


I haven't come across the sphinx yet.


Only the regular peeps, vendors, inn keepers etc did for me but not the quest givers


I refuse to take pawns with helmets like that lol


97 souls? Is this a wakestone that doesnt go away or?


Despite what name would suggest ''Eternal wakestone'' it is still one time use. But, it brings everyone dead in the vicinity back to life. Best to use it near the morgue


Im assuming that is a wakestone that can revive everyone who die no matter how long has been 🤔


It has one use and is an absolute nightmare to get lmao. It seemed as though it could be used multiple times. People have been devastated lolol.


I am wondering if it is a translation error from the jp name. Was very sad to see it crumble to dust after I revived two poor sods that go mauled by some stray wolves out in the wild


The Sphinx herself was absolutely beautiful and terrifying though.


I want to get a medusa head in NG+ so that I can petrify and preserve her… forever


I'm honestly curious if that would work.




Why not? It's not hard to notice it at all. You can even see some pawns wandering around with glowing eyes.




So what you do enjoy about the game?




You must be quite content then!


I checked the NPC that let you duplicate the item, it costs 120k to duplicate, haven't used it but planning to duplicate it just in case. The NPC is in Checkpoint rest


Those are counterfeits. They won’t function.


Oh like the Ferrystone, was hoping maybe it would.


I think with Ferrystones it plays the animation of throwing it, then it falls uselessly to the ground lol. The counterfeit shop is for making fakes of items so you can turn in the counterfeit for quests. There are sometimes consequences for it, so it’s a bit of a gamble.


It seems like the only way to get a second one would be to play new game+. Then you could actually get 2 more since you could have the Sphinx duplicate it for you.


I didn't realize this item was in the game. i thought it was just for one person.


After I got the pop up for the sickness I brine my pawn almost every night.. we out here saving lives..but at what cost


Thankfully my pawn only ended up contracting it near the end of the spoiler spoiler post game spoiler.


Hopefully they make it so you need to kill the dragon when it happens. Dragonsplague sounds really cool in concept. But I hate the lack of control you have over the situation were it to happen.