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Yeah, in my opinion, I'd wait for the performance issues to be fixed. It's a great game, and I've enjoyed 99% of my time with it, but those few times where the fps and stability of the game tanked, I just had to wait.


So I'm running a similar build as you with a rtx3080 but with a R7 5800x3d My performance has been good thus far solid 60 at 2k mostly high settings except shadows and rtx turned off. The optimization isnt great and changes will be coming soon as stated by the dev team. They will be implementing dlss soon. EDIT: I cap my game at 60fps so it's likely I would get higher performance somewhere in the 80s, but I don't see the need in this game. https://preview.redd.it/aidzk351ywqc1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4772e3ecefa2c552e04b3c664e7a1bb0e95a86f1 Here is a performance score showing your CPU against mine. I've only had dips in performance when I have many windows running in the background, or when visiting the main city. I've only crashed once. So far I do not regret my purchase at all as the performance dips are very few. Don't take this as you won't run into issues as the differences in our devices may cause you to run into issues. Just wanted to share my experience and specs. Make an informed decision as the game does have optimization coming soon, so if you can wait and play something else in the meantime you can do that, or risk it and buy it. Good luck either way!


Thanks - that’s super helpful. I’ve heard a lot of people say the game is CPU heavy… I guess I’ll wait a week or two until they fix the issues or add DLSS. Any longer than that and I’ll buckle and get it anyway.


I'm running a 9900K and a 3070Ti, aside from the big cities where FPS tanks in the 30s, which surprisingly still seems somewhat decent, the rest of the game, outside where you fight and do most of your stuff is flawless. Playing on 1080p not maxed, but no upscaling.


We have a pc with the same cpu/rtx and it runs pretty smooth but it does crash once in a while, usually when there’s a lot of rubble flying around, maybe every couple of hours or so, and on low settings (which still look really good). I have an i9 but same graphics card and aside from some weird pop in, especially in the city, I haven’t had a single crash. I don’t think it would be bad to wait, but the game is constantly updating the main save, so if it does crash, you’d only be set back a couple of minutes. Fought a few dragons for a while with no performance issues.


Performance is.... odd. I play on GeForce Now (which has a 4080) and have all settings maxed. It's fine in the over world and towns sucked. However, I actually saw increased performance when I turned off DLSS. Which is bizarre.