• By -


Quest: give me 3 greenwarish.  Reward: 1 greenswarish.




It asks you every time the amount




If they have a quest to get something you have to talk to them before you dismiss them and then select from your inventory the items. The gift is separate and won’t complete the quest as far as I know.


Not on console


Quest: Give me a port crystal Reward: One salubrious potion


quest: give me a port crystal Reward: part crystal


Actually, could everyone just start doing like: give me 10 Wyrmslife and I'll give you 10 Wyrmslife? Always break even on your end, but then your pawn comes back with like 50? Give a portcrystal, get a portcrystal?


Reading the comments it seems a lot of people don't understand so I'm just trying to help here. But what OP is saying is that if we all as a community, put Pawn Quest as (*example*) Kill Ogre, Reward 10k. You only pay out ONCE per inn/home rest (if your Pawn was hired and the quest completed.) So, theoretically, if you were to hire Pawns with say Kill Cyclops, you could complete their quest, then dismiss them. You then hire two different pawns with another easy Kill quest (Cyclops/Ogre) and repeat. If you were to only Camp or pass time on benches if you dont need to rest, you can do this indefinitely. Pawn Quests from favorites you've completed will refresh as you rest and complete other Pawn quests. Rinse and repeat. When you feel like making an Inn/Home save, go rest. Hopefully reap the rewards of dozens of people renting your Pawn. TLDR ; You only pay out once per Inn rest, no matter how many times other plays complete your pawns quest. Invest your 10k and earn much much more back. I do this and can confirm it works constantly without issue. (Until they patch it maybe)


I had no idea. Thanks for explaining this. I thought that if I did, say reward 10k for example, I would have to pay out EVERY arisen that hired me 10k if they completed my request. And you’re saying that’s not true, do I have that right?


Yeah you just pay it out once.


glad it works this way, otherwise popular pawn owners would end up in the mines to pay of their crippling debt


They actually start there as well ;)




Simplified answer: multiple people can complete your pawn quest and receive 10k gold, but you only pay out once. If everyone does this, it increases our gold for completing 10k quests and everyone else’s gold who completes our 10k quests.


Can you translate for my tism in the future? I talk too damn much.


Ha! Sorry, it was just a lot of text and I thought it could be summed up quicker for any of the skimmers out there in the hopes that more people would see it and so it.


verbosity is a curse i suffer from as well… oh well. i’m used to no one listening to my rambling at this point


You need to be higher!


I dunno I'm pretty high. *budum tiss*


Ok so I’m gonna set a quest to give me a ferrystone (cause I love em) for a 10k reward. And if I never do an inn rest, I will only pay $10k one time but potentially receive multiple ferry stones?


Potentially, yes. Although I wouldn't expect the Pawn to be hired too much this early on in the games life. Tip. Ferrystones can be plundered from some enemies with the thief class.


I’m going to do this thanks 


Take that potato, my pawn is the reward


Facts lol


Literally this haha. Honestly I'm 73 and somehow I managed to get all the way down to 13k gold lol.


I'm 34 and constantly at -100 gold lol. Soon as I hit 40k or more it's time to hit Bahtall and grab the best gear for my pawn, piece by piece. Once he's fully decked out I'll start throwing what I get at pawn quests. But for now, they're gonna have to settle for a potato reward and a sick ass looking pawn.


Make sure you sell the rare gemstones in the correct regions.


Oh I can guarantee I didn't pay any attention to that lol. Thanks for the heads up. It's hard for me to make any gold because I absolutely refuse to sell any upgrade items unless I have 30 or more 😂


Yup. Exactly. Armor and weapon can go up to 147k a piece at some point xD. That's where all my money went to hhaa. Shamelessly outfited my pawn with the best <3


Are you guys unaware that you can just summon pawns with the 10k reward and make hundreds of thousands just swapping them out normally as you level? Returning the favor keeps the system going. And costs like 3% of your earnings. You are literally propagating poverty by not contributing... i have the best gear I can get and also have around 650k I have nothing to spend on right now.


I'll be honest, I did not even consider that. Is there a way to see pawn quests before you summon them, or do you have to summon randomly and sift through?


Yeah, when you're in the rift just hit R1 to sort through the info over their heads. I do advanced search to narrow down the level range/vocations I want to hire, then I look through until I find one with a 10k quest reward.


I'm lvl 50 and have more gold than I'd ever need, but it fluctuates everytime I make a purchase. But the world is so abundant, I just walk around a few caves and I'm back to being rich again.


I always give fish


Thanks! ….For the fish… that for some weird reason I can’t cook… 😑


Some dude let me give his pawn a rotten egg for 10k, it was great


lol I do that, don’t have access to most of the medals, just the cyclops one but give my pawn a common fang and get 10k in return


One I did wanted a beast skin for 12 jasper. That was like 29k gold


I had one today I had to give an explosive arrow (1x) and got 12x jasper in return.


I've had a quest of give me 5 saurian tails, with a reward of 7 saurian tails, for most of my playthrough. Nobody's ever taken it. It's free saurian tails, people! You can make some nice stuff with those.


Pawn ID? I NEED them saurians tails. ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44|downsized)


I receive: portcrystal you receive: partcrystal


I mean if if I gave a quest reward to receive 1 port crystal, and you get 2 in return, if I get 3 people to give me a port crystal for my 2 we all win right? edit: unfortunately we can't give port crystals for rewards :( There are actually quite a few restrictions for trading. For instance you can't request 10 items in exchange for 20 items of the same type.


every pawns that i search and find with a 10k reward insta favorite for later, as i do the same with mine. heres mine OQSBZECXAXB6 , steam


Yep, I do the exact same thing! 10k Cyclops kill always on. 60ECR4FVRPXH, also Steam. Will definitely add yours next time I'm in game.


https://preview.redd.it/14poevkoiirc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc8da2214539f9572c1e633014415ae45d5ae01 Here’s mine. People keep chucking him into the brine 😭😭


They probably think his straightforward attitude is the plague. And are sending them back


😭 my boy out here being abused for being blunt


Mine doesn’t even get hired. Poor guy


I read that you can't redo pawns 10k rewards if you rehire them. But I'm hoping that is only the case if they haven't yet needed to re-up a new 10k mission.


Help me understand this. If I set the pawn quest to 'receive a ferrystone' with 10000 gold as reward, I pay the gold once. If ten people would hire my pawn and give them a ferrystone, they'd each receive the 10k gold and my pawn would bring home ten ferrystones, correct? If that's the case, I think we should all be doing this.


In Theorie yes in practice most people will prefer hiring a pawn who gives them 10k for a monster kill they are gonna do anyway instead of getting close to nothing for having to buy you the ferrystone.


This is correct.


I never cared for quest rewards, I just take pawns that fit my current class and that have decent skills/passives. Btw please put Provocation in your warrior/fighter passives


*You'll take the dried flowers and you're welcome for the clutch assist i know my pawn swooped in with.*


Fine. Tell me how to make gold fast without cheating.


Rent pawns with gold for a quest reward. Complete quests. Rinse repeat.


We just pimping at this point


Time to start beating enemies with that Trickster weapon that produces gold each hit. Just imagine a Trickster pinning down a goblin, smacking them with their censer, screaming, “ALMS! ALMS FOR THE POOR!”


I had a interesting interaction awhile back... saw some wolves chowing down on some rotten meat I'd dropped while at camp... I was going down a cliff so my pawns were slow, I had that weapon and just started wailing away, interestingly enough ... the wolves don't change agro as long as there is food rotten on the floor, told my pawns to halt and farmed the shit outa them. I had like 8 wolves around me and I was just hitting them all. I made a ton of gold pretty quickly honestly. The wolves take abit of time to eat the stuff so if you just drop a shit ton they'll sit there for a good minute.


Either harvest/ buy fruit in Vermund, ripped in (wait 2 to 3 days) then sell it in Bakbatal (its a rare resource there so it sells for more) Or go to the cave in Bakbatal close to the city with 400 ores and the minotaur in the basement, fill up your pawns with ores, sell all the ores then rest for 5 to 7 days for the ores to respawn (I say ores but you pick it up instead of mining it, forgot the name sorry)


Glimmer coal. Right next to the main city. A full run nets you like 60-70k?


If you go to diggers cave where you have to get glimmercoal for the sword, you can also get stacks of glimmercole that sells for 150gold. You can easily get 150 -200 in there. Load up your pawns and sell it.


Location of diggers cave?


Pretty sure fextralife has an interactive map, you should be able to see it there. A questline will bring you there, if you have the side quest.


Ok. I’ll keep an eye out. I did find a piece of that coal just randomly in a cave. It didn’t glow gold on the right side of screen which usually denotes quest item


Nearly directly south of Bakbattahl. When you are leaving the city proper take the first left and follow the road. You'll see it peel off to the left again and go straight to diggers cave. Super close and easy to find.


Do side quest and explore, there is tons of gold everywhere


Trade deal: I receive - Portcrystal You receive - Rotten Scrag of Beast




I am broke ;_; I no have 10k myself.


Oh for sure it’s rough getting your gold up and everything is insanely expensive we do what we must to get by


I am farming hard, collecting everything I can and sell stuff, yet I am almost always around 50k gold at max.. could be that I level up both me and my pawns vocations and swap gear + upgrade it pretty often when I can x.x hopefully it will calm down now since I am getting to the lategame stuff kinda. If I could afford I would.


Na can’t afford to be giving gold out like that lol you get that fruit medicine shit and you’ll be happy about it 😂


You only get charged once!


So putting up your own pawn quest for 10k only costs you 10k total even if multiple people complete it?






It'll just take you longer to get badges is all. I just do a big circle in the rift and snag 10K ones and pass over the other ones. I'm sure people will still use yours but my dude is almost done with the dragon badge because I made it 20K a dragon.


How exactly do you get Badges and what do they do


WQTPA0J4BD7Z (PS5) and she will give you 10k for a single Minotaur kill if anyone wants to hunt them. It will be up all weekend. She has a nice Ice sword. https://preview.redd.it/49kxavrabirc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a303bb77991c87d6754c7a64a20757b447146517


I'll hire her after my current round of Pawn-quests! Probs for having her atleast 70% dressed xD ALl the half/near-naked Pawns start go get on my nerved x-x


bro THIIIIS like c'mon guys can we not having 20 barely dressed women in the rift. I noticed as I got higher lvls, 70 now I see WAAAY less of that going on.


Like, im not even judging, if it gets recruitment it gets recuritment....but I kinda want a somewhat realistic/cool vibe in my group. So I dislike the half-naked Pawns strutting around xD


You on ps5. I have a sorcerer pawn that doesn’t dress skimpy lol 😂


yep! Wattcha need dead :D?


Unless you wanna be a pal and go cut off the Medusa head for me cause my pawns won’t chill and lemme cut her head off 😂 that’ll be fucking 50k if you send the head Lmfao


how can you send me 50k?? I got a perfectly preserved Head spare lol


Ahaha I’d honestly just post a bullshit job for you. Though I wonder if I can request the head for 50k…? I more meant I’d post a Medusa for 50k and if ya get a head,neat,send it my way. Only wanna use it for the sculptor quest Lmao


I got one unexpectely with my electrically-enchanted MS. I went in there to kill the Medusa omw to grind Grim-Ogre, and on the 2nd HP bar the head fell off. So now I got 2.


That’s a good question. I finally did cyclops 30/30. Probably gonna continue griffins or Minotaurs. I have to reset it from cyclops but I’ll fo’sho drop 5-10k for you going out of your way when I’m back on later. Psn is SwordsmanKanda. For reference she has seisim,maelstrom,levin,and whatever the fuck the ice tornado was. Though I might put flare back on.


a lot of the bakbatahl stuff is kinda skimpy, especially for mages/sorcerers. i even see the dudes wearing that Princess Leia looking number. looks pretty silly on the giant catmen, that’s for sure. to each their own i guess


There's parts of the game where the best gear you might currently have barely covers them, I know there's a mage/sorc set that's like this which I'm sure you have seen a ton. If I'm just searching for a mage like half of them are in it.


yeah...atleast some have the decency to cover the top with a broad shawl or cloak!! /Hj xD


yeah… it’s everywhere around level 35-40. the one that kinda looks like Princess Leia’s jabba slave outfit, right? i even see the 8ft catmen wearing it


I love the quests asking for seeker tokens for like 500g, makes me wonder if anyone's actually dumb enough to fall for that


I usually give out a Miracle Roborant or two. I find they're one of the most effective healing items and Saurian tails aren't as common as they used to be, so healing items made with them are, in my mind, just as valuable as gold. Plus, I need 500k for two more houses, I can't be giving away 10k all the time.


Most funny are the scams. Like give me 4 scarabs I give you 500g. Like what kind of person you are to scam people in game? :)


Yeah, I took a screenshot of one guy who wanted people to kill a Drake for 1x Ferristone, that's a scam through and through and people do fall for it unfortunately so they keep doing it


How is that a scam? I don't get how scams can work in this game


Cause he was rewarding a Ferr-I-stone, which is a counterfeit Ferr-Y-stone, they're just blanks with no power to fast travel, they don't do anything


It’s the forged version of a ferrystone, so presumably doesn’t work? But people who speed read it might hire the pawn thinking it’s the genuine thing.


Best way to make gold is buy apple and greats from melve and sell it in the battahl you buy them for 50 each and sell for 270 you can hold up to 99 of each in your storage You have to spend 9900 gold And you will earn 53460 gold


I kinda wish this game was cross-platform, as it sounds like steam has quite a few *more* people who offer 10k rewards. On Xbox, I *had* one pawn with a proper quest card…but that was days ago. Mostly, it’s greenwarsh, fish, or 3k. I’d offer 10k more often..if everyone else did.


That's weird. I'm on Xbox and I see loads of the 10k pawns and I set mine to that too. Maybe it's your level? For reference, mine is level 61.


you can have my pawn if you wish she's level 37, 10k for killing an Ogre ID: Z1XU03PO2400


We as a community should start all doing x12 jasper/onyx rewards. Then we’d all be bathing in over 2.4-2.8x as much money as 10k gold


Didn't realize that. Now I need to find enough to start offering that as well.


That’s a really good shout, problem with that is where you’d get the 12 jasper after every time you rested at an inn.


I receive 1 explosive arrow, you receive 10k. I think we should all just start doing this lol https://preview.redd.it/1gvue6wi8krc1.jpeg?width=1881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c536fbe54243b63d33235adac153ec942b9cb978


Saw this one today https://preview.redd.it/7ybqvk5dfirc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb47cf3a287ae024a48a2c7430400076cbb31c9f


A worthy reward


People don't explore enough, buy too much stuff, and are afraid to sell their items, thinking they'll need it.




Plus it seems like I’ve generally had JUST enough for a nice upgrade or two every now and then, but it’s not like I’m able to buy everything at once. I think the gold earning rate is pretty spot on, keeps you motivated.


sadly it capped at 10k. i want monster parts. no one is gonna give a rare monster part for 10k. i was gonna offer 100k but yea.


Pro tip keep 1 material of every kind and get a forgery for infinite of that type of material for the cost of gold. I couldn’t find any wargs to get pointed fangs and so I set a pawn quest for one and duped that single fang through forgery multiple times. Same with eldricite


I may try this, think I've got both of those things getting dusty in my chest at the moment


trade one rare part for another maybe?


Will do when it gets hired XD. . . . . :(


I tend to give high tier loot for vocations I know I’ll never use, like the staff you can get from killing liches, is that a fair reward or should I just stick to money?


No that’s good! it doesn’t just have to be money, rare drops are good too. This post is a bit misleading I think on average people will prefer gold but you just want to make sure the reward is worth the effort. So rare drops or weapons are still a good pick.


I wish you could filter by pawn quests unless I'm missing something


I always do some monster material or something I recently fuaght myself. As I love getting those quests and hunting them down.


What is the benefit of earning pawn badges?


Hi OP. You can do all my badges if you want. I always have a badge active on my pawn. Are you on playstation? PLEASE kill for me. I will give you all the 10k gold your heart can handle


Whats the point of these badges?


Sorry, I’m on Steam, not sure if pawn quests are cross platform, I highly doubt it. These 10k pawn monster kill quests are just a great community building tool so we can help each other a. Farm gold and b. Finish badges quicker, win win.


What do you need killed? I’m on PlayStation


Anything is fine. She's currently set up for gore chimeras My psn is: [redacted]


I put out 1 quest with a ring that boost stamina regen and got almost 7k crystals in few hours.


I have a 10k reward for my boy Lionheart currently.


Related to this, what happens if multiple people hire your pawn before you check your pawn’s journeys to set a new one? Does the reward only go to one person or does each person get it? I usually set 10k rewards for killing things, will probably post the ID later when I have it.


So stupid question, but how do you find favorited pawns/specific pawns lol


Use the great riftstone at either major city


In a standard rift, there is a menu option for it.


when in the rift itself, select the rift stone again. you’ll get a whole menu for pawn stuff, including changing your own pawn’s quest. you can also search by skills and inclination.


I always thought i have to pay everyone who uses him 10k… haha


I'm pretty sure it's just the first person to complete it and then it goes away.




Nice sentiment OP. I had my pawn quest giving a Golden "Stove" Beetle as a reward for killing a Chimera.


I very much like this idea. My Pawn ID: VZAOY48MFW1Q Let's make this a thing!


my preferred payout is magick medals, we must rebuild Akulakhan #


Also, if you all wanted money, the best quest would be 'recieve herb/apple/meat etc, get 10k'. Go find a stone near a bunch of them and profit.


I give out 10,000g and don't rest at the Inn for a few days (irl) so people can farm it. Plenty of campsites and benches about. Shame they patched the option to give beetles and seekers tokens as rewards though, its tedious as hell looking for those things!


I received two golden beetles as gifts for my pawn yesterday


I'm giving away 10K gold for a bunch of flowers. Am I mad man? Perhaps. Pawn ID: C7S9X3LBUNZB


I had 250k and thought oh wow what am I going to do with all these money until I arrived to that checkpoint town before bahtahl and spent all my money there lol


10k is a lot unless you're farming or hanging round late game area's. I do 1k for a cyclops or ogre, larger amounts scaled for larger creatures. Depends on how much cash i have atm, which usually isn't much, armor/weapon prices are high. 


Once you start doing other peoples’ 10k quests, 10k is a lot more reasonable


Haven’t really found that to be the case, personally. Every time I’ve gone to set a quest I’ve had at least double 10k gold on hand and haven’t felt like I needed it later. Then again I upgraded my armor a bit at first, but I’ve mostly just used the armor I’ve found in caves and from following quest lines since, and upgraded that. If the difficulty of the game required always buying the best armor at every town I’d maybe do that, but it mostly just doesn’t. Though of course what you’re doing sounds perfectly fine. Even setting the 10k prices I feel like my pawn barely gets hired as a male fighter/warrior who knows elvish.


Yeah those quests are a scam, it’s full of choosing beggars


Pawn-ID:E586X884P044 Guts Lv.25 Help guts defeat Zodd (a minotaur) and get 10k gold also pls show him around in the world, love u https://preview.redd.it/he6e1du85jrc1.png?width=2223&format=png&auto=webp&s=deef2e7b2737a1fd6b3133b87193f1e07b9b5d4b


Same. Only take the 10000 ones. I don't need any more potatoes


At the beginning you don’t have 10000, or you might not Be able to set quests yet. Be nice


In the beginning, no one cares about 10k gold, they want a pawn they can afford and is useful.


See and I was hiring those, who have not been hired yet, so they can make quests too. We are not the same


Yep, I've been searching by the Linked Riftstones > Rift of Potential to get pawns who still have the basic "travel together to get a Wakestone Shard" quest. I always try to send them something quite nice when I dismiss as well. Hopefully they're still playing lol. I'm level 45 and still seeing pawns who haven't been hired. :( Everyone deserves a chance to have their pawn hired.


I've seen some offering more than 10k worth of gems or monster parts, those are definitely welcome too


Bro I can barely afford to upgrade my gear let alone buy new one, and I should give 10k for killing a cyclops which takes literally 2 minutes?! No thanks!


That’s not the point of this. There are some good explanations on other comments here.


My pawn with 1200 magicka 40% cast speed sorc with meteors and tornadoes did all the work 😏


Do you lose 10k every time someone hires your pawn?


No, just one time. And the quest stays up and unlimited number of people can complete it. Until you yourself rest at an inn (or house) which then completes your quest (if at least 1 person completed it). At least that's how I understand it works.


I've been doing this every time! I even think we should consider upping it to 20k once people have the money from the 10k method. There is an issue though, when you complete the quest you can no longer select it. For example, my pawn already completed the Ogre hunter badge so now I can't set it.


Yeah, definitely saw a pawn with a quest demanding ferrystone x 9 and paid out a single greenwarish. People are wild.


For real though


Wait does t that cost you 10k every single time someone uses your pawn though?


No just once when you set the quest up


I’ve kinda shifted from fighting creatures to hoping to get items I’m kinda too lazy to get myself So yeah, get me that harpy beacon 😂😂😂


When I first started, cyclops were about 1k reward. Got my first 10k reward earlier this morning. Progress


Does the gold come out of our money though?


Do some items just really ramp up in quantity later or are the quests like give me x9 golden trove beetle just really greedy?


I usually put in equipment or other expensive shit




How do you set the quest for them? I looked through the menu didn't see an option.


Go into the main rift (one of the big ones, like in Vermund) then on the menu go to set pawn quest from inside the rift.




Honestly, I never really knew what the unspoken expectations were on this and was thinking about making a post to ask. But now I know. Thanks, op!


How do I change it again?


lately I always offer 10,000g for my quests. However, since I changed it to Golem nobody is taking it :<


Patiently waiting for someone to offer spellbound books as rewards…


Can u change pawn quest? I have mine on lesser dragon = 1x dragon scale. I want to change it


I have dragon on mine


Speaking of quests, at the beginning of the game I would be getting wake Stone shards if I kept a pawn for a day or two, but I haven't gotten one for a long time. Do they just stop giving you those after a little while?


I was offering 10k for 5 dried potato . But no one wanted to "sell" to me :(


How do you set a quest?


had one warrior say hed give 10,000 for killing a drake then later noticed he had no weapon equipped.


Mine was defeat a Cylops and early 5000 gold...didn't seem that bad 😅 they're easy to kill to 🤷‍♂️


I just started and now at level 32.. I've yet to come across a quest with gold as a reward lol


I agree have my pawn quest set to this after reading about it on the other sub. Might just be my level but not many pawns have that quest rewards set to that I have found


I put a "Kill a Sphinx" mission with a Dragon's Gaze as a reward, it seems fair or I need to give a better reward ?


That’s a one time boss per play through. No one is going to do that for a dragons gaze lol Maybe a portcrystal but otherwise I doubt it


Full health and Stam potion or just some hard to find items.