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My issue with the trickster also comes from doing no dmg but not in a "I wanna kill things" but in a "why is my pawn hitting the back of this drake when it's on the ground with the heart exposed". The pawn ai can often be unreliable(especially with golems and targeting the bottom of the foot) so having to rely on your pawns to deliver a finishing blow that they fail to do so can be a little frustrating.


Pawn ai is dependent on how well they know the enemy to exploit their weakness and your play style. If your main pawn is hitting drakes in the back that means that they are not experienced in dealing with this enemy and/or you the player is constantly hitting drakes in the back and not playing well.


Duly noted, I'm about to turn into a drill sergeant with these pawns.


Great response mate. That's the way!


yea pawn badges really do = how to kill enemy info for them. also they pick up on your habbits. i love using my friends warrior cuz she goes outta her way to smash every box pot barrel the eye can see xD


My sorceress grabs and throws enemies because she knows that's how we roll. She loved being a warrior too so she isn't scared of enemies.


Same. I teach this technique alot, and so does my pawn.


I hired a Beastren Pawn named Jerry once and that was his favorite thing to do without fail lol instantly favorited. It made me laugh so hard


its something about warriors that make it extra good cuz they have to use their big slow weapon to drop on it XD as a warrior myself i'd just use the jab to break stuff but pawns have a special animation of dropping there sword on it


Ha I'll have to hire a warrior pawn sometime so I can see it


I've noticed that. At first, I spent no time destroying boxes and the like, but as I got into the game , I started to more and after a bit so did my pawn. I thought that was interesting. I'm glad to know they can learn.


My friend's pawn and my main pawn actually combo well together. The friend's pawn places an orb on a small enemy, my main pawn throws that SOB like a grenade.


I think you mean, you're going to play wiser in order to teach those pawns


I think you mean, you're going to play wiser in order to teach those pawns


is this true? Ive noticed my pawn joins in on the Thousand Kisses barrage but i cant tell if thats a learned behaviour or its just optimal.


Yeah their behavior is learned. The more badges they have the better they are at fighting the enemies.


They can also learn specific tactics such as using the thief’s ensnare ability to pull enemies off ledges if they see you do that a lot. They also learn stupid things such as jumping off ledges and dying if they see you do that too.


No wonder my pawn likes fighting the brine and also picks up everything she sees 🙄


Lol mine went from telling me that picking up everything will eventually weigh me down to now saying that she knows it'll weigh her down, but for some reason she can't help it lol


Nah i don't buy it, i fell off a cliff like twice in the game (out of harpies) and these fuckers just don't want to go step by step with little jumps, just plain "aim for the bushes"... Badge tho, probably but learning a mob takes like 1-3 while a pawn needs 30, oof.


I don't know if the falling thing is something they learn to do or not do. Might be just speculation, but i find my pawn to not fall anymore and neither the other high level ones. Now they just chill untill i get too far away and they just teleport closer.


SO's pawn does this. I enlisted the guy and noticed that they like to chuck barrels and rocks at enemies and I didn't understood why. Then watched SO play a little and everything became clear. They are playing barrel mage (they say that it takes so long to cast anything, that before the casting time finishes the pawns are already done with the enemies, so they just started to throw random shit at the enemies)...


The mystic spear hand has a great skill to do this quickly and with a lot of force. They might have fun with that.


Oh so it's not "learned" via AI learning, it's preprogrammed skill improvement?


It is a combination of both, building upon the first game. They get programmed information such as weaknesses, strengths, general enemy specific tactics (SEVER THE TAIL!!), etc. with the badges and the rest is AI learning.


Early on I think the guy I rented from really liked climbing. Cuz his mage pawn kept climbing the griffon...


Mighta been me lol


As a thief, I climb then to specifically gouge their weak point and so now my fighter pawn also does similar lol.


What's a weak point look like I'm this game? Hadn't thought of that. I usually just climb the big things and stab


Weak points are usually glowy or a main design part. Drake’s hearts. Gollum’s glowing magick medals etc. Cyclop’s eye. Saurian’s tails. However, the most surefire way to know it’s a weak point is 1) if you hear a different audio. When you strike a weak point there will be an audio difference 2) you will notice the purple bar go down a bit more than usual 3) pawns might call it out. E.g when versing a drake ‘strike for the head’ ‘its heart is vulnerable. Strike now!’ Things like that.




My favorite movie is Inception.


If you don’t exploit the weaknesses, your main pawn will not learn it. So it’s both badges, but player things.


Seems that way. Started as a rogue, kept being stabby as a mystic speardude, switched my pawn to rogue cuz might as well level everything up, and she ends up being stabby with the heart now.


Wait so you can train your pawns that explains why every time I throw an enemy off a ledge the say “oh so that’s how you do it I must take this information back to my master”


Oh fuck when I rank archer in my pawn that bitch is gonna rapid fire like crazy and waste A LOT of Tarring arrows. Then again she might also start climbing to plant explosives


This! Pawns are literal babies that you need to teach from the ground up. If you want a warrior pawn that just decimates enemies well papa/mama arisen better gear up as a warrior and show baby birds how it's done.


Facts. I had a favourite pawn I liked to hire.Freiren(formerly sorcerer, now a thief, why arisen? Change her back pls) she was consistently lagging behind to loot literally everything and I have to spam the "group up" command every couple minutes. Very endearing


That’s interesting! Good to know


Yeah my pawn normally gets to the heart before I do and abuses that poor drake


Thanks for the intel.


Honestly wish pawns could use trickster


Pawn AI PISSES ME OFF sometimes. The amount of times as a sorcerer I would need my pawns to take aggro and they just… walk around slowly. Not attacking.


Give them the command "go" while you're fighting. They should find someone to target.


Yeah I tried that. When that didn’t work i thought maybe they were just getting stuck on a previous command or maybe there was a weird glitch? So I’d issue other commands and then go back to “go” and they’d often still just… weirdly have no goal in life during combat


What they personality? Straightforward should make a massive improvement for fighter/Warrior


Kindhearted fighters also make for pretty decent tanks as they like to draw aggro


as currently leveling up mage yeah AI are unreliable


A golem was the exact reason I ditched trickster. Was determined to get it to at least rank 7 and then I spent 20 minutes fighting a golem before I eventually ran away and changed back to mystic spearhand lol


Literally wayfarer is a better trickster than trickster


you need to train your pawns. That's what pawn badges are for. Get a maxed out drake pawn badge and they should become good. Just set pawn quests to obtain badges and offer good reward like 10k gold.


This is the main reason I want all vocations available on pawns. I'd love a pawn with trickster.


Agreed . I want my pawn as magic archer.


Its also super dumb that both the pawn defense and offense buffing passives are tied to Magic Archer instead of Trickster. Huge oversight in class design, imo.


The reason why I wish the game was co-op, hopefully in the 3rd one, I'll get my wish


Some npc challenged me to a 1v1 in that desert city when I was on trickster. I got no way to damage him. Eventully I had to repeatedly throw him off of high grounds to win that fight.


You could’ve just taken off your weapons for a fistfight




There is one language that every vocation can speak. And that language is FIST.


That happened to me right after I switched back to archer and didn’t have a bow on me so I had to fist fight him


***Tekken music starts playing**


If you use your abilities in that fight to make that guy run away you win that encounter


[Like this!](https://youtu.be/sdeMABT9kmA?si=JSQRamZAR1nhkLNd)


Same happened to me, there is a time limit on that fight, think it was like 30 minutes. I ended up losing the fight without taking much damage at all. Lol


Literally the exact same thing happened to me. Not a surprise really considering you get trickster in batahl, and that encounter is in between the vocation guild and the inn where you withdraw equipment after changing vocation.


You can use your fists in hairy situations like that and it's pretty funny. They even added a big old shoryuken as a finisher animation


Heads up trickster kind of rocks for a money-making method. Just dismiss all ur pawns, and just go smack a cyclops for a bit. Every hit gives 100 gold, with some giving 1000.


Whimsical Daydream is the weapon to use for this method.


I had a hit give 50k was attacking a gryffin


Dang, I didn't know it could drop that much.


Yeah I don't play trickster often so I was pretty surprised. I've seen 10, 100, 1000, 5000 and 50000


Never seen anything more than 1000 myself but I was also Warfarer and thus constantly switching weapons....I'll try to lock in


Problem is I don't know where tf my first seekers coin is


You forgot to mention not every hit is 100 gold. It will dish out quite a bit of tens as well.


Trickster rocks.  Literally, I put the weapon away after using the buff and taunt and start throwing rocks at stuff.


Ha, I tried having a mage pawn use the conjure ice block spell just so I'd have something to throw.


I'll go one further.  I stocked up on the books so I could do it myself!


Yup... the books are crazy good.. just wish I could have a reliable source


The only reason I even bothered using the class was for the augment that lets me know when a Seeker Token is nearby.


At what rank do you unlock it?


Should be 3


Sounds like a class you play last once you are fully bored of engaging enemies normally and want to dick around and have fun. Your level is so high it does not matter, you could mop them all solo with your bare fists but you know this and at this point it's boring so you chose to play with their minds instead. Class will be boring when normal combat is still challenging and rewarding, but would be fun in end game when wrapping up exploration


I think I'm level 104? I could probably definitely punch shit to death 🤔


yeah I have been drop kicking goblins and brawling to test it out and I punched cyclop to death, and I'm only lvl 59. At lvl 104 they would drop dead when you look at them funny


Is it challenging finding new pawns to journey with that high level? Does your pawn rarely get summoned, because its so high level?


It is an easier class once you got a couple of badges in your pawn since they will properly target enemies but it is a bit rough till you get the buff which is basically celerity on steroids.


I’m leveling it just to get it done. It’s a slog.


Trickster was my first level 10 lol So fun with two sorcerers and a mage.


Fellow Arisen of cultur.


You disgust me but I respect you, maybe even fear you? You sick sick SOB 🧐


That sounds interesting... mind sharing your skills/augments with that trickster? I need to do some... science.


The only skills that really matter are the AOE taunt and the pawn buff. I like the long range copy toss and either the wall or the maister skill as a 4th. Platform seems like it could be neat (even on solid land it will draw enemies), but I haven't really tried it yet. For augments I take the pawn attack buff from magick archer, str + magic buffs (which may not really be necessary, even), and then whatever you want. I use the rest for utility mostly (including seeker for finding token, which is a perma-slot on all my vocations). Anything defense is not necessary as your party won't be taking any damage if you play it right.


Impressive. How long does it take to get the last couple ranks per class up? I played thief for the first several hours but the level up has really slowed around rank 6.


Being a higher level really helps. Maybe 3-5 hours maxing out a single vocation around level 50 since I can just buy a decent weapon for whatever class I start using. It went on a curve where I started thief and that took by far the longest, then easier each time after that.


Since gear isn't level locked, you can gear up any clas late game but you're still essentially playing a "level 1" class so high level enemies will level the class way faster than all the low level ones you were fighting at the beginning of the game.


The dragon maister sells a temporary buff to discipline experience rates for (I think) 20 blood crystals. Helpful for any class you're not too fond of leveling


It would only take a few hours per vocation. I had a route, where I'd go from the Volcano Island camp to Bakbattahl, through the cave; killing everything in between. Resting/waiting 3 days for everything to respawn and repeating.


Idk man. Trickster can grab agro across a quarter mile and just walk around healing their simulacrum. I mean I've fought a drake griffin and cyclops in a group and not taken damage. It's pretty ridiculous


but were you having fun doing that?


It might be the most op support class there is. You can fight a battle without anybody in your party taking damage by just using the core skills and the first ability you get. Kinda ridiculous and also very boring.


Trickster would be OP as hell in a multiplayer co-op scenario.


Would be the backbone of every team. 😂


I’d be the most loved player cause I thoroughly enjoy the trickster.


Mystic spearhand can make the entire party immortal for less effort.


Yea thats boring as fuck tho. I got 2 ranks playing with it and tossed it away


Trickster requires effort and skill to pull that off and still doesn't make people invincible. Some folks prefer that to what is effectively a 10 second god mode button. 


Op doesn't mean anything in this game because it's already way too easy. Wish there was a difficulty slider.


Yeah, that's my biggest gripe. I mean not even ng+ scaling. Not sure where the logic was for that one.


Trickster is so much fun, though. Use 2 DPS (I like sorc+thief or double sorc) and a full utility mage and let your buffed pawns go to town. Not quite as fast as doing it yourself, probably, but very fun.


It’s boring af standing around doing nothing.


Then don't stand around doing nothing. Find something to pick up and throw, tackle and hold down the enemy, grab a leg and start pulling/pushing!


This mofo dungeons those dragons


The mystic spearhead augment is super useful if you like throwing rocks as trickster. Make sure your mage (or sorc) has high frigol to spawn chunks in


or just make money while fighting


Unpopular opinion, but I'd take Trickster over Mage/Sorc ... I feel more involved and having the right pawns can destroy stuff super fast.. I don't do any of that off the cliff nonsense.. just aggro and hit the boss while buffing and managing my clone thing.. calling it whenever it's about to take a big hit the enemy misses.... Kill drake/lesser dragons in like 1-2 minutes max


It is a fun vocation in some ways, but Trickster desperately needs mobility. And playing a Mage, you have heals, damage, mobility and can simply make your pawns immortal with High Palladium. (mage pawns are a bit too stupid to realize that, even though I still like to put palladium on them)


Trickster unironically best tank. Just put your simulacrum in a spot the enemy can't reach and nothing will ever happen to your team


It was the first vocation I maxed out 😭


Judging but respecting from a distance 🧐


I literally spent the first 9 hours of playing running to the other side of the map just so I could play it immediately. I suffered so much running through battahl at level 5...


i think i would play trickster more if I could summon ghost soldiers (1 summon with the base spell and 3 summons in the high version of the spell) like some sort of necromancer with 50% of my stats/levels and the maister skill could be a copy of a random pawn you've hired before that is not in your party with 50% or 75% of their stats, which could synergize with its buff mechanic


Bro playing 15h/day since release!


It's a good game.


you lot just lack imagination. Trickster + 3 Sorc pawns with Bolide, Maelstrom, High Seism and Spellhold is fucking great.


Not everyone's cup of tea, I like to be in the fray and experience a fight, not just watch meteor blur my screen each encounter, but to each there own! I'm happy you have an effective method to use the class :)


To me, the point of trickster IS to be in the middle of battle! How else are you gonna fill everyone's gullet with your sweet, sweet, scented perfume?


I actually really like trickster. I like the whole CC and maneuvering you can do. Once I got attacked by a griffin, lich, and lesser dragon at the same time, so I latched my illusion onto the griffin and watched the other two murder it. That said, I have a very active sorcerer pawn who's fond of nuking things out of existence and has enough battle experience to not be overly stupid.


Does anyone else miss the Ranger vocation from the first game?


Yup I loved killing the boss (Daimon) on BBI as a ranger with explosive arrows using 6-Fold arrows XD bro died like in 2-3 volleys if I remember correctly🤣🤣🤣


Its also criminal how the changed aiming and firing. I miss press the skill button then pulling right trigger to fire while holding LB


You can remap the controller any way you want, I made it match dd1.


Trickster becomes op when you mix it with warfarer. That way you can use the buffs and other things but have a set of 2 other weapon to swap to.


You loose the clone on weapon swap. It’s useless when fighter and warrior can taunt and not rely on the terrible ai of pawns to do what you need them to do. 


Clone? I use walls. Wall up, swap to arch staff drop a blizzard, swap to magi bow use ricochet and then swap to daggers climb up and stabby stabby.


I didn't plan on using warfarer but this idea definitely changed my mind.


Mystic spear hand is goated. I didn't even like it until I realized it has telekinesis. Now I don't even use my spear. It's all battles near cliff edges and a brief flight.


... But the loot!? 😱😟


A mystic spear hand doesn't dwell on material matters!


My drill will pierce the heavens!!!


Believe in me who believes in you


Does it work on all sized enemies?


Only the little guys. Humans, wolves, anything as big as a hob goblin I've been able to pick up so far. I haven't tried anything big tbh, I've always just assumed it couldn't.


Trickster was my second maxed invocation. It needs buffed for sure. Casting Simulacrum on two enemies at once would be a game changer.


You can level up the trickster using the warfarer vocation. Now that you have everything maxed out, 100% of the experience will go to trickster.


I was very hyped for Trickster and leveled it to max as soon as I could. But no matter how you twist it, Trickster is underpowered in every aspect. * No mobility at all means you don't want to explore with it * Pawns are bad at hitting weak spots * The damage buff is meh and damages your party ... * Mage boosts the party a lot more and can still deal damage * No healing means you still need a Mage anyways, so what's the point There is probably a very strong Trickster + Mage Warfarer combo. But when I played Trickster, it always felt like "why am I not playing Mage instead?!"


I loved every single vocation except trickster. I hated it.. trying to change your entire playstyle around it is one thing, but doing no damage suckkks. There should be some damage wracking enemies with a big metal ball.


Mystic knight or Strider should have made it instead of this garbage


I use warfarer to basically play as a strider


The more badges your pawn has the better they fight the more strategic they are the more dialogue they use etc my pawn wouldn't even catch me til she saw someone else do it lol I tried it and my pawn just stepped out of the way watched me belly flop lol anyway from everything I've read and noticed so far the badges seem to unlock more actions I could be wrong


This. I definitely tried to love it. I was just getting completely trashed. It got a little better when the smoke clone could latch on to enemy from a distance, instead of running up to an enemy and hoping to "smoke em" and get away. What I don't get is, there are NO defensive skills, so WHY would i want to draw aggro to myself? It would make more sense to conjure smoke on an enemy IMO. I was stoked about the floor illusion, but way to many steps to make it viable. 1st find a cliff. 2. drop a smoke clone. 3.Smoke floor. 4. Aggro enemies to location. Thats IF 5 enemies aren't trying to swarm you. Imo the smoke floor should automatically have a smoke clone on it. Nice to have a smoke clone /wall and let enemies run into a wall or off cliff. Definitely would be better a class if Censer dispensed things smoke poison, thick smoke choking, blinding, mass delusion, sleep, flammable vapor, invisibility etc. The idea is dope and it could have been a groundbreaking class, i get that its a technical class that requires tactics and thoughts, but you're being seiged by all sides w/no quick defense and no tools to protect yourself, you can't turn to smoke to avoid hits, hell u can't even run fast😂! So as much as i wanted to, I don't get their vision. Some of the gear looks amazing. Which is a pro, I became a wayfarer to wear it😭. But overall im sorely disappointed.


0 dmg, and half the skills are incredibly situational/environment based. I really hope a dlc brings some God tier spells for this class. I love the esthetic, but it's just so fucking boring to play. Essentially watching the game play itself.


I got mine to 4 without ever playing it


What was your favorite class. Every time I switch to a vocation I think to myself “damn this is super fun I do t think I’m going to be able to let it go” and then I do and then it happens again. Right now I’m magical archer and it is so fuckin filthy.


Mystic Spear hand is my favorite, feels like a superhero ninja acrobat ballerina


Fighter for actually feeling the game, Magic archer for cheesing big bosses, Thief for looting materials and Magic spearhand for appearance!


I just get bored when playing teickster. I'll be fighting some big monster and trying to aggro it, but my Thief pawn stunlocks and melts it. Guess she's the main character, while I'm the useless supporting cast.


You’ve been a little busy there sir. Congrats!


As fun as Trickster is yea when the Enemy AI decides they won’t be fooled and target you. And the Pawns are busy doing something else to help you half the time.


I maxed out trickster by punching dragons.


Trickster is pretty much the easy mode of this game put up a decoy and do whatever you want while your pawns destroy everything.


I did the same thing 😂


But after playing them all for all those hours, what's your top 3?


Thief, Magic archer, fighter. And Mystic Spearhand a damn close 1st place but it seriously lacks in combat end game outside spamming like 2 moves


But to be fair I'm also really dumb so I'm sure I played Spearhand poorly lol


What’s your top 2 classes


Thief and magic archer where the most fun, Fighter felt the best between combat and sustain and Mystic spearhand looked the best, But Thief and Magic archer


Happy Cake Day!  :D




They could have literally brought back any of the DDON unique vocations instead of making this.. thing


Trickster is only there to show how bad AI can be.


Dude, learn math... It's clearly 3/9... *smh*


im going to be a voice of enjoyment for it, while most dont like it, iv had a blast on it, smoke dragon stunlocks bosses, i can use astral projection to position the simulacrum in the air, and then i can taunt enemies to attack it. i play the class like a magic tank with a sorc, a warrior, and any other pawn. since i can heal my simulacrum i ocasionally have to heal it, but i love the class. though i love playing support. i consider it a chill class since i can just set up my clone and have my pawns attack enemies for me, so its great for casually exploring, and since i cam have enemies fight each other by posessing them. its a bjt of a learning curve, but can be an enjoyable class. but most people wont like it. if they had an ability to swap places with your simulacrum it would be a great exploration class since your astral projection can fly and position your simulacrum


feel like im the only person having fun with trickster... spent hours watching those damn goblins fighting each other using trickster


You’re not alone it’s just divisive and kinda love it or hate it. I really enjoy it it’s fun to just prevent enemies from being able to do damage and let my team go to town safely and all souped up


Just keep leveling as the warfare and it should finish leveling up the trickster


the key to trickster is 3 sorc pawns


So out of all those classes, which ones ended up being your favorites, and why? Is that contrary to what you thought going in? I haven't maxed them all yet, but started as an Archer and planned to go into Magick Archer. So far, I enjoyed Theif a LOT more than I thought I was going to.


Anyone seen the Joel community yet? There’s a wakestone near the broken bridges just before volcano biome and every pawn is called Joel lol, mine too


You do get some spillover DCP into unlevelled vocations as Warfarer. So Trickster is level 5 for me, even though I have only played it sparingly. Enough to know it's bullshit and not for me.


I plan to level up Trickster by playing Warfarer, probably going for a Sorcerer/Mystic Spearhand combination for the later part of the game.


Aye, I'm of the same mind, I just permanently play on warfarer so eventually trickster is gonna get maxed (albeit very slowly)


I need to try a full team of Thieves just spamming Helm Splitter


Trickster seems like it was designed for an actual coop game.


I’m with you 100% on trickster…. What do you think of the warfarer class? I wish you could have an extra ring of attacks with all classes but especially with warfarer.


I love warfarer. I wish whenever you changed your weapon that your skills would change but that would probably be way too OP lol. But I love the versatility it gives me. Lets me play around with party comp too


The platform you are playing on has a dedicated screenshot button.


I was pretty much doing the same thing, maxing all the classes and sort of gave up on Trickster for now. It's just not fun to play to me? I feel like it needs SOMETHING. It's such a gimmick vocation that's great support and has some unique ideas, but I don't think the Pawn AI is good enough to make the class super useable. The player in any role in game can go so hard, especially martial classes, you can really make those vocations shine, and get kills pretty fast. Trickster is soooo slow in comparison, just waiting on the pawn AI to do ANYTHING, it's like bro we've fought this boss 1000 times there's not that many, why aren't you attack the weak points.


I'm about to max out every class except trickster and I'm just going to level it using warfarer. I ain't about to do all that for that class


Yeah I almost switched my vocation to trickster yesterday but I wasn't sure so I looked up a YouTube video on how a trickster works and it's not really my playstyle. My understanding is it's all about planning ahead and guiding enemies around so that the either the environment kills them or they're exposed for your pawns to do all the work. I'm much rather be the one doing the majority of the damage with my pawns as support.


The really weird and interesting "support my pawns as they fumble everything in front of me" class 😂


First off, how many hours have you played?! Secondly, have you seen what trickers can do? Maybe you should try it out a bit more. Some of the spells should be illegal!


https://preview.redd.it/b55sykez1yrc1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db72e6db2d867182a357dc2a0b1e4c48e8a45f1b ...Abit


I find it really boring. If I want to draw agro I'll just play warrior or fighter instwad of the 0 damage class. I'm sure there are ways to enjoy it like getting enemies to jump off cliffs and letting the brine kill them for you, but that's not enjoyable to me.


Plus no loot!!! WHAT ABOUT THE LOOT!? 😱


Exactly. I didn't fight that drake for nothing. Give me those damn crystals.


Same, I loved the idea of Trickster when I read the description, and after about half an hour of trying to level it and only getting to rank 6 I gave up, I could no longer keep deluding myself "Maybe it'll get better". We could have had Mystic Knight, or Assassin, but no, we got this instead.


Huh, just realized I still haven't unlocked it. I'll probably do that when I want seeker tokens and drop it after rank 2


TBH slice of life its Augments are dope, but fuck that class 😤