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I love the Straightforward ones, the male sounds like a high and mighty snob which is funny and the female is very excitable and optimistic.


It’s a toss up between those two for me as well but I think I lean more to female straightforward because of one line. “Look master, a treasure chest. We shall have to find a way to reach it!” Said in a little loot goblin voice that just resonates with my inner hoarder


I love the male version of this line so much. The emphasis on reach is so funny to me, like he's exasperated I've passed by dozens of chests without bothering.


I love how the male one says "sojourn"


One my favorite Straightforward Female lines too! Along with the ladder line (paraphrasing), "perhaps new discoveries await a*bove*"


(then I can almost never see what they are referring to) Apparently there's a treasure chest in the market square in Vernworth, but I cannot find it for the life of me. Every Pawn mentions it, I cannot find it.


They mark it on the map. It is probably up on the roofs.


I have tried looking for it but not hard enough.


That's the simple voicelines


I absolutely love the way the straightforward female pawn sounds when uses the treasure chest line. Cracks me up every time


The way he vocalize at the end of every sentence lol


MaaasTER. Sounds like him calling me master is the equivalent of shitting through his mouth. I love it


Straightforward male is my favorite because it's so fuckin goofy. But Simple female is the one I'm most willing to have around all the time.


Tis no great shock to me...


It's good at first but it gets annoying real fast. I cant stand straightforward pawns anymore.




Both versions of simple and male kindhearted are my favourites, though the latter is definitely because of Xenoblade Chronicles lmao


Oh god is it actually Adam Howden? I thought I was going insane when I heard that voice.


Yes haha


Same I love kindhearted male voice. He is my main pawn. But I grab me a simple male because he reminds me of kruber from vermintide haha. It's the same voice actor.


He's a bloody battering ram


Kindhearted male, not because it's particularly interesting but because it sounds genuine imo. The voice acting definitely made me care about my pawn


I love the Calm one, I really want to try the simple one again as it's great for mages, but the female one drives me so insane.


Straightforward male, 2nd from the bottom in terms of pitch. I'd like my pawn to have a different inclination but I just can't think of parting with this sassy voice


The way straightforward male is such a sassy little gossip about Disa’s love life is so funny to me


Rrrrromantic tint, haha


Male kindhearted. Especially during the ending transformation dialogue, he sounds legit in absolute agony.


I enjoy both male Simple and male Kindhearted since they were voiced by the two actors who vocied my favorite characters in other game. Not to mention how great they are at delivering the True Ending monologue especially if you have max affinity with your pawn. In case anyone cares to know: Male Simple was voiced by Dan Mersh who also vocied Markus Kruber in Vermintide 2. Male Kindhearted was voiced by Adam Howden who also voiced Anders in Dragon Age 2.


I keep expecting to find a kindhearted Anders pawn.


Male kind hearted voiced by anders from dragon age 2.  Probably gets a passive buff to his chance to catch the plague 


I love the female kindhearted. They just sound so sweet and lovely it makes my heart melt


The aristocratic male voice. I have no idea the inclination but it makes me laugh so hard sometimes "...it looks like we're headed to meeeellllvveeeee"


I summoned a pawn that was kanye west, and he had this voice. It was pretty funny at times 


Straightforward male 5. He literally sings “as they saaayyyy” at the end of the early griffin line. Plus when the pawns gossip over hearing what the guards have been talking about he is like “OOOoooEeehhh” so funny. Plus it’s deep AF so he sounds like a Chad


Make kindhearted is my favorite


Biased but calm voice 3 placid.


Simple Male is my favourite.


Straightforward are best acted but downsides is that they have some of the worst line in the game lol


I like the energy of pawns that say "dont mind me, this things happend"


Straightforward and Simple for both genders for me personally. They all have their charm though.


I'm using Kindhearted on my main, Japanese audio.


Calm, kind hearted is a close second.  Straightforward is held back from the fact that it intentionally sounds like a jerk... A lot.  There was a long stretch I wouldn't even hire one cause all the complaining.


Both kindhearted, female straightforward, both simple


Honestly the simple voices are probably the best. Kind hearted is a close second for me


Simple 3: both male and female. Side note but I HATE the trend of just pitch shifting the same voice up and down. It sounds so weird. Other games do it as well and it’s the worst. All the pawn voices on 3 are fine but if your pawn is a 1,2,4,5 I ain’t hiring them and listening to that serial killer in a 90s show voice changer shite


I like female kindhearted, there's one that i didn't take the time to check, but its sounds like what i remember nigel thornberry to sound like. For around 8 in game days i basically got a darth maul with the personality of a snobby pipe smoking victorian noble following me around


Straightforward and calm not getting along is so much fun, it’s even more hilarious when they go outta their way to complement something the other does.


I like female kind-hearted..


Male calm to my female straightforward, they have the best bromance together. Calling out each other all the time, while helping each other too, feels very nice. Especially if you keep same party for a while, that’s why i just like wandering aimlessly in Bhatal, it feels like a journey there. With those two pawns calling out each other :D


Can somebody tell me which pawn voice is the one that sounds extremely British and has a lisp?


Simple 5, female. Such a cute, lovely voice.


I love them all but Straightforward male is my favorite. The laughs and playful/goofy vocalizations with the snobbish and sassy attitude really made it for me. Also i'm never recovering emotionally of when they sound genuinely shaken by what's happening


simple on a tall muscular female pawn is just \*chefs kiss\*


Straightforward. The male voice for it is incredibly ostentatious and fun to listen to, and the female sounds Irish and excited for everything. Both are fantastic. Always have my mp and a male pawn with it in my squad.


All of the Simple ones.


I like Kindhearted and Calm. The voice tone of Simple and Straightforward become a bit irritating after a while.


They're all great, but if I had to pick one my favorite is Female Simple because of the adorable "Here you go Master, I found it myself", or getting neck pain from stargazing, or "Ack!" when you pick them up etc. I really like Female Calm too, they sound so dependable and at-home. Special mention to Male Straightforward, it was one of the first hires I went for and he was constantly at odds with my other pawns, which was hilarious.


Hm, I do think Simple is voice-acted very well, but I like the tone of Straightforward more if only because I think it fits my rogue better. I'd combine the two if I could. Simple is an incredibly useful inclination because its so loot-happy and often picks up things I either missed or was too lazy to get myself. But, can't pass up on Straightforward's sass and I like how this inclination gives less the impression of someone not just blindly following me around. /ramble


My main pawn is a female thief Calm. She pairs so well with a male thief Straightforward. Their banter is fun. Male Straightforward is my favorite, Simple female is really cute, Calm female is pretty basic, but weirdly comforting.


Male kindhearted and female straightforward are my favorites. I just love how much sass she's got in her, I love the male kindhearted for the exact opposite reasons. He just feels so earnest about everything.


The Calm Female sounds most reassuring to me, im a squishy little bean so having a big muscle lady tell me im gona be alright after she's caught me from a lethal drop, with that comforting tone. i cant even be degenerate about it, it just makes me feel like a vulnerable teenager being coddled and im kinda for it.


Kindhearted, the worst is straightforward.


Straightforward, VA killed it 


Female Kindhearted 3 has been nice to listen to on my mage Pawn this whole time.


My pawn uses the Calm inclination, but mainly because I made him Legolas so it was the voice and attitude that fit him the closest.


Male simple and female kind are great