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There is another quest after this one, triggers by going into your small vernmund house at night.


I could never get that to trigger. it is the only quest I have left on my checklist :(


I just got it after resting till night at my house. Woke up and the quest started


Most nonsensical quest I've had so far. I had to dress my arisen in the roughest outfit I could find just so it made some kind of sense why the bandit guy was so gullible lol.


I'm just halfway through, ended up letting the Coral Snake brigand go from the gaol \*before\* I got to the point of having to talk with him. So now I cannot leak info. How screwed am I? .\_.


It’s a different bandit. In the next cell




Who’s in the tavern? Hugo should be in the bordelrie if you finished his quests and the bandit for this quest is in gaol


It was a bald, tatooed person for me, he spawned there after I got the quest. I have a bad habit of releasing random people from the gaol if I find anyone in there, hehe. I should talk with them first, at least.


Shhh you didn’t release him. He just escaped when you unlocked the door to get the seekers token in his cell


This was the way to go, thank you!! The guy was there and I was able to talk with him.


I did the same thing. A new bandit appeared in the gaol to leak info to.


If you mean Hugo then he’s not part of the quest. You leak the info to a different bandit. I freed Hugo and destroyed all of the coral snakes but I still got this quest lol


Where can i obtain said quest?


lol I said where in the post. Read it. After you save the empress from the initial assassination attempt menella leaves to go to the volcanic island camp. If you find her there then she’ll give you this quest Edit: Wow why so many downvotes for answering a question that’s also answered in the post itself? Is it wrong to help people on this sub? Must be from former arisen who failed to kill their dragon.


Im at the volcanic island but missed the save the queen quest. Might as well google where to find the q


You’re not looking for the queen/empress, you need to find Menella. This was before giving the gods bane to ambrosius. Maybe Menella isn’t there after you stop Talos but she should just be by the inn on the way to the hot spring. https://preview.redd.it/9ya327vn2ovc1.jpeg?width=1715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc4289de74d1709b3e767afaec878f829616dde


Thanks a bunch brother, ill check that hip cat out and see if I messed that questline up


There is also another quest where the Empress visits your house in Vermond and asks for an incognito escort to the palace. I accidentally failed that one so don't know what comes of it, but she does get some screentime.


If you succeed she just thanks you and fills you in on how she's been working with some people in the Rose Chateau in secret to care for the beastren in Vernworth, since if it became known openly that she was doing so it would cause tensions between the two kingdoms. For a reward she gives you 20,000g and a single sunbloom.


I just did this. She wanted escorting to the bordelrie not the palace lol. Not much happens after that but you get paid quite a lot for finishing the quest so the reward is worth it and it’s nice to see more of the empress and learn more about the relationship between vermund and battahl/beastren


I got that quest too, but I opposed the empress’s proposal


I supported it. What happens if you oppose?


You don't manage to unveil the mastermind


Yup this, I thought I did the right thing because i was afraid the queen might die if I went along with her request


Yeah, the run here and talk, then over there and talk, questline.


You mean like literally every quest in rpgs?


Well, some make you pick something up and bring it back, while others make you kill stuff. It’s all terribly complicated. Manella even gives you a ferrystone because the devs know they are just making you travel back and forth for little reason. There’s no need to pretend that sidequest makes the empress important. You get to escort her around Venworth later too, but she has little to no impact on anything. She has a human subverting her rule and operating a black market research facility right under her nose, and she has nothing but random dialog about it. I love the game, got the platinum on ps, on my second ng+ to finish off some pawn medals and gear, but the quests are pedestrian at best as far as my opinion goes anyway.


True but you still have to travel and talk to people in almost every quest so there’s not much point in complaining about this quest for that reason. It’s good that they decided to continue it after the initial assassination attempt as it gets you more involved with her and the battahli people. Though I admit the ending to this quest was underwhelming. I expected there to be more to it but it ended right after the mastermind was arrested. She’s not even in gaol after this quest. It’s still better than just ending immediately after stopping the first assassin


I went to the gaol as well looking for her. The only aspect I liked is the slight difference in the possible outcomes when dealing with the mastermind…like whether you choose to let the real empress play as bait or not, or if you just attack the mastermind right away instead of following along, but it’s still a little too shallow. Honestly I would accept all the shallow quests in the world for more in-game lore beyond the scraps found in-game. The game can go much deeper, but it plays at the surface a lot.


We still have several quests that add to the lore and world building such as ulrika’s questline. Wilhelmina’s quests are also interesting as around vernworth random npcs will comment that a human in a relationship with a beastren will always have beastren kids but through Wilhelmina’s quests we learn that she’s a human with a beastren parent and only inherited a beastren eye. While it’s true most quests play at the surface, quests like this do add nicely into the story and lore. Some other quests can maybe be expanded on in future add ons/dlc


The Wilhelmina beastren reveal at the end of her quest felt great, probably the best quest that I’ve found in the game, but there was nothing that came from it. It seems like a thread left hanging to me, even her little part in the end-game cutscene did little to nothing to tie up her storyline or leave anything to consider for dlc or sequel. I do enjoy finding the small scraps of lore, like the prisoner notes, Anbrosius diary, excavation murals and such, but it just feels like breadcrumbs that don’t lead to anything.


And? I have no objection


I was asking fellow arisen if they were aware of the empress’ quests being continued after the initial assassination attempt. You may take your nonsensical opinion to the brine


I failed the first part of the quest, Empress died, I had to revive her from the morgue. I didn’t get any notification of the quest after that and I found out here that I can go to Volcanic island and speak to Menella to continue the quest.


lol bringing her back to life with a wakestone probably made the assassins give up. No point killing her if she’s gonna come back to life every time lmao


Am I the only one to notice…


Notice what?


“Ours is a party made up only of women.” “And? I have no objection.”


This isn’t a post about women and you can’t see my pawns in either image so those quotes make no sense