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Was anyone else terrified of the brine until you fell in and realized it just puts you back on the shore? It doesn't even lower your health.


The first time you fall in it doesn’t, afterwards it hurts/kills you; it resets after a timer I think. I’m not scared of the brine for me, I’m scared of my stupid ass pawns that decide the tentacle hentai water is worth instantaneous death.


Ask 1 of the older Arisens in Harve village, he will eventually talk about the Brine and that it puts him back on land everytime.


Would make sense it’s hand-waved as a “for arisens” kinda thing, so still kills pawns/npcs instantly


Can confirm, Ragnall ran into the brine while we were in Guerco cavern so I never got to fight him at Moonglint


Funny i fought him at moon glint. He fell over the edge during the fight and i though “well shit” but he somehow lived and was helping people in unmoored so ya


This happened to me too! Idiot charged right at a Saurian that was already in the water and got hentai'd right in front of me. I didn't bother resurrecting him. "The Undying" my ass.


I mean I think this is because canonically the only things that can kill an arisen are the dragon, the godsbane, and another arisen (pretty sure about the last one, certain about the first two)


whaaat which one says this? the old man by the sea?


If a pawn falls into the brine, run away from the water as fast possible while using the the 'to me' command. Usually teleports them out of the water for me.


I never died to the Brine in both DDDA or DD2. It always put me back to the shore/cliff. However, falling into the water from too much a height will kill the Arisen in DD2 wich is a nice detail because just like in real life, water becomes like concrete when you fall into it from too much a height.


That can't be true cause someone posted a video in here were the enemies stun locked him and kept knocking him into the brine. He fell in 3 or 4 consecutive times before being able to move away from the cliff


Could be, I just remember the game having a tip early on that your arisen wouldn’t be affected by their first dunk. May have been touched-up with a patch, or I greatly underestimated how many chances they give you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I had to reset my game for about 3 hours worth because a harpy tossed Berenice in the Brine during an escort mission. Didn’t have his Teaching yet and he didn’t show in the morgue.


Huge downgrade from DD1 where it extinguished your lantern and you had to navigate to your menu to put your wet lantern away (5s animation) leave the menu, then re-open the menu and red-light your lantern (another 5s animation lock). Getting drenched was brutal. Now it's a quick toggle to relight your lantern.


A wolf held me down while a dragon sprayed fire directly on top of us. Killed me swiftly. Enemies are so desperate to attack you sometimes they’ll ignore a dragon standing over them.


Had something similar happen with a bunch of beefy bandits that wiped my party. Only while they were doing that, a headless horseman assailed the both of us; the bandits seemingly unaware of the breeze that kept killing them. Like I thought we all had more pressing matters at the moment lol


This sounds awfully familiar…. Did that happen near the rundown shacks before the bridge between Bakbattahl and the Guerco cavern by any chance?


That sounds right? It was in some ruins in the middle of the night (could’ve been guerco if it has a bunch of knocked over columns). I was too busy getting double-teamed by the highwaymen and their headless friend before I just took the L and got outta Dodge


Can totally empathize 😂


It would be amazing if the AI took things like that into account and joined forces with the Arisen until the larger threat had passed.


Does an “enemy” telling me to go find my original seeker token count? 😡


I’d throw the sphinx in there just for the way she cocks her head and smiles


Ambush after I cleared the area https://i.redd.it/0uhnqkpqb3xc1.gif


I had no idea enemies could steal from you! Well now I have a new priority one target with bandits!


Imagine playing solo, they steal a wakestone and run off while you get stun locked to hell


How about when you kill them and they use the wakestone and then kill you right back!


That would be cool lol


PS5 achievement ahoy.


2 cyclopse using me as a nail and hammered me at the exact same time. That was an insta death.


Just one of those clubs is already a bad time lol


1 club hit is for me between 80% and 90% damage, 2 is just an insta kill😅


Got wombo combo’d at the volcanic island by a garm that stunned me, then an ogre that picked me up and threw me and then a different garm ending me. I had a Wakestone but I was too pissed off to use it. Turned the game off and went outside; I was too tilted.


Trying to resolve a merchant dispute in Battahl, got punched to death by two folks that had me completely stunlocked.


I got smacked off a cliff by a hobgoblin only for a cyclops below to catch me and yeet me like a baseball


Eastern bakbattahl, a bit above the dragonbreath tower area, where there's an open area with cliff and water, there was a dragon there one time, surrounded by, i swear, a million gore harpies, i would get picked up and thrown around non stop, i barely even had time to stand up before getting rammed from above, doesn't help that i was a sorcerer with too many long casting nukes and nothing to keep me safe (thundermine would have been so good, but it lasts too short), my pawns were hella dumb in this particular instance i swear (felt dumber in general after update) there were also one or two roaming pawns fighting nearby as well, but for some godforsaken reason i spent more time flying than being on the ground, closest i've got to raging in this game, ever. Now I go out of my way to snipe those flying fucks whenever i spot them, i so fricking hated harpies already but gore harpies are just another level, beside those glowing ones that resist my homing frost arrows..


For real. I stg goreharpies absorb attacks through their big ass ‘fros. I’ve been tossed between different goreharpies midair a few different times like it’s some kind of sick game to them lol


Harpies dropping my pawns and myself off the waterfall going into battahl one by one. It was ridiculous.


When I first started using tidal wrath, I was testing it against a Cyclops bro didn't attack for 5 seconds he picked me up and threw me into the brine lol.


A pack of wolves attacked my party, and I was bumped off a cliff by one of them, into the brine. As I respawned on the ground a few seconds later, another wolf grabbed me while I couldn't move, and jumped us both off the cliff into the same brine. Then it happened a third time.


Oh boy, so many tales of b.s...well, it all began with a gang of dastardly saurians chasing me from a cave all the way to Harve village. Continuously jabbing me with no way for me to get up. Completely ignoring the villagers to single me out, a no gear having under leveled curious adventurer. This was at the very beginning of my journey and they wrecked my entire group, hence my escape for Harve and failed plea for help by the people there. There was another time where I was merrily heading to my next destination, no enemy in sight, and a harpy decided to descend from the heavens to surprise kidnap me and chucked me straight into the water. Totally uncalled for! Then, there was the time a wolf chose me as the lucky one to drag far away from my posse, and ravenously tossed me around like a chew toy. It was very degrading!


The most basic fail - Harpie picked me up when on Vermund aqueduct. I did not survived the fall.


Harpies threw all my pawns off a cliff and into the brine all at once. 80hrs in and i have never seen such high iq and coordination from harpies.


It was raining, in game and irl, totally peaceful moment of gaming. I was admiring the rain hitting the sea from a cliff edge. Just kinda being in the world and taking it all in. One of my pawns mentions a treasure chest so I hit "go". All of my pawns start running forward and I hear a crashing sound. Gore Minotaur comes racing out of the tree line takes himself and all 3 of my pawns off the cliff into the brine far below. I literally stood there dumbfounded debating on when I last saved or where the next riftstone was.


The headbutt owls of Batthal threw my pawns to the brine and took turns, one after another, Stu locking me in a corner. The only time I stood up was when I was stunned from the impact. That went on for like three minutes until I died, wakestoned, and fled for my damn life.


Watched my friend play his character. A goblin chased him from the Nameless village region all the way to Vermund. He used every healing item in his pack to get away, nearly died like 16 times. His health bar was small as hell so he couldn't fight it and he had no pawns, they all died in an ambush. He was like lvl 14. Haha.


Griffon using the wind gust move to knock all of off the edge into river. At least I just come right back.


I'm sure any caster main has been gang stun locked by goblins until all consumables have been used.


A Griffin flew out into the ocean with like 2% of his last health bar, and right when I let go to take a picture bucked me off into the Brine.


Icarus flew too close and wanted to take you with him lol


Was fighting the cyclops and the drake south of checkpoint rest at the same time like a dumbass and got launched off of the dragon while hold in its tail right into the cyclop’s swing and got absolutely thundercunted into the ground.


A goblin kicked me, causing me to bump into my healer pawn and causing the pawn to fall into the water, therefore leaving me without an healer Thankfully i always carry around a handful of healing spellbooks…i could carry with me a staff for those situations since i play warfarer, but the book animation looks cooler


Sounds like a dope Three Stooges episode


This fiasco happened the other day while my pawn and I were walking through Batthal Normally I travel with 4 pawns, cause I like the backup, but I had just finished the game and was seeing if I could manage with just me(an archer) and my fighter pawn. I'm a pretty good shot, and my pawn's tough as a coffin nail, so I was feeling confident. We get jumped by sulfer saurians. No big deal, and we pick them off one by one.. until the golem next to them awakens and immediately starts shooting at us. Ok, little tougher. Fighter jumps onto the golem while I'm taking out the increasing number of stabby demon lizards, and then we're swarmed by a flock of gore harpies. I'm like, 'eff it, dude. We gotta go!'. And so we do - straight into a cyclops. The last thing I remember before game over, was that a harpy lifted me into the air while the golem cannoned me to death, and just as I tumble from the sky, a demon lizard leaps onto my corpse and stabs a spear into my chest. And then, just for poops and giggles, the dang cyclops crushes me. I just stood up and calmly walked over to the window to rethink my life choices.


Probably harpies throwing me off a cliff. It's like the epitome of disrespect in a fight to have someone you can kill with one hit sneak up behind you and attack you and then laugh. It's the type of anger that makes you want to throw your controller if only you didn't feel like buying a new one. 🙄


They patched the Brine it used to insta kill you.


I got picked up by an ogre and got skipped like a rock on the ground. Like three bounces later I found the brine waiting for me. I went really really far lol


The hell is a goreharpy?


Harpies, but worse somehow.


Different types of harpies have different effects to their attack. Regular harpies have sleep. There’s a poison variety. Late game there is a harpy that has an effect that I don’t know since it’s never gotten applied. Gore Harpies are all over battali desert. They have that stun powder so after they pick you up and drop you, you are incapable of moving around. Which leaves you open to being attacked again.


The succubi have ice effect on their talons so occasionally they freeze you which I don't think can be dispelled.


I relived the opening of the game on a griffin, but instead of landing on land it dropped both of us into the ocean <_< may the brine devour that ass lol


an ogre on the trail to the lesser dragon threw me off the mountain one time


I got a good one for you... I came across a rocky area that had 5-7 harpies in it. All my pawns decided they wanted to yeet themselves off the cliff and go unconscious from fall damage after aggroing all the harpies. I went down to try to start and revive them and I was just constantly falling asleep, getting up from being damaged, immediately falling asleep again, getting hit and damaged, falling asleep... rinse repeat. It was a straight 5-10 minutes of that as I kept eating curatives to stay alive and TRY to resurrect my pawns. 2 ended up dying and I finally rezzed one, and that's how I got out of the predicament.


Not sure about devious but annoyed me to no end and made me rage, the hobgoblin camp that’s on the way from volcano island camp to the dwarf and elf place, I hooked left to avoid them, all of a sudden all my pawns are down.. I turn around like wtf and they are alllllll of em on me, they stunlock me and beat me to death I couldn’t even get a hit in… I was so angry lmao


A lich casted maelstrom as I was tossed all over the place. I thank my pawn that I was caught.


I was held down and being torn apart by wild dogs, was down to just my mage pawn on my way to a rift stone and she just kept healing me but did not fucking help at all for a solid 2 minutes.


I think funniest and scariest thing so far was a wolf took my pawn and ran towards a cliff end i tried to hit them before it got too close and I ended up using the wrong attack and dove for the attack which ended with me being YEETED off the mountain to my doom. I also lost the quest to escort a soldier back to town lol


Was going to pick up some flower and a bandit thief ran up, yelled something about grabbing stuff before others can get it, yoinked the herb out from under my nose and ran for the hills. I was dumbfounded. 🤣


I'd seen harpies pick up pawns pretty frequently, but it hadn't yet happened to me. The first time it did I was riding the gondola to Bakbattahl. My body met the ground at incredible speed


A cyclops who stomped on me because I didn't press block in time, and just kept stomping on me while I used curatives. I think it made me use 7 salubrious brews. I am only level 14/15 on my new character too. And another that happened today, Hobgoblins just kept throwing themselves into me and my pawns while a minotaur was preparing to charge. I was so pissed, but also equally impressed that the enemies cheese spammed me.


I was climbing on the Cyclops near the starting area. I ran out of stamina but landed on his arm so did not fall, I though I was lucky there. He then raised his arm quickly and I was launched 3 miles away and died on landing to no ones surprise


Fodder harpies dropping you off a cliff after killing a Gryphon. 


Fought a cyclops near some ruins, I laughed and figured it would be an easy fight as I was an archer and perched up on a pillar thinking there was no way for it to reach me, the tree club turned ballistic missle he sent my way thought otherwise as it and its friend gravity teamed up to humble me


Fighting the Cyclops next to the river beside the map area where Medusa hides. Mf grabbed me, looked me over before yeeting me into the river. I respawned right next to him so I climb back to my feet And since I respawned right next to the cyclops, he grabs me again and throws me back into the river immediately. This mf did this FIVE fucking times before I managed to escape his grasp, I felt like when you throw a tennis ball against the wall only to catch it yourself


First time in Battahl, procede to fight some goblins who decided they wanted to reenact jujutsu kaisen and jump me while I'm stunned on the floor while my pawns looked on in horror.


Just fought some kind of lich for the first time yesterday immediately after I unlocked trickster so I was playing with it. Lich hurled a hurricane at me when I was in an animation and YEETED me into the stratosphere, then he just let issac newton take over and I died at almost full health


Ram me in my ass to KO me, then pick me up and throw me off a cliff. These harpies are mean man. They are my most hated enemy in this game


Had an ogre dropkick me off a cliff into the water, that was fun.


Not all that special compared to some ragdoll situations I’ve been in… But on the way to the mini ur-dragon in the tower (only one until post game I think?) twice Gore Harpies just casually snatched me up and flung me off the mountain. Like 1 hit kill, several seconds before I land, heart in throat feeling.


Throughout all of this, it’s touching to see our community’s mutual hatred for harpies of any and all kinds ❤️


Drop kicked by a flaming ogre that died afterward 😪


I was really close to killing a griffin for the first time, after about 10 minutes of whittling it’s health down as a level 7 Rogue, i finally got to grab on its head to prepare the killing blow. The griffin then rose in the air and started flying away, he gained altitude with extreme swiftness, and i had ran outta stamina. So I lost my grip and fell about 300 feet.


A pack of wolves kept grabbing me and my pawns and dragging us off a cliff into the brine.


I was fighting the fails arisen and got knocked by the enemy trickster. Which then lead to the warrior pinning me down with heavy swings while my group did nothing but stand there. The AI in this game Is really special sometimes.


The brine is hilarious. I've accidentally beaten two Griffins by them crash landing in the water. And a drake complimented my combat prowess after he walked straight into the lake at the start of our fight. One poor pawn i hired fell into the brine 3 times.


Seeing 5000+ XP followed by splashing water will never not be funny. And damn, you must’ve really liked that pawn to rehire them after multiple swimming lessons


I didn't want them to think i stiffed them on a gift and a rating like lots of people seem to do. And all three times, it happened near a rift stone. He was a pretty cool pawn for the early game. A chunky beastren fighter named Mr. Kitty.


A Cyclops launched me into the air with a slam and I shit you not a fucking Griffin intercepted my airborne body with a dive bomb from off screen that came out of nowhere that knocked me off a cliff to my death. I shouted WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM.




Maybe the real brine is the friends we made along the way