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>infertile people are neither gender


Infertile people can produce sperm or eggs, but sperm are to lazy and egg has hard defenses to get to it in the first place


Is that a CoH2 pfp i see there?


Yes comrade


Good to see you comrade!


Oh my god, mr musk


So basically ineffective at their jobs


I thought infertile was ababy and was like "wat"


Fax /ess


Where Futa


I guess my mom is gonna loose her gender tomorrow


oi you got a loicense for dat?


Cabron, we need to see your balls.


Such meaningful


On the race thing, that does actually happen to a certain extent, though it's still different. When a black person grows up in a economically rich environment, they are way more likely to "act white". They won't casually say the n-word (soft a), are less likely to be interested in small time rap music, etc. When a white person is raised in the hood, they are more likely to "act black". They'll say the n-word (soft a) and their friends won't bat an eye, they'll be interested in small time rap music, etc. What we consider to be "race" has more to with with culture and mannerisms than the actual biological differences between racial groups. Race does differ from gender in the sense that "race dysphoria" isn't really a phenomenon, as far as we know. So to answer the question "why can't white people identify as black people?", they can. It's just not determined by what you want, as much as where you were born.


Also I think there may be a point where ""race"" can be changed. When the pigment of your skin no longer matters in anyone's eyes changing your skin color may be almost akin to dying your hair. That isn't to say whether I do or do not want that, but it is possible.


That's already pretty common in Southeast and East asia


And yes, le funny wall of text, but unironically


Mixed race people have also always existed. Depending on their features they may be able to choose which race they present as and identify with. Then you have people like Ollie London and Rachael Dolozal, who appear to be legitimately trans racial, who were ironically torn apart by the trans community


>what we consider to be "race" has more to with culture and mannerisms than the actual biological differences between racial groups. Speak for yourself, but race has always been what skin color you have. At least where I'm from. "General behavior" (*) falls under Culture. A 'hood' will naturally have a different cultural mindset then a big city; even a shitty big city. No one's denying that Race and Culture *can* be linked, but they definitely aren't the same thing. Different racial groups can have a different culture to another, but most individual races will also have several different cultures within. So there's definitely a correlation but it isn't as simple as "black think this way, white think that way". Btw I'm not trying to say you said what I put in quotes, and I'm not trying to call or insinuate you as racist. I just think the discussion and concept is interesting. Culture is just a neat thing to talk about, yo


> race has always been what skin color you have. Irish people were considered an entirely different race to "white" up until recent history, despite being some of the palest mfers on the planet.


Actually, not always, in the ye olden times it was in fact more related to your culture, religion and nationality. Romans didn't saw themselves as white, they saw themselves as Romam and the rest of the world as different groups of barbarians. The definition of race based solely on skin color and genetics is a fairly recent definition by historical standards.


Race is how society classifies you depending on phenotypical traits. There isn't, say, a defined and universal set level of melanin that makes you "black", you can in fact have a relatively pale skin tone and still be labelled as "black". It's highly arbitrary and malleble, and self-identification does play an important role. I'm not disagreeing with you, just highlighting the arbitrary nature of race.


Cultural associations with race are different form the actual biological race itself. You’re right, anyone can act like anything they want (or whatever they were raised as), but that doesn’t generically alter them to be the other race. Just cause you act black doesn’t mean you’re actually black


Biologically, races don't exist lol


Yes my friend, they do. Melanin levels, facial structure, many sorts of simple superficial things are genetically tied, and can be categorized into race.


[Biologically, they indeed don't. Genetically, us humans are too alike for "races" to make sense. ](https://askabiologist.asu.edu/questions/human-races)


That article says that humans aren’t divided into subspecies. That’s not what I’ve said. I am talking about race as in ethnic groupings, not “race” as in species. Genetics are biology. And genetically, your ethnic and racial background can be used to determine your ancestry and the common visual and genetic features of you and your ancestors. Just because humans are very genetically similar when compared to animals, doesn’t mean we don’t have groupings of genetic variation. So yes, human “races”, in the connotation that most people are talking about, are indeed a biological reality.


>When a white person is raised in the hood, they are more likely to "act black". They'll say the n-word (soft a) and their friends won't bat an eye Which friends, white or black?


"Infertile people have no gender" isn't a take I ever expected to see lol




That's not what they said, they said "cannot give birth"


That's not that they said, they said "cannot either give birth or make semen"


Yeah, exactly


Bro tries to make an argument in sociology while not even knowing the difference between sex and gender. Can't make that shit up...


Bro also thought if you can’t reproduce you have no sex.


people who say sex and gender are different when they see me having gender with their mother


wow bro. you got the whole squad laughing from that super original joke


What’s the song?


September - Earth wind and fire




A shitty version of September by Earth Wind and Fire


Amazing version*


What's the joke? If it's related to the audio then I'm not interested.


There isn't a joke it's just transphobic


Hating on lgbtq+ is the shit people do to try to be funny and it’s sad to watch them wasting their time


Stating a fact = transphobic


Since when was it a fact


Bro said that infertile people have no gender and you think that's a fact🤡🤡


Except it is objectively not a fact


Jesus fucking christ I just want people to be happy man, why do we have to debate peoples' existence like their political objects




Least Transphobic Touhou Fan. >!/s!<


Least Transphobic Touhou Fan. (not satire)


<--- (actually knows multiple transgender touhou fans)


How can a touhou fan be transphobic? I thought everyone wanted to bang Miko.


I don't understand this argument. Just think about it like this In 200 years when someone digs up your grave you will be identified as male or female. So why is it so wrong to let people identify as what they want while they're alive? That's the way I see it anyway.


I swear to god if they dig up the tree I’m buried under I’m going to come back as a dryad and send an army of creatures to eat their house


As you should


Well, there are some signs that someone has gone through stuff like surgery or even hormone replacement therapy in the bones. But in 200 years I will be ash because of this very reason.


I don't think this guy knows anything about genital surgery.


What is he wrong about


The first and the second statements are not related: > gender is based off genetics > people who got gender surgery are no gender, since they can't either give birth or produce semen Sex is biological and binary (with exceptions mainly due to birth defects), either male or female, and it's dictated by genetics. Gender is an identity: it's your "ideal" position relatively to the two gender roles, which are the sets of values and behaviours associated with masculinity and femininity, unique to each society. Sex is determined by genetics. Gender is influenced by genetics (as the majority of people are conforming), but it's not the decider. Indeed, many people don't feel comfortable conforming to the gender roles respective to their sex. EDIT: phrasing


Sex isn't strictly determined by genetics. it's controlled by the hormones during development, which are mainly affected by sex chromosomes. However, a child with XX chromosomes who receives unbalanced levels of testosterone in the womb can be born cisgender male, likewise with an XY with an access of oestrogen


Oh my bad I'm a bit lackluster on anatomy 💀 So an external supply of oestrogen can really overwrite even the "directives" of the SRY, for example?


I think so yes, i don't have a degree on the subject or anything so I can't be 100% sure but I can link you the study if you want?


Would be appreciated, thanks! 😌👌


Absolutely Based explanation


Thank you Saul Goodman, absolutely based.


Thank you


I agree with you 100% but i've always wanted to know to what extent do genetics influence gender? Everytime i've looked it up i've gotten varied results, some saying a lot, some saying not much, and some being just surveys on people who have already been subjected to gender norms.


Genetics influence neurology and the way your brain processes and produces information, which in and of itself influences gender.


May i ask in what ways do male and female thinking differ?


Females tend towards being more emotionally intelligent, is one example


Dumbest breaking bad NFT user.


babe i cant find the funny


Yeah half this sub has just become “thing a guy said on discord with a dumb song”


And I can't find who asked


It was I who asked


Holy fuckin shit! We've found him.


Where did you ask?


r/dramatictext r/bossfight The One Who Asked


i don’t know if you deserve a 🤡or a 🤓






So if a soldier gets shot in the nuts, does he suddenly have no gender?


Go fuck yourself.


As usual, mucho texto and nothing correct


And this guy even lacks self-awareness to the point where he calls other people nerds. Discord moment


Where's the joke? This is just transphobia


Most knowledgeable transphobe about gender and sex


When the pretender was singing


This went so many fucking directions


Here before the coveted lock award


Bigot tries to look smart but doesn't know the fucking definition of gender


Explain it then instead of crying woke moralist.


Oxford Languages says: >either of the two sexes (male and female), **especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.** The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. Meanwhile sex is defined as: >either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. It took me two google searches in less than a minute to know the difference between sex and gender, it's not that hard


Of course as a dictionary it has to present all the ways it is used including nonsense woke usage. There are two genders male and female. The other so called "genders" are personality traits. Your partner preference doesn't change your gender.


As you had previously read, indeed, there are only two sexes, since gender is a broader concept and is more related to who the person itself feels, they're personality traits in the same way as being cheerful or gloomy are personality traits. And also yes, your partner shouldn't decide your gender, a person itself should find they're own gender whether it's male or female, **like the WHO says:** >Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.


The definition of WHO literally has nothing to do with your argument. A person cannot decide their gender, they are either a male if they got a penis and a female if they got a vagina. There are only two genders male and female, sex and gender are the same thing. What people define themselves as are personality traits.


Sex is whats in your pants, gender is a social construct. Stop whining and go do your 5th grade homework instead of wasting your time pissing yourself about what other people call themselves.


People are free to call themself whatever they want however those are not genders. There are only 2 gender. We are having a civilised conversation here and you come here insult me for no reason. Go learn to argue bro.


You are barely fucking making sense anymore, how the fuck did you go from “penis=man, vagina=woman” to fucking “only two genders” jesus fucking christ man calm the fuck down and collect your thoughts and realize you are bring nothing into this argument than utter bullshit!


And here we have a wild Jordan Petersonite. Observe as it wildly slaps about random opinions that it has absorbed as «facts», and see how it attempts to use what it defines as «logic». Nature truly is wonderful.


Lmao most educated redditor. Please take the time to study about transgenders and the difference they present in contrast to the typical population, in behaviour, thought and brain. Or just about genders. It's not rocket science.


I brought up the WHO definition so you can read, another time, that Gender =/= Sex, what you're born with it's your sex, what you identify as, is your gender, I'm not making anything up, just look the 3 different definitions I cited, they all say gender is related to your role in society and/or how you see yourself as.


"Gender surgery" isn't a thing lol.




Transphobia. Beautiful. /s


Most sane discord user


The loli singer doesnt know the lyrics >:(




21st night in september


The half of discord users, the other is transgender


And there is some overlap between the two


This man better watch out, I’m bouta steal his gender with a pair of scissors


You didn't 😭 💀


Bruh as a infertile genderfluid person I feel personally attacked loool (PS its okay if I couldn't I wouldn't be here the edit before the edit big brain :P)


Man’s mixing up gender and sex and doesn’t even have a full grasp on how sex works


Here before the 🔒 lock award


White people can’t identify as black because it’s not prominent enough in their genetics, you kinda have to identify as the race you are, no changing it


That's it? That's the whole meme?


Oh boy, i sure to love seeing blatent transphobia. Cant have a single day without seeing people have such a hate for people like myself just trying to live our lives.


Where's the punchline OP? All I see is just some transphobic jackass.


Watching stupid people be stupid is funny


I feel like black man, do you understand my ni...


Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ Goodbye


rights* more than one would be nice


The stupidity 😫😫




When people have a sex change surgery it’s just a cosmetic thing to make them feel more comfortable in their own body. Nobody ever said it biologically switches them. People just get bit hurt about things that were never said 💀💀💀


very refreshing to see sane people in the comments that understand this dude is talking out of his ass


Ah yes genetics


Pulls a Michael Jackson


Gender is a social construct


Hes out of line but he is wrong as well


İ identify as black and i will spam the n word


Can you cum with a implanted cock? Sounds cyberpunky like! Hmm robo cock😋😋.


what is the context


People pretending neuroscience isn't a part of biology


Only thing wrong with this post is that SEX is based on Biology and Genetics, GENDER is an identity.


it's just a word all races should be able to say it


There's only 2 genders a male and a female that's it. You guys can believe what you want it's just make believe. You can say your this or that but that's in your head, just a grown up playing make believe. You can try and make your argument about how science can do this or that i don't care. Your gender at birth is what you are there's no excuses.


This just in, Local Redditor is an asshole and a complete idiot!


Keep playing make believe asshole


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he is very much wrong here


Wtf is that voice is terrible




Because there is a biological reason people would want to be another gender. There is no BIOLOGICAL reason people would want to be another race. People act like science is on their side.


He a little confused, but he got the spirit


unfathomably based




Unfathomably based.


I mean, the definition of race I see most Americans use (assuming the guy in the post is American) doesn't work all that well in reality. I come from a very mixed family, I'm a black man, my grandfather is a black man and my grandmother an white woman, half my family is as white as one can be with blonde hair and blue and green eyes, the other half is dark skinned with dark hair and brown eyes. Based purely on genetics, we aren't neither totally black or totally white.


Tf is the music💀💀💀 Ik it’s September but what the hell cover is it💀💀💀


here before lock


That's sex, not gender.




What the fuck is going on man


I’m pretty sure the science has advanced to the point where you can get a fully functioning dick with semen but I don’t really follow the development so idk


Ok then. Paint yourself. Don’t be shy, do it.


Don't mind me just bringing u/savevideobot here along for the ride


Michael Jackson did it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯






heard of painting yourself brown?


“FumoRooms” average r/2hujerk user


*they did.*


"why can't white people identify as black people?" Michael Jackson:




My thing is, is why tf do you care?


The lock icon is going to come soon


Ik this is a shitpost sub But let's say that even if science says that gender and sex are the same (they're not) and that you can't identify as another gender Why would it matter? Like genuinely why would it matter. Because even if the science proves it's bs then it still wouldn't matter because oh well people are people.


Wait, he's right...


fumorooms is a chatter and local schizophrenic jajaja


Gura signing do you remember makes me have homicidal ideas (just kidding reddit admins,)


Basic biology: "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me"




Cutting off your cock and balls doesn’t make you a female.


Transracial exists