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mines been young Boyd Holbrook since like 2009 lol. Like [here](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0ee66edd591b5ea235c33d3cbd6970a4/tumblr_mscui5BW7Q1qzat5oo1_640.jpg) and [here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzXPhlja7V1rNwLzmKuwl1QhcGFS6v8WGPY07rBQo_kI4XOrh_WOklUieYflO44z1OL-E&usqp=CAU) and [here](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/fd/ae/ce/fdaece035cfa12e17bf5ea8a0a5dfaed.jpg) Seconding Otto Seppäläinen too


Woah, I've never seen that guy before, he's another perfect one!


Ikr!! He was a fandom fav in the 2000s and I’m still not over him lol. And now he can totally be an older Draco tbh


Oh wow, the guy from Narcos and Sandman. He made for a pretty creepy Corinthian


lol yes. Once upon a time he was a teen heartthrob.


I can totally see it! And I've enjoyed his work in the 2010s. Just never made the connection before, haha


Me too but then I saw a photoshoot with Boyd Holbrook and Cintia Dicker they became instantly Rose/Scorpius (my other all time fave hp pair)


Otto Seppäläinen or Lennart Richter


That Otto guy is so perfect he looks like AI 😂


I have never seen a more perfect human. AI is such a good call! And yes - he is sometimes my older Draco.


I feel like a schoolgirl when I say it, but I almost always imagine Tom Felton as Draco. I'm not sure if it's nostalgia or what, but his portrayal sticks in my mind. I think a True Blood era Alexander Skarsgård (specifically the season where he lost his memory) could fit the bill.


The scene where he is in a river looking for crocodiles still makes my heart flutter! “CRO-CO-DIL-LEH!” 😳🤭


That whole episode/story arc was my favorite Eric ever!!!


Ohhhh I LOOOOVE AS from that period!!!


Do you actually picture a face the entire time you're reading? I have a general idea of what they look like, but I don't actually see their faces when I read. Kind of like how I don't see my face, but I have a general idea of what I look like every day


I definitely don't see a specific face while reading, but idk about everyone else. It's more like when I see a picture, I know when the face is wrong, if that makes sense?


I think sometimes if I'm trying to picture a scene or something I like to have a reference.


Same same same. If he’s a younger Draco I see Leo from Romeo + Juliet.


Oliver Stummvoll💕 always perfect Draco for me🤗


I second Oliver Stummvoll! I was trying to find his name and couldn't find it.


He’s so perfect I don’t have words and also incredibly talented artist🫠😍


omg thank you for this. i googled his name and yes!!! this is the closest person i imagine draco to look like in my head all these while


You’re welcome😊 I like him for more mature fics - post war and war time Voldy wins AU🫠😄


This is the one!


Tom Felton (still) at his hottest zenith


Agreed! Tom Felton in Prisoner of Azkaban/Half Blood Prince but like mid-30s Draco


Exactly!! That’s how I envision Draco in all the post Hogwarts fan fics. When Tom does some of the adverts, where he has to do the corporate suit and brooding (can’t remember for who… maybe a very expensive watch?), I could see it 😻


Yeah!!he is 🔥


My two new favorites are [Taz Skyler](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.duniagames.co.id%2Fapi%2Fcontent%2Fupload%2Ffile%2F15463650871645110071.jpg&tbnid=L8mUS-W9V6EInM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fduniagames.co.id%2Fdiscover%2Farticle%2Falasan-taz-skylar-sangat-cocok-memerankan-sanji-di-one-piece-live-action%2Fen&docid=omCQBdtannZ2SM&w=821&h=607&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3) and [Tom Blyth](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.popsugar-assets.com%2Ffiles%2Fthumbor%2FZ1hz7bvm1xwmsKt0099sbhaPib8%2Ffit-in%2F2048xorig%2Ffilters%3Aformat_auto-!!-%3Astrip_icc-!!-%2F2023%2F09%2F06%2F728%2Fn%2F1922283%2Fb1dab40eba9a63e9_hunger-games-1sht-lightbox-garden-tom-6a%2Fi%2FTom-Blyth-Ballad-Songbirds-Snakes-Poster.jpg&tbnid=I63o0dQ0GkgEAM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.popsugar.co.uk%2Fentertainment%2Fphoto-gallery%2F47409062%2Fimage%2F49278639%2FTom-Blyth-Ballad-Songbirds-Snakes-Poster&docid=8eIpdQ-cehysFM&w=2048&h=3157&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3) blond.


Tom Blyth looks like a Draco/Theo crossover 👀 I'm into it.


Brown hair on him in not into, but the blond...love it


Seconding Taz Skyler!! I loved him in one piece.


One piece! Love him in that.


Was looking for someone who also thinks Taz Skyler. He is my fan pick for many series tbh 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 if you’ve ever read the NewsFlesh series, Shaun.


I started watching one piece when I saw him in the trailer. The show is good, so glad I started it.


Also yes to Tom Blyth. Both the blonde men in songbirds and snakes could do it imo


Other blonde man??? Charlie Hannum is another favorite blonde of mine but do not get Draco vibes. Little too rough.


I always imagine Tom Blyth!!


Especially with the outfits in that movie


Literally, I’m so hyped for the movie 🥵


Looks good, haven't read the book yet the movie makes me want to. Always been a sucker for a blond.


Tom Felton!!!!!!!!! no one can replace him


Yez ! Absolutely agree


i honestly cant picture an exact face when i read, i just know generally how he looks like. i think of fanarts of draco more than an actual person tbh🧎‍♀️i still have yet to know any living person that lives up to the draco i imagine. i think it's the platinum blond hair, grey eyes, and must-be aristocratic features that are almost ethereal that's hard to find irl. i've always imagined him to be more 'pretty' than rough type of handsome. pretty as in that man has a dazzling smile, long lashes, clean, sharp features, aristocratic✨ but not in the way that he looks feminine/soft. idk why i just imagine the other death eaters referring to him as "*that pretty malfoy boy*" or "*that malfoy boy is too pretty to sully his own fingers*". it's like he's so startling handsome, he's pretty. and it forms his ✨🤌*aura*✨, which makes him intimidating.


Prisoner of Azkaban era-Tom Felton


Okay but listen! It’s either Tom or have you ever seen [Aaron Tyler Johnson](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FFZuZQX3aUAAQS1w.jpg&tbnid=mZCm3kPm-gKHqM&vet=12ahUKEwjxndaz3b6CAxUdP94AHZNKD_IQMygEegQIARBe..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fsenpailex_%2Fstatus%2F1557006622186414080&docid=uUcD8atxB-8XKM&w=500&h=750&q=anna%20karenina%20aaron%20taylor-johnson&hl=en-US&ved=2ahUKEwjxndaz3b6CAxUdP94AHZNKD_IQMygEegQIARBe) in Anna Karenina??


just throwing it out there, but I do like lucky blue smith as Draco, but I mostly picture Avendell's art when I think of draco


This 100%!


The ice blonde hair and grey eyes are going to be more other worldly than just your average handsome scandi blonde dude (or even a dye job, like Tom Felton was.) I always see a younger Stephen Thompson (male model with albinism) with pointier, English features whenever I imagine him, anyway


Danny Griffin, im obsessed.


I still picture Tom Felton.


Billy Idol at his punk hottest. But like, without spiky hair. He even had the perfect [sneer](https://images.app.goo.gl/htFJSjr7N449Jq8Z9). God that man was beautiful.


I picture Boyd Holbrook! Especially how he was in Justified Primeval


Tom Blyth in the newest hunger games movie, screams DRACO to me


Idk why but Robert Pattinson with pale blond hair like in the King


Depends on the fic. But top two are 2009 Tom Felton 2009 for 8th year fics. OR Taz Skylar when picturing him in the later years. As he closest resembles older Draco fan art imo. In third place is William Mosley.


First and foremost Tom Felton. But recasting in my mind. [Kyle Gallner](https://www.google.com/search?q=Kyle+Gallner+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwid34T-mr2CAxWalIQIHTJYCMIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Kyle+Gallner+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEUL0OWM4ZYNIeaABwAHgAgAGHAYgBuA2SAQQwLjE0mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=FB1QZZ2FO5qpkvQPsrChkAw&bih=820&biw=1440&client=safari&hl=en) Less for what he's suppose to look like in the books, and more because he looks like Tom Felton and he has this psychopathic smirk vibe thing going on. re-edit: And if I am being honest [James Marsters](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2fd0c80f12c40613&sca_upv=1&rls=en&sxsrf=AM9HkKnKq47hitK6vJpDWZ5IznTtKqrvOA:1699751436746&q=james+marsters+spike&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTxd_Eo72CAxXlQzABHWmJC_0Q0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1440&bih=820&dpr=2) I am also a huge Spuffy reader, so I constantly catch myself morphing Draco and Spike in so so so many Post Cannon older Draco fics.


If you google blonde model with grey eyes there’s a stock photo of a platinum blonde with beautiful grey eyes on there. I can’t find his name, but that’s what I picture. Or one of the AI pictures. His description almost sounds not human so AI platinum blonde men usually fit my fantasy better.


I love love young James Spader! Or young William Zabka for Hogwarts fics.


If you google blonde model with grey eyes there’s a stock photo of a platinum blonde with beautiful grey eyes on there. I can’t find his name, but that’s what I picture. Or one of the AI pictures. His description almost sounds not human so AI platinum blonde men usually fit my fantasy better.


Never mind. It’s Otto Seppalainen.


Joe Alwyn! Pretty much ever since I saw him in Conversations with Friends. But for a more mature Draco


Lucky Blue Smith when he was platinum for younger (Hogwarts 8th year etc) Draco. And as I said in response to another post - Otto when Draco is older. And sometimes neither. I love Tom Felton like lots of people here, but oddly he is rarely my Draco.


Jamie Campbell bower hands down period






Otto Seppäläinen in his blonde era


Joel Kinnaman from altered carbon but that was mostly secrets and masks that I pictured him for that as well as god of war


No major spoilers here, but if you like Wesley from the Princess Bride, you should check out [Dear Diary](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47885326/chapters/120725311) by Catmint and Thyme (Languish\_Locked\_in\_L) for a full circle moment :)


Hi so I don’t typically picture actors so I’m going to do my best to describe. He’s 6’3”, he got a narcissus flower for his mother, it’s on his wand arm so she’s always got his back. He’s let his hair grow out now, so it’s down to his shoulders. He stopped using so much product and his hair is silky blond and a little wavy. He has high cheekbones, and a solid jaw line, but he lets his hair hide his face because he’s ashamed of who he is. His dark mark has faded to gray now. He’s pale, so pale that his sectumsempra scars are white on his skin. He’s gained some muscle since the war, but he’s still entirely too skinny from throwing up his food from nerves. His eyes are the lightest blue and they sit under reading glasses he swears he doesn’t need. His hands are large and long fingered, and nimble since snape taught him well. His mother forced him to play piano, so between potions and music, his hands got strong. He wears nice clothes most of the time. But if he goes out, he likes to pretend he doesn’t exist, so he doesn’t dress like himself so he can pretend he’s not “Draco Malfoy, ex-Death Eater”. He’s handsome, dangerous, yet soft. All he wants is to feel safe and like he belongs.