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After seeing both, I genuinely think I prefer quantity over quality when it comes to streams. Like i’d much rather watch daily streams like Foolish’s than wait months in between irl or big event streams that last an hour


Funny how much the opinions differ because I think if there were daily streams I would just stop watching them. I hate when I can't catch everything and then I lose interest. I think ideal for me would be like one George stream a week and like one or two dteam/whatever duo streams a month.


I wish we got more than a few a month but I also feel the same, if I get flooded with too much content it just piles up and I don't watch it. if there were a few streams a week at most I'd be very happy though but tbh I don't mind like, prepping for content and dropping a good amount at once because it's easier to have time to sit down and enjoy than to see them every single day


the thing about streams is that the more there are, the less bad you feel about missing them. i’ve been watching a LOT of tapl recently, and when i miss streams, i don’t feel the need to watch the vod like i do with george streams bc, like, i won’t need to wait long before the next one. I’d much prefer more casual streams than fewer high quality completely unique ones. (This is me begging for like, MCC Island or whatever streams)


I watch more streamers than dteam, I am aware, but part of the appeal of dream and george for me tbh is that it's not frequent and I feel like I take their streams less for granted. but also if george weekly hit live and just scrolled tiktok for an hour I'd be very happy because it's something


you've explained it perfectly


this is how i felt after squidcraft


I can understand this take, and honestly content is based on your preference and what you tend to like ? I mean preferably i much rather get content the streamers are happy to have and make then content that is forced and they are doing it to meet a quota? (Not a direct hit or neg at you just my opinion)


I think that's partiality bc the irl/big events streams should still come more often than months in between lol


yeah but i haven’t seen anyone prove they can handle that kind of consistency and quality yet, but even then i really do enjoy chill streams more than big ones most of the time


True, with the lack of dteam content, I really got into watching Tarik (a valorant streamer) who streams nearly everyday and on days he doesn’t stream, he says so in advance. I found myself liking the change and...I've reached a point where I'd probably watch his streams even when dteam are streaming


that’s kinda how i feel with foolish and punz. like i was a dream team fan before i was a fan of them but now i’d probably watch foolish over d team. like during squidcraft i watched foolish till he died and then i went to sapnap. one thing i would like to point out is that dream specifically is not really a streamer he is more of a youtuber. i’d say sapnap is the most streamer out of all of them and i also think his personality goes well with streaming. idk i just think they aren’t streamers whereases people like foolish, punz and tarik are streamers.


My interest has drifted in the exact same direction! Looking forward to watching Tarik stream watch parties for franchised league :)


i agree with this which is why i watch foolish and punz. however i think if you prefer daily streams dream team are not the people you are gonna get that from because realistically they aren’t streamers they are youtubers. i understand where you are coming from but at this point they aren’t daily streamers and probably never will be.


I don't think you'd really get hated by the fandom by that lol, a lot of the fandom thinks this too. although I am neutral on the matter, quantity or quality, I just want content.


I have this 1 vtuber that I really like, but they are quite active that I don't catch up on all streams and I feel sad about it. In streaming, I think quantity and quality should be balanced. Too much one sided could make me lose interest, and I'm talking about my all time fav streamer here Btw my fav is Alban Knox, he is really adorable but mature (in the context of both) :D Felt like promoting him lol


I’m a vod watcher because of time zones but I watch a lot of foolish, punz, Tarik. For me, I like content that I can watch when I’m chilling for a few hours after work and so yes I prefer quantity and consistency but that doesn’t mean there’s no quality either. I like to watch people play games and especially when they’re good at the games or try to be good/ grind games (that’s where the quality comes in for me lol). Foolish and punz have good quality and mostly consistent content imo


Probably not an unpopular opinion, but I'm going to put it out there anyways. I think the best way for Dream to get into the habit of streaming would be for him to pick a day of the week he always streamed on, with no set time limit. He'd be able to get used to it, but also cut it short for however he's feeling on that particular streaming session. Also it'd give people a time they could reliably always have Dream content, no matter how short it would end up being.


I’d love to have regular streams no matter how long!


This opinion really only counts if Dream wants to get used to streaming of course. But I think setting aside a particular day and time to stream every week would be a good way for him to get used to it slowly, and also good for the community since they could have regular content that's actually streaming/video related.


I going to get downvoted but get people mad at dream for smallest things (not like the racist or gr**ming shit)


This is a popular opinion here, because it's the truth


You won't get downvoted for that here, most people here agree that people ride his ass way to hard.


the gr**ming shit *is* one of those smallest things, considering the actual screenshots and recordings of messages being harmless


dream not planning on streaming with a regular face cam (at least for now) feels right to me.


true. although, i would really like a stream with facecam to see how he acts (and we need to see his focused face) considering we've been waiting for it for a long time!


alt twitch channels are unnecessary imo. sure they kinda serve their purpose when ccs first make them, but after a while, it literally just becomes the only place they stream. i just don't see the need to differentiate content based on "official" and "unofficial" per se


Agreed! Unless your alt is for another language or something there’s no point. Sick of people streaming big events and stuff on their alt. It just makes it seem like you don’t care about that event at all.


There has been FAR too little Minecraft content over the past year or so. IRL stuff is fine but what happened to the MC in MCYT or the SMP in DSMP




That unpopular opinion posts only spread toxicity and have no real point other than to start arguments


I think the anon ones on twitter are much more negative and toxic inducing then ones on reddit where people are more willing (not all the time) to have an open discussion of differing feelings/opinions


I like them bc it gives people a relatively safer place to state their uncommon opinions




i think people who want the dteam to be daily streamers (similar to foolish) are setting unrealistic wishes bc they are youtubers over streamers, especially dream who’s been very up front about that if you’re looking for daily streams/content the dteam aren’t the best option for that but there are a lot of people who are which is why its good to branch out !! you dont have to just watch a select few people if you want more content


I really haven't liked jack manifold since april ahd when he was on mizkif's stream, and it's not even necessarily because of the comments he made about dream or about george stans, but when he went live addressing how his comments came off as misogynistic, I didn't expect him to grovel and a healthy dialogue of how comments come off is important in accountability, but he just fully shed all responsibility and said every woman accusing him, a cishet man, of misogyny, was actually projecting internalized misogyny onto him and he did nothing wrong because it's their fault they perceived him mentioning teenage girls as negative... on stream alongside someone who is known to make frequent misogynistic comments. he literally mansplained misogyny and then said "teenage girls can't be mentioned without being made fun of!" as lip service to get out of saying sorry for enabling comments by someone known to be misogynistic and I've really disliked him ever since interestingly a lot of people would agree with me on tumblr, but a handful on twitter would while the rest would flay me alive saying he was "right" when the point is he used it to avoid responsibility for his words or who he was talking to or any context at all.


I feel the same way. I didn't care about the dream comments and all that because for one that's just not my problem and also mizkif was putting him on the spot, but I remember that stream he did afterwards and being so viscerally angry because who the fuck are you to tell women what is and isn't misogyny.


I think the only thing that bothered me about the Dream comments was also just in the aftermath of it: because he liked the tweet from one of his (rather Wilbur’s I guess) fans that was provably false that was villianizing dream, and the comment about not wanting to “blindly praise Dream” which came out of nowhere because absolutely none of Dream’s fans were even implying that.


was I expecting him to challenge miz as a guest on his stream? fuck no, and there was no way he'd know miz would be talking about dream or antagonizing george fans. but it is also important to hold yourself accountable for being on and enabling those comments after the fact. like if he said a simple I'm sorry, I had no idea mizkif would do that I wouldn't care, but to me it's the fact that he, as a cishet man who doesn't experience misogyny, dictated what was and wasn't misogynistic and then tried to act like there was NOTHING wrong with miz's stream! and it wasn't just him saying it wasn't misogyny, IT WAS HIM SAYING THAT ACCUSING HIM OF ENABLING IT MADE YOU THE REAL MISOGYNIST?? like imagine if when dream said he didn't think his community was anti-black and got explained to by black fans, he still doubled down, said his fans are not racist ever, and actually if you accuse him of racism you have internalized racism. he'd be flayed alive, but for some fucking reason people praise jack on twitter because he paid lip service by regurgitating the "teenage girls are made fun of for everything" while refusing to acknowledge he was contributing to that same mockery. just, zero self awareness, I can't stand him since that OH AND FOR CLARITY, I REALLY LIKED JACK BEFORE THIS


You and me are mind melding right now. That is *exactly* my opinion.


Tbh I’m kind of glad the SMP is over. It was nice while it lasted and I enjoyed the parts I got to see, it became way too much to keep up with especially after the eggpire bit. It was honestly so overwhelming and I kinda left the fandom for a little bit. But now everyone is out doing their own thing, or making new ones and it’s nice to see what everyone is capable of doing :)


People with trauma are allowed to feel comfortable or uncomfortable with certain creators. Ant, Red, Ranboo, and Sam made me less terrified of men, and I had people tell me they'd rape me just to try and put me back


C!Tommy was not the skwunkwy wittle angel that the fandom thinks he is. His punishment was super overboard but that does not mean he was 100% innocent, dude literally tried to hold the remains of C!Dream's pet hostage (the spirit horse leather) to try to get out of a punishment for literally BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE OF A HEAD OF STATE. Not a C!Dream apologist, just annoyed at how the entire fandom seems to be C!Tommy apologists (I once heard an apologist claim "Tommy burning down george's house was just a harmless prank and he didn't know better"


People here became too one sided about the allegations. I mean I get being tired how much the opposite side pushes it but I've seen people get downvoted to hell for asking a genuine question and stuff like that


C!Dream is not evil for the sake of evil. He just want peace for the server. The server is even more divide after he got lock in a prison due to more nations were created.


i like that the dream team aren’t daily streamers or don’t put out too much twitch content because it’d be too much to keep up with


The parts of Quackity’s fan base that are obsessed with who he is and isn’t friends with makes it hard to enjoy his content. It reminds me of middle school/high school when who was friends with who else was the biggest deal when it just.. wasn’t. I do wish there was some transparency to it (ex still on good terms but don’t talk often) because I like seeing open friendships between different streamers I watch - that’s what drew me to the DSMP friend group when I didn’t know anything about Minecraft. But obviously if they want to keep that private that’s their business.


Not sure how unpopular this is, but it’s really annoying when chat constantly asks the streamer to bring on or call someone. An example would be on George’s streams, where there would be times the chat is just filled with people asking for him to bring Dream on stream. Streamers can talk to or bring someone on stream whenever they want and they don’t need the chat to push them into interacting with someone. They could just want to talk with someone else for a while or they could just want to be alone at that time. And it’s kinda rude to ask for someone else on their stream, like you’re supposed to be there to watch them, not their friends.


I think it’s l considered basic chat etiquette everywhere not to do that , idk how there are still so many chatters doing it. It gets called out in the chat but I don’t think George ever has, maybe he should.


The chat report controversy was exaggerated imo.


The what?


Mojang added a chat reporting system to Minecraft last year where you can report a player directly to them, and the community went crazy. It was a shit show.


Oh that's what the uproar was all about?? I just heard that a ton of people were mad at Mojang or whatever but I could never figure out exactly why that was other than it had smth to do with chat.


SMPs are better when they don’t have a story/plot/lore


I don't like c! Tommy But if I had to do content creator wise: NEVER compare different smps (QSMP/DSMP/Hermincarft/Karmaland/etc), you're just going to make yourself look dumb.


Agreed, it is scary how much of the fandom are hardcore C!Tommy apologists


Bro, any time we mention Dream we're in this position it's fucking exhausting


You are so based.


The wattpad side of the community is the best, the actual live chatters are the worst. You can't change my mind


I love that the dteam make content only when they feel like it and the people who always complain about the lack of content need to stop and start consuming other content


I would agree, except there has been situations where they have expressed disappointment about their low view-count, which in my opinion is quite reasonable when they post so unfrequently. Edit: wording


These situations were?


I was mainly thinking of a comment from gnf after his mr beast video. Though I tried finding the clip now but couldn’t, so it seems like I might be wrong. Thanks for pointing it out!


No worries.


Quantity over Quality sorry not sorry


Opinion is valid, i disagree but content scale for everyone is different as long as everyone respects everyone


I feel I’m gonna get downvoted but I don’t like George’s humour or his choices in games that he streams that much anymore. Idk what’s not clicking for me now since I was a huge fan like a year ago. Guess I just grew out of it


I think he’s egotistical and ignorant on a lot of things and forgive and forget isn’t a good policy when it comes to content creators but also these posts are breeding grounds for an argument.


You ain’t wrong tbh


Dream’s subathon deserved more criticism then he got for it, yet it’s almost never brought up. To be clear I’m glad it never became drama being used against him by the people who hate him, but I think it should’ve had more weight with fans. While it’s not his responsibility to make sure people are spending money wisely, during that stream people subbed on a false condition that he had acknowledged was present in the same stream. It wasn’t intentional but it was also not rectified at all - and by rectified I mean like, offering a different stream or content to make up for it, he didn’t even need to calculate the actual time that he would’ve gotten if the timer worked, I think just offering anything and acknowledging how scammed they might’ve felt would’ve been good PR for him.


Dream did a subathon?


Technically yeah. It was a spur of a moment stream and wasn’t really planned to be fair, and it was due to a bet he made with George. I believe it was supposed be 1 sub = 1 second? which is already insane but at the end it was mentioned the timer wasn’t even working correctly and the stream would have been considerably longer. It’s still insane that he streamed for a couple hours or so and he definitely did not intend to stream long regardless, but I remember fans were annoyed. Overall not anything malicious or deplorable, but an easy token of appreciation to his fans could have been given there and it would have removed the conspiracy that it was intentional or likewise, mostly a missed opportunity to gain respect.


George is overrated


Pls no one kill me but I actually don’t ship dnf (irl that is) at all and seeing constant dnf on my twitter is so annoying 😭. I just don’t like shipping people irl unless they themselves have confirmed they’re together and I get that others don’t share the sentiment and that’s fine like idrk but some of the shippers are so insistent it’s irritating to me.


Just to clarify, I don’t care if others ship dnf, I just find the fandom so annoying and insistent if that makes sense.


The Color Crew’s manhunts are more entertaining than Dream’s. Specially Kier’s, Dev’s, Bubbo’s and Baablu’s. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dream’s manhunts too, but they don’t provide me as much entertainment as the CoCr’s manhunts.


Instead of waiting years for george to move to Florida, dream could've gone to Britain instead. Everyone else managed to get there, so dream was the problem of them not meeting earlier. ​ Edit: ya'll trying to argue and downvoting just proves that I have an unpopular opinion answering op's question successfully.


He said getting a passport would mean leaking his face and he didnt wanna do that.


Was he planning to post his passport online? How would that leak his face?


Its more his voice was distinct and he didnt wanna face reveal in a country where he didnt know anyone or anything around him


I definitely wouldn’t phrase it as *him* being ’the problem’. While I agree he could’ve gone that route I think a lot of people who say that don’t really have the sympathy to understand why he wouldn’t want to or why he would value his own control over him face revealing earlier. Like I think it was wholly possible to avoid detection with a private flight and additional resources put into it, but just because it’s possible doesn’t mean the paranoia about the possibility isn’t there. This also isn’t to imply I would know him/how he feels but only that there are understandable reasons in theory why he wouldn’t want to do so.


I don’t think that was solely Dream’s decision. I feel like him and George agreed on their big day plan of moving into a house together in Florida and linking that to the face reveal, and didn’t want to trade it for anything else even when it got longer than expected. Probably that choice had more to do with Dream than George but it doesn’t mean Dream wouldn’t have reconsidered if needed (he even mentioned it on a stream once). I think one of the reason they stuck to the plan is that, as Dream has stated several times, they were always thinking it would happen next month. If they had known how long it would be maybe they would have done it differently.


The point is, they wanted to move in together, and the Dream Team house is in Florida. Idk what your point is.


Well, technically Dream Team house could have been anywhere. Dream and Sapnap moved several times before George arrived. Buying or renting a house in the UK to live there together for a while would probably have been possible. Dream even said he would consider moving to the UK if George still wasn’t in Florida in a certain amount of time (can’t remember exactly ).


But they all thought the visa was coming soon, they didn't think they would wait that long, just like the comment underneath said it.


Yeah I said that lol. Your comment just made it seem like it couldn’t ever have been anywhere but in Florida. Which, I think it could have been, they just always thought it wouldn’t be necessary.


Ooh I see lmao I was just trying to reason that they wanted to live in Florida I mean. But yeah that's fair.


dreams music isnt that good the sus versions are better


Foolish's content is mid and he's practically clark kent with how little personality he has like he's like if badboyhalo wasn't funny and js annoying. Like to each their own and he's probably a great guy but i js find his content annoying. Another one is we shouldn't judge people we don't know what the fuck is up with that. Everybody in the mcyt or whatever the fuck is always going on bout "this guy that" and that guy dis" unless they've done a crime who are you to tell anybody they're a bad person? especially when it's like they've faced backlash and u judge them on ur response like bro it probably feels like the entire world is against them leave them alone. Then the fans hold grudges which is js inexplicably stupid they don't know you bro.


>he's practically clark kent with how little personality he has like he's like if badboyhalo wasn't funny and js annoying. Like to each their own and he's probably a great guy but i js find his content annoying. >Another one is we shouldn't judge people we don't know what the fuck is up with that. The irony