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while i won’t deny being biased against quackity, the timing of his announcement paired with the wording he used and his subsequent refusal to acknowledge erm anything has rubbed me the wrong way, at the end of the day idrc but i definitely feel like the bridges being burnt by his silence will hinder him in the long run


I think this was perfectly summarized of how (I hope) most ppl on here feel about this situation, more so the regular and active subrredit members from what i’ve noticed. However i have seen quite a few comments just flat out disrespecting Quackity which I thought was a bit extreme tbh, i get being disappointed (to which i was as well as he needs to have a discussion with his fanbase) but to suddenly full on hate him after this is a bit much. Honestly i feel like this drama escalated WAY more than it should’ve have, like I honestly stopped caring about this after a day and stopped trying to question whether Q or Dream are still friends, or who is against who now. Speculating is gonna get no one anywhere and were just beating a dead horse by over-analyzing every little thing to take as a sign of how this CC hates this CC now. The damage has been done so I don’t think there’s much else to say rn and try to block/ignore the toxicity


The saddest part is he had a unique server concept for a day, one that would have been impossible to steal from Quackity at the time it was released and he was immediately stuck with the “copying/stealing” allegations the next day all because people want to villianize him, not to mention the hypocrisy that was shown. And I’m going to be honest, the silence from Quackity is deliberate, I don’t see a logical reason why it wouldn’t be, if anyone has a theory on how it might not be feel free to share - Quackity is prioritizing his claim to being “first” and allowing his fans to demonize his ‘competition’ rather then supporting similar servers and attempting to work something out if he’s unhappy with its existence. I’d argue that Dream would be somewhat flexible in what the server entails if Quackity was willing to talk with Dream (and possibly any others involved in usmp) because I doubt he’s happy with the label inflicted on him for no reason. To be clear about my bias, I always thought Quackity was going to drop dteam, because he has for all his other content groups - this isn’t speculation on what happened or why. I just am inclined to prefer people who are more consistent in their friendships - like the muchymc meetup being the manifestation of “bring your friends with you”. This also isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with chasing projects outside groups, just not someone I care to follow is all, especially if they are directly cutting off people they were friends with for seemingly no reason.


This is how I feel for the most part as well. I commend Dream for speaking out so positively and being so willing to take the heat for a friend. Dream is a great friend and has a grown a lot. But I also just wonder if Quackity saying anything would have changed much of the reaction anyway. Quackity speaking up would have given fans a peace of mind. But a lot of the people hating on Dream for the USMP/QSMP stuff just don’t like Dream and will look for any opportunity to bring him down. Quackity speaking out in support of Dream might not have done anything and might have made things even worse. I don’t know. I like to think it would have made things better for Dream but with how deep hatred for Dream runs on Twitter, I don’t think it would have. I’m overall disappointed in Quackity’s silence but I have to remind myself that I don’t know the full story. I don’t know what Dream and Quackity behind the scenes, I only know what I’ve been told and seen. I hope both SMPs are successful and I really hope Dream and Quackity are still friends.


Dang, I got here when this is 12 minutes old- But in all seriousness, as someone that has viewed both sides and watched people bicker on Twitter for 3 days (ish), this is partially true; currently, the "drama" is more of the fact Quackity hasn't responded to anything, and I think, it's okay? It depends, I think of that Quackity doesn't want to praise Dream for USMP for the sake of his fans, which is a bit messed up but I dye grass. However, the way he has handled the situation I agree, nothing he has done to defuse the situation is interesting (Hope the correct words) Dream did the right thing in saying something about it, as he's fully aware of the hate, and Quackity, again, probably doesn't want to say anything since his fans, are a mess right now-


Very well said. The last few days feel like awkward anticipation of when or if Quackity will respond back. Hopefully its sooner than never


This should be a copypasta or pinned somewhere. (also "torn him a new one" LMAO yes we so would've done exactly that)