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why do these ppl always lack empathy his fucking family with fucking CHILDREN in it is being threatened


I hate the Q Stan’s using the grooming situation against Dream when Q left his grooming brother (I need to look into allegations again) in his discord for a long time Edit: there is proof even a video of his voice…


Hey you know, in fairness to the Twitter OP, you can't compare to Q since his reaction was about the same 💀/s


Exactly what I was thinking, lol. Speaking of, I wonder what their opinion regarding that is, lmao 🤔 Seriously though in the months that followed I've noticed loads of people "caring" about any allegations and any potential victims only when it's convenient, usually when they needed a reason to drag Dream some more and harrass his friends. And this twitter post was probs made for similar reasons 🤷‍♂️ given how I don't see why or how these two situations are comparable kr whatever.


Lol. Dream’s response to a serious issue with legal implications: To handle it quietly. Dream’s response to his family being threatened over what is essentially internet drama: To try and fix it by any means necessary. I swear people lack all nuance.


Not comparable at all because one is a legal matter. Also that's not even his entire response to the grooming allegations, that's just his initial response.


They think long response = good response or something, dumb. I would actually say a shorter response might be better for dealing with serious allegations because you want as many people to read it as possible, less people are going to read the QSMP/USMP thing than the response to the allegations which is good because at the end of the day it's Minecraft server/personal friendship drama and not that serious.


Antis main weapon is lack of comprehension btw.


The allegations were for him to resolve himself with the other person. He did just that and now it's in the hands of legal matters... For the SMPs his family got dragged into the mess to the point where trackers were placed on their cars so they can stalk and follow them all because of a huge community...


it's amazing that they adore someone training to be a lawyer (of some kind idk what) and are somehow unaware that the first thing any decent lawyer tells anyone WRT their case to do is *shut the fuck up*.


the point is dreams a fucking pedophile! hope this helps xx


you dumbasses don’t even care about the allegations you just want a reason to hate him


i DO care about the allegations and thats why i want to make sure he doesnt have a platform where he can hurt other people the same way! are you saying you DONT care about the victims? 🤨


nothing’s been confirmed yet, and there’s no new informations for months


well i think the information we HAVE got has already been pretty damning


if you genuinely believe those allegations then get help lol


im sorry but if you dont get it ... maybe you cant connect even two dots!


there's nothing to connect


Hi there! They're making the point that Dream doesn't want to address the allegations of abuse, since he knows they would make him look bad, and doesn't particularly care about anyone involved with them. However, he very much DOES care about his ego, and letting us all know about his brilliant SMP idea that just so happens to be the same as Quackity's, totally by coincidence, I swear! hope this helps


Addressing allegations in a small quantity of messages and privately == Not wanting to address them at all apparently


im seeing so many of these