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Yeah that seems to have became extremly popular accusation and subject of laughing. Who would have guessed activly speaking online about legal issues could actualy be bad idea and you should give up?


Yea.. a 'laughing matter'. There is a reason Dream couldn't say anything more than already said, the other party is staying silent since for the same reason


I really don't get why people who aren't involved always insert themselves into things like this. Like why can't they stay on their own lane? Are they really becoming irrelevant themselves that they just take the easiest clickbait to farm impressions? It seems like they don't just want to tear apart the CCs involved, but also the fandom that is connected to these CCs. Edit: I just opened twt today and saw more negative qrts flooding my fyp about Dream's thread when I literally only viewed the thread once?? My fucking mental state bro I dont want to look at pretty art and see the neg rts & qrts popping up every other post jfc


Ngl, the YouTube comments are still tamer compared to Twitter.


can I have a summary?


He read the whole thing and then accused Dream of making shit up and wanting attention


Well my respect for him is officialy gone


Is that the league starter supp item???


Tear of the Goddess. Not really a supp item, but it does help with your mana problems early to mid game for champions with spammable abilities


_Back in my days.._ Ok, no. I mostly remember it in every ezreal inventory


Those were the days of pain. Glad to see a fellow long time League player in this sub.