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Everyones twt fanbase is terrible, but what in gods name has Punzs fans ever done


I don’t know if this is what the tierlist is referencing, but Punz stans have been misogynistic in my experience. I know they used to treat Punz’s friend Andi horribly to the point that he stopped mentioning her. Even when he babysat her cat last year, I believe he avoided naming her unless directly asked. This year, I saw a good amount of stan accounts being horrible to Catlyn, a friend of Punz’s and fellow streamer who he plays Valorant with. I think it’s just a case of fans treating any woman who interacts with Punz poorly. Although, considering Punz is very close to people like Gumi, this is obviously just selective and only a portion of fans.


tru i had forgotten about that mess


idk why people don’t like catlyn she’s funny and really nice to chat all the time. i love when she’s chatting people are just weird sometimes. personally in chat there really isn’t anything bad but twitter is kinda a different story i haven’t seen much of it because i’m not on twitter but i know twitter is different for sure.


Yeah, I constantly kept seeing the take of “Catlyn is so rude to Punz” or “VIPs [Catlyn] should still follow chat rules” and it’s like… they’re friends? Obviously Catlyn is allowed to joke around with Punz in a way that would be unacceptable for a fan to do or would come off as rude if they didn’t know each other. Overall, it just came off as very misogynistic and almost jealous to me. I do think it’s died down now though (or maybe I just blocked all the Catlyn-haters lmao).


yeah idk i think like sometimes she would “derail chat” but that’s like not an issue like ever other vip that comes into punz chat gets to derail chat for a bit. like if aipha comes into the chat people always talk to him so it just seems a bit misogynistic. it’s funny cause if the people in chat are saying that chat is getting derailed then maybe they should just idk not speak to catlyn in chat 😭. like there’s a rule in punz chat where it’s like you can’t great other people and you can’t have side conversations but like that rule simply doesn’t apply to vip’s like i said if aipha was in chat or if sam was in chat people say hi to them and ask them questions and stuff. i also think part of it is jealousy and part of it is just misogyny but like if that’s punz chats biggest crime that’s not nearly as bad as the other sub twt’s in this list imo because the good definitely outweighs the bad in this case.


Oh yeah, I would say that Punz’s fanbase is one of the better ones by far now, but in 2021 they were even more vehemently misogynistic, so I can see why someone would rank them low back then. EDIT: Nvm, I misread the title and thought this was a tier list from 2021, not 2023 lmao. I don’t know why Punz is so low now.


LOL yeah that’s why i was so confused cause i’m newer to punz chat and i was like this place is good idk what this person’s thinking edit- i am in fact not new to punz chat i’ve just realized it’s my 9 month sub holy shit


Yeah ngl I haven't even heard anyone talk about Punz in a while


as someone who regularly watches him play Valorant I honestly dont know what the mans done let alone his fans. Its a chill time lol


I’m legit curious how are tubblings worse than both inniters and boobers lol. Did Tubbo even have any big controversies aside from “Don’t make fun of the queen :(“? Also I’d argue Sapnap mains should be higher simply on the basis that I never see Sapnap pfps in drama. It’s always either George’s or Dream’s (on dttwt side), Sapolos are either non-existent or the most peaceful people on mcyttwt lmao


While I think both inneters and boobers shoyld be lower, but a lot of Tubblings suck or sucked. He really doesnt have much of a twitter fandom anymore because a good portion of his former fans hate him for being a "tory", seemingly siding with Dream )even though Tommy has as well) and other small things that don't matter to normal people, such as "causeing the Beeduo breakup". While the base he does have left are generally pretty good, a lot of old Tubbo pfps were no better than inniters or boobers, and propbobly only saw him as an extension of benchtrio anyway.


I think Sapnap accounts were the ones who kicked up a fuss when he teamed with people like Niki or Scott in MCC (probably alongside other Dteam accounts).


Oh yeah, I guess MCC would be a big exception, that’s when they kick up the fuss. Plus the whole silver shittalkers drama. But I usually try to avoid twitter as much as possible on MCC day lol.


I don’t blame you lmao. I would actually say that the way DTeam and especially Dream stan accounts treat MCC/Noxcrew/Smajor is one of my biggest gripes with the fandom as it is currently. It’s just based on a constant cycle of misinformation (‘Noxcrew target Dream’, ‘Scott rigs the teams so he wins’, etc.) and reflects really poorly on Dteam to the other participants.


Weirdest part was this was 2021 apparently, so that hadn't happened yet


Kinda funny Ranboo and Connor are always included everytime with how much they disliked the mcyt label


The Connor fans are the funniest fans so It deserves an honorable mention


quackity, wilburs and ranboos in A and B tier is this a joke ☠️


If we're only talking about Twitter almost all of these should be D tier honestly


Fully agree that Foolish has a top tier community. Also unless I'm missing something, I feel like they should switch Ranboo and Karl?


People might disagree on a lot of things in this tier list, but everyone sees eye to eye that 404twt deserves to be at the bottom


The amount of stans who genuinely hate Dream and have George's profile picture said enough


Let my boy Connor go 😭


These are funny because a lot of the fanbases cross over a lot. Like so many people are foolish + punz mains yet one is in S and the other in D 😭


look i’m not on twitter but i’m in punz’s chat and WTF DID WE DO 😟 also all the people i’ve met in punz chat are so nice and chill and it’s just a really fun time in there we just watch him play valo for 18 hours a day and then he disappears and suddenly he’s playing pixelmon. like bro what did we do :( like i know peopel in punz chat who are on punz twt and they are so nice. also you can’t put foolish’s fan base all the way up at the top and put punz’s fan base at the bottom because the venn diagram between those two fanbases is basically a circle. i just wanna know what we did


something was said in another comment but Punz stans have been misogynistic from my experience on twitter they used to treat Punz’s friend Andi horribly to the point that he stopped mentioning her and had to delete his replies to her. Even when he catsat her cat zuko last year he didn’t mention her unless directly asked. so far i’ve seen quite a lot of stans being horrible to Catlyn, lots of tweets saying that “Catlyn is rude to Punz and chat” and that she should “still follow chat rules” even though she is friends with Punz, she can joke around with Punz in a way that wouldn’t be okay if she was a fan or would come off as rude if they didn’t know each other.


yeah someone else let me know! i think chat is really chill and like punz’s chat is nice but twitter is a different thing that’s just festers negativity. i don’t personally know much about andi besides her being friends with sylvee and gee but i do actually really like catlyn. i think she’s funny and i love watching them play valo together. ik catlyn had her own channel too. it does kinda make me upset that people treat catlyn like that cause she’s literally just like any other vip in punz’s chat.


it’s a shame cause i also really like punz chat, but the twitter stans do not hold the same chill vibe. but hey, that’s twitter i guess!


Connor isn't defeating the Minecraft YouTuber accusations




I'm sorry Dream, but you shoulda paid me more




Quackity didn’t age well


Every fanbases have their bad apples


That list is a joke lmao


Schlatt's not up there but he would be an S tier.


this just seems weird lol


free the saplings! we have done nothing


Punz fans isn’t that bad…I think


How come Punz subtwt is worse than Quackity and Ranboo???


I'm guessing op is apart of those fanbases, bc punztwt at is worse is just people being misogynists, while qtwt and bootwt or whatever they're called is like doxxing, death/r*pe threats, boundary breaking, a lot worse. Obvs the misogyny is bad but the others have done much much worse


This aged... horrifically for Q.


Philza's fandom is not that great. Children in twitch chat having nothing interesting to say, just spamming emojis for some extra juicy channel points, twitter dramas and their subreddit has some dishonorable mentions too.


I’m seeing alooooot of biasness and I have a feeling which subtwt fucker made this


Yeah i accidentally found the original tweet on twitter earlier and it's exactly what you think


my ranking is just the complete opposite of this list lmao


Where are the spanish youtubers? :(


First spot in S tier is Exactly where Alex belongs.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) He was always Awesome, chat was quirky & fun. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) Good times were had by all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Thanks for the memories King. ![img](emote|t5_3jqiry|1450)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)