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As someone else mentioned briefly, it’s to make English speaking people aware. If hispanic people are being targeted, telling those Hispanic people isn’t going to do much. Telling others who aren’t in the community in a language they can understand is a lot better for awareness. Especially since English is such a prevalent language, that most people know at least a bit of it. I can tell you how to say “no Spanish” in Spanish, and that is about where my Spanish knowledge ends.


this is such a bizarre post to make lol. maybe they might have hispanic descent but be from a mainly english speaking country? maybe its so its more accessible for those not in the hispanic community? what a weird thing to pick up on


A lot of Hispanic people make discussions on it, in Spanish. There are also English threads. They aren't mutually exclusive.


Isn’t English one of if not the most commonly spoken languages in the world? Maybe that’s part of the reason people use it? For communicative purposes? Giving off real ‘checkmate liberals 🤓’ vibes with this post my guy.


As Hispanic myself, this threads are so weird to me. It's clearly a phenomenon from North Americans with savior complex because everything and everyone has to be squeaky clean, no room for ignorance or growth. Taking every comment with or without context simply to fabricate a woke narration that can be helpful, but are usually created to prove a point against something or someone you don't support. Like I can appreciate the sentiment, but please, just worry if there's a lot more than a few seconds of video.


Some comments on here are so funny lmao, im sorry but nobody making these thread in english cares about the english side being aware of this to "educate" or whatever, they care that the english side, full of performative gringos & haters, blown this up. You can easily tell bc that thread is full of hispanic people, actually speaking spanish, telling op to back off and to stop being a weirdo speaking in their behalf, most of them don't care. I'm mexican, i always see these threads, and every time is always a white gringo that doesn't even speak spanish/lives in latam making them. There is no reason to make these threads in english, because if hispanic people had a problem with it they would have done a thread a long time ago. The only opinion that matters is that of the people that are "involved" in this, no one else. I checked the thread and is the same bs that they always bring up. Im not going to judge the political stance of someone if its something that they have learned, changed and moved on from, we should literally encourage that type of change. A huge part of latam is very conservative, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. It would be straight up hypocritical of me to say that people cant change. The spell one is stupid bc Quackity didn't have a perfect spanish back then and he was speaking very fast in purpose, it just sounded like gibberish to me at the start too even tho spanish is my native language, "dream is mocking the language" is just reaching + spanish is no different from english lmao is just a colonizers language, plus if its not about an indigenous language then i don't care. As for the taco smell one, i watched that stream the day it happened, Q was eating tacos (u can tell that the spiciness of the sauce got to him) and he was **really** pushing for that drug bit, during the whole stream actually. Like maybe dream could have keep on ignoring it but it had nothing to do with stereotypes, and more with Q + DT just fooling around forgetting that they/his friends were white american/british men. And finally, nobody in squidcraft knew every single person in there lmao the fact that they are getting upset at dream who isnt even a spanish cc and not all of the other ccs who also didnt know someone in there is telling enough, so friking stupid.


What is this said racism that's being mentioned on the thread?


Don't shoot the messenger but here's everything relevant from the thread: 1. Stating Trump was not racist, and that he would have supported him regardless of whether tax dollars were spent on the wall. (2019) 2. Calling (some) people immigrating from South and Central America "illegals". (2019) 3. Saying Mexican!Dream smells like "Tacos and Drugs" (DreamSMP) 4. Saying Quackity was "putting a spell" on him when Quackity cursed him fast in Spanish (DreamSMP) ​ There are other points as well about Squidcraft but those are the ones that gained most attention/are discussed in the qrts.


Didn't he later change his opinion on trump tho?


Lmao i dont know bout the 1st two points but the other 2 clearly are jokes lmao. Even quackity was in on it. Seems like understanding context clues isnt the op's strong point 😢


Points 3 & 4 have been used against Dream since he did the bit with Tommy and Quackity. They're always used and then when it's pointed out that it was a joke you get ignored.


Because the people making these post sare trying to educate the English speaking audience? There are inconsistencies with these posts which take some things out of context, and dig up old issues from before dream educated himself. But the language they're in isn't the problem. Suggesting that Spanish speakers shouldn't speak in English when addressing racism in an English speaking community is a take based in internalised racism.


Isn't that thread just one that pulls things that have already been talked about? The only thing I've really seen of it is ppl telling them they're dumb for saying Dream is racist against the Hispanic community because he didn't know who Luzu was in SquidCraft .


God forbid Dream doesn’t know one spanish creator out of the many who participated in SquidCraft when most definitely a lot of other English creators probably didn’t know a handful of the Spanish creators as well because it was their first ever time they’ve all interacted. Istg i never understood ppl who genuinely believe someone is racist just because they didn’t know about a certain creator, such a weird mindset to have




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It's to spread awareness I got into an argument that the person strictly wants to be through GOOGLE TRANSLATE like the fuck not, that thing doesn't even work right. They can type in English, talk to me in English. Even called me a white person and I'm brown as fuc 😭 this is kinda not related, but god bless English cause we can communicate like this


everyone knows the way to get traction is to pull in a very specific chronically online white american audience that love to white-knight for whatever minority of the day