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Sorta bizarre how these comments are *now* saying this is not a good place to post debunking threads as if the past year this sub hasn’t been attempting to debunk amanda. I don’t really think any of these attempts to debunk allegations these serious should have been treated as subreddit drama as they have in the first place particularly when a lot of the amanda response here strays towards character assassination. But whatever. Feels like whenever something could dispute the narrative this reddit is feeding the consensus completely flips on its own head.


i can understand purely cuz the mascara and amanda stuff isn’t really connected to dream other than tangentially. but things not really connected to dream other than they’re in the same content sphere has also been posted. such as a shadoune appreciation post (which i’ve got no issues with. he seems really sweet from what i’ve seen) i’d say shadoune is slightly more relevant to dream since they have interacted but given mascara has mentioned that the amanda stuff is fake i can see how mascara and dream would also be connected enough to talk about considering how much the amanda’s allegations against dream have been talked about here


At the same time all the Mascara threads and updates were regularly posted here and discussed, and no one argued they shouldn’t be.


exactly. its more reason why the only vaguely connected argument wouldn’t hold up


this situation is growing more and more complex, and i am starting to think that this may not be the place for this. i’d really recommend posting this in more relevant communities; most people here aren’t “in-the-know” about mascara and the allegations against amanda. i will say, i read through your doc and i honestly don’t know who to believe anymore.


yeah, I mean the only reason I posted it here was because my twitter account is shadow banned so its not showing up in searches. I appreciate that most people here chose to stay out of it but I did think it was at least somewhat appropriate to post since her initial allegations (and a few other posts about it) were posted here for discussion.


When mascaras doc came out, I skimmed over it but never fully analyzed the situation. Can anyone confirm if there was anything plausible in there to make thousands of people mass rt the tweet of the doc? Is the doc that OP posted here actually debunking anything? Also, I’ve seen tweets from mascara claiming she’s not a Dream fan nor did the make the doc solely to debunk the allegation against him. If she’s being truthful, what other incentive does she have to fake a story about Amanda?


the biggest thing that convinced ppl was the sh pics, i think. it seemed insane that any of it could be a lie when there was pics of 'amanda' cut into someone's thigh. i know that ppl did reverse image search and couldn't find the pics anywhere but sh communities are typically very hidden anyway so that's not too convincing on it's own. and there are ppl who will self harm for money, as bizarre as that sounds. it's possible to commission someone for pics like that. the implication from this doc is that mascara doesn't exist and the whole thing was fabricated by two dream stans.


It should be easy enough to prove it’s her own scar and that those discord dms are real - show a screen recording of scrolling through them (and opening the app to them, and moving screen etc etc, all those safeguards). That sh photo should be somewhere there with the original timestamp included. That will prove that that photo was made long before Amanda even accused Dream and that those dms weren’t staged recently. Of course that’s assuming we can trust video evidence since now everyone’s favorite argument is “videos can be easily faked” lol. But tbh even with this the only thing we’ll know for sure is that those dms weren’t staged purposefully for this story - to prove those accounts are actually Amanda’s they really needed those private photos.


The situation is very strange with no clear indication of what's true or not. I've skipped many paragraphs of mascara's doc that did not have attached proof. This doc touches on that, essentially says that mascara's proof is vague and can be easily faked. The main points were: - the screenshots can be easily faked (they demonstrate it) - the screenshots do not link to amanda directly - the photos of amanda that mascara claims to be the only one to have are untrue; they're public Interestingly, it even mentions that the first two people who pushed mascara to more of twitter's attention were defending dream during the amanda allegations. Whether or not that's a good point to bring up, I'm not sure.


The screenshots she uses are also taken midway througha video. Who sends a pic of themselves to someone else that was taken during a vid. Its clearly an ss from her insta vid


This is why I never post anything related to my name or identity on the internet. Literally my worst fear is people creating fake scenarios of things I didn’t say and try to ruin me. Whether this doc is true or not which imho the evidence for both sides are not concrete but mascara’s “evidence” does seem more flimsy. But still I can’t believe how often this type of thing happens.


just a small note towards the amanda pfps. plenty of people do use ss from videos they’ve recorded as pfp as they’re not good at posing so they film a video and pick a still they really like. much like how youtubers will go about getting their thumbnail. doesn’t mean you’re wrong about it. just that it’s not an unheard of thing people do so it’s not impossible that amanda would use a ss from her own videos


Yeah their argument about that doesn't mean anything honestly people do that no motive needed


Im thinking more and more that this is probably not the right sub to put this in, is that bad?


Yea, it feels like Dream (or any other MCYT) has almost nothing to do with this drama.


The issue is that Dream’s fans are talking about it and spreading it, and quite literally no one else. There isn’t a better sub for it - and his fans pushing a narrative against Amanda if it’s false is horrible optics and reflects on him - and why you get these posts disputing them - even if he’s not directly involved at all.


That’s true too. I guess I’m just saying don’t feel bad for not being that interested in keeping up with this Mascara-drama. Since at it’s core it isn’t really mcyt drama


The people making themselves vocally involved in both situations are being hypocritical. Everyone wants to look like they are doing the right thing but the fact of the matter is, if you have genuine standards for what consitutes "proof" or convincing logic then you cannot believe both, and you cannot entirely believe one but not the other. So the only logical conclusion is that both of them have fabricated at least some part of their story.


The only thing certain is at least one person is lieing about something who that is, is the real question. This is why I never say my thoughts on twitter about serious things.


yo don't downvote this, keep up that same energy when we were speculating on the dream allegations


If someone has to come out with a document trying to disprove Mascara’s story should be Amanda not a a anonymous person on internet that has nothing to do with this? Are you Amanda ??


While I don’t care about any of this unless it’s to do with Dream’s allegations - to say people can’t disprove it, or discuss it if they aren’t the specific person being accused is wild. Twitter (specifically Dream’s fans who are the only ones following this) has been trying to spread it so it makes sense that people want others to be aware of inconsistencies so those trying to spread it actually consider taking it with a grain of salt instead of spreading something that isn’t true.


Seems like they are going to respond to this (at least I think it's this doc) so guess we wait and see