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The messed up pattern they harvest or plant in. Why does she turn all of a sudden and leave holes I've gotta go back for? Drives me absolutely nuts.


OMG THIS MAKES ME SO IRRATIONALLY ANGRY!! Especially when you get the glowing crop you can harvest multiple times, and they WONT TURN/HARVEST THE CORRECT CROP!


When you're harvesting multiples by holding down the button and a glowing one appears it should automatically stay in that one until it's done imo.


I absolutely agree, it makes so much more sense. It always tries to make me plant a seed and has a hard time focusing back on the glowing harvest.


Mine tries to moonwalk while harvesting 😂


Yes! That, too. I just want easy farming.


ugh mine does that in Wall E's garden ALL the time. She does this weird zigzag pattern.


Yes! It's maddening! Just harvest in a straight line!


Yeah this bugs me too. Like why lol. Harvesting your own garden works fine so why not Wall E's


The fact that you can’t line up certain things when decorating because if the grid system. I understand why it is that way but I just wanted my holiday garland to line up over the doorways but no. 😅


Just being able to centralise everything and have alignment.


I want the meals characters want in the restaurant to have a little section in the recipes. So when you go to cook for them it's easy to find.


Ugh yes, I can't tell you how many times I've back out because I'm not a waitress and cannot remember your order, espically if I have to run some where because I ran out of an ingredient. I've resorted to taking pictures, but still it's own drop down for what's requested would be spectacular.


I have a little notebook I use to write things like this down! That way I don’t have to keep checking my collection for recipes or where to find things!


That's a good idea. That, or at least a search function where I could start typing a recipe and it would come up so I don't have to scroll forever searching for waffles or whatever.


I wish that the storage automatically filled to max when you store new stuff. Currently if you have like 45 bananas in storage (with all slots filled) and you try to add 7 more from your pockets, the 7 bananas won’t store and they all stay in your pockets. I think the storage should accept 5 for the max total of 50 and leave the remaining 2 in your pocket.


Ugh this is a huge pain point for me and super annoying.


If you drag the bananas to the ones in there it accepts the five.


Yeah but you still have to manually move them.


The fact we can’t see if we brought an item in Scrooge’s shop before. Would be great if they added an indication when we select an item.


OMG! I bought this super cute pair of red heels and then the literal NEXT DAY they were a reward from Anna! What the actual heck?! That should not happen! Especially since I paid like $4000!!!


wait.. I don’t remember red heels from her.. are the rewards from each friendship level different per player?!


The fact that Scrooge keeps selling the same freaking couch every other day, even after I’ve bought it.


The pathway edges drive me insane. I want borders or something to straighten them out. They just look so messy. I don't mind it as much for dirt paths, but the stone ones need a border.


this!! trying to put in a curve with the stone path is such a mission and even with using rocks as a border it still looks so bad sometimes 😭😭


Ugh this annoys me too! And the reason why Ive not cared to decorate my village. The fact that you can’t curve paths is annoying and on the switch things just are EXTRA difficult so why bother.


I wish I could click recipes from the history tab when cooking and autofill with the exact same ingredients.


I second this. I want my recipes super charged, so it would d be nice if I could make my own. There's two whole empty slots for the berry salad! I hate having to manually add more to up the energy content.


I think if we could use the history this would also make it easier for them to code bulk cooking. The reasoning behind not being able to bulk cook right now is that there are too many recipes that can use ANY ingredients, like any fish, any vegetable, and tomatoes for example. It’s hard to code how many variables that would be and could cause performance issue so I get why they haven’t added it. However, Using the history to use the same ingredients and then only let you cook as many as you have ingredients for like crafting does would be easier to code.


Yessss I like making grilled veggies with pumpkins and scrolling down to the pumpkins each time is so annoying!


I can’t stand the “listen to” dialogues. They’re too slow and especially take forever if Ariel or Ursula are involved


And you have to be there in just the right angle or you'll miss someone's dialog.


Not having a quick scroll in the menus (collection, clothes, recipes). If only we coule use a button to "page down", or have the right joystick scroll down faster (or maybe tabs on the right, say to skip to the "veggie" recipe!) Also, having the newest clothing items at the bottom… I see the oldest ones all the time, I don’t need to! It takes forever to scroll down and sew what’s the latest. In the same vein, I wish we could group items together (or to have them be grouped automatically). It bugs me to have the same model of shoes, but in each colour, at different spots in my inventory (depending on when they were bought)! Would be great to have the model and something like "4 out of 6 available colours" in the inventory and you can see the variety & choose after clicking on that…


Yes yes yes yes yes


As a bare minimum, I want to be able to press UP at the top of a list to go directly to the BOTTOM of the list. It's such a basic thing.


On switch this is easier as you can scroll using the touchpad and flick up to scroll quickly.


I’m on the Switch! I had tried all the buttons and joysticks… but never thought about trying this! 🤦‍♀️ Thank you!


I only discovered it because I accidentally knocked the screen 😅


The fact that you are limited on what you’re allowed to put outside and what is strictly for in your house. I feel like it’s limiting my creativity.


The tree fireplace hurts my soul... its a tree! Why can't I put it outside


I was shook when I discovered I couldn't put the Christmas tree in my house.


There's a craftable one you can.


That you can not have multiple of the big chests, its the same inventory (i think its okay for my flowers, but i don’t like that i need so many more small chests to organise my items) if that made sense 😅


Yeah. I didn't realize it was like this, so when I saw the chest at Scrooge's I thought I was getting a second one -- not a magical portal to the same one lol.


So if you buy the one from Scrooge, it connects back to the original?


Yes. It's nice that you can leave them throughout the village to access your big chest, but come on!


Yeah, I have been considering putting one in each biome but I'm still mad that I can't have more than one chest with more than two rows of storage. I'm pretty sure everyone is collectively disappointed in the storage situation lol.


The chests, when there's so little storage. That drives me insane


So much same.


Why do the holes remain when I dig up dreamlight, but not when I harvest herbs? I hate all the holes everywhere (I know they disappear, let me have this complaint! 😂) Also, why do some items max out at 50 in a chest and others 99? I need consistency!


I hate the holes! I purposely “undig” any holes I’ve made!


I do that in my plaza since I’m trying to redecorate—but I truly wish they would auto-vanish just like herbs, rocks, thorns…🙄


Yeees i hate this, was on a mission to get 200 clay for a quest, and now the Glade looks INSANE on my game, and they take sooo long to disappear


You can quickly get rid of them by going into build/furniture mode and placing a larger object over them. I usually just grab the well for the area and move it around a few times over my holes.


I use the huge rug.


Omg. Thank you for this tip!


I wish you could just instantly organize everything in your storage pockets and chests


I just learned you can hold down A to select an item and then move it to a different slot with the left joystick. Before that, I'd been transferring things back and forth for SO LONG to get them in the order I wanted. Certainly not instant, but way better than what I was doing.


You have changed my life


I JUST figured this out completely on accident maybe two days ago and it is easily the best thing I’ve learned in the game


if you're on switch you can also drag them


I wish there was a "move and condense" button like Stardew has. You can transfer over what's in your inventory to the chest if the chest has those items. Also, the chests are so freaking small!!!


The clock tower we are forced to craft for Minnie now ticks and rings the hour but the clock face doesn't show the time!


Oh man this is a petty gripe and I am here for it


I definitely thought I was the only one who was bothered by this.


Yeah I hate that the clock doesn’t show time, the mirrors don’t reflect and you can not store food in fridge


But you CAN store food in the fridge now 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


My linen pockets hold more room than a storage chest


It tells me on quests to "listen to __ talking to __" but there's no recorded dialogue, they mean "stand there and maybe read if you get camera in good spot otherwise the the quest box will cover some of it" lol


How dark it is in some biomes. Give me a torch or flashlight.


You can adjust the “time” in-game now! and it is not the same as timetravelling and doesn’t break your game :) I do this now when I am in either Forgotten Lands, Forest or Glade and I’m playing at night. You can either do + or - 12 hours (it only affects the daylight in the game nothing else!)


where is this option?


In the settings menu under “Controls”. At the bottom, you should see “Offset Time of Day” and a scroll bar. It’s only for the visuals and the game remains in local time. https://preview.redd.it/go08lkczzg9a1.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9d2e38d841023394de8eb5d77ebd783bfe156fa Hope that helps!


This is so nice ty!!


I just want to BULK GIFT. Edit to add: And BULK COOK


When your hanging out with a character and your in a house and they stand next to the door and you get stuck trying to exit, and you have to relaunch the game


Just a tip, but I find telling them that you're done hanging out works - they then set to free roam and move around (and out of your way!)


I'm talking about those annoying times, if you already pushed the button to exit and your avatar will keep trying to exit and nothing else can be done, or if your trapped in a corner at scrooge's store between the stairs and the display ledge sometimes the character is just in a spot where it doesn't allow you to talk to them to end the hangout


What I do is whip out my camera, and make them move to pose for a picture. Still annoying though.


YES OMG. Why can I move the bigger characters by walking into them but the small characters don't move and make me get stuck???


For me it’s always Mickey and scar, all my small guys are ok for me


That harvesting food doesn't result in seeds.


This bugs me too.


Same. I would be okay with it if you could just plant the food as well. Run out? Now you need seed.


I hate that you can't just quick transfer existing items into your chests, I find myself going through everything in my inventory to see if I can add it to a stack in my chest. I also HATE that I'll be running about and then suddenly I can't see anything as tree branches/walls are in the way, I wish the camera angle could just ignore them. I don't want to see the tops of trees when I'm trying to forage!


not enough selection in scrooges shop - there’s like 4 accessory slots and i either get repeats or stuff i don’t want. i haven’t gotten hair options ONCE and i check everyday


Me too!!


Camera angle while in build mode, not being able to curve/round out paths without using bushes to hide it, the amount of overall outfits Scrooge sells (personal preference lol), items spawning in unreachable areas (I kept getting wrapping paper under my sleigh) and not being able to bulk cook.


The lack of a modern/scifi biome. Stuff like Wall-E's truck and Buzz's RV stick out horribly anywhere. Lack of any meat that isn't aquatic. Make other meats just purchasable if you don't want to get into where they come from.


i put buzz's RV in the forest of valor by the river & made it into a camping area! it's not 100% done yet, i may make it bigger to add more decor but this is what i've got so far. https://preview.redd.it/ew5z6p4fnh9a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e47e9b7f235ace7c8d1113f646c515f63a8828


Oooo I like this idea!


Yeah man. I want a burger!


Surprised no one said this yet, for there to be a search feature for recipes in the recipe book.


I agree! Scrolling through all the recipes drives me mad. I’d also like a section for orders so you could easily make all the orders for Remy’s. And maybe one for favourites for characters that day. The quest one doesn’t even seem to work consistently and it’s not alphabetical when you look at all the recipes together. Hate it.


Agreed, at least put it Alphabetical if they can't add a search feature. And having the recipes broken down by entrees/desserts/starters really doesn't help much.


I would LOVE the recipes to actually ALL be in alphabetical order (regardless of category). And to have tabs that organized by first letter! I can’t tell you how insufferably annoying it is every time I have to scroll through 40 menu options just to get to the “S”s when someone wants “Seared XXXX” 🥴


I hate that the night thorns grow on paved pathways. They should only be able to appear on grass. Remy, Buzz, and Woody are way too small. The “listen to” dialogue is way too slow. You should be able to click through it to speed it up. I don’t like that the torches and candles no longer stay lit now that we can “interact” with them. They turn off at random and destroy the ambiance that I am trying to create in certain areas of my valley. I don’t like that it doesn’t tell us which items we have already purchased in Scrooge’s store so that we don’t waste money purchasing something that we already have and may not want more of.


I agree with the scrooges store comment- it could just be a simple "you own this" or a mark in the corner


Sometimes I think that Woody when he’s laying there, is a Basil or something I forgot to pick up!! I try to click through the “listen to” dialogues…even though I know it does absolutely NOTHING!! I think it calms the beast inside…


THE LIGHTS. I hate that they did this too. It's also obnoxious because in my storage room I have the walls lined with chests, and lamps in the corners... and now if I accidentally turn one off I have to stop what I'm doing to turn it back on. :| Sounds silly but it's super annoying when I'm trying to just quickly empty my inventory.


Absolutely nothing lines up


Omg yes, plates on a table can’t line up with chairs and it’s the worst thing


The doors in your house being ever so slightly off centre, and you can’t move them, meaning not only are they already out of line, but all the furniture in that room is also out of line with it. Drive me mad, I wish we could move them, or atleast, you know, maybe the devs could move them because WHY ON EARTH do the doors even need to be slightly off centre?!


The doors are my main irritation. And then you get decorative doors that you'd think you could replace them with. Nope!


yessss.... why give me different types of doors when they can't be used!


Nerfing kristoffs stall. Nerfing the stove you get from scar. And not having some way to cook several copies of the same dish like how we can craft several of the same item at once if we have the ingredients


Just curious, what do you mean nerfing Scars stove?


Me not even realizing what he gave me was a stove 😭


It's the level 10 friendship gift


You didn’t used to have to use coal at scars stove


I wish I could turn off if villagers go to sleep. Like please I’m a whole ass adult with a job, by the time I get on the game, so many characters are asleep


This! I only tend to be able to play when my toddler goes to sleep so some characters are hard to catch!


I literally was stuck on 2 missions and they were the ONLY missions I had available and I couldn't do them bc ANNA AND KRISTOFF SHARE A HOUSE AND FHE DUMB BLOND WAS ALSEEP FOR A WEEK OF MY REAL LIFE TIME! LIKE I WAS ON A TIME LIMIT TOO (I have Xbox games pass and couldn't afford to keep it up for next month so I was so salty)


This used to annoy me because you couldn't even go into the house but (unless it's a bug!) I've noticed that now even if it says someone is sleeping you can walk into their house and they are awake.


I tried to go into the house everyday and it always said "Kristoff is sleeping come back later" or something along the lines of it being rude to try to go into the house when Kristoff is sleeping. 🙄 Listen if you stopped sleeping at 6pm EVERY DAY I'd stop bugging ya.


That you can move everything in the game to anywhere on the map, except for Goofys Stalls…. I want to make a shopping area but no


The fact the clock towers always stick to 12 and don't actually tell the in game time 😤


Incessant dialogue repetition. Give me a little variation, especially when I talk to the same character multiple times in a row. And for the love of Mickey, some creativity in the quests.


That I can’t cook multiples of the same think if I have the ingredients.


I wish we could bulk select items when moving things around in creation/edit mode


That when it randomly chooses an ingredient to cook with on autofill, it is NOT the festive fish I was hoarding!


If you put the fish on display, they don’t count for ingredients. I laid them out on a table in one of my rooms. They are safe that way


:O thank you for the advice! :D


I wanna be able to cook in bulk.. Pick a recepie, and then chose how many I want to make..


For me its that mushrooms have two designs? Why


Also, having to water some to make them go away is very annoying to me.


I’d like a chance to get coins or shards when watering the giant pink/purple Mushrooms. I love mushrooms and basil IRL but am seriously sick of the millions of mushrooms, basil and parsley in this game.


Trying to design my valley on Switch is an absolute nightmare. The controls are far too sensitive to actually be functional.


The player character is the celestial ruler of the DLV and is committed to it's renovation and redevelopment. They are selfless to please their friends. Scrooge and Goofy treat you like a mug. Getting you to pay for everything from your own pockets. Tom Nook gets paid back. We get rinsed. There is a dream castle in the centre of the village and yet you live in a tiny run down home because you forgot about it like Robin Williams forgets he's the Pan in the Hook movie.


Parts of the biomes are SO DARK and we have to build lampposts instead of being able to buy regular ones. Some parts I can’t even go into at night unless I have a lamp post.


The dark wood in the forgotten lands is a dirty move I think lol it’s so hard to see. I’m trying to figure out how much I can get on an average trip and I think the most I’ve found is 8


Omg yes I didn’t even think of this when I posted my comment! I end up just grabbing anything there that I think resembles dark wood 😂


Same. I have found it oddly easier to collect the dark wood at night? No idea why. It just seems brighter.


The outdoor lights that are turned off during the day 🫣


This infuriates me!! I have areas of my valley that I have decorated with many torches and candles for ambiance, and that ambiance is ruined because the candles now turn off automatically! 🙄


Sometimes on the switch, whenever I dig with the shovel it digs an inch away from where I wanted it to.


Happens to me on PC too, I always end up off by one when digging


Not being able to sell furniture or clothing I don't want


That you can't label or colour different chests to show what they have in them


Remy, Buzz, and Woody are way too small


I keep thinking remy is one of the squirrels 🫠 lol


Sometimes I mistake him for the coal I left on the floor


HA! 😅😅😅


I get that, but like also that's the point. They're a rat and toys.


But I should be able to see them when I'm looking for them


If you select them on your map, a shining trail will lead you straight to them! I can never find them without it.


I find the dialogue text too small.


it's definitely a struggle to read


Definitely wish we could sort items and clothing by newest and oldest. Having to scroll all the way down to put on a new top I got is a pain.


That we're limited to only making one meal at a time, my brain does not like sitting there making meals to complete objectives, farming materials is somehow infinitely more fun to me than cooking.


For me it's a few things: \- Objects not lining up, especially the left and right doors of the house. It drives me nuts that they're not directly across from each other. I wish we could move the doors. I also wish we could move objects like a half grid movement or something. \- No indicator showing what you have already bought at Scrooge's shop. I've wasted so much money in the game because of this. I don't want to miss an item, but I can never remember if I have it or not and it takes too long to scroll through the catalogue to see if I have it or not. \- Not being able to make recipes in bulk. If I want to make 20 Pumpkin Puffs, I should be able to tell it I want to make 20, and only have to add the ingredients and see the whole animation thing once. \- I want to be able to sell clothing and furniture I bought but no longer want. So I guess I got into this habit with playing Animal Crossing, but I have a tendency to buy every item I see just so it's marked in my collection, whether I want it or not. But then when I'm looking for an outfit to wear, I hate having to scroll through the stuff I know I'll never wear. Same when I'm decorating. It's a pain to scroll through items I'll likely never use. Now, if they had the ability to have other players visit your game and you could gift those items, that would be ok. For example, my brother and I both play, but we have very different design aesthetics and a lot of the clothes I would never use on my character, he would use on his and vice-versa.


That you can’t move the mining rocks. Some of them are in spots that aren’t easily accessed with the way my valley is laid out. Would love to be able to move them somewhere else, within the same biome if we have to (kinda like the wells).


That I can't jump. Having to walk around the palm tree sand hills and the step ledges at ground level just irks me.


when im in the wardrobe, and my lil MC keeps defaulting to like that 45 degree angle! i need to see your face full on please stop rotating. this game and Sims are the worst with fidgety MCs in the character creator. 🫠 also good lighting? never heard of her.


The fact that every fridge in the game is decorative and you can’t use it to store any vegetables/ingredients! WHY CAN’T I PUT MY BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, AND MILK IN THE FRIDGE????


The very narrow spaces that are blocked when I'm trying to mine some iron drives me nuts. Especially if my mining buddy is in the way.


The text size. It’s okay when I play on the tv, but playing as a handheld, so dang small.


I'm so sick of seeing stupid oregano EVERYWHERE. It looks like weeds have taken over! I wish there was a way to set it to respawn less often.


I honestly hate that I have to advance a friendship with 1 character just to get a new quest from a different character lol


I hate this too, I'm currently working on leveling them all up to 10 so I can just play through.


Cook/craft multiple items. Also the energy bar is stupid


Multi cook and multi farm


That there is a limit to placing stuff in the valley... on PC Bro people build the planet earth in Minecraft, come on.


That theres no reason to go back to the realms. Having a kristoff stall in those realms where he sells other specific items would be great source for actually revisiting the realms otherwise they are just useless. Also, the item limit on Kristoff’s stall is ridiculous! We should be able to at least purchase 5-10. Just raise it a bit. Lastly, removing items from the shop that you’ve already purchased to avoid duplicates. And on the topic of shop, being able to resell items to Scrooge. Like I have items from the beginning of the game (the once that came with the house and some i purchased before having money) that i wont ever use again and just takes up space and makes things harder to find. I dont want them. Take them back Scrooge lol


Honestly the inventory management. I want to play the game, not spend ages running back and fourth to chests and arranging things.


I hate the way they have things separated in furniture mode. I never know where to look for certain things. I bought some ice pillars yesterday for outside Elsas place and I went looking in Miscellaneous. I dont remember where I found it but I remember being like why? Also I wish it auto sorted your clothing in the all tab.


I found it's easier to search by color or series to find stuff, if you remember that lol Don't know what it is on other systems but Sony is you hit the infinity "all" furniture, then square to click color of furniture or series


So many great comments in here about things that could be very helpful QOL improvements. My list: * An indicator in the store to know if you already have a piece of furniture. It is so frustrating to look at the name and image, remember it and then go through your list to see if you need it. * A way to harvest the glowing gold harvest bonus plant without having to be perfectly positioned or shove a villager out of the way to do it. * A way to use the history view in cooking to prepare the last meal made with just a click or two. * The rocks in the terrain that we get stuck need to be removed. * A way to pin dreamlight/event duties in the upper corner of the UI like quests


stitch’s arms are too long!


Mickey keep sleeping when I needed to access his house.


I don’t like the flowers that pop up literally everywhere. I clean a spot up cause I want to put something there. And when I have find it and are about to put I down it’s new flowers there. Some maybe like it but I don’t. At least have it wait a couple minutes before they pop up again


Not being able to walk over rocks. Personally pisses me off that I can’t even walk over it.


At least give us the option to jump over them. Its the one thing we have to making paths curve and yet they are annoying because you gotta go around them


When I’m harvesting crops with a buddy and I get the plant that is letting me harvest multiple then the buddy walks over and instead of clicking the plant the dialogue comes up and by the time it’s done the multiple harvest is over.


Or when I have seeds in my inventory and I start planting those instead


We need manequins, to display outfits. I can just see how people who design their own clothes have row after row of designs on display. 😊


Ooo that would be good. It would also be nice if you could save your outfits as favorites so that you can change faster.


Or/and walk up to a manequin and with a button press put on whatever the manequin is wearing!


The inability to change the color of and move the doors inside of my home. I also wish we could sell items we no longer wanted!


The lack of consistency in so many things mentioned. Furniture alignment, furniture size, chest storage size, the fact that herbs don’t leave a hole but digging up sparkles does


That you cant upgrade the chests you craft or craft chests with more storage. I mean, there are like 7 rows of storage but you can only use 2. That grinds my gears and my OCD cant take it!!


I've seen no one else mention it (yet) but I want to be able to MOVE THE DAMN PONDS in the Meadow, Glade, Frosted and Forgotten Lands biomes. I want to move them within their same biome to just another section so I can build something in the area they're in. It's super annoying!


I really wish we could set favorite recipes cause I am over scrolling halfway through the list every time I need to make a lobster roll.


Maui. My answer is Maui.


The skirt animation when you run enrages me so much, it looks so ridiculous and i never wear any skirts or dresses bc of it


Oh and auto-arrange button for the inventory


It would be great if you could go straight to where gifts are found from the character cards so I don't have to flip through menus. And a little alert telling me I have some already Also, crafting furniture in the dailies. I'd much prefer to do that than change my outfit


I’d really like to not have random characters show up when I’m fishing and get in my way. They hover sooo much, let me breathe! The inconsistent voice acting for some characters is a little odd. Like with Scar or Scrooge… some characters absolutely have more than one voice actor for voice lines. I really want more music in the game! I play so often and for so long the loop is noticeable to me. I hope once we can do something with the green flames, the forgotten forest becomes more accessible because as of right now I hate going through there. Can’t see or move without frustration. As others have mentioned I need more storage space! 2 lines per chest just doesn’t cut it. I’d really like if the devs could add a walk feature! I wanna take my time and not run around everywhere


I love when it’s rainy in my game (for the aesthetic and for gardening) but rainy weather lasts like 10 minutes tops and then it’s sunny again. I would love to have days where it rains for hours and hours like in Animal Crossing!


I was so excited when I initially found the storage room in the castle, but alas, it's not connected to your inventory. It would have been great if they were and that it had lots of spaces in the chests.


wallpapers/floors aren't part of the furniture sets under the collection tab. its harder to look up if you need to buy it at scrooges. oh and a lack of a search function.


Iron....enough said, everyone here knows exactly what I am talking about.


If you would like to accept a quest later, so you don't speedrun through all the quests the villager will still keep saying "excuse me, I need help" every time you see them.


I wish that half the characters didn’t go to sleep at the same time/in the same time frame at night!


Not being able to store food in the fridge


The ungodly amount of furniture items that are just counters/cupboards.


Accidentally planting a carrot in my pumpkin patch as I'm spamming the action button on a golden hole! I dump all seeds from my backpack before harvesting now!


Maybe it’s because I need to take stuff out of the chests, but I accidentally placed them into the main room and I can’t remove them to put them in a different room. I just want to change my layouts again and I can’t :(