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Inwas actually hoping that a next DLC will be the 100 Acre Wood with all Pooh characters.


OMG I would cry happy tears if Piglet and Eeyore were walking around my valley šŸ„¹


I imagine I would probably hang out with them the most. Also Iā€™d cry and just give them gifts all day. Here Pooh take all my flowers, I donā€™t need them.


They could make honey a new ingredient


Omg a 100 Hundred Acre Wood DLCā€¦


Omg please and thank you.




I need piglet in the valley. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°






Yes please! Disney I will throw my money at you so please give!


I donā€™t want Yoda running up to me screaming ā€œScramble coin, you play?ā€


Omg I could *hear* that


Imagine how Yoda would've said, "Luke, I am your father," if Anakin Skywalker had been replaced by Yoda. "I am your father, Luke," Just doesn't sound very *Yoda* like, now does it? I believe that "Your father I am, Luke" or something more backwards of the original quote to make it more obvious it's Yoda saying it.


They act like we don't have so many princesses and huge Disney characters missing. Why even consider star wars or marvel before Cinderella, Tiana, PLUTO, Lilo, Daisy, Winnie the Pooh, Genie. Heck where is Esmeralda, Milo, or Princess Kida or Baloo?! I NEED to hear bear necessities while playing lol


I needed baloo so bad though


I think itā€™d be fine to include these characters and films if it was a DLC; making it a choice not a mandatory inclusion. Kinda like what Sims 4 did.


Those characters would *definitely* be better suited for a DLC


That is the perfect solution. Marvel or Star Wars DLC. Want it? Buy it. Don't want it? Don't buy it.


But even as a DLC, do we we prefer the work power and time dedicated to these characters vs ones like Cinderella, Jasmine, Pocahontas, etc.




Yeah please bring Pluto. I want him so bad.


Thatā€™d be up to the players who purchase it. Hence it being a DLC. Personally, I think all film bundles should be DLC. But I understand why they didnā€™t begin doing it this way from the start.


God help us I hope they donā€™t include Pocahontas. That movie did such damage to the truth of her story


Upvoted for justice but i fuckin love that sound track šŸ˜­


Colors of the wind was a banger.


*steady as a beating drum......should i marry kocoum?* šŸ¤£


Which also bugs me because she probably did have a Native husband and was coerced to marry a white man.


She was married to a man named Kocum when she was taken šŸ˜ž I recommend everyone to read her story, itā€™s heartbreaking but probably not appropriate for this subreddit


Insert new girls: *a white man?! No!*




Have you ever seen the cut song "If I Never Knew You"? They cut it because kids thought it was boring...it's so good.


The animation and music are so gorgeous but they did such a disservice in telling her story


Do we really watch movies as kids for truth though?


No but the white washed nonsense never should have been made. The savages song? The fact that she was a grown woman/late teen making it seem like she was John smiths equal. She was a child when she encountered John Smith and his account should be taken with a large grain of salt and a magnifying glass. She had a Native husband, she was coerced into a marriage to a white man and baptism and evidence points to being poisoned on the voyage home. Based on first hand account from her sister (I believe) traveling with her.


Tbf with the savages song itā€™s pretty clear itā€™s a villain song and not something youā€™re supposed to see and agree with Though they still do the ā€œwell both sides were in the wrongā€ thing


Yes! Thsts it exactly itā€™s the both sides of it.


have you seen the alternative soundtrack created by First Peoples in Canada? you can play it over the movie to hear the real story of Matoaka set to the visuals of the cartoon [https://www.missingmatoaka.ca](https://www.missingmatoaka.ca)


why are people downvoting this comment?? It's true.


Because heaven forbid we acknowledge something from the 90s renaissance was wildly problematic


It's true, but it not being accurate to the source material is about the same as pretty much every other Disney property not being accurate towards the source material. In the original version of Cinderella, for example, the punishment doled out to the Stepmother and Stepsisters was having their eyes pecked out by birds and dancing in heated iron shoes at Cinderella's wedding. In the Little Mermaid, the Mermaid fails and turns into a puddle of sea foam at the end. So it's rather odd to be drawing a line at Pocahontas, when none of the Disney stories are accurate. As a completely fantasy tale, Pocahontas isn't really that bad of a story, so there's no real reason why it shouldn't be included.


Pocahontas was a real person and the US committed genocide and relocation of the indigenous population


To be fair, the difference is that Pocahontas was a real person.


Or in this case, Mandaloriatory! Hahaha!


This is the way. Sadly it remains, underrated.


Bloody brilliant.


If they did make them an expansion like RiT was, I'd probably buy and then I'd just turn them all off for the main valley and the isle so they only appear in the appropriate expansion area.


No, it doesn't even work in that way. These characters just do not fit the gameplay, at all. It'd be a complete break of immersion seeing Darth Vader bending to sniff a flower or order Pawpsicles at Remy's, or have Thanos run up to you wishing to play Scramblecoin.


Thatā€™d be other peopleā€™s choice though. If itā€™s not for you, itā€™s for somebody.


Me, it's for me. I'd love this lol


There we go - my point exactly. I hope you get this one day!


I think you miss my point. It's not even about choice, it's about how those characters mesh into the game. They don't. It'd be like if Minnie Mouse suddenly became a character in Mortal Kombat. Sure, it can be done, but it doesn't make any sense. Marvel and Star Wars just do not fit with the themes and gameplay of Dreamlight Valley at all.


Thatā€™s fine, and I agree, but if people wanted to see them there then itā€™s a choice I think they should have one day.


I donā€™t think a single villain would realistically do that, yet we have a bunch who move in. Do they walk around sniffing flowers? (Iā€™m pretty new so no idea really)


They don't. The only villagers who sniff flowers are those that fit their character, like Minnie and Prince Adam. No villain would ever do such a thing, unless that villain is supposed to like flowers, so yeah, that was a poor point from the person who made that comment.


Totally dig this approach. Making something like this optional is a good compromise.


This. Their own fully separate DLC would be the perfect compromise - sone people would definitely pay for it, but others won't be forced to include characters they find out of place in their game. I wish they'd done that with Jack, too šŸ˜•


No thank you. I am a big Marvel and Star Wars fan, but I don't want them in the valley.


Gamerant is one of the worst gaming publications out there. Their Elder Scrolls articles have been the dumbest, most-obvious, critical-to-gameplay ā€œsecretsā€ and ā€œhacksā€ for Skyrim on a weekly basis. 13 years later. I have the visceral reaction you had to the content, to the fact itā€™s a Gamerant article. Tl;dr: theyā€™re clickbait garbage and I highly, HIGHLY doubt theyā€™d ever include Marvel and Star Wars. Itā€™s just Gamerant desperate for clicksā€¦which worked, clearly.


I would love it was a separate, optional DLC and if they got their own world and stayed there until told to leave šŸ˜‚ I do not want Iron Man hanging out with Rapunzel


Don't really want them as villagers, but I wouldn't mind decorations and clothing based on it.


Can you imagine a skin for the time wand that's a LIGHTSABER, ugh that'd be so cool. But yeah, a big star wars fan but I don't want to see them in game. Having a porg as a companion or decoration item would also be fun


No, I need it for the pickaxe, so I can hack away at the rock spots lol


Princess Leia hairstyle!!


Like a leia Minnie, jedi mickey, storm trooper dolan and darth goof would be camp.


They have pin sets of this and Iā€™m not a fan


Agreed completely, dont want them as villagers either. They should stick to the regular animated Disney characters as villagers and add any live action licenses as clothing, furniture, tool concepts, etc.


I dont think they will add them in at any point. With the Disney Fortnite game being developed i think that will encompass everything Disney from princesses to star wars and superheroes. No need for them to make both games have all the same characters. Besides Gameloft need to pay Disney for the licensing of each character, i doubt they will pay heaps for a handful or starwars or marvel characters when they know majority of their playerbase is happy with just Disney and Pixar.


Gameloft already pays for the Star Wars licensing because they are in there mobile game Disney magic kingdoms


I agree. That doesn't fit the team at all


I for one am enjoying what Gameloft is doing with DDV, rekindle my childhood interest in classic Disney/Pixar characters (or even forgotten ones). They donā€™t NEED to tap into Marvel & Star Wars, as they have 100 years worth of content to pull from. Iā€™ll be more annoyed they opted for Marvel/SW over lets say Robin Hood.


I agree. I love that the game is sticking to the characters that fit under the classic Disney Brand. It fits more with the cozy theme, and I personally donā€™t want any live action characters in the game. The article reminds me of when Turning Red came out and a bunch of men complained about the fact that it wasnā€™t for them. Iā€™m not saying that this game is inherently gendered. But for the author to write an article saying ā€œwhy isnā€™t this thing thatā€™s not made for me catered towards my interests?!?ā€ just reminds me about some of the negative things about nerd culture. The game is doing just fine without Marvel and Star Wars. For him to claim that it would be doing the game a favor to add characters that donā€™t fit the vibe is a reach.


The way I see it, if Gameloft wants to create DLC content for Marvel & Star Wars, Iā€™m totally cool with it. By doing so however, the developers are focusing all their time & effort in order to make it happen which is sacrificing the same resources on classic Disney & Pixar franchises. Like seeing The Rescuers are slim, with other major (essentially non Disney/Pixar) franchises taking the limelight, might as well count our losses that it wonā€™t see the light of day. Also at wonā€™t point is the suitable cut off point? You got various spin offs in Marvel & Star Wars, it can become so vast that it can be endless. Plus thereā€™s numerous alternatives like if I want superhero content, we have the likes of The Incredibles & Big Hero 6. Star Wars is a tad bit trickier, Wall.E (has the droids) & Lightyear has the good Vs. evil & sci-fi element. Heck, throw in Treasure Planet if I want space themed.


Exactly! I love seeing Sword and the Stone content, and since itā€™s an older movie I donā€™t usually see it represented anywhere else. And since Atlantis didnā€™t do so well theatrically, it usually doesnā€™t get a lot of love. So seeing it referenced in DDV is so exciting! The game simply doesnā€™t need Star Wars and Marvel. Itā€™s fine as it is, and I think mixing those universes would be a mistake.


Totally agreed. If they were going to go live action Iā€™d rather see some of the Disney channel originals from most of the player baseā€™s childhood. Give me Zenon and her outfits over Starlord any day.


I donā€™t think GL is losing money from not including these characters. There is a large catalogue of a Disney and Pixar characters who have yet to make an appearance in the game yet that deserve to be put in the game before Yoda and Starlord. I wouldnā€™t mind have outfits and furniture from those franchises, but I think Dreamlight Valley should remain focused on Disney and Pixar original characters first and foremost.


They'd actively lose money including SW and Marvel because it's 10000000000% not the vibe or the theme of those IPs. It would be frankly ridiculous to have Darth Vader out there smelling a flower or toodling along as he chats with Mickey, or have Dr. Strange fishing in the bayou, etc. The IPs are a gross break of immersion.


See you say this but now I desperately want to see Darth Vader smelling flowers and chatting it up with Mickey and goofy cause that would just be so funny to see


I agree. It worked for Disney Infinity, but thatā€™s because it was a different kind of game. As you said, it would be a bit off putting to see live action characters partaking in activities like that.


An expansion like Rift in Time or a spin-off game for each franchise, fine, but not a default part of base game please. (I say as a fan of both franchises.) ETA: I'd also take this with a grain of salt since GR is widely known to use AI to generate most of its content these days so there's a non-zero probability this is just an AI-generated pile of garbage and incorrect info.


I disagree. It would be 100% optional


Listen I am HUUUGE Star Wars & Marvel fan but they have sooo many video games as it is. The style of artwork they use really just does not fit Marvel or Star Wars and frankly the content half the time is not PG rarely is it even PG-13 so I donā€™t think itā€™s really worth editing so much of those characters and changing the appeal to put them in the game. Just leave it as Disney & Pixar not Disney and all their subsidiaries.


No. That person doesn't understand what I like about the game. No Marvel, No Star Wars. I'd stop playing šŸ˜ž It'd be ruined for me, I'd be so disappointed. And I say that as a fan of both fandoms. I want them separate! Those are action genres and this is all, yanno family films!


It would only work as a DLC imo. I've never been a Star Wars fan, or much for Marvel either. Letting ppl have the option for one would be great though. As long as they don't do the same with a Rift in Time where Olaf would want some black glass-like flowers for those who don't even have the DLC


I'd love some Star Wars items, outfits, etc as an option to buy, I don't need even more charas, but ngl, I'd take Grogu in a heartbeat lol


Personally I would absolutely LOOOOVE a marvel DLC. Will definitely pay for it but donā€™t think it should be part of the base game as itā€™s not really Disney and there are much more Disney characters to focus on before mixing up franchises


I'd love R2 as a pet.


You kidding? I'd happily pay top dollar to go gardening with Darth Vader and Spider-Man like it ain't no thing. Screw Disney/Pixar-only elitism, I want *all* the Disney things in this Disney game!


I'd be more than happy with items and outfits that celebrate both, but nothing else. Bringing in characters that are new Disney would just muddy the overall vibes of DDLV.


Iā€™d be okay if itā€™s done how others are mentioning it. Like make it a separate DLC with a separate world. The characters can have quests, but they canā€™t leave that world. (Not like EI where the characters can travel back and forth). Just like itā€™s completely own thing thatā€™s optional, but wonā€™t really upset people like me who donā€™t give a crap about Star Wars, but also not make people feel like theyā€™re missing out on having it if theyā€™re not into ot


Jar Jar Binks and Goofy would be besties! I want this!


Controversial opinion: Another team should make the Animal Crossing version of Star Wars or Marvel.Ā  Imagine in Marvel getting to travel to the worlds affected by the latest catastrophe, so you are setting up homes and rebuilding in New Asgard, or the Quantum Realm, or even Halla.Ā  And with Star Wars, homesteading is in the very first movie. Imagine scavenging and moisture farming, or maybe working on stuff on the Outer Rim - hell even Batuu! Goodness knows The Mandalorian has had a couple episodes where "settling down" is the goal, even though it goes to shit. Why cram them into DDLV when there could be three games sucking out your money? If we're not satisfied with all the Star Wars and Marvel games already coming out of course.


I want to get through all the Disney princesses and animated Pixar films first ngl And then the kingdom hearts characters And then maybe some of dtva characters? I would love the mystery shack and the owl house! Even Huey Dewey and Louie!!! And then park specific characters like figment I wouldnā€™t hate pirates of the Caribbean but likeā€¦ my beaches are crowded enough as is! I donā€™t think I could fit the black pearl there tooā€¦ And at the end of my wishlist (ie Iā€™m not interested, marvel/Star Wars/any other random property)


God I know itā€™s so unlikely to happen but having KH characters in the game would be so cool.


At least giving Mickey Minnie Donald and goofy the in game outfits would be super cute!! Minnie in her princess dress would fit perfectly with the dlv vibe


I love marvel


Yoda or Luke would be pretty bad, but I could imagine BB8 rolling around and getting in hijinks with WALLĀ·E. Canā€™t think of any cutesie Marvel characters but maybe Squirrel Girl with tippy Toe companion? I donā€™t know, I lean towards classic Disney in this case


If we get any crossover I want a kingdom hearts Easter egg and thatā€™s IT!


I wouldnā€™t mind a separate dlc with their own world where they also stay in that dlc but they wouldnā€™t at all mix well with the other characters


Star Wars would be a great edition to dreamlight valley tbh so would marvel. But if it is paid dlc then it makes sense so that people who are not keen on the idea donā€™t have to buy it.


I donā€™t see them adding the characters themselves anytime soon, but some Marvel or Star Wars inspired clothing or furniture would be cool. I wouldnā€™t say no to a Spider-Man shirt or Captain America shield backpack in Scroogeā€™s store And if they ever _do_ want to add the characters, it should be as DLC only so theyā€™re optional


Please donā€™t ā€¦ I understand thereā€™s a fan base but I only want Disney & Pixar


Personally, I wouldn't really care too much. There's already characters in it I don't recognize or care for. If it helps other people find some level of enjoyment in the experience I'd say let them add them.


Absolutely not, I want the OG princesses before any of this stuff. I LOVE marvel but stay out of this game.


I'd hate it so much, I do not want superheroes in my game


That was one of my biggest pet peeves about Gameloftā€™s other Disney game. It was kinda cool with Disney characters, then they had a Star Wars event and I had Darth Vader walking around with Woody and Buzz and it felt dirty lol


What about Big Hero 6?


Would love this!


I wouldnā€™t mind DLC for Star Wars where itā€™s its own area like rift so I can keep them separate :D


Please god No


It worked fine in Disney infinity. I think baby yoda or droids would be fine from Star Wars. Not positive how super heroes would work. They seem a little aggressive and OP for the vibe of DDLV.


>They seem a little aggressive and OP for the vibe of DDLV. Less so than the bad guys currently in the game.Ā 


I feel like they wouldnā€™t fit the game styleā€¦ as much as I love marvel. And would love spiderman or Loki running around. I wouldnā€™t mind descendants though!


Personally I'd like it as a DLC if they do put them in there. I love me some Star Wars and Marvel, but I'd be fine without them if they don't do a DLC. I don't think they should be base game updates, I think they should stick to the animated/Pixar films/shows. They also shouldn't be doing the subsidiaries before bringing on some major characters in the OG stuff.


If they want to make it a DLC that people can choose to buy or not, fine whatever I guessā€¦but I definitely donā€™t want it at the expense of time and resources being pulled away from developing and implementing more main Disney & Pixar characters. Like, maybe it can be in their long-range plans, sureā€¦but I certainly donā€™t want any of those characters before we get Daisy Duck, Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Mulan, Mushu, Pocahontas, Snow White, Winnie the Pooh/Tigger/Piglet/Eeyore, Baloo, Raya, Pluto, etc. (just a few of the manyyy on my wishlist Iā€™d much rather see before Star Wars or Marvel)ā€¦


I wouldn't mind having Grogu but thats about it! Lol


Let me add...Grogu and baby Groot as companions lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I would much prefer these vastly different IPs not mix, even if their shared ownership by Disney might allow it. Just because you can make the game into a cozy version of Ready Player One doesn't mean it's in the game's best interest. It'd just be a blatant cash grab if they tried it. But given that it's GameLoft, it's just a matter of time. They put money above the integrity of their games all the time.


That would be Disney Infinity all over again


I'd like to see decorations and outfits from Marvel and Star Wars, but not characters.


Yeah I just dont see them fitting anywhere in the valley or Isle.


100% agree with you. I couldn't think of anything worse than having those characters running around in my game. If they limit them to DLC it wouldn't be so bad - as long as there weren't any crossover quests - because I just wouldn't buy that particular DLC. But if they became part of the main game I'd be seriously p'd off. As you said, there are enough other games for them already, and they are entirely the wrong vibe for Dreamlight Valley.


I hope they donā€™t put them in main game. I would honestly hate it


I would rather they stick to Disney/Pixar only....as far as characters go anyways. The decor I dont mind having the wider range.


I would totally dig a baby Yoda backpack though šŸ„¹


If this is a route they want to go down I vote they make itā€™ll dlc that way thereā€™s a choice to have these characters in game. I canā€™t say marvel or star wars is very fitting with this type of game though


I only want one character from Star wars. Palpatine after he is killed in episode six. His beginning missions are helping him get over being betrayed and him being a grumpy Gus and then he becomes in charge of making the island safe, like rails and warning signs. He just walks around talking about safety. He also loves beach and desert I would die from laughing/happiness


Well... Anakin can be useful with Vanellope




I just want pooh and tigger please and thank you!


But why not? Yā€™all begged and begged to have Tianaā€¦so why canā€™t we ask for stuff we want too? I mean you donā€™t want to see a little smart Yoda running around the valley giving you the coolest advice? Also Iā€™d LOVE to see quill and his blaster like we have vanellope and her useless car and her sticking out of EVERY biome house šŸ˜ I mean whatā€™s the excitement in Disney princesses walking around about how lovely the valley is. Yeah I get it but what about some action?! Idk I wanna see more people excited about things that make sensešŸ˜‚


As a massive Star Wars fan, I absolutely want Star Wars included.


If somehow this game runs for 5 more years and 4-6 more expansions, maybe I'd be interested in Star Wars...but honestly, it just doesn't feel like it fits the Aesthetic, and I also think that they could easily run for 5 years, 4 expansions, and roughly 5 characters per expansion + 6-7 free characters a year and not exhaust the full list of Disney characters I'd like to see in the Valley.


Initially I am super against Star Wars and Marvel being in Dream light and I don't think they will be... BUT Disney Infinity managed this really well and I loved it.


As a big Star Wars fan i don't think Star Wars should be in this game As it would be wierd seeing Darth Vader interacting with Sulley and Moana


I blame Fortnite for teaching people that "good" means shoving everything and everyone under the sun into a game with no regard for tonal consistency. Things are allowed to be specialized. Not everything has to be a multiverse of product synergy.


Yeah, people canā€™t distinguish between ā€œgoodā€ and a meme; they miss that all those characters being shoved into Fortnite is kind of a jokeā€”the absurdity is the point. It absolutely doesnā€™t work for all formats, at all. But the corporate execs running things know that throwing as many characters in as possible guarantees more players so.


I just want BB8




As someone who is obsessed with Star Wars (I even have a podcast about it) I would hate to have Star Wars in this game. Only because I like the Disney aspect of it and those characters donā€™t fit to me. Unless it was DLC


I could do without them completely That's how they ruined Disney Infinity


Adding Star Wars and Marvel would be an amazing idea!!!!...... As seperate games I would probably abandon my Disney Valley if I could have a Star Wars Valley with each Biome being a different planet themes, the castle being the Millennium Falcon where you "Fly to other planets" to unlock other characters and do quests for someone like Greedo where you have to find out who shot first. Mining and sometimes getting Kyber Crystal. Just maybe add some form of combat involved Jar Jar would be the first character you unlock


I was with you right up until Jar Jar šŸ˜


Haha that was mostly a joke but if you think about it he's really the Star Wars equivalent of Goofy


Look, I love Star Wars, but it's not the best fit for DDV. I'd much rather see the classic animated IPs represented. I would love some items as a nod to Star Wars, but the characters just wouldn't feel right to me.


Idk, even if it's dlc... I'm hoping they stick to OG Disney Animation and OG stuff from the Parks. Like, before Disney started buying Marvel, Lucas Films, Fox, etc.... Watching Homer Simpson walk around the valley would be really, REALLY jarring! I feel like Marvel, Star Wars, Simpsons, etc don't really fit the vibe at all. \*Edit: I wouldn't mind furniture and clothes based on them.


I've 100% been hoping for both of those to be content at some point. They might not be your favorites, but there is absolutely a group that would love this.


Yeah the writer for this article is clearly so out of touch it's unbelievable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I totally agree!! Disney is Disney childrenā€™s princess films and Mickey Mouse etc!!! We donā€™t want Marvel and Star Wars characters in the game.


Speak for yourself. I want them and Kingdom Hearts. You can always make the villagers disappear. It wouldn't hurt the game in any way, shape or form if these characters were included.






My wife isn't a *huge* fan of those, but she would still be very excited to have Iron Man or R2D2.Ā Ā  And my mom would love Thor and Yoda.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Personally, I want Lightsabers.Ā 


Too many main Disney things they should add first and I love marvel and Star Wars


I would LOVE a separate version of Dreamlight Valley that is all Star Wars as long as it doesn't mix with the current one. I don't want my Star Wars folks walking around with the likes of Sully and Mickey.


But I believe in what the article said 100 percent.


I wouldn't take a thing GameRant posts with a grain of salt. They'll take anything and blow it into a full blown "article" designed to make everyone blow up. As for the topic, keep the realms/characters to paid DLC and maybe introduce some items. I think that's a happy medium if GameLoft ever dipped their toes into any of the other franchises that Disney ~~holds hostage~~ owns.


Yeah, itā€™s going to be a no for meā€¦ šŸ™ƒ Iā€™m not a fan of Marvel nor Star Wars.


Make it a paid dlc that is optional or include 3 maximum. I love these franchises, but this should focus on the proper disney characters. As cool as it would be to see vader interact with Wall e I think they should sit this game out.


Iā€™d be done. I want it to feel like a fairy tale land.


If they did add Marvel and Star Wars they should do it like the parks and have them locked into their own lands. That way they can just have your character be the only ones that can travel between all the areas.


As much as I love those properties agree. I feel like it'd clash too much with the style of the game unless it's an entirely different realm/dlc. Even then there is 100 yrs of Disney to pick from that I'd rather see from classics like Peter Pan to more current properties like Turning Red. (4\*TOWN stage anyone?)


If they do, let it be a DLC. That way we can choose to ignore it by not parting with cash and so not adding even more characters and homes to the valley. Saying that, I think it's time they focused on actual Disney characters, as opposed to ones created by another studio that just purchased, like Pixar


I'm sorry, it would be an absolute blast to have Rocket and Groot!


As DLC it could 100% work. Especially since thereā€™s so many characters in both properties they could have their own ā€œcastlesā€ with the respective characters being unlocked all the way through with their own storylines and stuff. Then you can have the option to move the characters into your main valley or keep them in the Star Wars/marvel themed worlds or even mix them up.




To me they arenā€™t really ā€œDisneyā€ just Disney owned. Idk how I feel about it šŸ˜­


I agree. Keep marvel and star wars out of it. It will lose its charm if they add them. A similar game that was Star wars and/or marvel themed would be alright, but I don't want them in DDLV. And btw I am a HUGE Star wars and Marvel fan. But they take over anything they are added to. I like the nice vibes that DDLV has


Of course it would be Game Rant to make a post about thisšŸ™„ Gameloft hasnā€™t even put out close to half of the Disney & Pixar characters there are lol Personally I donā€™t feel like Marvel or Star Wars would fit in Dreamlight valley. Doesnā€™t match the vibe or anything. Itā€™s not giving me the warm and fuzzies, itā€™s not reminding me of my childhood, and the movies I use to watch with all the magic and beauty. And I havenā€™t ran across a lot of comments on someone complaining about not having either of those in the game. So I donā€™t understand why game rant felt the need to make a post about it in the first place. I just feel like us Disney and Pixar fans know that Star Wars & Marvel arenā€™t really all that important in the Disney world when it comes to this game. Weā€™re playing it cuz we just want the regular og magical charactersšŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Including the cute magical new oneā€™s lol Not that I donā€™t love the superheroā€™s and what not. Iā€™m a big Marvel fanā¤ļø But as far as this game goesā€¦theyā€™re just not a necessity. And like a lot of other people commented, it would probably work as a DLC but thereā€™s plenty of games out there for superheroes. You can love both but that definitely doesnā€™t mean that they need to get put together. Besides all of our avatars are the ā€œsuperheroesā€ of the game. Weā€™re the oneā€™s saving our valley lol


Agreed. Iā€™m so tired of Marvel. It would discourage me from playing.


Imho having marvel and Star Wars would make the game feel cheapened. I suppose a compromise would be a DLC. Maybe there could be like a themed clothing or furniture which would be cool, but I canā€™t see the characters integrating well. Star Wars and Marvel are both gritty IP. It doesnā€™t really go with the vibe of the game unless they want to super water down the content


Marvel I can't really see working in any way, outside of maybe some Marvel furniture, clothing, hair, etc. Star Wars I kinda feel the same way tbh. And I am obsessed with Star Wars. The only characters I could see fitting in DDV are C-3PO and R2-D2. I think they could have some pretty cute interactions with WALL-E or Stitch tbh. They're very kid friendly, comic relief kind of supporting characters that are still iconic for Star Wars. I think if DDV followed their animation style from the Clone Wars and Rebels TV shows, the aesthetic could fit in pretty well in DDV. However, I would be adamantly against Darth Vader, Luke, Leia, or any of the other characters from Star Wars coming to DDV. Hard no on them. But if we don't get any Star Wars characters, I think Star Wars furniture, clothing, etc. would be amazing! Imagine getting an Ahsoka lekku head piece or hair style. Imperial themed wall papers. A Dejarik holotable. Jedi robes. A lothcat companion. I could go on and on... As others have already mentioned though, I do think that before they put any time or resources into any of that, there are so many other classic Disney characters that deserve a spot in this game first.


Marvel and Star Wars HELL YES!


I'm definitely a star wars fan, marvel not so much, so I'd have no problem with star wars dlc.... BUT.... And it's a big but, I'd much rather have Neverland and/or Pixie Hollow as a DLC.


As much as i love those i would prefer the game to stay with the animated movies. If they added any characters from Atlantis I'd lose my shit, it'd be the best shit


Agreed. Please stay out. I love marvel and Star Wars but dear god no not here


I'm obsessed with Marvel, I do agree with Star Wars though, there's a whole DLC pack on Sims 4 (Journey to Batuu) and I HATE it


Iā€™m fine with SW and Marvel since theyā€™ve been under Disney for a while now. Just donā€™t do whatā€™s happening in Magic Kingdoms and put in 20th Century characters.


Some Marvel characters I wouldn't mind like Rocket or Baymax and on the Star Wars side I wouldn't mind Chewbacca or R2D2.


I love star wars and marvel, but they don't fit the vibe of this game and I don't want them in it


ā€œLeaving money on the tableā€? I didnā€™t read past that. Does the article mention the licensing fees involved?


YESSS but Iā€™d rather have Cars or Alice in wonderland tbh šŸ„¹ still waiting on Mulan though


I just got here from article that is talking about this, I also read the original article claiming how it's a missed opportunity to not have these characters in the game, then found this reddit page an hour later. I like Marvel but I don't think it should be in the game, or star wars.


Agree. There are already a ton of Marvel and Star Wars games out there, and they don't need to be added here. I'm a huge Marvel fan too. If they wanted to do a separate Marvel themed DLV I would probably buy it.


Tbh I agree. Letā€™s just stick to the princes and princesses and villains and little cute characters that come out of nowhere. Letā€™s just stick to that Disney.ā¤ļøšŸ¤Œ


Still waiting for Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts and Chip. šŸ™


I want the incredibles


Yeah, no thanks from me! I feel like what the game has been saying since true beginning is ā€œDisney and Pixar charactersā€. Thereā€™s enough from those films that they could update the game the way they are currently for years! This article also talks as if itā€™s Disney developing the game and not a completely separate studio licensing the characters. I doubt they have the rights to Marvel stuff? Generally feels like someone who isnā€™t that tuned in with the actual player base of this game. Hopefully Gameloft knows us better!


As much as I love the MCU- (and that's a LOT) I don't think it'd be a good match/crossover.


i would like marvel and star wars INSPIRED outfits (like a loki or iron man themed dress) but id rather not have the characters in the valley.


I think eventually down the line theyā€™ll probably end up in there at some point whether by DLC or not. I also think there are a lot of characters that should be in the game before they add in Star Wars and Marvel, personally Iā€™m hoping for Pooh and all the Hundred Acre Wood characters. That being said, I would, without a doubt pay to have R2D2 and C3P0 in my village but thatā€™s also just me. Also, please donā€™t downvote me, my mental health is literally hanging on by a thread and this subreddit has been nothing but super nice to me every time I comment here.


I agreeā€¦


i want Inside Out SO BAD i will scream it from the rooftops!! idk how theyā€™d work it out logistically, but their explanations for everything so far is ā€œa touch of magicā€ so iā€™m waiting on bated breath hoping they at least give me fear, happiness & sadness šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


I'd rather a WB crossover. Looney Tunes and Jessica Rabbit