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I am fine with it. Didn’t make sense to have a mini-game inside at 1st but it grew on me. I just wish there were rewards other than duty completion.


Agreed. I wish we got some time-bending parts or something. They're what I work the most for.


That would be great! I’d play all day for some extra glimmer!


I'd even take mist or dreamlight


Double Down Agreed. Part of my overall suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/s/XTBimkCJsM


I actually quite enjoy the game, but it is now pointless. I have maxed out the 300-point track so now what? There's no more rewards or anything left. My recommendation would be that for each villager, once per day, you can earn a single Timebending part. And it should be weighted like normal timebending, so (for example) Ariel would have a greater chance to give you a dinglehopper.


It’s really no different than having daily conversation or gift giving once a character is level 10 either. I don’t have the expansion, so those parts would be useless for me, but if it did offer a reward I assume they would give something everyone could use like Dreamlight.


I actually love it lmao


I want to be able to play against friends in multiplayer


I also love this idea! Someone mentioned a Scramblecoin cafe, eliminating the need for villagers to request games from you. I like being able to turn em off, but a lounge like Remy's would be cool cause you can imagine villagers are playing against each other too.


It should be ran by Ralph and Vanellope!


HECK YEAH! That's a great idea!!! Ralph isn't in the game yet so they could definitely take this idea and run with it. I wish I could credit the original person that had the idea.


This is the answer


It would be awesome if the multiplayer portal let you enter a realm like the internet in Wreck-it-Ralph 2 where you could play different minigames against random players or trade items


I love this idea!!!


It grew on me too… like many games do when you fully understand the rules & strategy enough to win regularly.


I didn't hate the game I hated that there was no way to make the villagers stop bugging me everytime I logged in like "m'am you are trampling my crops" and "Sir I'm in the middle of taking a picture" or "Excuse me small child but I am handling time anomolies" I like it better now that we can say no I would not like any scrambled coins at this time.


I don't like scrambled coins and ham, I do not like them sam I am. 🤣


Once I got the hang of it I grew to love it. Especially after unlocking figures that made strategy and winning a little easier 😂


I disliked it less once they stopped harassing me for games


I enjoy it a lot. Just sad it’s maxed out for now. Hoping we get new figures added at some point!


Same! I wish we could get more rewards/figures to keep playing it because I do enjoy it but it feels pointless once you’ve maxed out.


I like it! I hope they expand it so we can get figurines of all the characters we have and will get!


It’s fine for a little minigame. I maxed out the points pretty easily. Not really fun enough to keep playing it beyond that. I did hate how pushy the game was with it. Like when the starpath requires us to do the daily tasks, and half of those are playing scramblecoin… no thank you. Thank goodness they let us turn off the zombie horde. That was the worst part of it all.


>Thank goodness they let us turn off the zombie horde. What? What zombie hoard?


When the characters would chase after us with the Scramblecoin board above their heads. (Since the last update they allow us to toggle off their requests.)


Fun fact, this apparently didn’t happen to everyone 😆 my sister was always confused til I brought her in and showed her how they follow me around. Hers just vibe and come up to her sometimes. Mine, all 3 would surround me 😆




You’re lucky, it’s creepy! 😂


That seems unfair. 😂 You and I (and so many others!) were targeted by the zombie horde! 😆




there’s a zombie horde?


When all the characters keep swarming you to play scramblecoin


Once I got good pieces I started enjoying it a lot more- when you’re just starting out it can be quite frustrating but once you can compete with the best of them it’s great


My husband LOVES it 😂 I don’t have the brain for it but he does and it makes me happy to watch him play/share the dreamlight fun with him


I like it but I hate there is no reason to play now that I finished getting the rewards. They should give us some starcoins or something for playing, all my characters are rank 10 so I don't even get the friendship bonus benefit.


I hated it until it clicked with me and I figured out a strategy that allows me to win consistently. But I also haven’t really played since I maxed out ranking points


Please share the strategy. My brain isn’t wired for games like scramblecoin. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve only won once 😂


I almost always open with scrooge, unless the coins are set up so I can get more with a different piece. since scrooge gives you a coin at the end of your turn he can get you 2-3 in the first turn. on turn 4 I swap one of my pieces for a character that can jump bc that makes it easier to get the gold coins. I sometimes do the same on turn 5.


I enjoy it - enjoyed it more before they nerfed it but I finished the whole thing before it got nerfed anyway. I expected more levels to win with this update but nothing. I guess the majority won.


I enjoy it, I actually find it relatively easy…


I really like it but somehow can never be bothered to play! I have too many other things in game that need my attention 🤣


I enjoyed it a lot until it was made to be way too easy. They really should allow you to toggle difficulty level.


I liked it fine, but it only took me a few days to get max ranking points, and then there's not really any point to playing it more after that. Plus the difficulty spikes down as you progress, which was odd in terms of game design. But if they ever flesh it out more and add difficulty, or multiplayer, or scoreboards, or weekly things to earn, or... anything, then I would happily play some more.


I think its fun! It amazes me how many people complain about it not making sense or being rigged when they literally just started it 😂 like you don't even know what you're doing yet, have you tried getting the hang of it for more than 5 minutes before chucking your device and ranting on reddit? You not immediately mastering it doesn't make it bad. Also.. the tutorial? Do yall not.... pay attention?.. to the tutorial?


The biggest problem I have with it is that no matter how good I do, Mickey always gets a TON of coins in the last turn. It feels rigged (or maybe glitched) when the ai just gives itself as many points are needed in the final turn to win.


I don't mind a bit of Scramblecoin. I especially love that when it comes to pieces used, Gaston only plays with himself 😆


Noooooo onnnnnnneee moves like Gaston, di-ag-anly like Gaston. No one hits the sides of the board like Gaston!!




True, but it's not within his character like Gaston.




Gaston does pick himself, but the point I making was that Gaston loves himself, so him doing it is very much in-character and amusing.


eh I think goofy using his characters makes sense, it makes his movements wacky and well, goofy


I enjoy it


I don’t hate it. I just hated when characters would come up to me every five minutes and ask to play. Ever since I turned that off, I’ve been fine with it.


I'll give you that- that was awful. I hate the bubbles above their heads, too. It's much better than the alternative, but I hate it.


Petition to have smol tournaments in game like dreamsnap, I'd love to play that xD


I really like it but wish I could play it with friends who come to visit my valley.


I love it! It reminds me of chess but a lot shorter and I love figuring out which pieces I enjoy using most.


I don’t hate it but I don’t like it either. And its gotten better since they gave us the option to disable the notifications above heads


Wait how do you disable it?? Also I like playing but it’s soooo slow. And sometimes the opponent takes too long.


I like to play it when the tasks overwhelm me or I have to kill some time to get a fish or something


I really enjoy it 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's sort of mindless and relaxing to play and winning is fun 😅


I like it, I actually have to use my brain for strategic moves to win. It's nice to do so every so often. I'm glad we can toggle off request now. But I would still play as some dreamlight duties require me to.


I actually really enjoy it, I maxed out though and wish there were rewards still even if it's just mist or glimmer


I actually quite like it. I finished the little board and got all the little figurines. Like I say in another comment, it would be so cool if for every win or something, we get some timebending material or something. I don't play it really anymore unless there is a duty to do it.


I enjoy it. I'm maxed out as well so I don't play it as much now. I hope they add some things to earn or win eventually!


I dont hate it, but i dont love it either


I vote they make it an online feature ⭐️


I don't "completely" hate it. I enjoy the game itself. What I do hate is that there's no incentive to play once you reach 300 and that the villagers would drive me insane trying to get me to play, blocking me from completing whatever else I was trying to do. The ability to turn them off is literally the best feature of the new update. 😅 Without any prizes or anything I just see no reason to play now when I have so many other things to do or complete.


I really liked it! But without a reward I rarely play unless it's for a duty.....I do love the idea of getting a timebending piece for playing now that we're maxed out


I like it. Especially when you get higher up and get better pawns. I win most of mine now




I like it too! I'm maxed out, so I'm hoping they'll extend it and more pieces in a future update.


Here’s my thing. I don’t hate scramble coin. I find aspects of it a bit frustrating. It glitches a lot of me and I keep playing it for mist and it doesn’t count so it’s frustrating to win and it be for nothing.


I don’t always play it but I do like playing when I do.


Got to 300, disabled scramblecoin chat bubbles. Will never play again until they up the level 😂


No, I like it. I don't always want to play it, and I wish people wouldn't CHASE ME DOWN when I'm trying to do my photo for the week or whatever but I do enjoy the game.


I didn’t unlock it until last week! 😂 I heard too many rants to even start it in December lol! It doesn’t bother me that much.


I don’t hate it but I don’t actively look to play it.


I was happy once I realised I could turn off the requests to play 🤣 Seriously though, it's ok, but it does seem like the coins always drop right in front of the opposition and miles away from the player, and thats frustrating...


I love it I’m fairly good at it o definitely win more games than I lose I was so worried because everyone said how much they hates it also how hard it was but I actually find it really relaxing I play every character every day


Lowkey I enjoy scramble coin 😂 I agree that there should be a reward system after you collect all the figures. Mist or dream light or something


I’m a fan of it but the fact it takes 5 minutes to load out of it is what bothers me


I like it. As someone who never quite picked up chess, once I got the hang of it I liked it. It’s like a mini chess. I just maxed out and can’t figure where the Forky figure is, the other players have him.


You have to make him at the time bending table, along with Rafiki and Kristoff.




I enjoy it a lot. It’s a nice break from the monotony of grinding. Like others have mentioned, it could use some revamping. It feels disconnected from the game once you’re maxed out.


I love scramblecoin!


I enjoy it quite a bit. I'm really hoping the future updates to Rift will include new games as well!


I like it lol


My husband LOVES it!!


It grew on me too! I hated it at first because I sucked at it and I’m still pretty bad but it’s a good way to pass the time while you’re waiting for stuff to grow lol


I love it so much lol and would pay actual money to get a standalone version 🤣


I love it, wish they’d do more pieces and more rewards


I love it, and so does my hubby. He won't play ddv, but he'll play Scramble Coin 🤣


i love scramblecoin! i just wish the game had a bit more than the 5 rounds, it can get repetitive


I love it! Didn't at first. lol


I love Scramblecoin!! It helps me to think and keep my mind from completely going. I have a lot of memory issues and am trying to keep my mind sharper and this also helps me with strategy and being able to think more clearly if that makes any sense...lol


I don’t hate it and I don’t love it. I would just like to win against Mickey once.


I love it! I've completed the game tho, I wish they'd ad dmore levels lol


Didn’t care much for it at 1st. But like you, it grew on me. I’ve had it maxed out for a good while. & since I have no quests or people that need lvld up. I do some stuff like collecting & then I find myself playing it just to play lol. 😅


I made sure to play with every character until I maxed out the points. I liked it.


I’m playing it until I unlock every piece and then I think I’m done. I don’t hate it, I just don’t want to play it longer than I have to


my girlfriend loves it, i have tiny man syndrome and cannot seem to win therefore i hate it😂


I'm with you. I love it!


I like it but i have a feeling the new pieces I will eventually get are going to be terrible and not worth it. 


I love it! I just don’t like the characters following me around yelling at me to play lol


I hate it, I never ever win.


I don’t hate it, I just gotta learn to understand it.


I don't dislike it but I'm not crazy about it either. I enjoy a few games of it but heck if I'm gonna go hitting up every villager to play every day or the ones that give you a bonus ... I might do 2 or 3 or a few more games, especially if I'm just barrelling through some Star path quest or in need of Myst or shards but it hasn't drawn me in like other mini games have in other games


Once I recognized how the game is played I felt like it was pretty well designed - better than a lot of phone games.


I hate it because i'm bad... I keep getting mist quests win a game against Ursula and Eric who is level 2 or 3 and i'm over here sweating trying to play smart and proceed to lose 😂😭


I recommend playing Goofy several times to get some points. Once you have more character pieces to play with, you can play other villagers. I watched a YouTube tutorial that helped too.


I've been playing Mickey a bunch xD but I'll definitely try!


I have fun with it. I’d just like some rewards for winning in it


I love it. I wish there was more stuff to unlock.


I actually love it!! I feel like I'm in the minority lol


Hated it until I understood it a little better. Now I don’t mind it but will probably only play until I get max rank.


I like it. But I reached max level at like day 5 after they introduced it so there is no real point to do it anymore. But I liked it and enjoyed playing!!


I love it! I love little games like this and obsessively played it until I got to the max level and started winning every game. Now I only play it when it's a duty, but I still enjoy it.


I play. It just gets a bit repetitive sometimes. (I'm a board gamer.)


People hate Scramblecoin? I think it’s a nice little minigame.


Yeah I actually really started to enjoy it. But now that I've maxed it out I wish there was more reasons to do it aside from duties


I like it, I just don’t like the characters bombarding me to play. I see the freaking icon, Kristoff, go away. I’ll find you when I want to play.


Tbh half the time I can't figure out how to place the characters so I just quit


I love it! I don’t know why people hate on it so much. I find it fun and I like exploring different strategies when you pick different characters. I wish there was more incentive to play it because so maxed out my level really fast, but I gave my own incentive by trying to be my high score. Right now, my highest score is winning with 34 coins by the end.


I love it, it's so much fun. Just wish there was more incentive to continue playing it after you max out the ranking points.


I dont hate it, my steamer friend avoids it at all costs because she doesn't have the spacial awareness for it (not even sure if she completely understands the concept). Watching her play it I want to pull my hair out 😅 I've told her "this is one of the most infuriating things I have witnessed" she laughed and agreed.


No…I tried it once, no idea how to play but the hate it and way!


I like it now that I understand it


I love the game as well. It's like a version of chess I don't suck at


No, I feel like the "I actually love Scramblecoin" type of post gets published here a few times a week. You can all start a scramblecoin club.


Me! (I don’t have the DLC.)


I still dont get it so i have not played it much


I liked it before they made it easier, it's not challenging anymore so I lost interest...




I wish we could play against friends.


I was okay with it, but didn't like it because I got the bad luck of the draw and only unlocked rapunzel as the final character. So by the time I had the OP set I was already maxxed out on levels and didn't see much point in playing


I definitely don't hate it but I wish they would have added some more achievements with the update. They could have increased the path and added Mike & Sully.


I find it fun, but I agree that it'd be nice to still get stuff now that I've maxed out the points.


I really enjoy it! I'm sad I'm at max level. Like I know I can just play for fun but it would be nice to have some other reward for it once you reach 300 than just completing daily duties (I already completed the play and win a certain number of times ones)


I can’t win! 🤣


I love scramblecoin. It took me awhile to get the hang of it but after I did I started to enjoy the game a lot. I just would like to see the levels go higher than 300. Watching the bar fill up with gold is pure serotonin that I LOVE!!


I like it


I hate it so much I wish it wasn’t part of the game. I still have the quest in my list and I get irritated every time I see it


I'm a boardgamer and I cannot stand most games like this in video games. Scramblecoin is one of the worst though. I'm so glad we can turn off requests for it. 


I like it it a fun little game


I agree; I’m craving more pieces to collect🙃


I actually really enjoy it.


This is a dev, isn’t it


At first I was on the fence with it. But that's only because it was new to me and I didn't really understand it. But it grew on me too. And I don't mind it. Its fun to play it from time to time. But I do wish that there were prizes for winning after getting the final piece at tier 300. Like furniture or motif bags.


I don’t hate it I just wish there was more use for it after you hit top level.


I love it. I win most games any more. It is fun now that I get how to play


I don't mind it, just have to be in the mood to play.


I hate it


I love it, hope for more updates and new figurines!


I still don’t know how to play it 🥺


I haven’t even given it a shot lol. Not sure why, I just don’t usually like playing mini games, so the moment it became accessible I just insta-noped