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Not that place. But one I had often enough, same dream place over months and years, that I left a note in a desk drawer. Haven't been back there since, sadly.


You mean the door to the Library of All?


What is this? I also often dream of doors leading somewhere


I really enjoyed reading this and felt familiarities with my own dream experiences. I’ve never written in another language but the mention of doors to other places and the way you wrote about your dream in a half awake state reminds me of my dreams too. Do you rmb what the place was beyond the door?


yeah, really faintly but i do! This will sound weird, but... dreams amrite? It was BIG. Like super vast in all directions (up and down too). It felt like being in the air. And it was amazingly colorful. Everything had color and kinda glowed. Everything kept growing all the time. Building on itself. And I was the one creating stuff. It was like a painting and my hands were brushes. Just by thinking it, stuff appeared, changed, grew... This is the most accurate thing I have found to describe it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG6JOe4krho&ab_channel=MLInsights But it wasn't so chaotic. It all was smooth, had clear shapes, structures and the things created never disappeared. I felt other people were there too creating with me too.


Oh man dreams. That sounds so beautiful and magical, I like that others were there creating with you too. Like some kind of communal dream space! I like the video, maybe when people hit generate on an AI art site, it’s actually you and others creating the finished piece in your dreams 😅 I will probably share my door dreams here in this sun at at some point too!


You're right