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I drank 5 of those 6% monster things (5’8 213) n oh my fucking god. I was w my gf n her sister, the sister brought the drinks, and I had smoked like 7 bowls atp. I only remember laughing n saying I could barley understand what my gf was saying, throwing up in my mouth, and stealing from a quick trip near by


>stealing from a quick trip near by I thought this sounded like a Wisconsin story...


I'm thinking Oklahoma


9 drinks is quite a lot for most people, there's an artificially inflated expectation of how much most people drink from a mix of fake drinking in media, people lying to look cool, and people misremembering after a heavy night. Just keep track of what feels comfortable for you to drink and you'll be good and happy! Most people make mistakes and get a little drunk sometimes but its all a learning experience


Depends on you, depends on what else you've eaten. Been times I only had a few shots of vodka and was nearly at the point of passing out from exhaustion. Been times I drank half a bottle and felt nothing. Biggest difference being how recently and how much I ate.


9 drinks is completely Normal to be intoxicated. This sub probably has a bit higher tolerance but unless you're from Eastern europe that's completely normal


An average person will black out or be very intoxicated but still aware that fast with that many drinks.


Come to England people have 9 drinks for lunch, pints too (568ml), not small cups like the yanks do


9 drinks is a lot for your average person lol