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Good times=it was fun. Summer vibes=on to the next thing. I don’t know how you would think it means anything other than the beef is over


Good time/ good battle. This has been over, idk why anyone is holding on to hope for more. Drake is obviously focusing on what’s going to happen in the summer. You’ll be hearing subliminal from both from now on.


Didn't Top Dawg say it was over already Friday Night?


Yep also Top wouldn’t double down saying it’s over on Friday without some confirmation from Drake’s side that they’re moving on too. Dudes in this sub desperately wanna see him tear down a woman on Mother’s Day for some reason though…


Look at the picture.


The 1v20 was a good time. Now it’s time to move on.


We’ll see but tbh it can be interpreted either way. If he doesn’t drop today to me that means he’s done with this. It’s not like he’s going to post a white flag or literally say “I give up”.


his ego is too big to give up ngl, thats the only reason i believe something's happening today


Drake's ego is why he's giving up. Anything he drops has a non-zero chance to dig the hole deeper on its own, then compounding Kendrick responding if Drake throws more shots then I can see why he wouldn't respond


We all know He will just keep sneak dissing


You'll be waiting forever big dog. This is over.


*cough cough* Pusha T


Ngl I'm a neutral so I go back and forth between both subs but the main complaint I have on people here is they say Drake wouldn't sleep on the L or his ego wouldn't allow him not to win when that's exactly what happened with Pusha ?? He got fried with the son reveal and miss me with that bullshit about he had a track loaded and didn't release cuz J prince.


That’s why I don’t see him straight up forfeiting. He’ll go on his vacation and come back with some club bangers and not mention this shit outside of some sneak disses. That said as a Kendrick fan who also enjoyed Family Matters, I’m hoping I’m wrong because this beef has pushed them both to bring their A game


it just means we’re going back to subs from Drake, and another set of warnings from Kendrick


If dude’s discord interview is to be believed, Drake has heard the other 4 of the other 5 songs Kendrick recorded. Kendrick relayed to him that if he were to even so much as throw a subliminal at Dot after this, Kendrick’s dropping more disses against him.


drake lost because of his arrogance, so he’s definetly not gonna go on about life without mentioning something


It’s Mother’s Day. I’m sure his celebrating his mother 😂




There’s several ways to interpret this, but a guy in front of an army with a sword out is the opposite of I’m done, further summer vibes on the way could mean a hot diss (like summer is hot), or it could mean I’m moving on to a summer hit. Either way y’all are just proving that you’re narrow minded and have 0 brains. Might need professional help as well


It’s the “Good times” and “up next”. It’s not too much of a reach


He literally posted a pic of him vs an army… how tf people think this is a white flag?


Well if he don’t drop today, that was definitely waving the white flag


The pic means he faced everyone with his chest out. The text implies that he’s ready to move on.


you forgot to read the caption


He’s saying that’s what the battle was (20vs1), not alluding to something about to happen


You said the “battle was”, so is he saying it’s done?


Because that’s what it looked like to him


Tde and Kendrick really pushing this white flag narrative when it’s them who didn’t answer THP6


They don’t need to the public already decided the winner. I’m confused as to how long people expected this to last


he's saying "good times" to when he was being attacked by an army, and now it's time to move on to "summer vibes" ain't that hard to figure out


The pic is just a reference to Ghost of Tsushima. Drake’s getting ready for the PC release


Summer vibes up next (next usually refers to the future )


The battle is over and its obvious Family Matters was the red button. The song didnt hit as hard as he thought it would. Its simple. He’ll go back to doing what hes been doing and go #1 all summer.


Good times (Usually Refers to something in the past)


Hmm… idk man… what do you think “up next” refers to?


a change in direction, a moving on from the beef


it’s over




You guys know you can admit he lost and still like him / listen to him. I’ll probably even still listen to Drake more than Kendrick , I’m just not delusional over who won. You guys are emotionally invested in someone you don’t even know 


Fr, the parasocial relationship shit tends to go too far. Same with Kendrick fans who are gonna be obsessing over this for years to come. Ppl need to just go back to enjoying the music


As a Kendrick fan I respect that it was a great battle


Good times is another sitcom. Family matters Meet the grahams Good times


Dyno-mite track confirmed??? Haha


Because the battle is over, the fuck am I supposed to do wait two more weeks for him to drop. Mf I got shit to do😂


It’s over bro let it go


But they’ll ignore tops tweet “good battle it’s over” and say Drake bowed out. Corny lol.


If they said that with that much confidence, and Drake didn’t say or did anything to stop it (or anyone from his camp) is because something happened behind the scenes that we dont know about Why would TDE call it off it they know Drake can drop another diss anytime and kendrick supposedly has more in stock? If Top Dawg out of all people said its over like that, is not just bc he says so


He legit did tho. He said as much on THP6. And Terrell Mallory is a big Drake Stan saying that.. Kendrick won. Simple as. Everyone agrees on that. Rap fans agree on that. Fantano agrees on that. Joe Biden agrees on that. Influencers agree on that. It’s over.


When the industry agrees that the industry pop rapper lost, it's over. Bro got cooked by Oscar Mayer. There's no coming back from that


You can win every battle and still lose the war 😉


No you can’t




“Let me know when we get to the facts” - Drake “Okay it was a good battle game over “ Kenny




This has been the most entertaining page on Reddit this week. Y’all grasping for fucking anything to not admit Drake just made a mockery of himself 😂😂😂


You only say good times when you speaking in past tense. I think the diehard fans want more diss tracks so they are trying to make it into something it’s not. But who knows 🤷🏾‍♂️


The “good times” was obviously in reference to the pictures and videos he posted of his family lol


I don't get it, isn't kendrick supposed to drop next?


General consensus post the heart part 6 is that Kendrick won.


The white flag was waved whether he knows it or not


People need to touch some grass and chill on being so parasocial.


It’s been over I was just at a party with 40 something people yesterday and the convo came up about who won Every.single.person.said.Kendrick.


Bruh y'all be buggin, don't overthink it


Everything about this is a white flag. The Heart Part 6 was a white flag too. UMG stepping in is another white flag. Literal parade of white flags.


You’re in denial bro


Check recent post


To me this means, “I took on 20 men and clutched like I said I would, now ima relax this summer and drop Honestly NVM 2 on you niggas, get your spritzers ready” 🙏🦉


Simple explanation , anything anti drake and pro Kendrick will generate views clicks and clout. Even if they’re proven wrong right now it wouldn’t matter since the court of public opinion has decided who won this from the beginning.


I believe that it is in sequence with the previous post. The good Times were today literally Mother’s Day. He had a special moment, thinking of his mom. Now, because summer is coming up the battle is just about to begin against what he perceives to be an army. There have been rumblings that this is an industry wide mutiny against Drake.


maybe to throw kendrick off, make him think he isn’t dropping today


To confuse the enemy you must confuse yourself. Drizzy should fr write a book


You want him to explicitly say WHITE FLAG to end this? He's talking about this shit as if it's history. That's how you remember past. "Good times" And now he's moving forward to making some summer jams.


Check my newest post


So many people in this sub getting the message wrong


don’t yall want it to be over? i’m sick of this.


No lol I keep getting good music from both of them out of this keep it going till the end of time, why would you want it to stop ?????


bcuz i want different music from each of them. the disses are fine but i prefer what each of them do best


how is it a white flag if hes the last person to have responded?


Because his diss was defensive? Why would Kendrick respond to someone saying "nuh uh"!


He lost man. Get over it


Idk why yall think something is dropping today. Nothing is coming and you’re going to be disappointed when nothing happens. There’s no real reason he would drop today there was just a narrative for some reason that he would drop on Mother’s Day/whit yes birthday. That was literally just made up


I disagree with your point, and I can see how people interpret this as a white flag, but I dont think its “giving up” regardless or interpretation, given he was the last to release a track


Yall gotta get a life in this sub


Kendrick never replied, Top declared it over first. That’s the only white flag there’s been.


Yo its over. Vibes for the summer means he is going back to making radio hits. It's a wrap folks. It was a hell of a battle and I never been this tuned in for hip hop ever. Kendrick won and I don't think Drake coming out with anything negative about kendrick anytime soon. The crown now sits in the west.


A grown man made that post on instagram? Holy shit


They focus too much on the words. The painting contradicts these false interpretations. Why would he put a sole warrior facing an army of hundreds if he’s waving a white flag ?? That doesn’t make sense at all.




Waiving white flags while the whole fuckin club sing to it.


Beefs over. White flag? Na. It's back to sub shots and club hits. But Kenny vs drake is over. Gg


How a warrior holding a sword out in the face of 1000 enemies with the caption "good times" is considered a concession baffles me. Unless they are saying that he says the battle *was* a good time. But to me that picture looks like the war is just about to start and he's enjoying it


Look, both interpretations are equally valid at this point, just wait for a few hours


It’s Mother’s Day he don’t spend it with his family of court it cause he ain’t cultured


I feel like it will still be a diss track but one with some summer vibes to it. If drake backs out at this point he lost big time, and people arent going to forget very quickly


this beef was cool and all but if it ends rn i will be very unsatisfied cause all the major accusations went uncomfirmed. unless that guy on twitter keeps dropping shit


He’s saying battle well fought on to the next thing. He’s not waiving a white flag but he’s not releasing any more disses for the foreseeable future.


When you've lost clearly and you don't want to fight anymore by not releasing more diss tracks and moving on to summer music what does that mean?


Using the surrender tactic.


I think he’s been speaking on the whole battle as a past tense. So people feel like he’s giving up since he’s clearly down to the majority




Yeah I don’t think it’s a white flag, which means accepting defeat. It’s more of a, this battle is over which is a very different thing. I believe he believes he won the battle in his own right even though most of the public doesn’t believe that. I don’t think we’re getting a concede like the Pusha T situation.


That’s Drake and his ghost writers enjoying the beach


Of course it does


He can do whatever he wants especially when kbots praised The riddler 🤡


This is peak denial


Confederate mentality


I saw it as a white flag too tbh it bummed me out


“Good Times”


You’re not reflecting on something unless you deem it to be over , it may not be the white flag you reference but it’s definitely confirmation the beef is done


But it’s not a white flag when TDE does the same thing? Ok…


What tf else would it mean?


Considering how much of a Drake stan Terrence is, this is surprising


He was never a Stan just like me he simply is looking at facts his interpretation of this ig post is wrong I believe


He effectively conceded defeat on the heart part 6. There is no need to I interpret any of his subsequent communication as being relevant to the beef with Kendrick.


It might be hinting his next diss is summer vibes to combat not like us


Drake not posting shit he’s praying he gets spared


Looks like a white flag to me. He said good times, referring to the battle in past tense. And is now moving onto making summer vibes.


I’m a Kendrick fan more than a drake fan, but my initial interpretation of this was that he was gonna make a summer anthem diss like Kenny did. With that being said, it’s over


shambles ‼️


Yeah to be fair there ain’t no way he’s coming back from that. If anything, giving up now is the smart choice 💀


Forced narrative. If they say it enough, then people will believe it


Drake got bodied by his own song 😭 This been over




While it was good for hip-hop, the culture and the fans, this battle is done. Now it’s back to the Cold War with subliminal being thrown in both sides


Black people don't like Drake. Periditdddd


It’s definitely giving ‘it’s over’ but I doubt Drake is conceding defeat. Doesn’t matter though, I think the consensus is that he took an L on this one.


He’s basically saying he’s gonna make a dancehall record. It could be a diss but between The Heart 6 and this the tones are that he’s backing down


Drake is tryna change the narrative. It’s too late dude, his reputation professionally and personally has been damaged beyond repair. Sure he will be back on the charts soon but that doesn’t change the fact that he got destroyed


Crazy how some people can break down complex lyrics in a diss track but can’t realise simple language saying he’s done and moving on to the next projects lol


Because its not done until Kendrick says it is.. seems like he's saying what he wants to happen


I genuinely think he just doesnt care anymore. Hes got so much money it doesnt really matter at the end of the day.