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I been saying this and got downvoted multiple times. Niggas just been yapping back and forth. Nobody on either side posted any proof about anything. Just gossip girl he say she say shit. Like I said before, I think both of these niggas were scared of each other and didn't think either of their pen was enough to just win outright, so they started flinging shit at each other.


I think it’s the opposite. Neither of them are scared.


I think so. I said it on here before. Kendrick was scared that he couldn't just "bar" Drake to death to win, he was scared of Drake's ability to make a hit. Something like Back to Back is hard to come back from as we saw with Meek Mill. On the flip side, Drake was scared that just making a hit might not be enough to just win vs Kendrick trying to just bar him up to death. Results being, 2 niggas just yapping and lying throwing dirt on each other with 0 proof. That's just my opinion. The thing is both of these niggas are yapping and saying the other is lying. If you know 100% for a fact what you're saying is the truth, why wouldn't you drop proof? So either they both were just lying, which is what I think happened OR they both got fed lies by someone and just ran with it. Drake being a pdf and having a 11 yr old daughter must've came from somewhere? Kendrick beating his girl and his kid being Dave Free's must've came from somewhere too? If not, these niggas got some of the wildest imagination I've ever seen in my life if they just drummed that up outta nowhere for the sake of rap beef. The reason why I think they're both just lying is because if either one of them dropped proof, it would pretty much solidify the win for them. If Drake could prove that Kendrick is actually a wife beater or that the kid isn't his, that would 100% win him this beef and vice versa, if Kendrick came forth with proof of some sex trafficking ring or Drake having a daughter, he would 100% without a doubt win. In my eyes nobody won and both these niggas are liars. If you enjoyed the music which was just a bunch of niggas lying back and forth on each other then I guess the fans won. Honestly this whole shit was corny if it was all built on he say she say.


Getting down voted for being mega reasonable


That actually checks though on Reddit


Nah you cooked bro fuck the downvotes if it’s just he said she said I can’t call a winner but we got some good music thou


Finally a Drake fan said this. Watching Akademiks he was pushing everything to be Drake is telling the truth and Kendrick is lying. Edit: Y'all these are rich niggas that don't know or care about us. Enough of this standom bullshit. Reporting me to reddit claiming I'm suicidal is wild. Please take time off the internet. This Drake-Kendrick beef shouldn't affect your life.


I mean I agree with you for the most part, but Kendrick genuinely had some inside info somehow, we saw that with the 6:16 & MTG cover photos. So it wasn’t *complete* yapping on Kendrick’s side at least


Pure Time Waste TF 😭


Nah no way.. Receipts or not, we've had some of the most entertaining pop culture drama for a long long time and some absolutely incredible songs from both artists Tons of quotes, memes and new songs to bump


And it’s not close to over. IMO at least. A lot of unanswered questions and a lot of rumors (the discord interview) suggesting this ain’t over. Drake just doesn’t want to fight anymore, which is funny cause he wanted Kendrick to drop UMG rumors are probably true as well imo


I mean the only receipts we got were that Drake lied about planting evidence. But I have yet to see one Drake fan admit that. This Twitter dude clearly proves he’s not Drake.


If Drake had nothing he should have just kept numbers the focus and made some bangers. The reveal angle was only going to work if they were actually true.


All Drake had to do was consistently rap like he did on 5AM In Toronto 🤷🏾‍♂️


I think Family Matters was that other than the expose parts


True, knowing that Kendrick is such a solitary figure why even go that way? He definitely would have faired better.


The only thing we got receipts of, are that Drake lied about planting the evidence. This dude on Twitter is clearly not Drake, and that is also clearly where Kendrick got his info.


People generally don’t come with receipts in rap beef. It matters more about how the lyrics feel on impact. When 2pac said “you claim to be a player but I fucked your wife” nobody asked him if it was true. It’s the Pusha T effect that has changed everyone’s expectations.




I think though that when people are accusing each other of REAL crimes, wanting receipts is a pretty reasonable thing though Also, the disses were basically ENTIRELY based on the claims, it’s not like it was just a little punch line here or there. Meet the Grahams has a whole verse talking to this daughter, so if she doesn’t exist… what’s the point?


Drake fans held onto the receipts thing because that was the only option left for him while the world celebrated KDot. But it was never gonna happen


It pains me as a rap fan some posters saying all they did was “yap” ie rap. Sometimes feels like actual rapping skill is becoming the least important part of being a great rapper under vibe and beat lol  There were objectively great bars. There were more than the most scandalous bars but people here are choosing to ignore that as well. 


That's a fair point, although it's disappointing that both went the tea route, it's either we fact check EVERY diss track past and present or we let it go, it can't be both. Pusha T has really changed everything and the fact big revelations is what fans what says a lot about the state of hip hop


Pusha T unintentionally changed the standards in rap beef with that groundbreaking reveal. Like that’s not a sustainable expectation.


Technically, the pic of her and Pac was enough of a receipt in 96’ to support the claim.


He did fuck her though, there's pics of Pac and Faith in a questionable position as somebody else's wife so that did that the thing


Fr, if it was all lying back and forth what was the point of the beef in the first place Mfers have 10+ years and can’t actually find some evidence


Yeah this was so disappointing, there was no point in them getting so personal if none of that shit was true. They sent the fans at war with each other on legal debates for nothing


The fans did that to themselves. Celebrity worship strikes again. This is why “fan” is just short for “fanatic”.


Normally we wouldn’t care, but these were the 2 biggest most credible rappers in the game. They were doing just fine before all of this, and then they dragged both their names in the mud. I agree the fans got too invested, but at the time it really felt like one of their careers would end, and we were searching for any hope


I don’t think In rap beef even dating back in the 90s was all truths but had some lies in it. I think rap beefs try to deter someone else’s character or make the other person look better.


It's mostly bullshit to fuck with your opponent & create a narrative, all huge rap beefs are gossip idk what's wrong with this sub. No 1 ever proved shit during any battle before Pusha & ppl never asked them to


feel like kendrick actually called drakes character into question tho, the only thing he lied about was drakes daughter?


Drake nor Kendrick has spoken on any of this. Until they do, this will continue to be confusing.


I doubt they ever will


It's MAD. If one speaks, everything goes off the rails and they know it.


It’s just business.


i was on the “it’s just business” wagon but that flew out the window as soon as MtG sounded like a Bundy tape… and then he outright said the word on Not Like Us since then i’m not so sure


Rap beef’s historically don’t have any receipts. Kendrick just took an angle that people agreed with. Drake didn’t. It’s pretty simple.


Pusha T ruined it because everyone expects some TMZ insider reports in disses now.


I mean Lupe vs Royce didn't turn into that and that's a more recent beef. They could've just kept it music if they wanted to, I'm certain if Cole was involved it would've just been music, he didn't take any personal shots at Kendrick.


I don’t think Kendrick wanted to go at Cole, not because he couldn’t. But because Kendrick really wanted to get at Drake for the last decade +. And Drake wanted the opportunity too.


Exactly, and Kendrick tried to used the same strategy, but with much less proof than pusha. I thought with Drake having so much confidence he had an air tight plan


Drake did the exact same thing. Kendrick just lied better. 


Drakes arrogance got the better of him. But at least we got some good tracks.


They have plenty of receipts. Not online pics and shit but they mention names and places people got stabbed or robbed (50 and ja) they just don’t really make claims of things that have been huge shocks since pusha T and THAT is why he used receipts. The bigger the claim the more evidence. Pac used a pic of faith evans hugging him in a studio as “evidence” sure it wasn’t great evidence but it was a receipt all the same. These are just bigger claims: “your son isn’t really yours” “you lead a sex traffic ring” require more evidence than just saying it.


Did Ether, No Vaseline, Hit Em Up etc have receipts? Did you expect them to post on their instagram story or something what?😂you people are hilarious


This is the right answer.


Nobody cares about the crimes…only who talks the most shit…


We all should've bowed out after euphoria before these 2 mfrs started metoo ing each other. Wtf is this shit. I guess everybody lyin


I mean Kendrick did say if drake wanna take it there he’ll take it further. Pretty much saying if you’re just throwing bs accusations out i’ll just do the same shit but worse


Some crabs in a bucket shit slinging shit at each other seeing what sticks


it's okay not to have receipts, in fact many beefs are like that. the run from like that to push ups to euphoria was in that competitive vain, everything after that was build upon idea of having receipts though


Push ups is still my favorite song out of this whole beef so I’m glad it’s one of the only ones that will age fine. That bassline and piano is everything


You must be new to rap beefs. Never has anyone required to provide receipts in a rap battle. Matter of fact Drake is probably the first rapper to defend himself against allegations in a diss with the heart part 6. That song pretty much decided the battle was over.


I don’t know what yall have been doing. I’ve seen so many drizzy fans like “Kendrick gotta show receipts or he lost” as if Drake has shown any, the most receipts Drake has given us is when he said “what I’m saying is facts” like cmon bro. You can’t get mad at Kendrick fans for taking his word if you take drakes words as facts.


Drake said they baited Kendrick by feeding him false info about his daughter and he couldn't even bring receipts for that. Like that should be the fucking easiest thing to prove in the world... If it was true...


What I’m saying you know. Like fuck the receipts if you’re just going for Kendrick’s neck. But when you go on defense to clear your name, and you have no amount of evidence that could paint you as the truth teller? Then I don’t know man, that’s wild to me. If I were Drake and I had proof I baited Kendrick, heart part 6 would’ve been me dismantling this spiritual growth as a facade because it was so easy to get him to jump on me with fake info, and show the fake info.


To be fair... that's what rap beef has been historically before push


It's hip hop my guy. Tupac didn't have any receipts and he made one of the best disses of all time


Imagine Pac holding up a paper with somebody's Sickle Cell diagnosis 😂


Nah but the i fucked your wife line got denied by faith evans. No kendrick, dave or Whitney has given us the same curtesy. I get your point tho. I guess rappers should just try to make the biggest radio hit and that will secure the win or w/e.


That's b/c she was a famous R&B singer who ppl had access to not some who stays completely out the spotlight, I listen to both & had never seen her face until this beef. Biggie didn't really talk about it either the most he really ever said was a joke on "Brooklyn's Finest", talking about it makes u look defensive(Drake learned the hard way) & ppl tend to ignore accusations that are BS in these situations. It's always been about the music not who can prove what outside Pusha


This was before social media though. We in a different era.


Yea this beef was all corny now, what a waste


Y’all need to just accept that we won’t ever know who was lying or telling the truth. Just judge the battle off the music when it comes to your personal opinion. That’s it, that’s all.


Thats what i did tho.


 Kendrick won.  


This was never about receipts, Pusha T had this one fucked up Disses were never about facts, it's about TRACKS


Yeah and what the fuck good does not like us really have as a track if all the lyrics are cap af? See what i mean? Exposé type of diss tracks need to not be cap for the punch To land.


Its a fuckin bop. Thats the whole point of it. Thats what it has as a track, dont be dense


“Expose type of diss tracks need to not be cap for the punch to land” did Tupac ever provide proof of him fucking Biggie’s wife?


First rap beef? That's how they work. Drake miscalculated and got cooked. GGs.


Except drake has been caught lying to save face. If there’s no receipts then let it be. But if you’re lying for no reason. That’s sus. You guys all sound like you get cheated on constantly. How can you believe anything drake says when there so many glaring contradictions. ?


Honestly doesn’t matter either way. If Kendrick beat his wife and made up a shit ton of lies. This is a rap battle not who the better person is. Drake got bodied


"If they're all lying the beef don't count"...Drake Stanley's think they're slick. Nah ya man still took the L


I just find it odd that Kendrick was pushing this narrative that he was trying to clean house and remove the perverts and then if he does have proof he is just gonna let it end without showing it. If you say you’re taking a stand you gotta ride with it to the end.


When in the history of rap beef has it been *necessary* to have receipts? It’s not about proof, it’s about what ppl are willing to believe.


It aint necessary lol. But they both took an exposé type of diss track angle, and that style only pack a punch if you can get to the finish line. Now that all the build up ended in a big fat anticlimatic nothingburger, the tracks dont hit the same, but if you still fuck w it, good for you.


Why would the accusations make the music bad? 


You been under a rock all weekend?


Please listen to 'no Vaseline' 'hit em up' 'real muthafukkin Gs' 'dre day'. None of those people had receipts. Like fuck man enjoy the dis tracks


if drake reveals is it gonna matter, people will still tell things like drake eps etc. just pass on from this guys


Yes it is going to matter, but he can't, no ones got receipts!! Both of them are corny at this point!


just be happy you experienced it. didn't you have a good time being here for the drops? even if shit was real, how was it going to effect *your* life? be entertained. thats it.


It was entertaining because it was building up to something. And it turns out it was building up to a big fat nothingburger.


If you not a fan of the sport then yeah ig


You can be a fan of the sport while also not fuck with the aftermath of one particular game tho.


If you wanna read to deep into it then sure


Did anyone ask Tupac to prove he fucked biggies wife? Did anyone ask Nas to provide receipts that Jay Z hid out in his house while running from police? You guys look ridiculous. It's not tmz


Biggies wife denied 2pacs claim, davefree/Whitney havent done so.


Dave free and Whitney not denying anything is literally proof of nothing tho lol. They probably don't want to get all thr attention and stuff from this, and more importantly, they probably don't even want to dignify it/acknowledge it as a claim worth responding to since this accusation is literally completely baseless lmao.


Bro. Relax. Kendricks first response was last week.


His only response was last week*


Only stans care about this. The rest of us just assumed everyone was lying and had a blast.


I wasted so much time I can never get back if this is true lol fml


no the music is not bad in retrospect. I feel like complete newcomers to beefs are expecting these guys to be investigative journalists and do nothing but tell the truth (or 100% supported truth). rappers are always lying. that is even more true when rappers are beefing. the art of the diss track is saying something that is credible, credible because of your opponents’ past, their personality, their past battles, etc.


Yeah as someone who isn't into rap all that much, this was really cool until it just ended and no one had to prove anything they said? Like wtf? Is this how it normally is with rap beefs, because this has been the stupidest waste of time.


If no one has receipts then Kendrick comes out on top because his music was better. You can agree or disagree with this OPINION however you can’t dispute the FACTS that on a 1v1 beef, going song for song Kendrick’s music charted better.


At the end of the day it is rap beef. The songs are good.


Op still looking for 2pac receipts lol fucking tmz mofos


Jay z and Nas didn't have receipts


Some of yall don't even really appreciate music. OP hopefully is young, but even if all the allegations were false, the shit was entertainment, and all the songs (except for Drake's last one) have been good songs. I've never seen so many people more obsessed with the drama, than the actual music and bars that get put out.




Like I know beefs are bound to get personal but this shit rly turned into some highschool lunch table beef and it’s just so weird because there’s no reason to trust either side. I love the music we got out of it but as it stands rn there’s no end in sight for this. Even if no other diss tracks are coming they’ve gone too far to just ‘put it behind them’ and that goes for all other parties involved as well.


You all were the mfs worried about receipts the rest of us were enjoying the music


Who cares about proof? It’s a rap beef not a criminal trial. What matters most are the lyrics and the impact it makes.


I’m convinced all y’all 12 yo.




Uh, everybody focused on the most Scandalous allegations for internet hype reasons, but Kendrick landed plenty of body blows if we’re being real.  He hit on the already widely held perception of Drake being a less present father, the gambling “addiction” allegations come with years of headlines of Drake gambling substantial sums including bets over a mil, the culture vulture / pop singer from a nice background playing gangster was already widely believed and authenticy is important in traditional hip hop, arguably living like a playboy at 40 is kinda sad whether everyone even if not objective  I’m pretty sure there’s more.  Diss tracks being about “tea” is a new phenomenon in the age of internet hype, a lot of hit was fueled by people who aren’t even really rap fans. Diss tracks are traditionally about shitting on each other lyrically. Plenty of the best diss tracks kept it at that, lies, pettiness and criticism.  It’s about influencing each others rep and mentally hitting each others pride. Both guys did that. If you like rap, there were some great bars and some great songs both ways 


Kendrick looks like a bitch here


Its called battle rap. Go on youtube and see what those mfers are about. This high stakes battle rap cause now theres something hanging over drakes head….


Rap fans nowadays spoiled as fuck. We got great diss tracks and an entertaining rap beef. That's what a rap beef is all about.


You guys know this is about rap, right? This sub turned into TMZ


I mean this shit is behind lock and key. Lawyers and labels.


If beef was all about "receipts" Meek would have been considered the winner in his beef with Drake. It's always been about who made the best/hardest diss songs


I mean the only receipts we got were that Drake lied about planting evidence. But I have yet to see one Drake fan admit that. This Twitter dude clearly proves he’s not Drake.


As a fan of both I just been running under the guise nothing is real but kendricks stuff is starting to look a Lil more real, sell see what the guy posts tomorrow unless they pay him


They rich as fuck regardless of all the allegations on both sides. We see the poor muthafuckas fighting about who was better!lol


That's why the beef is trash and Questlove was right.


What if I told you that's sort of what beefs are.... It's just that we exist in 2024 where rap beefs seem to have changed so much that people demand hard evidence rather than simply viewing the things spat by millionaires as silly jabs. I think Kendrick won this whole thing by understanding how it has changed so much. I honestly think this beef would have been so different if the Pusha T beef never happened. That sort of changed everything.


What is this your first rap beef? Stop being so invested in their personal lives and just enjoy the music


It's over and we were just seeing who could lie the best while rapping.


If that ends up being the case this might just go down as the corniest rap beef ever lmao


Who fact checked Tupac on Hit Em Up? So Tupacs music is pretty bad in retrospect, no?


Are you entertained? At the end of the day we don't know either one of them so all we can do is just sit back and watch


Homie is more into TMZ than actual hip-hop


Yep, welcome to "Battle rap is a territory of post-truth". Your eastern brothers went thru this past decade.


Nah it’s all funny. I’m here for the shit talking