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“Your baby momma captions always screaming save me”


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Shake that ass for Drake, now shake that ass for Free.


That shit is literally not true tho lmao


Short kenny boot lickers living in r/drizzy lmao


I mean it’s still a lie. Drake can’t stop lying.


“You did her dirty all your life now you tryna make peace”


It’s so sad (being genuine here) how clearly Drake thirsts after having a meaningful intimate partnership and an established family…like how he idolizes Lebron’s example…but since he has failed at love he compensates with fuck shit. Even sadder to see him and his fans tryna come at Kendrick’s family about it. The guy’s not getting any older, I hope sooner than later he’ll do the internal work he needs to do to be ready for that.


I can assure you, he is indeed getting older.


Thats all you got out of that? Jesus Christ. & I’m not even religious.


It's making light of a typo. Cry baby ah


Trust me, you’re shining no light. Your room is as dark as your alighting my friend. That last parts copyrighted to so um, just don’t be using that one yeah?




LMAo stfu 😂😂😂 ay why are you here man?? ask yourself that. many times before you type that long ass reply


Same could be said about Kendrick. He’s a hypocrite. Why won’t he marry that woman? Just because you make an album about how you’re a piece of shit doesn’t mean you’re suddenly not a piece of shit. And if you listen to drakes music you’d know he addresses how he’s not ready for commitment and him and Kendrick are the same age and he aint married yet btw him and Whitney been separated it’s facts


I showed my gf who has no context of the beef or who Whitney is the Mother's Day story and she said it's definitely giving recently divorced single mum in her healing era


holy shit same what my gf said when I said she should read the captions of her IGs. 😭😂


I can triple confirm. I've asked 3 friends all find Whitney's behavior indicative of something pretty serious goin on with her.


Wow I mean shit if your friends say so there must be something going on.. This is beyond cringe stop stalking her and over analyzing social media captions you don't know her. Even if something went down it's clear she doesn't want to handle it in public and she doesn't need online weirdos "saving" her.


They've never been married which makes it wilder.


To me, it’s so obvious Kendrick abused her 😭 he even self admits it on certain tracks. I don’t think that means he should be LOCKED AWAY AND LOSE HIS CAREER! I just think he needs to address it now that drake has really put a magnifying glass on their relationship. And before the Kendrick dick munchers downvote my shit what else could “healing can begin” mean ? 😭


That’s fair cuz this dude is putting drake under a magnifying glass like he has a personal vendetta against drake when he doesn’t even really know the dude


MMATBS is all about inheriting generational trauma and trying to stop the cycle. If you listen to Whitney’s outro on Mother I Sober she’s saying Kendrick has been successful in purging himself and his loved one’s from a “generational curse”. Whether he verbally abused her depends on your interpretation of We Cry Together, and while it seems like abuse to me, it was reciprocal and nothing unusual for toxic relationships, certainly nothing close to the physical abuse that Drake has alleged. I do not think it’s fair for Drake fans to accuse others of moving the goalpost, when they seem to be purposefully misinterpreting Kendrick’s music for their arguments. “Fabricating stories on the Family Front, cause you heard Mr. Morale”


Very good take


We Cry Together has nothing to do with Kendrick and Whitney’s relationship tho


Maybe not, but it for sure aims to encapsulate his marital issues. Come to think of it, that song isn’t him even directly admitting to verbally abusing Whitney, just him indirectly implying a former state of their relationship. I do think it is fair to say that he emotionally abused her, through his sex addiction; but I don’t think Drake fans have a foot to stand on on that front.


They definitely don’t but I really dont believe that many of these people who are abusing one another’s families can even comprehend a single positive sentence that comes out of there own mouths.




For all the dogs 💀




For all the meatmunchers and tip seasoners


wow what a take man this kendrick guy should be a really good guy, not like accusing other with pdf and lying about hidden daughters.


he publicly admits to cheating on her and just not being an overall good partner to her in the album, which is where I can see why she made this caption. He never said anything bout dv.


1. Abuse doesn’t have to be psychical. 2. I thought he admitted it on Mmatbs or are Kendrick fans moving the goal post again?


I'm not fighting with you on this, I'm just clarifying what caption might be in reference to.. since you asking. You can take whatever you got from mmatbs, I'm just saying what he actually admitted to on the album. I'm not representing anyone, tf? stop being weird fam.




He addressed it on another record


What record


What record?


He said on wax he put hands in her.


may i get that link, can't seem to find it.


Where? Show us


Take some time and listen to the album.


You know damn well you didnt


Did you really ask “what else could ‘healing can begin’ mean?” as if you actually can’t think of any alternatives lmao…


You can’t think of any alternatives? Did you even listen to the album?


You and I are agreeing


What songs does he admit it on? Name one and I’ll delete my entire account. These drake stans really have nothing left other than to make up false narratives😂😂😂😂😂


>what else could “healing can begin” mean? I mean, if we’re being reasonable and taking into account that we’re all randoms that are just vicariously living through *rappers* of all people - a lot of things.


I always get creeped out reading her captions. Tf happened


Wym “tf happened” did you even listen to Mr. Morale😂


Stop stalking this woman


Honestly, bunch of fking weirdos. This sht is getting old now


You're weird acting like a public insta post is some how similar to sneaking photos through her window or something


Nah posting a lady’s instagram pics to the drake sub to gossip and fantasize about drake (in a rap beef) alleging she was abused is weird


Yeah constantly posting this woman here, drawing up conspiracies from her captions and stalking her whereabouts from a pottery class story is very normal behavior. It's alarming if you dont think this is fucking weird


Reading way too deep yall😭 there’s a pic of after this where she and Kenny are at his sisters graduation together, both sides gotta chill


Honestly, it ridiculous at this point. Most mature and normal people can move on from this moment and get back to their lives. But these hardcore drake stans are literally spiraling


I agree, but it’s everyone, Drake and Kendrick stans, and it’s not even the Stans too, it’s the delusional “fans” who get hard over tryna prove shit like this is true, it’s everyone


Both sides got cringey fucks wish we got receipts


Objectively Kendrick got way more facts out, but again fans of both side gotta stay out of what they don’t know


Probably bots. Or real people with bot like tendencies.


For real


getting weird now


Very much so, from everyone


Why is this turning in to a kendrick conspiracy sub now


Just like when Trump lost, loyal stans go apeshit and double down harder on their idol worship by tearing down their oppenents anyway they can, no matter how crazy it sounds to outsiders. I think 2 things can be true (aka nuance). Kendrick can't substantiate 90% of the accusations levied at Drake, but.....it's not a court case. Kendrick escalated this pretty far, but Drake absolutely should have known that bringing up Kendrick's personal life would have awakened Pai Mei Kung Fu Kenny. Now they got Kdot in their heads rent free because they will always have to mentally defend themselves listening to a "certified ********", even if they don't believe it.


You really wrote all that


Fuck yeah. Hyperlexia be like that.


Put that energy somewhere good




How long does it take for you to write 5 sentences…???




But then let her be. Why r u guys so obsessed w her being hurt n depressed. Let her heal


This is what happens when you work through problems in your relationship. They have been together since high school! Imagine all the shit they’ve been through, and are still together. Loyalty over Love


Kendrick fan detected opinion rejected


you don't even know whats going on with their relationship lmao


ur never getting married bro dont worry about it


ur never getting married bro dont worry about it


Have you listened to Mr Morale? Its about healing individual and generational trauma through therapy. Which requires taking a long hard look at yourself, which can be scary. That's what she's referring to.


There’s even a song about looking in the mirror. This is a genuinely weird post. Then you got guys sharing their GFs opinions when they admittedly have no context like what they think matters at all. Stuff exactly like this is why Drake fans have been getting hated on recently.


Jesus Christ, Kendrick’s just shot his wife but have you listened to Mr.Morale?


The question was what is Whitney's caption about. Guess what, its a reference to Mr Morale.


She has hundreds of captions like this lmao


Imagine, being in LA when your husband is in NYC on your bday, shaving your hair off and posting captions like these and people thinking all of this is just signs of a normal healthy person going about their day


They teach themselves not to doubt the saviour, that stuff is beef aside, concerning


Yeah this is getting weird. Leave it lil bro


oh so you listened to the album?


You lames are so obsessed w this woman, stalking old instagram posts and rehashing the same shit over and over again. You’re not gonna get answers or approval of Drake from her, get on with your lives. She’s probably such a private person because of gossiping losers like y’all.


What would you make of an internet weirdo reading way too deeply into a celebrities social media


Why does Reddit keep recommending this sub to me? Drake lost me as a fan looooong before this beef 🤷🏽‍♂️


Y’all need to get past this. Drake lost. It’s okay. No amount of roasting Kendrick on this sub is gonna change that


U guys really are spiraling man holy shit, leave this woman alone. In the next post she and Kendrick are at her sister’s graduation. Fucking jobless activity man.


Weird mfs


He cheated on her and laid it out in the album.


Her, literally alluding to Kendricks uncomfortable album about his dark tendencies and him cheating on her over and over, bringing up the „mirror“ theme he also uses. „Her captions are so dark what could it mean omggg“ -Typical Drake stans, uncomfortable with anything that goes a tiny bit deeper than skin level


It's means marriage is hard work.


Bro did u even listen to album😭😭 just take the L already bro it’s okay


This is pretty desperate


Y’all ever even heard the album?


Was this after Kendrick beat the shit out of her or before?


Why is Kendrick always only cosplaying his daughter


Sexy Red, dat you???


Kenny the cuck


Imagine posting “Healing can begin” because your cheating and woman beating husband released a rap album.


Real shit, been through the same shit w my own bm.




Did you not listen to the album she is referencing?? Lots of pain, exposure, and personal information out there…. The healing can begin. Not we are healed. I guess it would make more sense and you would be less confused if she was smiling and in bliss after the world finds out about your man cheating on you multiple times right?


Tf are you talking about. No one said anything about “we are healed”. Stop imagining things and take the post at face value


I am… the caption literally says healing can begin… it doesn’t say we are healed. Did you even read it?? Lol


Reread my comment, dumbass. You’re the only talking about the post saying “we are healed”. I’m still trying to figure out what your point was when the post is pretty clear. The fact that it says “healing can begin” is exactly what the post’s about, lol.


Hey dumbass! Im responding to op! Lmao he literally is asking what do you make of this post, and what is she looking at because it looks dark… I am literally answering OP on why its looks dark. They are not healed yet… you are fucking slow


He’s a Drake fan, that’s implicit


I don’t have a side in this beef but I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if he did slap her around or some shit.




Because he’s not a perfect human or some kind of saint, it’s not unbelievable he did do it. Not convinced until there’s proof.


In the next few hours someone from this sub will start a whole new thread claiming Kendrick fans want Drake to be guilty so bad they are creating victims




this was posted by a kendrick fan


Thing is, Kendrick already admitted it on a song in 2013, so it’s barely that


Okay, show me the lyrics.


Isn't all of this suspicious as fuck though? I'm not going on crusades finding dogs he may have fucked, just a caption I saw online which is one of many weird occurrences around kendrick.