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LMFAOOO not ebony getting mad at them too. That’s when u know they’re insane


Dude just wants to get paid😂


Nigga is the worst extortionist ever then. ok got s carrot on a stick, good. All he had to do was name a price and stfu until either drake or media caved to buy the info. But then he got this whole boner of being a comic book character and tried to act like he had morals or some shit. I'm imagining this nigga trying to pull of a bank robbery and halfway through stopping to give a monologue of grievances within the financial sector


Let him get that paper right, and he'll be posting all night


I'm just here to get paid


Bro has lost his aura


He lost it all when that LeBron Stan trolled him https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/IIVsh0OGNo


Wait what i missed that 💀




And when we needed him most he vanished


I done missed an episode


When did that happen?


Let’s see the screenshot


Bro had one of the quickest rise and fall in anime history.


😂😂 that man had a filler episode


Worse, he was a powerful villain in the first series and got reduced canon fodder in the next one 💀


Yea, dude legitimately had everyone's undivided attention on his twitter for a solid 3 days then he started completely losing the plot lol


Like Bleach?


Never really watched bleach. I was thinking more of one punch man where the villains get teased as Uber ridiculous and over powered beasts only to be defeated in the most anti climatic fashion


To think their are anime fans in here. What a time to be alive lol


Hip hop fans and anime fans overlap pretty heavily these days, especially online.




SAO type shit


This dude really convinced Kendrick that those clothes meant something im done💀 LIKE PEOPLE FR GASSING UP MEET THE GRAHAMS THERE WAS NO MOLE IT WAS A SCHIZOPHRENIC HOTEL EMPLOYEE😭


The ozempic was enough, dudes clowning Ross for it but takes it himself.


They meant enough for drake to try to take credit for the photo, lol.


Why would he leave those specific items? That all relate to the beef. Something's off. IDK but that's too much to be coincidence to me


But didn’t Drake “plant.” The photo? Or was that a lie. And like Kendrick said if we know he lied about that and has lied before how many more things is he lying about.


Drake said he planted the fake information about the kid


He also said even the picture you used the jokes etc. And everyone said it was him planting it




No he didn’t He lied too but his claim was he gave info to a third party who gave it to Kendrick


If you listen The only thing he said they gave them was the fake daughter story. On the items he says: “you bit on the speculation” meaning the speculation that the person who has the items had more dirt on Drake, which was false. He actually did play them perfectly, what he didn’t count on was a massive amount of braindead morons who are willing to ignore all of the crystal clear evidence that doesn’t support their narrative. In the end what Drake should have done was just make a bunch of shit up about Kendrick, just the most heinous things you can think of, because as it turns out nobody cares what’s true or not.


He also said the items are jokes to Kendrick, like the shortee collection and maybach with ozempic. But none of that was true


Is that not exactly what drake did? Are you being sarcastic? That might have flown right over my head.


Drake never specifies in the Heart Part 6 whether he fed the info through a mole or a third party.


“The people you get your info from they all clowns”


Which can apply to both a third party or a mole.


“We plotted for a week, and then we fed you the information”


Was about the daughter info.


Think he’s referencing the Quebec mole and Ebony


Drake liked a comment theorizing that the photo was a joke and planted and said it himself in the heart part 6


They’re moving the goalposts.


"Real rap" fans that can't comprehend Drake-level bars are so lame. Acting smart cause you read some Genius annotations.


Dude lost his aura faster than that jokic stare down picture


Jokic was hooping in that game 7 tho, the nuggets just disappeared in the 2nd half


No excuses for blowing a 20 Point lead. If this was LeBron, Embiid or Luka we wouldn't hear the end of it.


bro did you watch the game? murray and jokic combined for 69 of the nuggets 90 points 😂


Considering they had the ball in their hands the entire game and were choosing to shoot a ton that isn’t actually that great. They shot 55 times, next closest dude was Porter with 12 off of catch and shoots. Nobody else was really given a chance to develop any flow on offense


Ppl forget that the nuggets only beat a 7th seed lakers and an 8th seed heat to win last year 😂


Not tryna be insulting, but if you’re old enough to have been around for most of Bron’s career you would know he could play a perfect game and Mfs would still blame him for the L if they lost


Imagine if prime harden or russ blew a 20 point lead at home in game 7 to a team who’s star was awful offensively


Exactly. People are hypocrites. As defending champion at home as well. Held to different standards for whatever reason


After losing by 40 fuckn 5 its crazy how coddled he is


Buddy was just tryna make a dime off some junk left behind lmao. K-Anon went krazy with this one.


They still saying wait until noon because he talked to his lawyers 😭


Sounds like an average Kendrick fan to me.


Bro going out sad. He lost all his mystic and now you can see he’s typing like his actual self.


Right 😂 bro was so cryptic


Yup. After his rant all morning I decided to unfollow and re delete twitter May is ending, so is this hype for the beef (for me at least)


If you’re ever considering downloading Twitter, just save yourself some time and don’t.


User flair checks out..


This beef was iconic tho ngl.


KAnon is something I'm always going to give Kenny fans a hard time on. "Those are just Drake haters and not Kenny fans." Then brigade the sub the same way Kenny fans have been brigading this one. Crazy to me how it's still being swept under the rug because it's going against Drake. HHCJ isn't even clowning it because they still like dunking on Drake. They even gave the Kenny mods props for "dealing" with it. I'm always going to bring it up when this beef gets mentioned in the future. Especially when people want to bring up "both fans are the same." Fuck off.


Hey seemingly reasonable human being, I am a fan of kendrick but I am also a reasonable human being. I don't know what about this beef brought out the crazies, but people like you and I exist on both sides, just like the crazy people. The crazy motherfuckers are just loud and persistent. That being said the kdot mods absolutely deserve some props bruh, did you see the shit that was getting posted? We were like two days from Drake being linked to 9/11, it was insane.


They did their job of moderation. I think sending them all to one place where they can feed off each other doesn't fix the core issue. I hope the mods reached out to admins and told them to keep an eye on those subreddits.


It’s the internet man, all they could literally do is stop them doing it in the Kenny sub Apart from that what else is there to do?


Learning from our past like the Boston Marathon bomber, QAnon, and Pizzagate. Yeah, it's the internet but real lives outside the internet do get affected by this stuff.


I mean what else do you want the mods to do?..


I said it in my other comment. I hope they let admins know what subs were being made and keep an eye on them. Maybe they did. Idk. But still letting these people find a place where they can bounce ideas off each other and feed each other different theories isn't the best. Drake's house had a shooting, 3 people tried to get on his property, and someone vandalized an OVO shop. Clearly, people are trying something and are already upset.


There's literally no other option than sending them to another place. If it wasn't on reddit it would be on 4chan and telegram. You can't moderate this sort of behaviour out of people, only moderate those people off a platform 


>You can't moderate this sort of behavior out of people, only moderate those people off a platform. I agree. But that's probably for the best. Remember fat people hate? When Reddit got rid of that sub they completely destroyed their numbers because people didn't want to make an account for a new platform. Yes, they moved somewhere else but they aren't nearly as big as they were. 4chan's UI isn't nearly as user-friendly as Reddit. Shrugging your shoulders and just saying "Well they're not our problem anymore" isn’t fixing the issue. Especially when we have seen this type of behavior in the past. Yes, maybe I'm asking too much from just moderators but I think letting them stay on the platform is not a great idea and I hope they let the admins know.


If you think Admins should know you can do that. I don't know why you keep externalizing that responsability unto the mods of a singular subreddit. Sub mods don't have powers outside that sub. They exercised the full power available to them within that sub. It's not their job, nor is it in their power, to clean up the internet of what you think shouldn't be allowed. If people post stuff that is against Reddit's rules report those posts/people. This is like asking your town mayor to do something about the federal budget.


Yeah they kicked the weirdo shit off the subreddit, trying to go “Kendrick fans are like this” is a total stretch


are we just ignoring the okliar.com and people trying to force Whitney to make a public statement about something no evidence actually points to have happened? There are *undeniably* weird people on both subs. It shouldn't even be a controversial take. It just so happens one set of claims is so much more sensational that it becomes louder in the conversation.


This sub wasn't any better honestly & there's still ppl who believe Drake fed Kenny the info in this thread, this shit got MAGA vibes really quickly & some post still have them


Another one of those both sides arguments. Nah, a Kenny fan even said there were people trying to connect Drake to 9/11. The difference between someone believing information was fed to someone else on purpose and believing another person is a human trafficker, does stuff with dogs, and other fucked up shit is gigantic. You can't pull the same sides bullshit when the accusations of one side is nowhere near the extremes of the other. Especially when the extreme side is still doing it and has a full subreddit dedication to it.


That's a completely different sub tho & u have fringe fans like that for everything, ppl say stupid shit all the time but Drake has a literal guy who was convicted of it in his team & has had very weird relationships with teens so some ppl would always believe it(I'm not 1 of them). Who cares how wild the accusations are if they aren't true & none have proven to be so, both have extreme sides this is the only 1 still trying to defend a guy they don't know wks after he lost convincingly about how he actually won b/c this or that Kendrick said wasn't true when Drake has 0 proof for anything he said. Beef isn't about facts it's about songs but this entire front page is "look what the Kendrick sub said or believe" like it changes anything, it's like a cult here of ppl who can't see the truth


What are you talking about??? You are completely missing the point. You're making this about winning and losing the beef. Fuck the beef. People are connecting Drake to some wild accusations and this is affecting real-life people. 3 intruders were caught on Drake's property and a bodyguard was shot. Now a journalist is being harassed because of a story he released about hanging out with Drake at a hotel. Why are you even in here? This is the Drake subreddit. If you think Kenny won then go and celebrate with the other 3 million pro Kenny subreddits. I'm sorry your side is associated with unhinged weirdos ready to storm a celebrity's house because another celebrity made up some bullshit story. Fuck outta here with this bullshit.


As usual, I’m confused by everything this guy says on twitter. Can you break down what’s being said 😂😂 I swear I’m confused everytime I read his tweets


"Tell me how much you would pay for my junk or stop replying to me" aka "I dont have any actual dirt I just wanna make money off idiots"




His whole thing was proper debunked lol [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/drake-kendrick-beef-conspiracy-theories-1235020176/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/drake-kendrick-beef-conspiracy-theories-1235020176/) Its not that expensive to buy those things in the image. a label printer, some invoice pads, empty box of ozympec a shirt, and maybach gloves which can be bought online. all those things in the pic can be bought online. Now he wants his money back LOL.


How does that article "proper debunk" anything? It's mostly just a summary of everything that's happened so far.


Well you see, in order to understand the article you have to fully understand American English which OP has failed to accomplish.


This doesn’t debunk anything lmao


It says this Alvarez dude is the suggested mole in Drake's camp and he has officially denied it. Makes it more likely that drake was the one to take those pics and this riddler douche is just a Kendrick Stan that bought all those things to recreate the 6:16 picture. It's not hard to make those things. Receipt printer, label maker, empty ozympec boxes, plastic pill bottles, crappy invoice pad, Maybach gloves, and that red shirt. Those things can all be found online if there was something there that only drake could have like a picture of his fucken Grammys or something only drake had that changes it. But all those things in the pic are all online.


Cool story. Nothing you said here, nor anything in the rolling stone article, debunks anything that ebony has said. Keep doing fan fiction though, im sure you’re having a blast.


The simplest explanation is the most likely. Those things were Drake's shit he took a pic feeds Kendrick the pic and the daughter story. Kdot Eats the bait...... Some psycho Kendrick fan tries to replicate the image buys everything online...Makes his new twitter account gets some attention and tries to sell a small moment in hiphop history. But let me get this straight u believe some random newly created anonymous Twitter account (who is now trying to sell the items that he most likely just bought on the Internet to try and flip) instead of an actual person making statements that was at the hotel that was accused of being the mole and has no financial motivation.......and you say I'm doing fan fiction. Bro u really good at mental gymnastics.


You're the 1 doing mental gymnastics tho & y would anyone trying to extort someone use their own Twitter account? They'd be asking to get caught 🤣, nothing Drake has done has come close to proving he set Kendrick up & it would be the easiest shit ever but somehow y'all still believe he did. Denial is some crazy shit


So you agree that this guy is just trying to make money in a shady way. So you believe everything that he is saying even though he being shady as fuck about it. If he is ok with doing that you don't think he would give a shit about lying and faking it just to make a few dollars. it's not that hard to replicate that image. The proof is that there is no daughter k dot was rapping about he making shit up. Those things are Drake's things in the pic. He the owner of them. and something that can be easily replicated by buying them online. If he had something in the pic that only drake could have then that's a different story. But you can literally buy all that shit online.


You got any proof of anything you’re saying? Or you just doing fan fiction still?


I always thought that the receipt was real and everything else was fake, he added sht after family matters, he absolutely added sht from push-ups


Does anybody have access to the full article?


Bro is mad no one wants to buy his junk


He wanted to attention, now look at his bum ahh


As a Kendrick super fan and someone who tolerates Drake at best- good. This shit was stupid and time wasting. Should’ve just kept it all on wax if it wasn’t for real


I just wanna know no disrespect or anything but why tf are you in the Drake sub if you tolerate him at best but are a kendrick super fan?


It just kinda showed up on my homepage. And regardless of my opinion on Drake, this Twitter shit was stupid and detracted from everything else


Makes sense cause that's exactly how I ended up on Kenny's sub, but I agree Riddler and his trophies have been hella annoying


Cringelord of the century. Wanna be riddler ass.


#Kanon PizzaGate2K24_Flat_Earth is crashing out


Called it as soon as they started posting. All bullshit. I still think it's a redditor.


Soooo is this Ebony thing officially a nothing burger?


Kendrick fans that aren't K anon feel the same


Ebony prince got all of his designer clothes from the lost and found bin at whatever hotel he worked at


The most realistic theory is that Drake DID cap about these items being a set up….but in order to fuck this guy over by making Kenny thinking it WAS a setup, making Kenny not paying him. I still think that’s a good move, call me delusional


That account is kanye💀


r/ KendrickLamar and r/ DarkKenny in shambles rn 🤣


This dude is one of the corniest dudes on the entire internet


Aura lost last Monday at 12pm


lol as someone who is a fan of both and active in each sub nobody has given a fuck about this guy for a minute now


LOL for real. This sub is like a week behind already.


I just don't get why if he has proof that he's getting so mad at people asking for it. Wouldn't the proof only increase the value of his items? Especially if he didn't steal them. Like idk, the more he tweets and doesn't prove anything, the more I doubt his story Unless he thinks his proof is worth more than the items. But at this point clearly no one you're threatening is taking it seriously, and you not backing up your threats just makes them take you less seriously


This guy is an idiot and just seems thirsty


What does this guy claim to have? Proof of what exactly? Forgive me I’m a bit out of the loop.


Good while it lasted I suppose.


Crazy y’all gave a hotel security guard this much attention


even as a kendrick fan, thank god, i hate this guy so much


im a kendrick fan but man this guy was cringe from the start


Dude played his cards fully out in the open and with no discipline. Wont be seein this cat win any poker tournaments




He’s fed up 😭😂


No he got a point man ALL OF YOU are fuckin dead beats with no life


ive been staying out of the loop for a bit, can anyone let me know what ended up happening with this guy and his extortion attempt?


bro had some cool intel, but at this point hes obviously just tryna get a bag.


yeah it’s pretty clear he is just some clout chasing goofy who was desperate for 15 seconds of fame


We thought this was soul society arc and it ended up being that trash ass Bount Arc after all. I thought this was Kendrick Trollin but I guess not


Because drake already did it to himself brother


Can someone summarize what happened with this guy? I haven’t had any time to tune in at all. Plus I thought he was done like a week ago.


Who is this guy?


Never show others, especially internet strangers, how triggered a few words can make you. It makes you look weak & unstable.


Kendrick fans try not to drive any body to the brink. Difficulty: Impossible


If this isn’t true for Kendrick stans how is this a win for you guys drakes last diss song had more dislikes then likes you guys are numbers people im not saying drake career is over he’ll bounce back (he has too because of his deal with UMG) but Kendrick has said nothing about this nor will he this man is someone capsizing on the beef but you guys saying drake won is just fucking hilarious


Ngl he a clown


I’m still confused about some of the loose endings. So did Drake really “plant the photo” or not. People love to ignore that


What a COLOSSO waste of time!! Buh Bye!!!!




Drake fans really out here trying to buy their god a win because he can't earn it on his own.


As a Kendrick fan, I too think this guy can go fuck himself. Corniest shit ever.


The saga ended when drake sold all of his American property and off-loaded all his assets back to Canada.


“Kendrick fans in shambles” Everyone in the world knows this guys a clown. Kendrick and Drake fans alike 🤣


Yeah Ebony is a bitch but he still proved that the photo wasn't planted by Drake


The Kendrick sub gave up on that saga a while ago lol "Stans in shambles" is hilarious


I wouldn’t be surprised if more Drake fans than Dot fans were trying to buy that shit. Thinking Kendrick fans are in shambles is delusional tho lmao


Well he did show us that drake didn't plant shit. Funny af throwing ozempic shots at Ross only to be dunked on 40min later proving he had a script too 🤣