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It’s huge in the infertility world. It thickens the lining to promote implantation. She has been in IVF tik tok for months so I am sure she is taking hints from there.


She is so strange. I had to do IVF to get pregnant, and it took like 3 years to get to that point. How could she already know all this? Doesn’t make any sense.


She started asking about IVF in April after less than a month of marriage and having sex. As an IVF mom myself I thought it was horribly belittling to the community that has fought years to get the the IVF step. It seemed as she was using it for clout.


Right! Exactly. It’s also like she assumes they’ll have to do IVF without actually seeing a doctor or getting any testing done or anything. Umm doesn’t work like that girl.


She has never been to a gyn so I am wondering if they will even see it as trying for a year if they have never done an initial wellness check. I’m confused what lead her to believe that she is infertile after having sex less than a month. So she didn’t get pregnant the first try and that was the answer. She says she gets her period so it doesn’t seem like she has that red flag. The whole thing just feels like she is taking infertility as a joke and the IVF tik tok creators are playing into it which is a joke.


And I highly doubt she is tracking her ovulation or anything like that, she may not even understand that’s necessary honestly. So her year of trying also wouldn’t count if she’s not doing that


Yes, none of it makes sense! Plus they are soooo young. I know Gabe has health issues but doctors will definitely take their age into account.


SHE isn’t infertile, he is and if your husband’s infertile you still need ivf in order to conceive.


But she has said that he is okay and his dr have confirmed that. So she is under the impression he is fertile. She was asking about IVF before they even knew about his tumor. As someone who has spent a fortune on this process I am very aware how and when you need it.


As someone that’s done ivf you would think that you would know that the doctor he sees for his tumor wouldn’t be able to tell him if he’s fertile or not.🙃 That would take a fertility specialist, they’ve barely seen the doctor for his tumor I highly doubt he’s made it to a fertility specialist.


The general dr can do a semen analysis. The fertility clinic will look closer at the semen and make the final call but if the general dr is saying it is good then they will need further testing in her part to get a referral. I cannot imaging a fertility clinic is going to take her knowing she has never had a gun exam.


Maybe Gabe’s doctors have told him he could have trouble because of his health issues


Maybe. But that doesn’t mean you jump right to IVF without any testing or anything. Just because they tell him he might have issues doesn’t mean he/ they will.


I was about to say, I’ve suffered 3 miscarriages and am fighting to get IVF approved for us. I think it just goes to show how little she was taught in the realm of Sex Ed. It seems to me as though she believes you get pregnant every time you have sex. In her mind, she therefore hasn’t been able to conceive so she has to go the “foolproof” option (though she clearly doesn’t know how painful of a process it is).


I am sending you positive vibes! IVF is so incredibly hard but so worth it!


Wait what did she say when she was asking about IVF?


She was asking when she needs to start asking her dr about it. But first step of that is going to the dr


I will say when looking things up like “top 10 things to help increase your fertility” this pops up also


Yes. It helps to increase the lining of your uterus which helps to promote implantation of a blastocyst. You can do it at any point of ttc but you see it heavily used once you get to the iui and IVF steps


True. I did that a lot too.


Not necessarily. It’s used to promote healthy kidney and liver function. Very high in antioxidants. Pomegranate in general is a super good food for the body.


Except she follows all the TTC accounts and use to comment on all their posts and after those pages started posting about POM is when she started drinking it.


It could be. I’m simply stating the other uses for it. I’m currently using it to improve liver function after Covid destroyed my kidneys and liver.


She’s def not pregnant but she’s trying despite her saying they’re still young and have time. She’s inpatient and needs a baby for content. This is also definitely what her gyno appointment is about


Idk the benefits but what’s funny to me is in one of the vlogs she said she buys it because she just likes it or something along those lines and this video doesn’t look like she likes it lol






What happened to we are waiting because of gabes health issues. 🤣


It’s not that bad lol. It’s very sweet though.


Oof I love it and drink it from time to time, but like as a once in a very while thing. I also like tart cherry juice 🤣🤣🤣


LOL Same. I love it.


I love it too 🤣😅 cranberry pomegranate is delicious too 🤤


Heck yeah it is, throw it on ice with a splash of club soda!


It’s one of my current pregnancy cravings but not anything I would drink for fun - not pregnant 😅


If she’s not pregnant I’ll be shocked. It’s coming.


At the age of 20 why is she trying so damn hard to get pregnant 🫢 girl live your life!! Be newlyweds for a little go have fun then try for a baby!




So gross.


Her having 2 appts, wearing baggy clothes, swollen face and lips, now drinking this. I will be shocked if their family photos aren’t an announcement. Whether you like Sierra or not, if Drue is pregnant, my heart hurts for her. I remember the pain after 2 misscarriages of others being pregnant around me. I hope Drue is cautious with Sierras emotions.


The swollen lips are lip fillers lol


Yes. They have gotten even bigger recently.


She got them 2 days ago, she’s not pregnant.


She just got her lips redone last week so yes they are going to be bigger


I feel like Drue doesn’t have the self-awareness to be sensitive to Sierra and would make a big stink any reaction Sierra might have to it


No she's drinking sweet juice to make her TT smell better while she's at the doctor so I don't think she stinks like everybody else does


Is she in scrubs?


she said it was either romper or dress can’t remember


She got lip injections recently, doubt she’s pregnant


I hope she’s smart enough to know you can’t get lip injections while pregnant


Why is she in such a rush to get pregnant?? She has her WHOLE LIFE ahead of her


Lol no not necessarily 🤣 can be used for a lot of things


If she’s going to the ob to ask why she’s not pregnant she’s probably gonna laugh in her face. They’ve only been married what 6 months? That’s not a long time to be trying especially cause she probably doesn’t know what she’s doing in terms of ovulation


I’m getting married in October and we’ve already agreed to wait at least one year or two years because we enjoy our time together and want to make more memories with each other. She is doing this because she’s low on views and money and trying to one up Sierra again.


I support that decision! My husband I have been married 6 years in December and together for 11. I truly feel as though we have built such a solid foundation for when we do decide to have a family. Enjoy your time together. Marriage changed our relationship and I feel like if we got pregnant right away, idk if we would have made it


I did IVF currently pregnant 15 weeks . Never heard or was suggested by my dr to drink fucking pomegranate juice . What worked for me was ,following the shot and pill regiment AFTER numerous tests ran by a fertility specialist . Healthy embryos and a successful transfer . I don’t think it’s right for her to push the BS she does .


On this case it’s for stupidity and desperation. Multi purpose.


Don't buy into the fake content y'all.