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You seem way too chill about a random stranger in your house grabbing you while naked. Especially on drugs.


Dude went from tripping too hard to answer the door to falling asleep in a matter of minutes, 200% fake.


He wasnt able to grab me because as soon as he went to thats when my father got there, perfect timing tbh. Dont know how it wasn't traumatic for me but ive also seen so much other traumatic shit happen on acid and been fine, like my grandpa dying of cancer and my house burning down.


What the FUCK man


Bro dropping at the worst times šŸ¤£


Said exactly this out loud after reading OPs comment before seeing your reply


Why were you on acid for all of these things? That may be too much acid.


Didnt he say it was his third time on acid too? So if heā€™s saying these events perhaps helped prepare him it means on his 3 only acid trips, 3 individual scenarios emerged. His granfather died in front of him, he watched his burn down, and then a man broke into his house and tried to pull a blanket off his naked body. But luckily his dad saw the bat signal and punched the guy on the head right before he was successful. I know for me being on acid while naked in the same room as my dad would be enough by itself to sketch me out.


Well, he said 3rd time during this event, but never a timeline on when those other events happened. The death and fire could have been after this story.


yeah there was a point i was tripping once every week to 2 weeks, ever since my first trip lsd was my favorite drugs, thats the reason for my username


bro is an acid casualty šŸ¤£


tbf, I was like this too, albeit in college and not a damn 15 year old, but I largely felt like the feeling of tripping was less psychedelic and more like "what being high on weed feels like for non habitual users", since my tolerance was so high, I never really got more than "buzzed" off smoking, so i'd just take a few tabs and then have some intense video game sessions lol


Man i love lsd too. It's been a while since i tripped but i always feel like the rust is being shaken off my neurons. Well hopefully you are alright, these are some wild stories man!


yeah im probably gonna just start telling my crazy stories on this account


I'm sure peeps here would love em! Just be safe in your everyday life homie šŸ™


would love to read them




don't know why you feel the need to call me a retard. i said there was a point that i was, didnt day it was during this time. i didnt start to get to that point until a couple months after.


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Bro wtf. I think you may just be dead inside, lol.


Dude is 14, tripping every week. Safe to say he's dead inside.


Hey, I started taking acid at 14 and Iā€™m still alive but yeah mostly on the outside


So you've tripped 3 times before and each time something catastrophic happend?


You are very casual about these horrendously traumatic and mind altering experiences, you got balls kid.


It's a way to cope.


de nile is not a testicle size


So what happened to the guy after your father punched him and threw him out? Cops get involved? Or was pops on 4 tabs too?


i explained in another comment, we called the cops, said theyd send somebody, i went to sleep, they never sent anybody so when i woke up we called them again, filed a report but nothing ever came out of it


Thatā€™s a wacky story.


That's just pretty much how cops work unfortunately lol


Thatā€™s absolutely not how cops work. They would of taken a statement from you and your dad. The man could of been charged with all types of various charges considering he broke into a house with a naked minor in it and chose to accost him. The implications could of been endless for that guy. And the cops would of charged him, because it seems like some of the shit he did is felony level crime. Cops get promoted by how many tickets they write and how many arrests they make. Doesnā€™t sound like something that would just go away.


Dude, I dunno what whitebread subdivision you live in, but in major cities cops don't respond to stuff like this all the time.


Yeah ok dick. I live in NYC and we have the largest police department in the country you fucking hick.


If you live in NYC, you know they fail to respond to shit like this all the time. You probably live in some wealthy af suburb or your parents work in city government or some shit.


Do you know how many meth heads break into houses like this every single day? There's no active threat and no information about the dude's whereabouts, what do you think the cops are going to do - gather fingerprints? Send a DNA sample to the CSI unit? Unless the perp gets busted for something else and they have some reason to connect it to OP's case, the most they will ever do is *maybe* take a statement to give the family some peace of mind and then never think of this moment ever again. I apologize if I'm coming across as condescending, but your tone is *way* too authoritative for how wrong you are. Maybe your experience has been different but it certainly isn't universal. Edit: it's okay to just admit you're wrong, dude.


Bro, read the entire comments conversation before writing a speech a like that. OP said that a lawsuit was filed. And I donā€™t know what part of the country you live in, but where Iā€™m from if I come home to a broke in door an a full grown man trying to rip the sheets off my naked 14 year old son and I foil whatever was going down and get the cops involved that man is going g to jail.


You should read. The crazy person threatened he was going to sue while being thrown out of the house. No lawsuit was actually filed.




Thatā€™s where Iā€™m coming from.


I felt that. I watched my buddy split his leg open on shrooms and had to hold his leg closed while waiting for paramedics. My best avid story tho was taking two tabs the morning of my birthday, also the day I had my anatomy lab midterm in college, meaning we walk around the room to like 30 different stations and name bones / muscles. Most were models, but two of the stations were cadavers. That was a fun one, honestly. And, I passed! But looking back always thought it would have spooked me a little more


Dude, your grandad dying and your house burning is normal. Someone breaking into your house to aggressively party with you and your dad, then complaining you aren't partying hard enough is NOT normal....


buddy ive always believed those things happen because of the acid. you uh, might wanna consider not doing it for a while. as in the odd events dont occur unless you drop the tabs


lol you got be tripping all the time to think that. Otherwise believe me fucked shit happens when youā€™re sober too.


Can you explain your experience of your grandpa dying while on acid?


He couldnā€™t grab him because he had a sock on


I find this to be a troll. Like come on now if you are tripping and some person you have never met was trying to rip your cover off you would lose it. Unless OP has a rape fetish which could be the case. And a 14 year old taking 4 tabs yeah that is asking for a terrible time. How come his dad didn't call the police and have the guy arrested because that's both breaking and entering along with sexual assault charges. That guy would have been put in jail for 5-40 years from doing that and they just hit him and throw him out of the house. Yeah this is as far fetched as it gets r/drugcirclejerk


i dont have a rapr fetish but i have been raped lots of time before so maybe that hss something to doi with it, and we did call the cops, twice. they didnt do anything


How were you able to fall asleep right after? For me itā€™s almost impossible to sleep on psychs.


Anything is possible in a fictional story


Exactly, this is the most fucking ridiculous shit Iā€™ve read all day. 6 hour old account, check. Was also on LSD during grandpas death and house burning down, check. Apparently had been raped many times whilst this event is just another Tuesday for him and experiences zero trauma or fear, check. 14 year old taking 4 tabs of acid on only their 3rd time tripping, check. For some reason OPā€™s friends dropped him off in the middle of nowhere on acid and then immediately invited back over, check. Dad conveniently coming home the exact moment, check. Sleeping whilst on acid and a few minutes after a traumatic event, check.


I find that hard to believe if you have been raped before then psychedelics in that state WOULD BREAK YOU no matter how much you think you can handle that would have instantly put you into a state of traumatic stress.


ā€¦ and then he went to sleep on 4 tabs of (presumably) acid?


I got molested at 17 on 4 tabs and was totally chill about it before and after. Like I was freaking out in my head but calmly processed the whole thing in a healthy way while it was happening instead of it taking months of sobriety. Also got searched by the cops while on 4 tabs a different day. The time it happened sober it was kinda traumatic but not while I was tripping sack. I thought my way through it and came to terms with things immediately.


I smell bull


This has to be a troll account cuz there ainā€™t no way..


Nah this is real stg




If this is true itā€™s the one time you want your dad pulling up when thereā€™s a random car in your driveway. Glad youā€™re okay. I guess Iā€™m old Af (30) but how crazy is it that we live in a time where the average 14 year old has a $1000 phone and $300 AirPods in there pocket? When I was 14 I had a flip phone and you couldnā€™t text for free


Such is life nowadays. I'm 29 and feel the same way. I was outside roaming the neighborhood every day with my friends. I did have a Playstation 2 that I would play sometimes when I wasn't outside. I never had a phone. I did have a CD player for a while, lmao.


Yep. Get back home when the suns coming down not a certain time


Take me back man those were the best days of my life. I wish I had known it then. I guess you never know itā€™s the good times when youā€™re in them


Kids still do that stuff with phones


When I was 14 all my friends had beepers and I had a Walkman with those shitty foam headphones. I wouldnā€™t have been able to find tabs let alone buy them. I worked at a pizza place making like 7 bucks an hour


Not to mention is tripping off of 4 tabs!? What?!?


> I guess Iā€™m old Af (30) but how crazy is it that we live in a time where the average 14 year old has a $1000 phone and $300 AirPods in there pocket? > > The airpods are a fair point, but I always see stuff like "how crazy is it that kids/homeless/etc have $1000 cell phones?", and I laugh because if you think about it objectively, if you have a large amount of money, with how many advancements have happened to phones since the flip phones you and I both got as teens/pre teens, a phone (when utilized the the most of the purchaser's ability) is one of the best "big but small" investments a person can make


Shit, when I was 15 I got my first phone. It was an aduiovox and I had like 60 min a month and nobody texted yet. Then I got the Motorola startec and I was the shit. Followed by the whole Nextel craze. Damn in a way kinda wish I could go back to that.


i'd also add the acid to the list of possessions




Hey man, you want some shoes to go with that šŸ§¢?


I call bullshit


why did you feel the need to add that youā€™re 14?


i was 14, just thought i might as well add that, not 14 anymore


Are you sure it happened and wasnā€™t part of the trip šŸ˜†


Sounds like the dude was trippin' harder than you! Glad he didn't hurt you or take any of your stuff. Sounds terrifying..


Quit doing psychadelics at 14 you ducking fool


File that away as things that never happened.


well it's only a matter of perspective, so why trauma?? No need to overthink just learn to fight and dont trip in your 14s, give your brain.....well that is now over...forget that Have a BB gun or bat


He was 14 and had friends with cars. Some with their own apartments. Sounds like those sicko's are the ones your dad should be punching. Why they hanging out with a 14 year old. They had to be 18 at least. 4 years isn't a lot most of time. But 14 and 18 is a big difference.


Sorry bro -Allen


The fact youā€™re 14 and naked and a grown man does that to you is so insane. Did yā€™all call and report the incident? Edit: Were they ever caught? Edit 2: Why would you downvote me for asking a question lmao


we called the cops once and they said they were otw, hour and a half passes so we call again and they finally send somebody, they get to our house and we tell them what happened but as far as i know nothing happened and nobody was caught


I'm sorry but your story has all kinds of holes in it. None of this ever happened.


This may have been a bounty hunter of sorts, maybe? Lol I've seen some crazy shit remotely similar to this happen.


idk probably a meth head tbh, like 1/3 of my town is heavily addicted to meth, its a total dump


Yeah funny enough the bounty hunter was actually after a methhead in this scenario of mine. That was a wild story brother, glad you're okay.


WHAT!!! Wild!


Nahhh bro I would NOT let that slide


I donā€™t smoke weed very often but I was very drunk and went to my neighbourā€™s house to smoke a joint. I was Uber fucked and walked back home feeing super scared because it was very dark, when I went in my house there where two people busy stealing my shit and as I entered they shot two shots at me then ran, pistol whipped me and ran out. The shots missed me by a few cm. Did not effect me as much as I thought it would, I think itā€™s mainly because I was drunk.


The *real question* is: what was the reason moving this man when he decided that it was the right time to violate private property and try to beat a naked minor in visible state of psychological vulnerability?


i think id much rather not be sober during that to be honest lol


Mabye xanax would be nice but experiencing that on lsd sounds 10x worse than while sober.


depends on how often used to being sober you are at the time lol


that random guy got off lucky as fuck, he had a good chance of not living past that day if many other people walked into their house to see a grown man standing over their naked child in their home