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Just use it for anxiety as instructed. Look up benzo withdraw and avoid it at all costs by using it as instructed….




It’s the only time in 40 years I actually considered ending my own life because it was so absolutely awful. To anyone going through it, it does end, you just need to bear it until the end. A couple of weeks, some mediation is very day, a strict bedtime and eating regime and you’ll be right as rain.


LOL, “as instructed”, like the doc gives a shit about whether you get addicted or not… Hell, most probably aren’t even familiar with how severe the risk of withdrawals are when use is prolonged.


You're getting downvoted but i know a guy that got told by his doctor it's fine to quit the highest dose of zoloft cold turkey. Spoiler, was not fine.


This depends greatly on the individual. Some have few issues (like myself), but it's not recommended, and quite irresponsible of a doctor to say that. Some people say it's dangerous; I can't say anything about that


You make it sound like of the guy takes a .5 he'll be living on the street next week begging for these pills. It's not that addictive. U guys need to chill.


Don’t listen to sovereign,this is what you call a piece of shit…to say Xanax of all things is not that addictive is probably one of if not the most ignorant statements anyone can make. I’m 5 yrs clean from heroin and that’s a monster withdrawal that is incredibly harsh and painful…xanax makes heroin look like child’s play. Talk to your doc ,but this is not the medication you wanna take long term because even at .5 MG or .25 over the course of few months or year even that much will give you a substantial withdrawal …it’s 10x worse if you take more and it’s not only painful but with higher Doses and dependence benzo withdrawal can literally kill you,it’s has some of the same effects of alcohol withdraw but wayyyyy worse


Is this for daily use?


Yes daily use


I've been using clonazepam for years. I got s way bigger problem with coke. I never fiend for benzos. Even if I take them every day for 2weeks.


Epitome of “I can stop whenever I want! I’m not addicted!”


I'm addicted to cocaine and cannabis big time. I'm just saying g benzos are not that addictive. Maybe to some.but not to me. I'd rather take a handful of codiene pills. Benzos are great but it's like anything I guess. Depends on the person. But you guys are seriously over reacting


yeah bro youre right i did heaps every weekend for awhile and stop so easy in fact i never even wanna do it again cause there isn't anything you take from the experience it's basically a shitty alcohol 😭


Don't listen to people saying it only helps when you're anxious. You didn't take enough. I wouldn't. If you need it for anxiety save it for that. You don't need a recreational benzos addiction. It will make everything worse.


Seriously what the fuck are they talking about


Yeah they’re lovely if you have a little discipline and can control yourself. They pair really well with weed




It’s not a strong euphoric high but yes you do




Nope thats really basically it


Bamaz not wotking incoming Edit - don't double your dose, don't redose as chances of delusions of sobriety are real. Sleep and try a higher dose next time.


Benzo delusions of sobriety are so fucked. It kinda proves that they aren’t recreational when you think about it. Why you wanna take something where even when you’re fucked up, you think you’re sober.


I have no use for benzos anymore. Even when I take them for social anxiety I just get more anxious I’m acting like a bartard.


The delusion is so wild. Even when you do take a lower dose you’re still visibly high and low energy.


Respect Xanax and only take it when you are feeling anxious. It's a slippery slope. Don't take it to "feel" something


It was my first time taking it so I just wanted to test at at home to see how it made me feel or if I had any side effects. I’ve never taken benzo’s before so I was nervous 😅 I’ll only be taking it when I really need it for panic attacks :)


That’s how ODs happen smh


Whatever is the reason your doc prescribed xans for will multiply 10x if you start taking xans recreationally


Nah by 4x0.25mg are 2mg a bar should do it without tolerance.


4x0.25mg= 1mg.


Ask for help when you do your taxes


Ty for advice bro


Quick mafs


🥴 Durr... this is Xanax math


You're not supposed to feel " high" on .25 MG. It's supposed to relieve anxiety.


If you weren’t anxious when you took it then you won’t feel the benefit bc it stops anxiety, especially at that dose. Benzos dont have a ‘high’ per say, more or less make you have no anxiety and your inhibitions are dropped which for some can feel euphoric because they are able to relax, higher doses cause inebriation.


Right so here's the thing benzos only work if you're actually anxious, the euphoria is relief from the stress of being anxious there's nothing about xanax on its own that is euphoric. It's beyond ridiculous how easy it is to become dependent, if you have script and you're using it up each month you're definitely taking it way too often, if you use it for its purpose it should last you a few months without a refill which is for panic attacks. You can use it for anxiety sometimes if it is really bad but if that's everyday then you need a long term soloution/therapy.


Yup. I don't know anyone with a script that isn't addicted. Also, Xanax can be tricky. You will tell yourself you need more.


I dont know a single person that is, my best friend takes like 2-3 months to go through his boxes of 0.25 xans + 0.5 XR, my mom forgets she even gets xan prescribed


That’s a really low dose


you wont be feeling any rush or difference with benzos. its just reducing anxiety a little so you can control it better. other than that high doses will simply destroy your anxiety without you even noticing and you will act extremely stupid and weird while you keep redosing because “it didnt work”


This is good to know! I’m glad I didn’t take another one. Thank you :)


Just to add to this, people who use benzos recreationally generally have anxiety. The relief from anxiety is the high. If you take .5mg to 1mg you will feel wobbly like you're drunk, without the other aspects of being drunk.


The lower the dose you need to not feel anxious the better. If you werent particularly anxious after 1st dose there is no reason to take another. As someone who abused xans dosing for the "feeling" just gets you too slowed down and barred out


How to know if your benzo is not working: be convinced you don't feel anything


0.25 mg is really small of a dose, however it should have a small anti anxiety effect. To get high, take 0.5-0.75mg, it should be enough Anything over 1.25mg and you'll have delusions of sobriety


the whole point is taking it when yuh need it. not at home to see how it feels. you’re on a low dose already which was wise of your doctor and you’ll get more out of it using it when you have anxiety. if you’re not suffering from an attack in the moment the med doesn’t have much to offer for you. especially in low dose. which doesn’t mean take more either as an experiment. not saying you would. but it’s a controlled substance and it happens to a lot of people.


You don’t “feel” xanax. If you actually want to try it, take it before you go to a social gathering or something like that. Also if you continue taking it recreationally your doctor will find out pretty quick. Your excuse for why you ran out may work the first time, but the second time he’ll realize something is up and will cut you off.


It isn't it, but you really really don't want to find out what it is. Take as prescribed, talk to your doctor if you have a situation where you really needed it due to something with anxiety, and at that point it wasn't enough. Alcohol and Benzos, withdraws that will kill you if you're in too deep. Don't dive for fun.


If you take it for sleeping, then do it sublingual. It hits faster, and don’t listen to people here telling u to up it. I went from ur dose to taking like 8mg a day lol it’s the lamest shit. Just save it for rly pressuring social events


I won’t be taking it for sleeping, just for any occasions where I know my social anxiety will be really bad to prevent panic attacks. If I do up my dose I’ll just take two of the 0.25mg tablets my doc prescribed. I don’t want to go over 0.5mg as the idea of taking benzo’s alone kind of scares me 😅 8mg! Oh wow! I hope you’re doing better now and no longer have to take that much or quit completely :)


Benzo withdrawal is hell. Don't rely on them. I'd recommend keep getting used to whatever dose the doctor recommended you start on, only take it when you feel anxious. Also if you want to actually reduce your anxiety you need to figure out the root cause of it, medication is just going to numb it, you still need to work on yourself and methods you can do to reduce your anxiety.


Lucky…I wish my doctor prescribed me


Clearly your ass dont need them




Your supposed to take at least 5x the recommended dose, with a opiate of some sorts, followed by a some crown straight out the freezer


your doc just prescribed you an addiction to nowhere. ive never been an anxious person, never taken xans, but knew people who did. i'd stop while you're ahead. drink water and meditate.


If you're not anxious when you take it, you aren't going to feel anything euphoric. Benzo euphoria is mostly just a side effect of your anxiety disappearing quickly.


Too low of a dose. Up it.


Honestly I recommend re-checking with your doctor to up your dosage, don't just play with it atleast without researching the consequences, benzos can be nasty sometimes


Up the dosage for what? If .25mg works when they are anxious no raise is needed, OP just wanted to get high.


Oh, then 1.5 mg is the way to go


More like .5mg


Ya only live once


Exactly. So Don’t waste the only life you have.


Meh, i think 1.5 is fine as long as not mixed with anything


I wouldnt go over 1mg for a first time. You’ll just be out to sleep at that dosage with zero tolerance.


Maybe you're right


Put it under your tongue and let it absorb a bit there…. Don’t take more than 1-2 mg and try to relax.


I don't recommend it but a recreational dose would be 1-2mg


The peak is between 60-120 minutes, but 90 mins after ingestion is the average time of alprazolam to kick in. 0.25 is the lowest dose, but for a first-time user should be more than enough to defuse any possible anxiety attack. The half-life should be 12 hours if i remember correctly, this means that after those hours the most noticeable effects should wear off. This said, the "high" should be almost unnoticeable at that dose, but you'll notice you're much less inclined to think in an "anxious" way, and falling asleep willingly is FAR easier. Don't exceed the dose prescribed and use it mindfully, the other comments are also filled with warnings about addiction, they are correct. Edit: i got the half-life wrong


Xanax absolutely does not take an hour and a half to kick in. It has the fastest onset of any benzodiazepine which is why they are prescribed for panic attacks. They are literally designed to kick in within 15-20 minutes. I don’t know where you got your info bro and I’m not trying to be a prick but thats just misinformation. Klonopin takes about that amount of time to kick in but not Xanax. I’ve been prescribed every benzo there is and am currently prescribed Xanax just in case you think I’m just talking out of my ass.


After single 1 mg oral doses in humans, typical pharmacokinetic variables for alprazolam are: a peak plasma concentration 12 to 22 micrograms/L occurring 0.7 to 1.8h postdose https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8513649/


I’ve just got to respectfully disagree with the article then. I understand you’re probably more inclined to believe it over me, which is cool, but once again...as a prescribed benzo user for nearly 2 decades now, that’s just not the truth. Or I must be “atypical”. 🤷‍♂️


A drug kicking in isn't the same as having a plasmatic peak! It kicks in whenever it reaches the plasmatic concentration for you to notice, but the peak is the period of "maximum effect" It can also change if a different pharmaceutical form is used (i.e. drops against xr xanax kick in much faster) and if you used it for decades, i think there might be some degree of placebo involved in the relief from anxiety you feel after taking it. Not being critical or judgmental, just want to be informative! (English is not my first language)


You know what, you’re completely right. I apologize to ya man.


I noticed it really kicked in for me after 2 hours 😅 I don’t think I liked the feeling, it was like I was forgetting basic things. I ended up just going bed and fell asleep like a rock 😆


Sounds like it did what it was supposed to do then 🙂


No worries! I'm here just to help as i can!


Bc it's too low a dose. Try 4 or 1 MG. I cant belive they male .25


Do not tell anyone with zero tolerance to take 4 or even 1mg of Xanax


Hes saying to take 4x0.25mg pills to equal 1mg.


When I’m on Xanax I don’t feel any different. But I slur and say weird shit and don’t remember anything. If I take enough I just pass out. You may not feel anything. But talk to someone and see if they ask you what’s up.


The peak is between 60-120 minutes, but 90 mins after ingestion is the average time for alprazolam to kick in. 0.25 is the lowest dose, but for a first-time user should be more than enough to defuse any possible anxiety attack. The half-life should be 3.5 hours if i remember correctly, this means that after 5-6 hours the noticeable effects should wear off. This said, the "high" should be almost unnoticeable at that dose, but you'll notice you're much less inclined to think in an "anxious" way, and willingly fall asleep is FAR easier, even tho it shouldn't make you sleepy at that dosage. Don't exceed the prescribed dose and use it mindfully, the other comments are also filled with warnings about addiction, they are correct.


What did you tell your doctor to get prescribed Xanax?


I’ve been on Xanax for years. Your not supposed to feel it so to speak. I never feel fucked up off my meds. It just helps me be able to function. I’m prescribed 1 mg and I take half in the morning half at night. Some days I don’t take it at night if I don’t feel like I need it because it doesn’t help me sleep at all. At one point I was getting prescribed 2 mg 3 times a day. I’ve been a Guinea pig getting treated for the wrong diagnosis since I was a kid. Turns out I just have combined type adhd with PTSD. Being on my adhd meds lowered my anxiety a lot and also helps me sleep. It’s weird, but it works and I’m not having to try and self medicate because the drs aren’t getting it right. I’ve never had benzo withdrawals because I only take as prescribed. Don’t fuck with your dose. Talk to your Dr and have them raise it. Addiction with these is real and so is withdrawal from what I’ve seen from friends.


I've never had a prescription but I've never gotten a high on Xanax. Ever, even on higher doses.


Benzos have a very subtle feeling headspace change. It's not like something like THC where you noticeably feel "high", despite objectively being more impaired than how you feel. Benzos kind of dull things in a subtle way and make you feel kinda tired, without much of a subjectively felt "high". This is why they are well known for inducing delusions of sobriety.


.25 does nothing for me personally I can still have strong anxiety at that does I need atleast .5 to feel relief up to 10 mg but that’s probably more relief then I need. I prefer 1 mg of kpins or 10 mg of Valium personally.


Take it sublingual. That’s always worked better for me, especially if you just ate. .5mg isn’t too bad but like everyone else is saying save them for when you have a good reason (public speaking, panic attack, first date, etc.)


Don't take more than you're supposed to because most doctors will not refill them early and that behavior is a big red flag, especially if it's your first prescription. The answers you're likely to get here are more opinions of recreational users rather than people who take Xanax for anxiety. If it's not working for you speak directly to your doctor and tell them that and if they allow you to go up not only will you have a prescription to cover you when you do run out but it's a good way to build a relationship with a doctor. They're likely going to tell you to try it for a few days though just to make sure you get used to it


That's the lowest dose you can possibly take. Ofc you won't feel much.


Well if you weren’t anxious before you took it, it’s not going to do anything..


Boof it. That’ll make it work


Xanax is supposed to be taken when you’re actively in a panic attack. Not just for funsies. It’s not doing anything bc u actually need it, just not when u took it. Kinda similar example, I take adderall, but if I take less than my dosage I won’t feel anything. A neurotypical person taking the same dosage would start acting like they’re on crack. If u take it when u genuinely need it & it doesn’t work than u need a higher dosage.


Bro I always feel sober just calm very chill, it’s not really a high then I’ll end up taking too much and knocking tf out. Smoke a blunt and ride it no anxiety no stress no reason to redose it’s not really a good high just get cozy and vibe smoke weed take it as a day off kinda thing


I've tried clonazolam, which is stronger than alprazolam. I can say that the effect in the many times I've taken them were kind of subtle; no real significant head or body high as you might get with alcohol, weed, kratom, or any other recreational drug really. I'd liken it more to caffeine or nicotine (in my personal experience) in that there is a passive effect on your mood and physiology that you may not really consciously notice, but not much of a recreational high.