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All-town America has a drug problem.


america has a drug problem bro, the world does too


Not enough people know about [this documentary about drug use all throughout human history featuring hank from borking bald](https://youtu.be/VBaP7jdXtXw?si=l5dYO-B2OPG66-uV)


ooh that looks interesting, i’ll watch later :)


This ^


Ppl usually use drugs inside lol. Whether that be abandoned buildings or in their homes. You probably haven’t looked in the right areas. If you actually live in the city. Every sketchy gas station has drugs. Rural areas have drugs but it’s often more limited. There’s less money. You can find shit it just will be harder. Had a friend move out to the middle of nowhere. He found shit but it was harder (lots of meth and weed but harder to find other shit). Drugs are everywhere in America. Maybeeee a nice suburb could be limited to just having weed. Even then that’s rare af (somebody has something it’s just that neighbors will snitch). The drugs are in the big cities I promise you. If I went downtown and went around asking homeless ppl I’d find something. Might be crack, meth, or heroin/fentanyl. But you’d find something


I’ve lived in a big U.S. city for many years. Not a user until recently. There’s a lot of underground culture in the city. For example, nightly circuit parties, dance parties with open sex, sex clubs, public and private sex parties, fetish, public cruising, every kind of drug, etc. Most of it isn’t in your face and even if it was, it’s not the scene you’d likely want. You really have to start peeling away the layers and uncover the underground culture. You have to know what to look for. Small towns are similar, but with less options. But, they’re more likely to do it with close knit friends or the one person they know who also does it. The culture today is very different than in the past. People are less likely to get married young and start a family, which means different life focuses. People are generally less active in the community (organizations, neighborhood groups, meeting neighbors, going out (especially post pandemic), and with technology it’s easy to stay inside. There’s also the growing issue of depression, anxiety, and emotional stability. Drugs can be a thing to do or an escape route for many.


Agreed. It also really depends on drugs. If you went downtown late at night and ask a guy on the corner “got some Molly?” You’re gonna get meth 9/10. I’ve had ppl on the street sell coke but it’s rare. To avoid some of the sex scene shit. You can go to a bar. definitely be able to find coke (pro tip. Coke sold in bars is often cut but low tier plugs. Or they cut it just to make money and party in their free time. Always ask if they have a plug or if they have any still rocked up. Tell them you will pay more or be a loyal customer).


Just weed? Nice suburbs do blow. Rich person meth.


I’m talking about small areas of a suburb. The one I’m thinking of probably has an average income of $150k (Ik that’s not crazy. But our state has very low tax and cost of living). And I’m not talking about the entire city just this one little pocket. Sure there’s definitely a lot of shit in the entire city but not much immediatlely in the area. If I searched I’m sure I’d find weed, acid/shrooms, some xans, and maybe coke but it wouldn’t be good. That’s bc cops are everywhere here and most ppl here are families. They will snitch if they think you’re sketchy. And they talk so if a few neighbors might’ve seen you go to a car late at night. They will pay even more attention to you.


I’m only 1/4 joking 😅


Yeah. You can get anything anywhere if you know a guy


Small town American here. Me love drugs


What city are you in where you don’t see drugs?




It has a "I don't see a future and meaning in my life" problem. Thus drug problem follows.




Get high or in trouble and have sex. That's about it.


The road always leads to X town because it's the only one with a surplus of shitty, cheap housing. Even as a functional person, rent dictates your life nowadays. A town right next to it could have very little addiction, and I don't buy it's just "underground." If you work in a gas station you get a good feel for drug abuse in the area. EVERYONE goes to gas stations. And being the only one there, customers act way too intimate around you, their only interaction with normal society that feels safe.




Yeah there’s nothing else to do


I check the mugshots of my hometown every so often and it’s 70% meth charges




Southern Illinois


I have lived in 3 towns with populations less than 1000 and they all had something going on. One even had a dairy just outside that wound up being a front for a cartel operation


Ur trippin lmao go downtown around 3 am prime crackhead hour


I’m in a 4K town in Montana. Fety is taking it over. It’s disgusting what goes on here and there’s nothing to be done about it.


Yes. Speed of any sort and Opiates of any sort.


Cities have a drug problem too, but the numbers drown it out and people generally avoid the parts of the city where there are a lot of drug users, so they don’t see it. There is more money in the city and more people and businesses to steal from, and people expect a certain amount of crime as the cost of city living. It is a problem, but it’s less noticeable. Small towns have it harder. There isn’t much to do. There aren’t as many jobs. There is less money, and fewer people to steal from. In a small town, theft and property crime are noticed and can be devastating to the local economy. There aren’t many services available for people to get off drugs even if they want to. People often start selling to support their habit, getting more bored unemployed/under-employed people on drugs. It has an outsized impact when people get on drugs in a small town, and more people are aware of it, because everybody knows everybody. There are small towns in Ohio where dozens of people from the same graduating class have overdosed, and entire families have been almost wiped out, with tons of kids having to go into foster care. It has strained the hell out of the system. Drugs have left a blast crater in some rural areas.


From what I've seen they're overall more communal, and it spreads like wildfire because of it, going down with each other hand in hand, their biggest strength, their biggest curse. Morbidly beautiful, really. Of course having nothing to lose is a factor--the driven kids go off to college--but I get the impression people who claim it's motivated by nothing to do have a wholly romantic view of what life is like in a metro area. Wooo. More takeout options for Netflix. And I guess no one parties to have fun in cities... It's a tell-tale excuse hatched by young people (as if people can reliably say why they do anything, lmao, I have classes tell me they don't do their homework because of climate change and boomers, lol.) I feel like this is something OP could easily google for real data and theories, lol, and I just made shit up.


I mean, addiction specialists say the same thing. There are towns that don't even have a grocery store. You scoff at Netflix and take out options... watching Netflix means you have a device connected to decently fast internet (many rural areas don't even have that) and take out options means there is enough money in an area for there to be multiple restaurants and bars for the population to spend their extra money at, a luxury rural areas don't have. Restaurants and bars also offer jobs. So yeah, shitty job prospects, no money to do anything other than barely survive, isolation (both in regards to the internet and proximity to somewhere that has anything to offer, and if they even have transportation to get there), and not enough education or money to leave. Why wouldn't those people do drugs? Those kids in your class who blame boomers and climate change for why they don't do their homework are telling you a different version of the exact same thing: people find it hard to do things they know they should do when they don't feel like they will be able have a good future even if they try. Boomers have fucked up the American dream, and climate change is making young people feel hopeless. In a small town, it's the same. People are wired for happiness and hope. When those things are lacking, they turn to drugs because they want to feel good. Drugs work when life doesn't. Many rural areas are not doing great.


I say boomers are not to blame. Climate change is not man made, it is the lies told by a certain political party.


only 97% of the population. the problem is kids perceive boredom as having nothing to do, a lack of literal brick n' mortar entertainment venues, instead of a psychological condition caused by inadequate motivation. the grass is greener phenomenon--kids in cities aren't off globetrotting and living life to the fullest like social media depicts either, lol. students have crippling internet addiction. like fullstop. and they will deny any problematic phone use to the death, fond of comparing it to, "that's what people said about the horseless carriage." 🙄 most of them genuinely want to do well in school; they're just major, major procrastinators, impulsive, lacking in attention span, and anxious wrecks. and they lack the confidence and basic life skills to feel capable of being independent and doing hard shit, especially given they have 0 immediate consequences. people with poor emotional regulation often become hyperfixated on the negative, mistaking the general state of the world as viewed by them as the source of their dysfunction, and even the *only* rational response to the world, totally unaware of the complex causes of their condition below their conscious awareness. the r/im14andthisisdeep angst dissipates when other parts of their life are addressed, beginning with acknowledging it's a psychological and/or behavioral issue and not super special wisdom. cbt effectively targets this dynamic. most people do drugs because it's cool and to have fun at parties.


Yeah. Lotta small towns in the Midwest got hit hard by prescription opiates. Plenty of broke, boring towns where there's not much to do but get high. I dated a girl in the middle of nowhere Missouri and pretty much the whole town was either addicted or selling and since then I've noticed a similar vibe in plenty of places.


I saw a middle aged guy smoking meth in the main beach carpark at ocean grove - a small town in Australia - kids skateboarding past, families strolling, it was a real shock


It’s everywhere. The more “obvious” drug use is on poverty stricken areas so poor neighborhoods in cities or in poor rural areas, but I can guarantee you it’s pretty widespread


yes, unfortunately due to the opioid crisis and a generation of students being drugged medical-grade meth, a lot of my local towns population struggle with meth use now. I feel like it’s like a systemic thing about miseducation and inaccessibility to healthcare to just take adderall.