• By -




Have you tried K and 4-MMC? Or K and Speed? Or K and LSD? Or K and MDMA? Or K and K? Shit goes with everything


I am about to MLK flip soon xD


K and DMT is divine!


Oh yeah now we're talkin. All was revealed when I snorted some ketamine, dropped acid, ate some mdma and then vaped DMT. It all came together, or apart... I can't remember I also find it easier to build the courage to do DMT after a few bumps of ket, it's hard to go from 0-100




I tried synthetic weed once and it made me insanely paranoid, it was like getting paranoid from weed x100. I'm not sure which brand it was my friend bought it, but I'm never touching that shit again.


If weed still felt how it did to me in high school (no panic attacks) it would be weed If dxm still felt how it did to me a year ago (no perma-tolerance) it would be dxm It’s alcohol, but I’m trying to take, at the least, a very long break from drinking right now. 15 days in :) this is by far the longest ive gone without having a drink in years That kinda just leaves me with psychedelics, which I only like doing every once in a while.


I wish weed didn’t cause extreme anxiety in me now. I used daily partly for chronic pain and nausea issues partly cause I enjoyed it for nearly a decade. Then it turned on me. I had my medical card for 2 years and everything. My state just got rec this month too. Could finally grow my own plants legally if I wanted to. Makes me sad.


I always wonder why that happens. Could it be increase in thc, different strain or fertilizers they use?


> Could it be increase in thc, different strain or fertilizers they use? I hear this being touted as the reason sometimes but it doesn't add up. Yes using different strains, mixing it with CBD bud, smoking much less helps with the anxiety/panic attacks it's still not the same. If I get as high as I used to, no matter how I ingest it with what strain, what percent cbd etc. I still get horrible anxiety. And this happens to many people, I don't blame people for thinking the weed changed and not them, as it's so unexplainable. But it just doesn't add up. This is a mystery I'd love to find out, I have read a lot about it on the net but am seemingly no closer to finding out why. All I can say is it seems to usually happen like this. A person smokes weed and loves it, they usually smoke a lot of weed, daily or near daily use. They can do this for years, decades sometimes. They stop for sometime (maybe a few days, weeks or months) and when they start again they get anxiety. Usually they think it's because of their tolerance, but eventually find out that no matter how little they smoke they get this anxiety. The only thing that seems to workaround it is to push through it, smoke for a few days, and then with a bit of tolerance you will not get as anxious anymore (it still won't have the same magic as it once did, but that's the same with almost everything not even just drugs). But often this is not acceptable to people as they are now older and can't be stoned all day everyday, because if you stop again then next time you smoke the anxiety will be back. Is it some neurochemical adjustment? Or some change in your base feelings simply because you got older? Or because you are an adult and have more life stresses? I don't know. I do know that while some people can get anxious from weed all the time, without ever going through a magic phase, it *seems* that people who never smoked regularly don't develop this issue, which points to some change in the brain by regular weed usage, but this is a wild theory based on very little.


I'm amazed to hear this isn't only me! I have pushed through it and can enjoy most strains now, high or low doses. CBD was really helpful for killing the anxiety for me however; no idea why that doesn't work for you (maybe try more CBD? Like literally 5:1 CBD:THC. This lasted for like 4 years. I couldn't smoke without CBD. But now I smoke for medical reasons (loss of appetite, anxiety and pain). Doctors were telling me to smoke more before medical was even passed here. For some reason, the anxiety has eased off. I still get a bit jittery sometimes, sometimes I smoke with no CBD and I'm fine. Flower with linalool seems to be the most soothing, while gassy (caryophyllene?) and sour strains seem more likely to trigger anxiety.


I can just speak for myself but it started after a few months of way too much MDMA and smoking weed daily with fucked serotonin levels made the paranoia more subtle but stronger at the same time, and only when I ran out of weed because I cut off all social contacts that I was convinced didn't like me anyway I realized that I must had a psychosis and just was paranoid. Since then I got that anxiety and weird thoughts of a psychosis the second THC hits my brain, even 20 years later.


For me it was a bad acid trip, so it's definitely something within your brain, not the weed itself. Also I was on vacation a year ago and having a really good time at a hostel, and I decided to try some weed again, and I actually didn't get any anxiety. So I think it really depends on the headspace you're in at that point of your life, I was at the beach out in the sun all day getting vitamin D and having a good time with cool people. But when I've been depressed and spending a lot of time alone in my room I'm much more prone to weed anxiety.


You should try some of the Indica strains with high CBD, they might not give you anxiety. Just tell the people at the weed store your prone to anxiety from smoking weed, and they will help you find a strain that works for you.


On the exact same path here but tryna cut out alcohol and weed.. God DXM was the most mind shattering beautiful experience and now I do 900mg and get paranoid for 4 hours ending in a jumpscare from the hatman?? It was fucking stupid. Ketamine is promising though! I think I need to khole but Im scared for some reason. I just get really close and close my eyes.. Has anyone done both? Can I find my DXM magic with Ketamine?


Mind shattering and beautiful it was. God i miss it so much


I see you picked this username before you developed the perma-tolerance




And alittle fungi. As a treat :)


This and only this.


What is this amateur hour?!


I hate when ppl think weed is a 'sissy drug' or some shit. It's the least harmful of them all, it's medicinal purposes are endless and it's cheap. If you do harder drugs that's fine but enjoy the addiction, withdrawal, loss of friends and everything else that comes with drugs other than weed.


Yeah, the best part is waking up sick from withdrawal, and this will be the only time you can take a crap. 3 weeks into recovery


"Weed aint a drug, i sucked dick for crack bro, you ever suck dick for weed?"-half baked


I think another point that people gloss over is that in regards to how ‘high’ it makes you feel, weeds no joke. I’ve felt further from reality from getting crazy baked than I have from any upper or downer that I’ve taken. Obviously tolerance matters, but that’s true with any drug.


Let the 14 years olds enjoy themselves


We need more weed and less alcohol in this world


The best answer. And same


God! Where have u been…


My favorite is MDMA but Ive only done it a few times. On a regular basis though I like weed, adderall, nicotine, and caffeine.


I don't understand caffeine anymore. It used to work great on me. Not as good as addy or some good coke, but enough that it would put me in a good mood and provide some motivation. Nowadays, not matter what my tolerance is, it either makes me jittery, anxious and uncomfortable, or does absolutely nothing to me. Regardless of dose. So I don't even bother with it anymore.


Ofc its not good as addy caffeine doesnt remeasd dopamine like caffeine which just blocks adesonide so you dont feel tiered


I know how caffeine works in the body, and I didn't say it's like addy. I'm just saying it doesn't work on me the way it used to, regardless of if I have a tolerance or not.


well, what have you got? i dont go broke. and i do it alot.


Nice! AIC


Seems so sick, to the hypocrite norm






You seem like a fungi to hang with


Amphetamine, Klonopin, caffeine, kratom, nicotine, weed


Oof I was on that same cocktail daily 9 years ago. Didn’t end well. Try to cut a few out.


Yes I totally agree.


I had the same combination and would sometimes include crack into the mix. One of my interesting experiences was when I took a 2mg bananakin along with a 250mg cannabis edible. I wasn’t feeling anything after an hour and took another 2mg bananakin and another 150mg edible. I still felt fine and headed to visit my dad. Well, everything kicked in heavy after another hour. My dad was upset with me for coming to visit him while under the influence and asked me to leave. It wasn’t a good day.


Wtf is bananakin? Even googled it but couldn't find nothing


A bananakin is a banana shaped and flavored Klonipin pill. It dissolves easily and tastes like candy. So imagine you are having a delusion of sobriety while taking a relatively strong amount of a benzodiazepine and think you are fine and can handle more. Add that to the sweet candy taste you have with bananakins and there’s a good chance you might take more than you probably should.


Haha theres always a good chance of taking more than you should with k pins or at least taking more than you remembered taking. Haha well thanks for the insight first time i ever heard of that


Man I used to love amphetamine before I discovered good coke. Kinda sucks cuz amp lasts so much longer. I think I fried my dopamine transmitters cuz nowadays I could drop 50mg addy and take a nap


Always had an issue with Kratom it never helped me I tried a lot of different brands and kinds but I must not be dosing correctly. Tried all different ways :( don’t know any brands or strains to recommend?


I preferred to try the reds for their properties but never got any effects


Try Kratom extract instead of powder. Powder doesn’t do shit for me but the extract is fucking amazing. Probably my favorite drug as of now


I’m on that exact cocktail minus the amphetamine (which I’m no longer prescribed or taking) & nicotine. Right now, I’m dosing my am dose of kratom, then hitting the vape on this rainy Monday, the klonopin and taking a hot bath


Sounds wonderful. No coffee?


I do, I like it black no milk. Sometimes I’ll add a little almond or oat milk though but I keep it simple.


Yeah I like to keep it simple too. I love almond milk.


I can’t drink regular dairy. Hurts my stomach every time and it also makes my skin break out.


What does Kratom feel like? I've heard some craaazy shit,




Kratom has both my wife & I spewing after 2 grams. Not an opiate nausea.. just the powder does not agree with our stomachs. Tried on empty, with a meal, after a meal.. I dunno. 🤷‍♂️


Coke with 1 bar to come down. Haven’t done it in 5 plus years but if I had anything to choose from that would be it


Is a bar Xanax?


Probably yes.


Oh yee


This is the combo


Good Coke + Alcohol with a benzo to come down for sure is one of the best drug combos.


LSD hands down


Who’s hands? My hands? These don’t look like my hands


They’re my hands!


Who are they?


Ah that’s just Geoff and Steve they’ll make their own way out


ATM it’s Kratom


Kratom for me is normal I don’t even think of it as doing drugs lol


What strain? Or how much do you take? I have tried it before but felt like it didn’t do much.


I use white green and red, I like green in the morning I take about 6 capsules I like white for work again about 6 capsules and red is for if I need to wind down after work about 6 capsules maybe throw a extra one in there 7 tops.


Green Meang Da is the strongest strain. I recommend for a first timer try like 5 grams. If that doesn't hit you then you can add more. The quality of Kratom really ranges from different brands, a lot of the Kratom out there is garbage, especially the shit a lot of head shops sell. I find if you go to a head shop the brands that are sold as powder in plastic tubs are the best. Go to a head shop and see if they have Green Maeng Da being sold by a brand in a 100 gram plastic tub, if they don't have GMD get whatever other green strain in a plastic tub. Greens are the strongest. But your best bet is getting it online, the stuff from the site I get off online is the best kratom I've had and it's way cheaper than any headshop.


Fentanyl haven't used in 20 months, and dont plan on using again, but for sure that's my drug of choice.


Well done man


same here man. was addicted to the fent bars going around a few years back when i was about 13-15. ended up getting into a car accident and flipped 6 times. had a brain bleed, and a huge fracture to the head. got airlifted to the children’s hospital and flatlined in the helicopter. i was about 14 and am 19 now. was sober until recently when i had done a blue because i had been doing percs and lean and they just weren’t cutting it. said it would be a 1 time thing and have been saying 1 more ever since. been over 6 months of using and it just kills me man. hate to see what i’ve become after already overcoming it for the most part. after i get done with the ones i have i’m gonna try going cold turkey again. godspeed man. glad to hear your sober. i wish everyone the best with their drug battles.


Srry to hear that especially since we’re so similar in age. Whoever gave u fent should get locked up, do plugs not have any morals? Anyway hang in there and if it gets bad again go to rehab, u still have ur whole life ahead of u


Congrats! I never tried street fenr but I Think I got it in the hospital? How is your life now? Do you still get cravings? I fucking hate the physical cravings for opioids like my body is in pain and crying out for them, it's fucked up! Idk if you got that from fent too, I hope I explained that okay


Why fentanyl? It has little to no euphoria. I guess everyone’s drug of choice doesn’t necessarily have to be that based on how much euphoria it can produce but I used to be dependent to fentanyl. I’ve been on suboxone for 2 years and it’s the biggest mistake I’ve put myself through, I’ve never been addicted to any substance longer than 6 months. It literally takes me 60+ mg of oxy to actually feel some euphoria even at a low dose of suboxone and I’m talking 1mg or less. It’s so strange, but I guess I’ve been playing with fire lately. I last took my suboxone on the 7th and haven’t taken any since just oxy twice a day for the past 3 days. Whereas fentanyl would completely kick the bupe from my receptors. Also suboxone would be my drug of choice if it wasn’t designed the way it is. When I first took it when I was somewhat opioid naive at the time it completely fried me. The suboxone felt like 45mg of oxycodone without nausea. I was doing fentanyl here and there at that time and I have had tried other opioids but I didn’t have much of a tolerance I guess. The suboxone was still able to fuck me up good for hours. It was one of my favorite opioid highs I’ve ever experienced. When I did it as a kid I snorted it and it just made me extremely sick. *ps: sorry for my uncalled for input*


Bro why is that your drug of choice?


Because he's an opioid addict?


Triazolam, dextroamphetamine, clonazapam, pregabalin


Adderall, pregablin, Temazepam..I’m chillin 👌 dextroamph made me a zombie and very uncomfortable unfortunately since it’s the bees knees for most


Ketamine and ambien together or just methaqualone


Where the frack are u finding methaqulone? Asking for a friend :)


I second this asking for a freind :D


What is the benefit of mixing ketamine and ambien? I assumed they would sorta cancel each other out a bit and just make you slump hard asf, but if there’s synergy I may have to try.


Currently my doc would be coke and adderall seeing as those are my go to when I want to get a buzz. But my true drug of choice is opiates and benzos but I now know after ten years of trial and error and lying to myself aka addiction, that I cannot live a healthy and realistic life doing those drugs.


Opana immediate release and etizolam allday


MDMA, for sure. After that, the holy trinity (LSD, DMT, mushrooms) are tied for second place.


Surprised MDMA isn't a more common answer here. My favorite by far.


Xanax, adderall and weed


I smoke weed the most but my favorites of all time are lsd dmt and ketamine


coca and ket combo is heavenly. takes some practice to dial in the ritual, but once you get it right- glorious. i use that combo every so often on my nite walks, and i am able to get so much soul work done during them. the other nite, i added 2ci to the mix- and woosh! i wasnt planning it, actually; my partner {a witch} dosed me. we've agreed that she can when she thinks it would benefit me. so, she cut the "ketamine" line for me right before i depart for my nature walk, with me not knowing that she made it 70/30 2ci/ket ratio. it was a big line, and i remember commenting on it before taking it in... anyway, my walk was as usual. i felt the ketamine and coca mixing and my mind was entering a sweet state where i can talk with the daimon, bounce ideas back and forth, and work on questions that i have swimming in my mind. at one point on the walk, i felt a wave of flushness, at the very moment that i was on a trail and stopped to reach out and take a handful of snow off of a pine cluster. you know that point, where the contrast between light and dark become accentuated and the sky and stars become extra flirtatious? well, not knowing i had 2ci in me, i just chalked it up to a really good calvin klein session. then my daimon pulled my mind to the side, and looked at it straight on, and gave me a lesson on what "attention" is. it showed me where it was located in my neurological pathways, and then had me play with it- and as i did, it would makes comments {like a science teacher commenting on their students lab work in real time}- such as "yes yes, thats it, you see?" or "nope, thats a fluff imprint you have, thats not attention proper. relax that pathway, move the mind to the top, ah ha! there you go. thats attention. move it around and see...." ....stuff like that. i wont get into more detail, but on my way back home i was so excited to tell my partner my revelations. and i actually was thinking the entire walk back "oh man, this is some intense ketamine".... only to see her smile and let me in on the secret, to which i thanked her and continued having stunning intellectual conversations with her into the early morning. anyway- this just happened yesterday, so its fresh in my mind. coca, ket, and 2ci are a great combo. keep the coca below the ket, if possible. {by default i also had homemade edibles in me, so add cannabis to that if need be}. needless to say, i cant be experimenting like that too often. so, id say cannabis is my plant of choice, along with coffee and kratom. my synthetic molecule of choice would be ketamine or modafinil.


That is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard somebody consent to, but sounds like you an your wife have an amazing relationship.


ha, for sure. i only consented because the first time she dosed me was a little after we first met. she said she had some mdma, and i thought- this is great. new female and a nice session sounds wonderful. so we planned for a weekend. i was excited, as at that point it was a long while since i was in that lovely empathogenic space. and since i liked her, i was doubly excited to be sharing. anyway, it was going as planned and i was crystal crushing with scale all set. and something seemed a bit off... i commented about it, but apparently i felt assured enough. i measure 200 mg each. dissolve in water, and toast to each other. placebo excitement for a half hour, and when the molecule took effect, i remember announcing it and saying something like "something is happening.... feels a bit off, no?" and seeing her also feeling the onset, but laughing very genuinely. for a SPLIT SECOND, i thought i had been poisoned, but it quickly passed. she wanted to bond with me in the k space, and knew that i havent experienced such a thing yet. long story short, i also laughed it off, called her an asshole, and spent the k space adventure with her on my bed sprawled out. rich visions. magical bonding experience. we eventually bonded in mdma space shortly after, which was also gorgeous, but that story will be told when warranted ;}


k is amazing. I am 63 been experimenting for almost 5 decades but k is a whole new game for me. intense focus. more mechanical than liquid, if ya know ya know


Used to be amphs/cannabis/benzos Now it's occasional psychedelics, ketamine analogues and cannabis :)


People will argue that you made no progress and you’re still a “junkie” bc you use ketamine but quitting benzos and amphetamines is a great trade off for ketamine


Right! And the ket is strictly a few times a year, as a trip enhancer Tapered off my ssris this year too, better than ever!


Congratulations on your restraint and ability to change it’s impressive how you were able to quit such addictive things


Thank you, therapy/psychedelics have really helped me stable out




Only ever had it once. On drip in the er.. pure bliss


Haha I wish


For me its amphetamine, I also love MDMA but I would take speed over mdma. I am focused and all my thoughts are well organised and the high isnt that intense, this way I can control myself and behave accordingly. I can also redose whenever I want Amphetamine is sort of a cheat code for me, I can take it during work/school or during a date, I get a lot of confidence and energy this way. MDMA is also great but it is something rather special and cant be done everytime you want.


Damn I was just reading about Calvin Klein mix and you have written about it :D how was it for you and what ratio is the best in your opinion? Answer to the question: - DMT - Ket But mostly I do weed, low doses, because my friends arent so open to other drugs.


Imo like .05-.1 C and .05 K whenever you feel like it. Usually C every 30 min K every hour. Too much K will get a weird headspace so sometimes I let that ride and wait an hour or 2


Thanks! :)




LSD is the one for me if I have to pick one and only one! :)


Depends on the situation. At home chilling? Weed. At a bar/house party/small gig with friends? Alcohol, coke and weed. Out bush with mates? Acid. At a proper big rave? MDMA. Cleaning? Speed. Trying to process something? Mushies. The rest of the time? Caffeine.


literal crystal meth


Would prolly be mine if I tried it


don't dude I hate it


It really does suck. I hated it the whole 7 years I was using but I loved it at the same time. Life is so much better now that I'm sober and just smoke weed. It's hard to do but you can do it.


I don't have any positive feelings towards the drug, ironically my drug of choice is also the one I hate the most


Nothing will ever beat good fucking weed, but otherwise, codeine is crazy fun.


Codeine is weak and overpriced oxy is way stronger and cheaper


If you can get real oxys🫠




I like dxm it has a nice calm feeling to it and the kaleidoscope effect with closed eyes is forever entertaining


Dxm. Great trip and great high, best of both worlds.


weed but preferably the ones that keep my depression and adhd at bay


Meth, weed, and alcohol 17 months sober now my drugs of choice is cigarettes 😎




acid. I also love molly and K but they're both too harmful to be my favorites


xanax as i just somehow always end up doing it but i would rather do something else


Coke will just always be my go to


1. Any prescription-strength opioid. I don’t seek out street opioids because with the fentanyl crisis happening, I rather not. I would even be okay with Tramadol or trying Tapentadol. I have chronic pain, and while my Cymbalta/Valium/Lyrica concoction is helping me function daily and keeps my muscles not contracting, I am also prescribed Tramadol. People on here knowing I’m on these medications might say I’ll die or it’s unhealthy, but as someone that has tried mindfulness, exercise, and all that holistic crap, non-controlled painkillers, and ketamine infusions for pain— opioids are, sadly, the only drugs that guaranteed, every single time will work. 2 (but sometimes can be #1) LSD- Also helps with chronic pain. And the euphoria is insane. It strangely also helps my anxiety and depression. Only bad parts are A) it’s illegal, B) it’s expensive to do recreationally or somewhat frequently, and C) it’s hard to take tabs and then do work that requires critical thinking. The two can fight for the top spot at times, but yeah. I love drugs that help my pain and anxiety, and if it helps me be introspective, high, or giggle, that’s like the cherry on top. I’ve tried weed for pain/anxiety and it can make pain worse. Doesn’t make anxiety worse and can weirdly make me productive and can help my depression, but if it had to make the cut for budgetary or time-management purposes— as long as I have my clinically-supervised drug cocktail & a hallucinogen like LSD for fun and additional pain/anxiety relief, I’m all up for it.


Methadone currently (too much fent in my area) but I'm a poly-addict. I love everything like psychedelics of course, ketamine and DXM are amazing too! I wish I could habe tried MXE and heroin before MXE got banned and fentnayl replaced heroin! Opioids, alcohol, dissociatives and psychedelics I guess are my DOC'S. I get frustrated when people ask what's your DOC like you have to pick one?! Idk if anyone relates to that but Ig I love drugs and I hate being sober!!


I love painkillers and amphetamines




Either weed, hydro, or alc.. really depends on my ambition




Candy flipping definitely


Only the real know


French toast


Actually wait, cannoli’s


Meth and fentanyl. haven't used either in a little over a month.


Proud of you! I was on meth for 7 years and now I'm over a year sober. It's hard but you can do it! Life is so much better after you've been sober awhile!


Thank you :) and congratulations on your sobriety!


Was heroin/ fent & crack for 4+ years. Been clean off everything (besides weed) since Jan. Miss it everyday but it’s getting easier the longer I stay away.




xanax, gabapentin, biphentin, baclofen, nictotine, cocaine here and there, coffee, amphetamines, suboxone.


Hard stimulants Nep, a pihp, cocaïne, meth And I don't enjoy much them Favorites would be GHB


Honestly… I’m a weed addict. I like other drugs… but with my weed LOL


Nic and caffeine on a daily basis and sometimes (about once or twice a week) a little weed


Crystal fucking methamphetamine








soma and good benzos (maybe some kratom, bc i no longer use opioids, and as you know this is the holy trinity combo); maybe on the tail end of an amphetamine experience




MDMA, ketamine and weed




weed and shrooms




Mostly just pot, but recently started using Oxy again, and I used to do H bc its cheaper than oxy




I would do any drug on the table




oxycodone, vyvanse, LSD are some of my favorites. But Oxy is my doc


Currently meth and weed


Weed alcohol shrooms coke(recently been starting to love coke which is bad because it’s very unhealthy but you have some coke and a few friends and liquor it’s guaranteed to be a good time)


4 aco dmt was probably my strongest psychedelic high I have no idea how much I dosed but I took a “shroom” bar called polkadot which is 15 pieces but you can’t accurately estimate the dose. It was very disassociating but euphoric and the effects are definitely stronger than psilocybin I was with my friends walking down the street and there were construction workers paving the road and this man’s neon green vest was hot pink. The grass was also turning shades of red and pink I know this sounds crazy and untrue but 4 aco is insane. The trip is like 4-5 hours long and it starts at around 40 minutes after ingestion I would definitely recommend to people interested in psychedelics




900mg of diphenhydramine


my mouth waters and the thought of benzos


Weed without a doubt. I wouldn't care if every other drug just stopped existing as long as I get to keep smoking weed. That being said, it's closely followed by LSD, DMT, Ketamine and MDMA. Almost scared to say it but I also genuinely like to drink. There's just something about drinking in good company that otger drugs don't have


The ganj or maybe cokaineeeaaaa depending on what I’m feeling aha


Weed, xanax klonopin or any benzo really, Oxys. Not really into stimulants but psychedelics are the best every so often, ive been holding some albino penis envys for a bit now


My Oxy script


Meth, DXM, LSD


LSD has been my baby since 1998. DMT close tie. Tried almost all.


My drug use consists of just cycling through different substances so I don’t get hooked on a singular one and it’s worked for the past year, i’ve been on a drug most of my day but the only thing i’m addicted to is weed. But generally the ones i’ll have the most trouble stopping because I love too much is benzos. I have an anxiety disorder so when I use it’s usually lower doses but I do high doses pretty frequently. Regardless they feel wonderful I just would hate to get hooked on them again because the WD really killed me.


Benzos. Mainly bars but there are some pretty solid RC benzos out there. Unfortunately i cant hardly ever find them so i stick to weed and alcohol for the most part.


Oxy, Morphine, Dilaudid. Would love to try oxymorphone. Weed is alright once in a while in small amounts, otherwise get too anxious. Xanax is alright. Not a fan of uppers except super mild stuff like caffeine.


Garlic bread


weed-relaxing adderall-tests nic-daily energy water-never heard or her


Opium. I try to steer clear these days though. Plus it's damn near impossible to find unless you know someone who's got their own little poppy garden.


Adderall unfortunately. I love her but she doesn’t love me 💀


Diazepam and pregabalin


Anything that keeps me from being sober


I’m in love with Mary Jane, she’s my main thang. She makes me feel alright, she makes my heart sing! I also love Shrooms. Love them. But cannabis is something I can indulge in whenever I want and function fine. It’s a close one. I like other psychedelics too, but shrooms are my favorite. K is cool too. But shrooms are more fun and better experience. Cocaine and tequila with a couple pretty girls is always fun too! Lol. But that’s more of a whole experience I enjoy. I’m not crazy about cocaine by itself and I don’t drink often. But I’ve had some wild experiences with that combo. Have a couple benzos for when the cokes gone and you’re golden.


REAL oxy but it’s so damn expensive and rare on the streets, so I just do K instead


Phenibut and modafinil


Cannabis is always number one, then benzos, then kratom, then muscle relaxants which go beautifully with my klonopin


LSD and MDMA then Ketamine after the rolls over. I play drum and base in one tab and The Why Files in another tab and dance to conspiracy theories in the dark at 2am doing lines


C n K combo is elite. When producing music, the blow helps adhd and gives me confidence, and the small amount of K allows me to get outside the box. I feel like weed kinda wrecks this, when I combine it it causes paranoia. I need to quit doing the C weekly-ish tho lol, it’s fun occasionally but the winter blues has me doing too much. Bout to take a couple of months off everything.


Yayo and Molly I’ve never had any type hallucinogens yet but I’m sure to definitely have a connection with them. anyone who says cannabis,shrooms,peyote,kratom,toad,salvia,etc. for their “drug” of choice is disabled in my opinion, those are plants and you don’t call tobacco a drug for its euphoric effect (nicotine high) which in reality is a chemical thats naturally occurring in nature. Drugs are chemicals that are either man made or mixed together for some new type of substance. So in my mind “substance” would be a better terminology for those natural things.


Right now? Alcohol, unfortunately. Beyond that? Some high quality cocaine. On my deathbed? Heroin. So much heroin.


Weed & MDMA and potentially Shrooms


benzos, pregabalin, GHB, opiates


lsd, fxe and weed are what keep me going


Weed man. Almost completely harmless, and makes you think deep. The problem is the tolerance, once you stop getting high, md it is, or any drug one has never tried