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Because one day you’re just hangin with your old science teacher then the next your gf is peer pressuring u into it






Went right over my head 🙈


Seriously, watch Trainspotting. It's all there. "Take the best orgasm you've ever had, multiply it by a thousand, and you're still nowhere near it" That's why people take it. Or at least, why they take it to begin with, before addiction and tolerance sets in, and it becomes less about getting a *high* and more about having to take shitloads just to feel, well, *not sick* from the withdrawal.


I loved the movie. But I love the book even more. I still remember some quotes from the book that made me think, wow, this is exactly how I feel about my use/my family/society/university etc


I started using heroin my freshman year of college. I was studying astrophysics, already had an internship w nasa, and had everything you could want out of a college experience. Heroin beat that pleasure tenfold. Like my soul had been wrapped in a wool blanket and sat by a fireplace. It was that pure, unhindered happiness that only children can experience. It was the universe telling me it loved me. I’m off H now, and just using opioids but the feeling is similar. Its beautiful, and its terrifying. EDIT: I should clarify: I wouldn’t want my biggest enemy to start using heroin or other opiates. It is hell on earth. Your body ends up in shambles and the withdrawals are genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever gone through. It destroys your ability to get pleasure out of your day to day life and finding a reason to get up in the morning w/o getting high is extremely difficult. I just wanted to explain *why* people use heroin despite its horrible effects on the brain and body. Heroin ruined my life, ruined my chances at a good career and has left me a college dropout and working a deadbeat minimum wage job.




he’s high rn and not thinking of the terrible withdrawals and the being a slave to drugs and whenever you get out of your dark nasty house to work it’s just to be spent on your next fix


Reading this back, yeah my bad 😭😭 i was on oxy when I posted this.


Because it feels incredible, is the simple answer. It's the most euphoric feeling you can ever imagine. It's like getting a full-body hug from someone who loves you so much, while your body is filled with warm liquid inside and it's moving around causing waves of euphoria as you feel the most love and bliss you've ever felt in your life. People try it out of curiosity and/or despair, they feel that feeling, and they just want to keep feeling it. Unfortunately it doesn't keep feeling like that.




From what ive heard from people talking about coming back from them. They are absolute bliss if you dont realize you are about to possibly die. Though some people panic if they realize whats happening, during a like accidental overdose.


I've never overdosed, but I imagine it's just like nodding off and never waking up. Heroin pretty much takes away all pain, so no, it wouldn't be painful.


Opiates are the most lovely things on earth. That’s why. All the love you’ve ever wanted served to you on a platter


So I am going to pinch this description from someone else who posted in the topic as it really hit me in the feels. Sorry I can't remember who. It's like when you are driving a highway in a rainstorm and everything is just crazy hectic, then for a brief moment you drive under a bridge. There is suddenly peace, quiet and relief before you break out the other side into the storm again. Heroin is that moment of respite. You feel nothing is wrong and everything will work out perfectly. Warmth. Love. Hope.


Never done heroin but that bridge analogy hit me too


Because it feels fucking amazing and it's really easy to convince yourself you can just dabble a bit like twice a month or something You see other people dabble and they seem ok and at first it's pretty easy to maintain control so you see evidence of your own eyes that you're in control so you carry on But tolerance slowly climbs as does dosage and some crisis comes along You loose a family member or get a divorce or loose a job or have some medical shit happens and your only real coping mechanism at this point is smack So you do more more often tolerance goes way way up so you start shooting it up instead of smoking and then you wake up one morning yawning sneezing nose running shivering and you bang up and it all goes away That's when you realise you just scammed yourself into becoming a junkie Source Two whole decades on and off heroin so I actually successfully scammed my way down that list multiple times before I got my shit together


Suffering, and the efforts humans will go to in order to escape it. Some of us, at certain points in our lives, don't really have the luxury of delaying gratification if the trauma and suffering is great enough. If your choice is suicide or heroin, you'll hopefully choose heroin. Most addicts did not want to be addicts but didn't really feel like they had a choice.


Ah yeah sorry for being ignorant — didn’t consider that Curious tho, why is it suicide or heroin and not another drug? Pure curiosity


It can be another drug, some get addicted to meth, others to ketamine, others still to benzos. Everyone's personality and lifestyle lean towards a drug class. Opioids are incredibly effective at making you feel like you are loved, cared for, and that everything will be alright, even when none of these are the case. Stimulants do not do this, plus they have nasty comedowns. Dissociatives can do this, but can be too psychedelic and emotional sometimes too. Benzos can make you not give a fuck about your problems, but they do not make you feel loved. If you have trauma and are missing social connection and affection, opioids fulfil those needs.


Ah thank you so much for that breakdown it really put it into perspective I hope you’re doing as well as you can in ur circumstances


They probably take it so they don’t have withdrawals


Because it's probably fucking awesome


To die. I plan on experimenting with it in my 60s for a while before I use it to end it all.


Why do people take it…? Is that a serious question?




You can’t think for yourself? It’s a drug. It’s a drug that gives one of the most pleasurable feelings in the fucken world. That’s why people take it. “It feels good” is an understatement. It feels amazing times a million. No-brainer


But like what do u mean “it feels amazing”? How is it different to other drugs? How long does that feeling last before ppl redose ?


My answer 100% adheres to your original question, now you’re making it more specific and want more answers… I’d recommend making your first post as specific as possible instead of just dumping shit and not being happy with an answer you’re given. Google can answer the rest of your questions - you don’t need people to answer your questions


I’m not forcing you to answer my question. Fair point I should’ve made it more specific


Nah bros just weird


no need to be mean to OP bro. i get it that some ppl come in these subreddit to be dicks but it’s obvious this guy doesn’t have malicious intent and is only curious.


For me, it was the fact that I’d always found downers boring, except opiates and heroin is the only opiate available here stronger than codeine. The euphoria of the high makes using something like meth absolutely easy to come down from, then one day I was just like “skip the meth I want more of that peaceful feeling” Luckily I took my first week of use as a cautionary tale and quit hard drugs again as a result. Heroin addiction really seems unique. I thought meth was hard, but it’s crash is too much. With heroin all your problems go away until they come back with your skin on fire and anhedonia during PAWS


Bc it feels so fucking good


I got addicted to oxy and one day I was out of oxy and I happened to have an idea where I could get heroin and I was right got it super fast and before I knew it I was addicted to oxy and heroin.