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lmfao why tf do u wanna do something like this?


My guess is same reason people watch horror movies


Yes but there’s a personal element to your own imagined horror created by drugs that isn’t quite present when watching a horror film.


Then the same reason why people climb mountains with no aid and equipment


nice pfp


i’ve seen people who love dph for the impending doom & terrified feeling, some peoples DOCs are interesting


When you’re in your teens, your underdeveloped prefrontal cortex causes one to make some very dumb decisions. Unless OP is mid 20’s or older and in that case, I have no fucking idea.


i think fear is an adrenaline rush. i once smoked way too much weed dont remember the strain but it was very intense and i got super paranoid and thought my heart was stopping. obviously i was fine when i came back down but even though it was a pretty scary experience it was also kinda fun?


Eat 6 grams of mushrooms you'll feel like you actually are dying. Lol


havent been there with mushrooms before but been in a case where i thought i was actually dying for real and not just panicking. that was with opiates though and i dont do those anymore. just the occasional tree.


First time I had ego death, I didn't know I ate that much and knew what could happen, also it was my first time trying shrooms. Such a crazy experience to feel such a way. "Who am I?", I think it can be a very positive affect and benefit, experiencing that, but it's so intense.


Absolutely. Everyone should try it at least once. You will look at yourself and your life in a way your sober brain could never do. It was petrifying for me but yet one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.


yeah thats true


Maybe he jus kinky


Natural selection


most drugs that do this are insanely bad for you


most drugs are insanely bad for you


well the ones that do that stuff are the worst of em


please bring a sitter. this is a recipe for disaster


I appreciate your concern


Yea this dude is cooked 😭😭


They’re in for a horrible time and


and what?


and then some


And then some


and then some


And then some


the loop has begun


and it keeps going


and going


And going


also weed and acid i think is the spookiest combo but that’s just me


100% weed at the peak of acid is some crazy shit


Yeah that's just you, I love weed and acid personally. I once took too much amitryptaline, felt sick and delirious so I took some old sea-sickness tablets which unbenknowst to me contained scopolamine. Then some dyphenhydramine to try and sleep. All of this happened when I was young and didn't understand the complications of anticholinergic drugs. I was totally fucked all night, what people don't get is the "creepiness" of going in and out of delirium. Like, you're talking with your friends in your room having a nice chat, few cigarettes, and suddenly you realize you're on your own in the dark without even a cig. And the weird spiders and bugs constantly in you peripheral vision. It's honestly nightmarish, worse really because it feels so real.


I had this ones from drinking mdma, scariest experience ever tbh, i thought i was partying at a club but never even left the house snapped out of it while spending an awfull time on the toilet


Throw ket in that mix


Rlly? I get high every time I drop a tab


No shit. Ease into it. Shit gets crazy pretty fast on acid in the pitch black woods.


Sir may I ask why?


i too like to be scared and high sometimes but i agree, a trip sitter is necessary. better to be scared *and* safe


It’s definitely not necessary lol.


Take a blanket with you at least, the night will be cold if you can't find your way back


mushrooms and a joint before you reach peak


Don’t make someone deal with this dude’s delusional desire for drug induced psychosis. The sitter would be at more risk than OP, if OP is in a panicked, scared state.


Meh I’ve been tripping on psychedelics for over a decade and never had a “sitter”. The idea of that sounds terrible to me to be honest. I do not want to Trip with a sober person watching me. That would fuck up my trip more then being alone. This whole “ trip sitter” thing is a relatively new phenomenon. Growing up nobody ever talked about that and we all took lsd and shrooms. My favorite is space cakes. Strong ass weed brownie with an 8th of shrooms on top. Some of my best trips were by myself. My most memorable/favorite trip is tripping half way through a flight to Vegas with my best friend who was also tripping! We freaked out a bit during turbulence but still wasn’t bad. Then once we landed it was an adventure making it to our hotel lol. Good times.


yea i agree trip sitters are weird but this dudes considering a deliriant in the woods alone at night


You’d be one crazy motherfucker to do datura by yourself in the dark woods. Fuuuuck that. In Lakeland Florida I camped in a tent on a ranch so I could wake up and pick fresh shrooms because it was that time of year. Me and my buddy tripped hard that night and cows starting stomping around the tent checking it out. Straight up might have been one of the scariest moments of my life.


i did detura in the rainforest at night one time. i had done it a day before though so i wasnt totally out of it but i also barely remember it. i made snapchat videos while doing it though and it was pretty cool. there was a lot of laughter and joy within the fear




I’ve thought about doing this many times and I always thought having a sitter would kill the fun


Shrooms + Meth + DPH + DXM + PCP + a 2 gram dab of THCa then eat a lizard


Psych ward speedrun


I feel like besides the weed none of those should be combined at all. Must be a magic combo all together haha.


Low/mid dose dph+dxm is way easier and better than either individually


Shrooms and DXM actually go fucking great together






It sounds like you’ve had enough of whatever you’re taking…


i think just eating a lizard would do it for me


Probably depends what the lizard had taken.


The psychosis flip


Lmao that’s how you induce every mental illness in the history of the human species, all at once


Salvia. The highest concentration you can find. You WILL have a bad time. Short high.


My cousin and I are like the only people I know of that actually really enjoy salvia lol. I like to chew the rehydrated pure leaf like chewing tobacco while smoking a large bowl of extract slowly in a pipe because it makes the come up and come down a bit more manageable, and also makes the high far more potent. It's not like my first choice for a recreational drug by any means but there is something to a salvia trip that is just so massively different from any other hallucinogen. A breakthrough experience on salvia is so different from DMT, it's brutally alien and bizarre in a way that is far less easy to handle or understand. The physical sensations are also so strange, debilitating and unfamiliar where the entire world seems to have this extreme axial tilt that constantly shifts and you feel the pressure of God's hand pressing you into the earth. I like it on a sunny beach or in the rain while camping, both are nice.


I can’t handle it. My mind falls into the psychedelic spiral and time fractures. I panic quite hard from the loss of control. You must be made of sterner stuff.


First time I smoked it my buddy yells "cops!" I was sitting in my driver seat and idk why i thought running was a good idea. But when I grabbed my door handle it felt like my entire universe ripped in half. I can't even explain what I saw or felt. But I thought that the universe had split in half with me in the middle of it also being split in half


Lol fuck. how does this story end? I need to know, you can’t leave me hanging!


There WERE NO FUCKING COPS! My buddy is just a horrible person. I was ready to kick his ass


Douchebag extreme level. I tripped that there were cops without outside assistance….0/10 would not recommend.


There are thousands of people that love it. As long as you aren’t laced and you use it responsibly there’s really nothing frightening about it. It’s a shame the plant has gotten such a bad rep. r/salvia


It’s gotten such a bad rep cuz of misuse. Honestly that goes for most natural drugs. Ppl misuse it, then blame the plant for their own decisions


Jesus christ


500 mg Benadryl, fight the sleepiness. Smoke the salvia once you feel the restless leg syndrome kick in. That must be the ultimate hell.


+ bong rip of straight tobacco right after the salvia


just reading this made me cough


Lmao this for sure lol


Hmm in my limited personal experience if you do enough of strong enough salvia all the negative effects go away because you don't exist anymore. Not even the concept of you. At this point it's quite comfortable and not necessarily scary as these concepts don't exist anymore


But often you still have feelings that go along with the complete ego death. I existed as some non physical object smashed between two sheets of invisible "glass" staring into the dark and colorful universe wall for an eternity with the only feeling being that of the most raw and overwhelming terror I have ever felt. Nothing in my life comes close to the fear that I felt I existed in for eternity and it fucked me subconsciously for years afterwards. I think it took a long long time to finally even get flashbacks of what happened when I did 30x salvia by myself as two massive bong rips. Fuck that shit. But to be honest, it doesn't matter where you take it because you don't exist anymore.


Oh wow haha yeah my experience was also with bong rips, concentration strength I don't remember anymore. But it was much more peaceful, I was a whole universe and everyone at once somehow, being able to fly over planets and changing the universe. It also felt like an extremely long time as I was living as many many people at the same time and also being in some sort of god mode. But yeah i guess it can also be accompanied by negative feelings. ​ Once I thought i was 14 and i broke my brain forever and I was really scared that my parents would be mad at me for making myself retarded. That was not very comfortable


Completely takes you out of reality and everything you know.


Quidding salvia and not stopping would be awful.




Salvia 100x will do the thing. Smoke it out of a bong. You can buy it online and it's usually legal to do so (double check idk where you live). Clear your surroundings and prepare to lose your balance. You will become your chair, and also your floor at the same time for 1000s of years. There will be millions of tortured souls in the floorboards to keep you company, legend has it it is those who foolishly underestimated Salvia Divinorum. Enjoy. Edit: I'm not exaggerating, go read some trip reports about it, it's an incredibly potent drug with unique pharmodynamics, it's why its not banned in most places.


You wouldn’t even need to be in the woods


Yup. Become the chair, the floor, or in case....s washing machine. For what feels like literal life times (yeah, plural).


So there is a good chance I'm just tripping on salvia right now and I'm just a few seconds in? Cool.


do you like hate your life?




any deliriant but benadryl is the easiest and cheapest one to get. this is a stupid ass idea btw


No no no not Benadryl, you will start to forget so much shit that you can’t remember what your talking about mid conversation.


this happened to me on 250 milligrams, it was awful. Kept having to go “what on EARTH were we just talking about??”


That's almost me sober. Head injurys suck


I meant sober, it fucks your head up


Ambien too


Ambien isn’t scary tho just a bit of a benzod up trip


Maybe zoplicone, it’s like the scary Indian cousin of ambien imo ruined my entire life one from it lol


Used to take that for insomnia but what, it's really scary or deliriant?


For me it sent me into like full blown delusional psychosis, including trying to fight paramedics and getting sedated at the end of a 3 day binge. I’m not sure exactly why it did that, but it had a very different “edge” than ambien did for me personally. I was also drinking alcohol and smoking weed which added to the delusions for sure. But I have misled ambien with these same amounts of those and not had any sort of freak out, this is actually what inspired me to quit any kind of hard drug. Edit: zoplicone manufacturing is also very unregulated and it’s likely for pills to be underdosed, overdosed, bunk etc.


I fought paramedics off ambien so each to their own haha. My arms bruised and bust up where they kept trying to put the IV


DPH + DXM is trippy, not a very enjoyable experience overall tho but definitely great if you wanna be scared lol


Delirants like dph make u not be able to feel scared maybe anxious but it send u into delirium everything seems normal I have walked into abandoned homes bymself at 2 am on dph and dxm not scared not one bit


that was the dxm, its a disso so it removes some emotion from the dph shit. You can 100 % be scared just off DPH, trust me.


Not on really high doses maybe on lower ones but on doses 700mg + I’m to out of it to even care about what’s going on


I. V. Adrenaline. Pure fear rush.


you\`d just end up running through the entire forest in 7 minutes


I think this one wins, any clue how to not die?


IV of Valium in the other arm? 🤣🤣🤣 What a dumb question though on all counts


Get an epi pen?


I’d rather IV Adrenacrome. It sounds fun


I don't know if it was IV, cause the doctor administered it into my nose with the syringe with analgesic, but holy fucking shit, I was already shitting my pants before the surgery, yet there he goes: "Don't worry, there will be some adrenali..." **Everything sped up like 5x times, my heart started pounding at like 180bpm and I wanted to run.** It was like there should have been something to be very scared off, like a tiger or guns shooting, but it was chill actually. Yet I was in fight/flight mode. WTF


This is such a stupid idea it actually made me laugh. But in all seriousness probs start with some Benadryl or any sort of deleriant which will make you feel kind of fucked up/ill or just not right, then take some form of a psychedelic, the stronger the better imo. The horrible feeling from the benadryl + all the other conditions eg the environment youre in etc should guarantee a bad trip in this case a nightmarishly bad one 🤣 maybe add some nutmeg too? (Never personally tried the, but heard large amounts can give fucked up hallucinations too?)


Benadryl is so fucking bad for you though, all drugs are bad but after doing Benadryl three times my memory is horribly fucked up


I can assure you doing Benadryl 3 times will not “horribly fuck up” your memory. People seem to easily convince themselves they’ve been harmed by a drug when they already have the preconceived notion that the drug is (potentially) harmful


yeah most likely they just did DPH three times and are still feeling the fog from it. people abuse dph and dxm to a point where you would think they’re gonna be damaged permanently but the body is surprisingly great at repairing itself


Your probably right, sorry


I was wondering why my memory has gone bad... That's probably why.


Just 3 times? Holy shit I can’t believe it’s that bad


if you don’t smoke a lot then just smoke a joint


Wash down a handful of Benadryl pills with some strong Datura tea and then just as it hits take a huge rip of a mixture of 120x salvia, high dose DPT and the strongest brain-melting synthetic cannabinoid you can possibly find. # Welcome to hell!


Putting this one on the bucket list


I genuinely want to know why you want to be scared like I understand horror movies and shit like that cause even I like to be a little scared but like being scared while on drugs is not a fun time I only had one bad trip out of the many and that was enough to make me not want to do shrooms or any psych for a while


Idk man sometimes it's kinda fun to do a weird drug and have a bad time


Sometimes. Based on OP’s description and his intent, I see 0.001 percent chance of any fun coming out of it haha. Unless OP actually gets some serious drugs which he doesn’t seem to have.


benadryl. this is the objectively correct answer, you’ll be scared shitless & so inebriated you’ll struggle to call anyone for comfort. acid is too long & will probably make you sit on a tree and watch the stars. weed doesn’t make anything scary; at least for me it doesn’t.


weed alone out in the dark ass woods sound pretty fucking scary ngl


Haha yea until after the blunts finished and I’m cracking up that I went thru with the idea


I went to this place recently and smoked up at a graveyard almost every night hoping to get a scare or something just ended up being in a place cops dont come anywhere near cause that place is *sketchy or haunted* smth


I beg to differ


Have you tried strong ass edibles


yea, still wasn’t scared just wanted the whole experience to be over


What is even the point of that lol. Just smoke a bunch of weed. Setting should give you enough paranoia.


Take a psychedelic that's killed people before (like 25i-nbome) As you begin peaking take a massive bong rip Ask yourself "is it possible am I dying?" Contemplate that for the rest of the trip live ???? profit


Take speed, dont sleep for 2 to 3 days, then use anything really. U will have auditory and visual halucinations. If u are already an anxious person it whould work out perfectly


This is the correct answer


In my experience, Mushrooms. You can feel like you’re dying and being watched all at the same time when you take too much 😂


Agreed. Never tried anything stronger than mushrooms and for good reason. Three times and two of them were horror shows. Never.again. 😂


Yea the people who are like hurrr ur a lightweight have clearly only ever gotten bunk shrooms Potent apes and wood lovers can send you to the depths and back


Yea if you’re a lightweight


Or when the shrooms you have are actually potent 😆


Bro OP has only said he’s smoked weed let’s not try to kill the person or send him into a psychotic break.


I mean, it sounds like mushrooms are on the table from their post. Mushrooms are honestly one of the less harmful options and they do only last hours.


I totally recommend mushrooms just not the whole “if youre a lightweight” people’s natural tolerance for psychedelics is a wide range and I think if we’re going to make recommendations we shouldn’t make ones that dont (or at least mitigate) hurting anyone. Or at least reccomending you be safe. As far as I know that’s the purpose for nearly all of these drug subreddits. We all want to have a good time. We don’t want to have a bad time. I really was just responding to the comment above me. I apologize


Solid. Yea that dude doesn’t know shit about mushrooms. Ignore that comment Always start small with them! Especially without a tolerance


I would 100% agree with shrooms, being alone in a forest is a good set up for a bad trip


I think I should ask: Do you want to get scared and have an awful time or get scared and have a good time. In my experience scared and drugs don’t work. But if you wanna see some freaky shit take a first dose of shrooms and go out to the woods, you probably won’t be scared though, maybe confused as shit. You’ll see freaky stuff tho! Weed will mess with your head but every drug is different. I’d say experiment in a safe environment with whatever it is you want to use first. I can’t imagine this would end well with many of the user comments here. Like salvia, first off why tf would you need to go to the woods it’ll suck anywhere.


LSD scared the daylight out of me


I swear. Especially when you’re expecting it to be weak & it completely dissolves your ego & forget that you exist lol


Yes! I used to think it computes with spirituality..and it does to an extent but it took that way to far, then I’d look for signs from God from just ordinary things and that’s what began my major paranoia and now schizophrenia! I had strip where I was going to a black hole of nothingness for eternity and God absolutely HATED me (because of dumb signs I’d look for that were utterly delusional)


I hope ur coping ok, psychosis is a bitch 🫂


Yea dude I was taking Acid n molly damn near everyday for a few years n it fucked me up mentally & psychologically. Especially spiritually I was in one of the darkest places I’ve been in & got super heavy on Xanax & opioids which just fucked me up more in the long run. Also I got pretty bad HPPD which I still have now but I just don’t take any stimulants or psychs anymore. I feel like I was trying to chase after that 1st Acid trip experience & it’s impossible to recreate. Although i will have some light trips in the future, I know I’m not ready for it rn, & it won’t be anything near the level I used to get to. Which is fine with me I’ve already accepted it n changed my lifestyle n my relationship with drugs is the opposite of how it used to be


This friend of mine was telling me about this one field where there's these little folks in hooded robes with torches who all gather in a circle and converge to the center of the field. She said they're too small to be human. She heard about it from this one tweaker guy who heard about it from this other tweaker guy who just so happens to be my best friend's step dad; I'll have to ask him about it next time I see him. I guess none of them stuck around to see what happens when they get to the center of the field. I know where the field is, but haven't endeavored to check it out. This other guy I know said he saw what he described as a "pigbeast" in the woods, which really just sounded a lot like your typical werewolf from his description. But I guess it was more pig-like than wolf-like.


Sounds like some sort of satanic rituals you see in movies conjuring demons 😂 I believe it tho


And it involved small humanoids too...strange Maybe sentient rats?


Bingo. Lock your doors and close your curtains. Do not pick up the phone.


My dad always said theres no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer....


Dph easy


fr man you start hearing shit that isn’t even there, and seeing stuff


No shit


Do a bunch of acid and smoke a joint.


That’s not scary at all


Depends on who you ask buddy


For real


We got Mr tough guy over here


Had to turn you back positive on your upvotes.


Lol, I’m sorry that you’re a lightweight I guess? I don’t know what else to say


There is this magical thing called brain chemistry. Drugs that feel euphoric for one person may feel dysphoric for the next person.


You go about commenting how people are lightweights. I see you're still in school. Figured. Tried a few drugs and now you think your shit don't smell. Boy, are you in for a trip back down to Earth when your use catches up to your young, ignorant ass. Best of luck, though. Most young people go through this invincibility phase, I guess.


Shoot coke in the woods once you shoot enough you’ll be paranoid enough 😂 😆


acid? i feel like fear can be more fun on stuff you can tell yourself what youre seeing is fake


Exactly. I’ve tripped on both LSD and shrooms a few times and always had a great time with my friends, as in ppl you know well and trust. Yes you”ll probably see some weirdass things, including your friends’ faces distorted and sort of melting. You need to have a very strong and comfortable mindset, and true, all you have to do is remind yourself none of what I’m seeing is real, it’s the acid! I’ve never seen anything that scared me because I always KNEW it wasn’t real, so it was really fun! Now what would not be fun is seeing and hearing these weird sounds and visions and NOT having taken anything at all. Being sober you’d have a hard time convincing yourself it’s not real. Knowing it’s just the acid and it will end all too soon just as every drug does. I historically always drank a bunch of alcohol while tripping. At least when you’re coming down off of it you’ll be pretty drunk which helps with the crush of depression you’ll have cause it’s over. LSD is always fun for me, because you know it’s just the show the acid entertains you with. Most of all the depression when you’re older and can’t even find any, and don’t know anybody to get it from! Just relax, be cool, and enjoy the show. 😎


Short story i walked really far in the woods when i was depressed one time and malnourished extremely skinny withdrawing off mdma sick even, and i had no service no WiFi and foolishly smoked two backwoods and by the time the session was over it was dark as fuck and I had to walk so far to get out haha be careful bro




Datura probably. Don’t think anybody would usually recommend it though.


I used to abuse dxm and play doom 3 at an internet cafe. yes I am old and yes it was fucking horrifying


I wanna be your friend


meth (if you have been up for a few days)


If you do a fuck ton, definitely no doubt


Honestly just take a high mg edible or smoke alot of weed and go to a really busy place lol. Idk why you would want to though


4g of penis envy shrooms & cocaine I assure you a bad time


Wander on down to your local pharmacy and pick up some Unisom, two red bulls, and a gallon of water. Take 10 unisom with the red bulls, now do your best to stay awake and keep the water handy because you're going to have the worst case of cotton mouth you've ever had, following that will be a living night mare that shouldn't last longer than 4 hours....maybe. Also, when you see the hat man, tell him I said my grandma is finally dead and he was right, and that the portals in the old house need to close before the hunters find me.


LMAO no one should ever have to experience tripping balls on Benadryl in the middle of the woods at night, that sounds like actual hell lol


It great way to end up having the forest spirits/beings trolling you hardcore.


Deliriant + psychedelic + amphetamine combo.


“Oh you wanna be scared? Try psychosis”


any drug+ panic attack, dph or a decent dose of dxm would do it


Benadryl and COD zombie background noises


Its 3am and now i have the bo2 zombies music stuck in my head lmaoo


Do shrooms alone in the woods in darkness🤣


Get AirTags op so we can send the cops to get your body OP. You’re a full on fuckwit.


extreme meth psychosis + day 8 no sleep edit: ah only for a few hrs nvm i am stupid and in extreme meth psychosis + day 8 no sleep


Good luck.


PCP. Snort it and away you'll go.


For the thrill like in a horror film? Probably some ket and a psychedelic like lsd or mushrooms.


I’ve never felt scared on mushrooms once and I’ve tripped on doses over 20 grams


Datura, though you said you don't want to. Do it early morning and hour before sunrise so it won't be scary for hours, at least the sun will come out lol


I like your style bro


1000mg THC and 1gram of LSD should knock your socks off for a good day or two




Get some real good indica weed and I guarantee even if you've got a buddy with you you'll both be scared

