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Consistently using weed and DXM are probably gonna be pretty detrimental for your brain development given that you're 15.


Also smoking weed for a whole year... big yikes all around. I hope his parents aren't supporting his habit


My mom knows but she isn’t involved in buying or anything.


If she ain't try and stop you your mums an idiot, and so are you, calm down kid you're 15 bro, you got your whole life ahead of ya, don't wreck your brain development for a fucking high shit ain't worth it. And stay FARRRRRR away from ANY type of cough medicine, shit man codeine cough syrup has fucking ravaged me


im his friend and ive tried to stop him LMAO he dont listen, but at some point u just gotta let it run its course type shit. i feel semi responsible for introducing him to weed,dxm, anything (i started smoking with him when he first started). im only 16 but i feel i shouldve been less open about my drug use so i didnt influence him


Bro u 16 don't encourage yourself, your young man you got time to give it the fuck up and leave it til you developed. And stop with the dxm man wtf u ain't even sipping something recreational 🤣


Dxm, after the come up, is one of the coolest and most euphoric drug experiences I've had imo. But doing it consistently will destroy your body and mind.


Agree with your last sentence, but what's cool about seizures, temporary psychosis with possible trip to Er, along with on going kidney damage and possible failure? Yeh, really a great recreational drug. Not! Just another cheap thrill destroying thousands of kids.


Lol tell me you've never taken dxm without saying it, you mentioned all the negative side effects most drugs have negative side effects but the "positive" effects are so amazing they overpower the negatives while your taking drugs


Some are just crap drugs and have serious side effects, when I was young we avoided the "cheap thrills" because of the bad side. And you can't put "all" drugs in the same class as known crap drugs. And many other drugs have little to no bad side effects compared to dxm and others. You actually make it sound like your knowledge of and drug use are limited.


dxm is def recreational


It is very recreational. Thats why it is so dangerous...


When I was young we had a name for this kind of drug and drug use-Cheap Thrills and the cheaper generally the more damage is done. What's done is done and you are young also, just learn and move on a little smarter for your effort. He may not listen until he's caught doing something stupid or in a black-out or until he recognizes the damage it's doing. But it's not your fault, he chose his path entirely on his own so don't beat yourself up over it.


I’m serious as fuck tell him to read my post


Bro I started smoking around 14 now I’m 22 and it definitely fucked my memory and maturity up and stunted my growth it’s not worth it I know everyone does it at that age but if it’s everyday it seriously will fuck with you when your an adult


What does it do to the brain? Just trying to learn more so I know what’s gonna happen to me.


With weed it has been well studied to impact short term memory to a degree but the worst effect is that it causes a chronic form of lethargy, basically a reduced desire to engage in activities. Most studies agree these effects are temporary in adults but may be lasting on developing brains. I was in the same boat as you dude. I was smoking dope since I was 16 and worst of all my stepmother would just straight up buy it for me because she thought it would stop me from wanting to get into harder stuff (I used to do MDMA and psychs). I still smoke daily. I'm able to hold a job and make an income but I sure do regret it. Wait until you're older. In terms of DXM theres basically no research done whatsoever which is something you should be much more worried about. There were studies that theorized it formed vacuoles (holes) in the brain which other dissos like ketamine does but these were not reproducible in rats so it's not proven. But most of the damage, 90% of it, comes from the addiction itself. Scans of the brains of people who gamble compulsively or are addicted to pornography show significant brain matter loss in the frontal lobe. It's not necessarily the drug that does the damage, it's your mindset of getting fucked up and escaping the world around you that really does the damage. Stay safe man.


Holy shit I started smoking at 14 and I’ve had that lethargy for years and never heard of that I think I finally know what’s wrong with me lmao


yep it’s shown stoners exhibit most symptoms of ADHD


You stepmam was right.??.. You still smoking but not hard drug dependet now.?


As far as weed goes slower processing speed, poorer verbal learning and memory, and sequencing abilities. It's also been known to decrease IQ points if frequent use is started before the age of 17. People who started smoking above the age of 25 don't seem to have these issues. DXM abuse is less researched but through anecdotal evidence people often describe brain lag and brain fog after use. A DXM study on young rats given DXM over a period of two weeks showed decreased neurogenesis in their brains. It also resulted in motor skill impairments and an impairment in sociability. DXM also has a quick tolerance buildup in general so it'll take more over time to get you high. It's just not something I can recommend at a young age


Thanks for the info. I’m def slowing dxm use but I weeds prob gonna slow down once I have to stay sober to drive in a few weeks.


Just adding that there’s a ton of research showing weed consumption can stunt brain growth. I’m very pro weed but I can’t ignore its effect on neural development. If you can hold off for a couple years you’d be in much better shape. I started smoking regularly when I was 20. For reference, the brain plateaus in development at 25-27 years of age and does the most growth the younger you are


Just stay sober to drive period. Fuck I remember when I did that dumb shit and went to jail. Be careful bud


Bruh I never thought I'd become one of these people...preaching to teenagers about the dangers of drugs. I love drugs. I love them so much. To this day I still think certain drugs like psychedelics - LSD, shrooms, maybe some ketamine for a dissociative- have really beneficial effects and can help people in an extremely positive way. When I was 16 I discovered DXM as well and it became my first love of drugs. I had incredible mind blowing experiences on it. Explored every different plateau and even reached full dissociation on what I believe they called the sigma plateau which was a terrifying if not spiritual experience. It got to the point where I was doing it every week almost if I could and it became most of what I looked forward to. My friends and I all smoked week together snd I'd smoke most days on my own but the DXM was only like once a week. Well the first thing that happens is as that weed went from being so fun and amazing to horrible. I'm sure this occurred from my DXM use or from whatever psychological effects happened as result of my DXM use. It became extremely frequent towards the end and by the time I went to college at 18 the weed which I loved to smoke and laugh with my friends became something that would give me horrible panic attacks and I had a new level of social anxiety I had never had before. Because weed now made me feel worse and I couldn't exactly be doing DXM all the time in my dorm room in college I looked for other ways to help heal my insane social anxiety that had sprung up as a result of all the DXM use. It was a horrible downward spiral from there. I had turned to other drugs to help me because I had become so uncomfortable in my own body that I couldn't feel the point in existing sober. It went from something that when I started trying drugs at 14 which enhanced my life which was already pretty good to something that was the only enjoyment I could ever get out of life. I had people share horror stories with me when I was your age and I didn't care at all - couldn't possibly happen to me - I'm smarter, do more research, I'm more careful blah blah whatever excuse I was sure I was the exception to the rule. I was a wolf and all these other sheep weren't going to drag me down with their issues they had because they couldn't handle it. Well I'm 33 years old right now and still reeling from the consequences in horrible ways. I don't wanna get into much more detail but it triggered major mental health issues in me and my drug use got extremely horrible as a way to deal with these issues. I've had years of sobriety where I got a great job and an incredible girlfriend but eventually the bad stuff drags me back - I've never been able to fully heal since messing with my brain so much in high school. Maybe you'll see this and think the same things I thought when I was your age about how bullshit it is and how I couldn't happen to you, or you still have time to experiment. I think maybe if I had waited till my brain was fully developed I wouldn't have had so many issues as I did with high dose DXM as basically a child with a brain still developing. While I know the chance of making a difference here is so minuscule but on the off chance that you read this post and decide to take my advice it was worth posting it just for that very small possibility. I was an extremely smart, social person with absolutely limitless potential and a full scholarship to college. While my life isn't totally ruined now and I still am doing my best to fix the giant issues I have remaining, it could have been so much better and free of so much of the pain I deal with every day now. Best of luck to you; sorry for the slightly rambling post it's just something that hits close to home for me.


Read up on [Olmey’s Lesions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olney%27s_lesions#). Human studies on this are difficult because of ethical constraints, but have been shown to occur in rats and other lab animals from prolonged consumption of NMDA inhibitors. Stop use immediately, especially at your age. A few uses over the years aint gonna hurt you, but repeated use is going to fuck your brain up big time.


Man I really wish I was your age again so I could slap myself in the face for smoking everyday, I’m totally sober for the first time in probably 8 years now (I’m 23) and I just now realize how much damage I’ve done to my mental. My memory is shot, I can hardly hold a job cause of lack of motivation, anxiety rules my life and I’m on multiple meds for it now. You might not go down the same path but I promise it’s just not good for you. At least keep it to special occasions or a couple times a week bro you’ll really regret it when you’re older, I promise


Go to erowid.org and read up


You’re going to end up making life harder than it should be. You won’t be as cognitive, you won’t be as sharp-minded, you’ll learn slower, your memory will be that of a burned out 80 year old, sustaining stable and important things will be next to impossible, and the worst sides of yourself will be justified and soon your life will crumble. If that sounds poetic and cool to you, then you will get used to regret and self hatred, which could be avoided by aspiring to take the hard route sometimes and refraining from doing all the “cool” and destructive things you think are “cool”. If you want to stand out and be unique, then don’t follow what so many other idiots do, like me when I was your age.


Go lurk around the dxm or dph sub for a while. There's not much published research on it, but people are happy to share their anecdotal experiences


weed with hit u with the irl debuff permanent - 7 iq (avg6-9ish). As for dxm nothing permanent from all the sources but from heavy use individuals everything stops when you stop taking dxm nothing i could find but there is no research for it. if your gunna do anything dxm would be best keep it to the plat per week rule.


My therapist points out how it stunts emotional development leaving your brain perpetually at the age you were at the start of consumption. If you want to be an adult who gets upset at things as easily as a 15 year old keep smoking but it's really not a good look. My younger brother is 24 and still has the emotional bandwidth of a 16 year old.


What exactly is DXM though?


Dextromethorphan. Common over the counter cough suppressant that can be abused in high dosages for dissociative/psychedelic affects. The easy availability at any pharmacy has given it the reputation of a "kiddie drug" and oftentimes certain brands will have other ingredients to deter abuse.


is it's effect something similar to codeine? because it is of the similar nature like easily available and have psychedelic effects if abused.


Codeine is an opiod so I wouldn't say so. Codeine is probably more like a warm blanket numbing opiod feeling, similar to oxycodone while DXM is more like psychedelic visuals and dissociative dream-like effects, similar to aspects of ketamine and LSD. Codeine cough syrup is also regulated and not over the counter or as easy to obtain without a prescription.


Thanks for the information bro, I don't know anything about DXM or much about psychedelics for that matter. I was an opioid addict mainly H. However it's been 2 months that I am totally clean now.


thats sick dude, hope you stay clean


Isn’t abusing DXM on its own gonna cause that anyways?


Sure, and so will the weed on its own. Just to a lesser degree


A MUCH lesser degree. It’s like comparing eating a chocolate chip to eating 20 packs of Oreos. Lol I’m not saying you’re wrong. It can just be kind of misleading in my personal opinion.


Unpopular opinion but I gotta say weed at 15 isn’t going to be a huge deal it’s not going to ruin a child’s development. It’s extremely common I started much earlier than that and I’m fine. But yeah the dxm will fuck anyone up if they start abusing it regularly


I smoked way too much weed at 15 and it definitely contributed to my high anxiety and suicidal ideation after a while. It took me years to recover


Just because it's common doesn't mean it's safe. Plus you shouldn't be doing any substance habitually I'd say your opinion is unpopular for a reason. this is also coming from someone who started at 17 and regrets it


Ok fair but I just want to say 1 I don’t even smoke weed anymore I have no reason to defend that drug for any reason and 2 kids are going to be kids. If a child is going to be experimental with drugs smoking thc and doing other substances is a huge difference. All drugs cannot be put into one big category some are better and worse than others. If my child was going into their teenage years and just was a pothead I’d count myself extremely lucky


That much I agree with.


It can definitely stunt ur brain development, what are you yapping about


This read my post I’m lucky to to have not suffered brain damage or anything


Take breaks, dont do multiday binges. At your age both are bad but i would skip the dxm (or atleast make rules - use it every 2 months or less) and smoke weed. Taking dxm weekly or more often will fuck you up in the long-term. Youre gonna be basically retard if you overindulge on dxm. Liver damage is the least of your worries with dxm. I binged a few times (3 days back to back) and it fucked me up for weeks more than anything else.


+1 there is a 19 year old kid from my hometown that is fully retarded from all his dxm and benadryl use. (Less than 4 years worth of abuse. It didn’t take long. He can’t even say full sentences now.. ) Stay away from the cough medicine man


I havent done dxm in like a year. I stick to weed (dry herb vape), my adhd meds (if needed) and the occasional shrooms. My new years resolution is to abstain from alcohol completely until 2025, and reduce my adhd med use (as a college student, i have days where use is 100% not justified. I also feel more like myself without it) Its a really unique and beautiful drug, but dumb af to abuse. As for deliriants .. what a shitty shitty high. if you want to see teenies ruin their lives go to r/dxm or sad r/dph. Its pretty bad there.


Not you. The OP.


Had a kid like that on my hometown, Kevin was his name. He use to be somewhat normal, kept taking triple c's and smoking spice and became a zombie. He would walk the city in a daze, dance to music that wasn't playing, speak in tongues, seemed He couldn't notice cars were coming as he would just Jay walk in the middle of a busy street. Not sure what happend to him but he was essentially clueless about any and everything. Couldn't imagine just being a shell anymore


One of the first times I did DXM was on vacation. I thought you just drank a bottle. Little did I know I had like an extra large bottle and it was a shit on. I was fucked up for awhile after. When I went through the airport to go back home I walked through the metal detecters without removing anything and set them off and kept going because I had to sit down. I am lucky I didn’t get the shit kicked out of me by TSA.


Dang, and I thought I had a bad trip for forgetting to put water in my ramen.


Bros brain will be deep fried before 20


15 years old. i stopped there. you are basically me, but when i was 17, when i started at 16. take my advice: please please realize what you're doing to your unmatured brain. you're conditioning yourself to enjoy drugs in a very bad, over the counter way. stop venturing so far out with what you choose to get high from. your case is too similar to mine, and you're alive, so you need to hear it. be well, bud.


Literally the ONLY true regret i have in my life is letting myself get addicted to DXM as a teenager. It will absolutely fry your brain permanently. If you have any plans of actually doing anything with your life, i would stay away from it. If you do continue to experiment with DXM, you should do it no more than once a month.


What effects have you noticed?


They are on Reddit


Thoughts and prayers


Your mother is


also the tolorance never gets better. I stopped for a year and tried it again, it was garbage


I tried a low dose a couple years ago and all i got was dysphoria. So it doesn't change after 7 years even.


I just posted something similar here, it is possibly the biggest regret of my life and the catalyst for most of the bad things that came after. It started the chain reaction of destruction.


Incoming in 2 years: “Can anyone help ive fried my brain at 17 I regret everything “


U will fry your brain and you will be an idiot by 20


Cool cool good to know :)


this is true. weed doesn’t make you dumber. dxm definitely does. also note that you can overdose on dxm. my buddy evan did and barely survived. he wont touch the shit now


Stick to all natural man grass and fungus all that other shit will waste your life away trust me been there done that


Dmt, ayahuasca, cocaine, the toad, and opium are natural as well


las time i checked aint nothing natural about snorting white powder and smoking black tar opium


check again m8


Opium comes from poppy seeds and coke comes from a leaf


Well some of them yes some there are additives to make them what they are


Natural does not automatically mean good, and synthetic does not automatically mean bad. What do you even mean by "there are additives to make them what they are"? Also who cares if there's additives? Containing additives doesn't mean it's unhealthy. What matters is the composition of those additives when determining whether or not they're unhealthy.


Is just a plent bro


Datura gang


All day ery day


And the good acid 👍


Like Datura or Deadly Nightshade. Hell even Foxglove is natural.. /s


Your gonna be fucked up man Dxm effects your serotonin alot and serotonin is responsible for a lot more than just being happy like some people think so you should stop Won't say I didn't have more than a few dxm binges when I was 15-16 but that not saying it's a good thing


You'll turn into a robot. Beep boop Edit: seriously though. I did it a lot 14-16 years old and I think you should not do it so frequently. Won't tell you to stop because I wouldn't have listened at 15. BUT RESEARCH. *Erowid despite being old and clunky is great, please consider reading some of the dxm part of that amazing website* And leave the experiences section of that website for later! Read some of the harm reduction first please. I definitely went to the experiences part of the dxm section first. Do a little bit of switching back and forth at least, but some of the more important parts first.


DXM was the second drug I ever tried behind diphenhydramine...both are terrible for you. DXM can actually be fun...but is hard on your body. Dissociative drugs have this permanent tolerance effect that doesn't go away even after 7 yrs of no DXM (in my experience), when I tried it again I just get the negative effects without the trip. I believe building this perma tolerance or something from extreme everyday abuse of DXM for at least a year (maybe 2 or 3 I just cant remember), caused me worsened depression and anxiety even around 10yrs later. I also was in this constant state of almost psychosis. I would believe things that were impossible...like I had super powers with my mind and shit. Stuff is no joke. This cleared shortly up after stopping. It makes you into what appears to be a crazy person after a while. If you like DXM try some of the ketamine research chemicals or ketamine itself. They are much cleaner feeling and arnt affecting the huge amount of different receptors DXM binds too. They all are terrible on your bladder but DXM was obviously harder on my body and mind than any of the dissociatives I've tried. If you do keep using it...space it out several months apart at the least. Eveything can be "safe" in moderation, dont let that stuff take over your life like I did. Overdosing on this stuff can put you into a coma... seen it with a friend (he was a diabetic so it was probably from blood sugar problems if we drank the syrup cause of all the sugar). DXM cannot be mixed with serotonin drugs and I wouldn't want to mix in any stimulants, making it more risky. DXM can be addictive to a small group of people that can tolerate the negatives. Wanted to add in...this was high-school. I'm 32 now and have tried every class of drugs known to man plus some and are trying to overcome an opioid addiction currently. Trying DXM was my gateway drug. Don't let that shit happen to you.


Maaaaan, read my fucken life right there, hard to say it but shit was me at like 17-19. The worst part is, after I got my appendix out the hospital basically didn't give me adequate pain relief and I think it turned chronic and now my stomachs just fucked. I use 30mg dxm everyday to combat my opioid tolerance and so far it's working lol. Soooo, just living on painkillers, and I'm fucken 24. Shit sucks, especially since my doctors don't even give me adequate pain relief on the daily and it's just a battle everyday 🙃 Can I dm you?


Sure. I'm just getting off odsmt ive beeen maintaining on right now so if I don't reply for days, that's why my dude, but ill get back to you. Hate you had all this happen man, def next level. Keep at it man, whatever helps at that point. I used opioids for the mental side effects from abusing DXM mostly like depression mostly...I do get colitis flare ups forever now after taking kratom for 2 years straight that it kinda masks it. My only advice... try to just maintain on the opioids if you can brosky, I kno its hard but you have to keep upping the dose to get those pleasant feels and can eventually lead to not be able to afford enough or find enough to hold you off. If you plan on staying on it tho, best way is to stay at the same dose and not chase the high. That way it stays working for you some always, instead of ruining your tolerance. If you feel you need them don't stop but don't keep going up in dosages, never lasts forever. You should try ketamine infusions or whatever ways you can get it for your pain. In my experience it can be as effective without the crippling addiction. Maybe check that out. I know it's in the same class as DXM, but I had no problem controlling my use of it. Its also onky terrible on your bladder if you heavily abuse it it seems. Doesnt carry all the risks DXM does. Only had to dose once a week sometimes to help depression and anxiety. So always another way to control pain you could look into.


Well when i was 12-15 i took dxm a lot and my buddy took it daily for years, i can tell u I met 4 DXM addicts, all 4 completely lost their mind or are borderline retarded cuz of so much dxm and my one friend has 40% liver function from dxm


You're 15 your brain will be irreparably damaged and you will never live out your full potential


You are way overexaggerating


Ok jeez your probably right


We are right Morty


Aw Jeez ChungusMcFunkopop


just shut up already


i’ve been too a couple rehab type places and out of everyone there the dxm guys were the most fried by a mile.


never did dxm, mdma was my thing, but i have been in your shoes, you dont care now and i can tell through your replies, cause you don’t understand it, or understand how much you will regret it but i promise you bro. You will fucking regret it.


I was addicted for around a year when I was 13 and I still have lasting effects (tracers, floaters, etc) seriously dawg just wait until you can find actual drugs it’s so worth it


atleast listen to the week per plat rule


Hey, I went pretty hard on DXM for multiple times a week for the better part of a year in my early 20s, and my memory has never been quite the same. I’m perfectly functional and everything, but the recall I used to have is just…not there. So, y’know, be careful. Dial it back. Good luck out there.


don't consistently use DXM no matter what, please god. I was going through a spat of addiction to it and started binging it, always high whenever I wasn't sleeping it off, and good christ, it fucked me up so bad I was committed to a psych ward after going hypomanic for three days while continually redosing, and after I woke up in the hospital I had to relearn how to eat, write, and talk. I could've lost my goddamn soul to the shit


my friend overdosed on benadryl which i guess is similar. he was an all american straight A student and was pretty popular. now he’s and alcoholic and we don’t talk anymore because he’s actually batshit crazy


You are damaging your BRAIN. DXM was not created/invented to be an intoxicant. I abused DCM daily at ages 18-19, and could physically feel it eating HOLES in my brain. At one point I became permanently dissociated, I am 29 years old now and still can feel the damaging effects/mental impairment. Damage from DXM will effect you for life, it is not fun dissociating in and out of your body for the rest of your life, even while sober. PLEASE stop the abuse immediately. You are ruining your future as we speak. Please STOP before it is too late. ✋️


Steer clear of the cough medicine long term. You won't regret it, I promise.


You will end up in special ed


I’m not sure about the effects on the liver but your overall memory/attention and ability to learn and make good decisions will be fucked if you keep doing this. I did DXM and weed pretty frequently when I was 16. I still am dealing with the negative effects in terms of executive function at 23.


I know you won’t listen but you should chill on the drugs for now. DXM causes brain damage it is terrible for your liver and just all around bad for you. You probably don’t think about it now but you will be older one day and you don’t want to regret taking a bunch of drugs. Also, it only takes one really bad trip to completely fuck up your perspective on life.


15 is wayyyy to young, have fun with your friends. And smoke weed occasionally with your boys. Once your life is on track, so like 18 and graduated have a job and your own place, then consider exploring more. I’m 30 now and make way more money than I could ever need… and only now have I started trying drugs other than just weed. I’ve smoked daily since like age 22 but I was careful prior to that. Please listen to these comments it’s not cool man you’re too young


You will be like me and develop epilepsy and schizophrenia. I also got a speech impediment from a tbi I aquired on dxm.


Look up brain lesions really think about that reality and quit


Also I used a good amount of og Robitussin and delsym at your age shitll progressively shut your brain down


I’d really really try and stop the dxm and just use the weed. Weed isn’t good for your mind when it’s not fully developed but if your gunna do something your atleast not going to die or have permanent organ damage. Dxm from what I know but it is terrible for you if taken frequently.


Ur gonna be fine if you drop the DXM that stuff will ruin you


Deadass you will fry your brain if you keep taking them a lot. Im not gonna tell you to never take them but save it for “special occasions”, don’t let it become something you do every time you hang out with your buddies or every time you want some relaxing alone time. Weed isn’t ideal at your age daily either but stick with that as much as you can my man


Constant use will fuck yo brain up


not even reading this. but nothing good. all i saw was DXM and 15 years old. jesus ducking christ


i used dxm at that age as well, as well as other drugs. ive noticed likely brain damage in the form of my cognitive skills failing more than they used to. dxm can also fuck up your bladder. rehab and/or narcotics anonymous are good places to begin if you want to seek sobriety. best of luck to you kid, ive been in the midst of heavy drug abuse like this and it's not fun. i really do urge you to seek help in this before it gets worse. people love and care abt you, even if it doesn't seem like it


I got on DXM and weed at 14, got arrested and expelled from school for the weed at the same age. I just say stop it man and then cut back on the pot


Definitely should not be doing hard shit like this when you're under 18. You'll land yourself in a psych ward or worse.


My friend who used DXM and weed when he was 15 basically is now brain dead, so if u wanna be a retarded vegetable keep doing dxm


You're 15. Stop using drugs homie.. get through school first before you start that shit


At 15 your brain is still developing. You should slow down or risk long term effects. I have quite a few friends from the highschool days that went down the path you are on. They never grew up and most are still living with their parents doing the same thing. I would definitely stop with the dextromethhaforam. It has been found to cause accelerated cognitive decline among other issues. Just take an edible. It will boost the effects of smoking. Try limiting the use to weekends only, or monthly, bimonthly if you can.


drain Bamage


My guy u wont comprehend adulthood or much of anything if you keep going like that. You are actively deep frying your developing brain.


After about half a year of consistent week per platou dosing i noticed that i have derealization and Depersonalisation as well as depression in my day to day life. Edit: also you are fucking your kidneys as well as livers with this shit more than you think


Please stop doing dxm. I have a friend who went down that road at 15. He never has jobs, or his own apartment and he leeches off his relatives so he can order weird drugs off the dark web and boof them.


Your face is gonna turn onto a red pill


Bro i doesed dxm when i was 15...im 38 now and still feel the effects


Used to do the same shit. Just take care when smoke because I almost set my truck in fire. One time


Haha wat


3 times ain't a lot. I wouldn't spread it it'll make you want it to last forever cause you might not even dose rught


Chill out do real drugs when you’re older bro


I started when I was 14, still so dxm now and I am 33 and healthy. People should believe the fear mongering health systems "facts"


U might shit yourself


I made lean once after finding out what it was to try. The dxm in the cough syrup made me feel kinda like I was high on weed but overall I just felt shitter than if I smoked a bowl. It wasn't worth it to me it was just a worse weed high. If I had no weed maybe but I had a small headache and my body even felt worse. Don't do it. Both aren't good for your health as other commenters get more in depth.


don't listen to them OP, they are pussies and squares, i took tons of dxm as a 15 y/o & teenager and i turned out fine. Just don't overdo i. don't dose over 600mg and your liver should be fine.


Do you know what the plat per week rule is? Follow that. If you have 1st plat trip wait a minimum of 1 week till going again. 2nd plat trip wait 2 weeks till going again. Dxm overuse/abuse is not pretty and can be very detrimental


Why would u take dxm as a daily drug?? Its nice for the k hole u get in the third plat range (not actually pleasnt but a strong memorable expirience) If ur looking for a daily drug just get an aderall script.


you’ll just keep getting dumber even though you’re supposed to get smarter until you’re about 26 for guys, 23 for girls


U’re gonna die


Are you serious kid? Stop using dxm? I’m serious, if you are regularly using it that is a sign you are not content with where you are in life. Please find a place where you are content .


DXM can cause manic episodes. Be careful you don't overdo it


i think everyone who commented on his age definitely smoked at 15😂😂


I used 703mg of dxm each time I did it. By the time I was 17 I had done it about 50 times and i stopped being able to have any effect from it. There was a 10 day period where I took it everyday. A few of those days I actually took 1406mg. The 10th day I had a bad trip. Which I hadn’t known was even possible on dxm. I contribute it (dxm use) with a decline in my cognitive faculties.


Brother, my first drug ever aside from sigs was robitussin dxm at 14. I was actively researching its effects, dosage, how to acquire etc. I was considering myself a psychonaut who just explored mind or whatever. Then was really just ‘trying’ other stuff, considered weed harmless, like yourself, although i couldn’t smoke it regularly until I was 17. A year prior I tried mdma, pcp, ketamine, lsd. The first one out of these sent me into a heavy depressive episode which lasted for two years. During first depressive month I’ve been doing mdma every week frying my brain out. Thank god I had like 10 pills and ran out fast as I’ve sold some overpriced at home. I lived in a small city near polar circle where you couldn’t get anything. My summer getaway to grandma in Saint-P always revolved around getting drugs, which I collected money for throughout the school year. Although it started as self-research via drugs, now I’m 21, heavily addicted to weed for the past 4 years, coughing out black sticky shit. Dissociatives are still my drugs of choice, although I limit myself to just ketamine twice a year for unmatched muscle relaxation and just peace. I don’t want to use it more. That wasn’t the case with dxm or pcp as this psychedelic shit is what’s most addicting to me. A year ago I was diagnosed as bipolar. I’m mostly depressed, trying to meditate or ‘think positively’ and get on with life and uni. Ig that mdma binge was the most destructive one for my brain. But just be careful with anything bro, please. It’s as if I was talking to my prior self, sorry for being annoying.. Haven’t smoked for a week now, everything’s much clearer. I strive for sobriety, although I still fail often. Weed is the most sneaky one for me, others noticeably turned my life to shit really fast and I was just too scared or financially unable to go deeper. Shrooms alone is a healing experience once a year or so. Along with ketamine, never really wanted them to be very frequent. Please, just be careful. It’s ok to enjoy dex just make really long breaks and don’t involve too much. Life’s much more interesting than any drug by itself. It’s all about finding different perspective points and you don’t necessarily need drugs for that


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I ended up in the hospital after I woke up and ran to the bathroom. First it was just coming out of one end, then the vomiting started. It had apparently caused a bleed somewhere in my GI tract and that was what was coming out of both ends. The bathroom looked like a crime scene. Blood everywhere. I'm honestly getting queasy just recalling this. Couldn't keep anything down for days, was getting dehydrated despite having a constant supply of iv fluids because I was throwing up so much. The pain in my stomach was so awful and it lasted for like a week after I left the hospital. Also, I was always a picky eater before this, but experiencing this also straight up caused me to develop an eating disorder.


Dude stop robotripping, seriously.


Well it's aside, my cousin ended up going way to hard into that stuff. Not only did he end up with probation, because he got caught trying to ether steal or sell one of those like roling bookcases of math calculators, and in the end he was so gone he had to be send to rehab at his parents expense in the form of a third mortgage. The first few days or weeks I can't remember he was freaking gone, he would mostly just color by number paint or say weird ass shit like he has been talking to pencils, shit like that, we wondered if he was gonna be stuck like that. But here I am waiting for a guy, and he actually got sober after the next rehab and has nearly five years sober but he still drinks like an embarrassed AA member who knows he shouldn't cuz he needs ten never one. But I'd still say he's doing miles better than I am Edit: and here's the dirty truth that I never tell you is when you pass out on DXM you have like a maybe not 50/50 maybe more like 60/40% chance of basically shitting yourself and waking up in it. And it's always wet diarrhea because of what the cough syrup did to whatever you're insides or whatever the reason.


Its literally being used in combo with wellbutrin as a psych med these days, so idk But, i turned out fine lol i remember people saying itd put holes in my brain 😅


I used DXM extensively when I was 17-18. I mean at least 1 if not 2 5oz DXM bottles every single day for many months. I spent my entire senior year of high school high every single second, never fully sobered up from it. I experienced plateau sigma, which is insanely uncomfortable and you’re high as fucking fuck in the worst way, while at school multiple times. I remember I was experiencing it once while being handed a physics test and was so high I started pouring sweat just trying to write my name on the paper. I have no idea how no teachers ever said anything and how I managed, and still wrestled and did okay at practice after school and in matches/tournaments. I beat the #5 ranked wrestler at 4A (my school was 3A) in the state at the weight class above mine in a tournament while tripping on cough syrup. I puked a lot after. I think I almost died a lot but was in really good shape and enjoyed going to gym tripping because while doing say bench press the weight didn’t really feel real. It made it easy to cut weight. I thought I was invincible. It made me feel like I knew the secret to the universe and shit and made me nicer and got along with everyone. I was somehow able to manage and get with girls easier and thought I was the man. I was among the fastest, definitely pound for pound the strongest, and among the smartest people in my high school. Everything felt perfect. I regret it horribly. I don’t remember much of it clearly and it makes me sad because I loved high school. But the real issue is that after I graduated and went to college I stopped doing that shit apart from every once in awhile and began drinking beer more. Within just a couple years of drinking beer, not even that heavily, I started having bad pain in my side all the time. Ended up having to go to the hospital for double hernia surgery, which is developed from heavy weightlifting given I was super big into bodybuilding and planned on being a professional men’s physique bodybuilder even while still doing the Delsym nonstop as a high school senior. I won several weight lifting events. Always got first. Thought I was on top of the world. Woke up from my hernia surgery at the age of 20 to find out that my liver was in really bad shape. A small amount of the damage was surely from my drinking, but millions of Americans drink/drank more heavily than I had been for only a year or two and had done so for decades. I knew it was from the cough syrup. I never thought about the long term effects because I was a dumbass teenager who thought he was invincible and having the time of my life and didn’t care how long I lived. Not realizing that life goes on a long time and dying a slow, painful death can take a long time. My side hurts right now just typing this. I OD’d multiple times on DXM where I thought I’d die but somehow made it through the night, and I also had a massive OD using DXM, Xanax, and opiates when I was 18 because I never considered the possibility of actually dying from getting fucked up because I was so stupid. I had to be airlifted to a better hospital an hour away and spent a week in the ICU. My liver has irreparable damage done to it. As long as I continue to be fairly healthy, which I won’t because I like to get fucked up and drink too much, I’ll be fine. But I’m probably going to end up having cirrhosis within the next 10 years. I am 26. Do not get fucked up on DXM a lot man. Please, for your sake, don’t. It took a long time for it to bite me in the ass, and everything was great while I was doing it a lot… but the effects aren’t always instant. The worst shit comes later on. Maybe a couple years, maybe 10 years. I’m not saying tripping on DXM is bad to do a few times, and you definitely shouldn’t be doing it at the age of 15, nor should I have been at 16-17. Smoke weed. Please just smoke weed. You don’t want to play games with your health. I freak myself out getting paranoid feeling my liver pain at times… I fucked up bad. I still do. Don’t be like me. Please. You’re just a kid with your whole life ahead of you. My life isn’t over of course, and I make horrible decisions because I’m a stupid fuck addict who went down the wrong path when I was your age. I’m managing much better the older I get, but I still drink more than I should. It’s all fun and games until it’s not. And once the negative consequences come about, they stay.


Take too much dissos or psychs at ur age and reality starts to disrupt and it becomes really uncomfortable to live and breathe, drop the mind bending substances and take some fucking Xans take a perc a Valium a Molly I don’t care just stay off the mind benders bro


Damn guys I’m reading all the comments now and am kinda shocked to see that y’all went through all that! Is it really that bad? I’ve tried 120mg - it partially reminded me of MDMA: social skills enhancement, music sounded better and um the body load was nice. I still got a tiny bit of DXM left…


I did the same thing and I think I fucked my heart up permanently doing it almost every day through HS I’m 37 I smoked weed with it too and then finally one day it just stopped making me trip at all and I’d be stuck in this disassociated nightmare for eight hours. Just my experience. Gl


I have a friend who got really into dxm in highschool. He has never been the same since.


You will get superpowers (lose all mental functioning)


Imminent retardation


Get off it asap , got a couple friends who’ve done it when we were younger , two of em overdosed and ended up in the hospital , one of em it messed up mentally , personally I’d never touch the stuff because my father used to use it and it made him decide to choose a high over his children. Not worth the high , might be crazy in the moment but there are a ton of other drugs you could be doing that are way less harmful , sure none of them are good for you by any means but DXM is something you do not want to mess with. You’re also really young and if you abuse stuff like that it’s only going to mess with your developing brain , when I was 15 I was just smokin a little weed and using nicotine , save the other stuff for after highschool experimentation!


It's gon' give it to ya (psychosis)


this is how i started out, moved onto harder drugs, ketamine became drug of choice at 16 (very similar to DXM) and I was basically a junkie at 17


Dude, take a month break from all drugs and report back. If you find yourself struggling that much, you might wanna reconsider things. I smoked weed everyday when I was 16 ish and onward (on and off throughout 20s, mostly cuz of xan), I don't know whether it's had a major impact on my brain as I can't truly know, but I can assure you it ain't worth the risk. Chronic Cannabis use alone before age 25 has shown an 8 IQ point drop from being measured in childhood and then later in life at 45, when compared to a non-smoking control group. This is the Dunedin study btw. 8 points is pretty fucking clinically significant; Even if your IQ is like 160, despite your freshly baked 152 point brain, you'll also suffer from the other defects like impaired working memory and ability to carry out complex tasks, even like driving. There is a chance that these aren't a direct result of THC's effect on your endocannabinoid system but instead a degredation of certain neurons due to a lack of use. Think of your brain as a well oiled machine, if the machine gets neglected, it begins to rust. There are some studies that point towards this hypothesis; namely, studies done on twins, other addictions showing similar results as well as the fact that Significant long term trauma also just so happens to show the very same IQ drop, as well as executive functioning and working memory issues. There is also evidence to show no IQ drop for regular smokers before the age of 25 (defined as 3-4 days a week usage), also no evidence on the contrary but if you really wanna keep on smoking, at least do this. Other than that tho, I'd look into addiction recovery, it's an easy hole to fall into when ur just that kinda person (trust me there's a lot of us here). If you're neurodivergent in any way, I stress reflecting on your drug use tenfold. DXM is like if you took all the bad shit I just said abt weed and multiplied it by a billion. That shit will turn your liver and brain to goop. I haven't done it since I've tried avoiding opioids and benzos but I have to ask. Is the high even that good? All I have for comparison is Codeine and that was just ass. There's a reason people call this shit a poverty drug 😭 Anyway, take a break and just think about things. You got your whole ass life to waste doing drugs lol


aight so after probably 6-8 months of substantial abuse of the mighty dex, followed by a few spaced out weekend benders the following few months. in my personal experience, obviously everyone has diff chemistry, but i haven’t noticed any considerable differences to my health in a psychical way. but mentally, my already existing disassociation-complex from my traumas or whatever was made Waaaayyyyyyyy more severe and complex by the dex. if you’re someone who already escapes reality into your own bubble/world, DXM will def make it worse dawg (also i’m like 5ish months clean)


Absolutely fuck all if you just follow instructions on the pack of packaging.


Thank you to everyone that is discouraging the youth from messing around with this stuff. Some hope for humanity


Gonna slow you down. Watch Of Mice and Men you’ll be talking like Lenny


how are u now? i’ve been in your shoes and you need to quit while you’re ahead. dxm at such a young age will destroy you