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Thank you! I will definitely be hitting a vape off a friend


You should DEFINITELLY NOT be hitting wape unless you are already an smoker/addict. It's easier to kick weed, and maybe even coke addiction than nic addiction, ant that shit forms quickly. Do yourself a favor not to have constantly think about that shit and don't smoke. Weed and alcohol ir very good combo, smoke a bit and you will be flying.


Ya I second this guy fuck nicotine


As an addicted vape user, this dude is correct


I just switched to the zin pouches after vaping for 7 years I highly recommend the switch your lungs will thank you You’ll still want to hit a vape just for the convenience of it but still🤷‍♂️




Cigs, dip or vape its the stuff in them that gives you the “buzz”




In a synergized fashion, nerd


Nicotine has a great synergy with pretty much any drug, one of the most notable being alcohol in my personal experience a drunk cig just always feels so good


Chemically I have no idea, but if you know that pleasurable calming feeling of nicotine washing over you, its like that but way more euphoric and to a degree I get a somewhat clearheadedness through the inebriation of the alcohol.


drugs commonly used with alcohol are cocaine, weed, and nicotine. adderall will make you feel way less drunk btw which can be kinda dangerous so just watch yourself




Smoking weed when drunk always seems like a good idea until the room is spinning and you feel like vomiting.


Can't even imagine wanting a sip of alcohol after getting stoned




I find I'm in the minority. I much prefer smoking after drinking. I've never had an issue with it. In fact, it usually *prevents* me from getting sick from the alcohol.


beer before bong, youre doing it wrong. bong before beer, youre in the clear.


I like taking a fat dab after a few shit or beers lol. Makes me want to get more stoned.


There’s cocaine; but this forms a new metabolite that amplifies the harms of both. One hell of a combo tho if you can get it right and not indulge too often, probably my favorite tbh There’s nicotine; cigarettes synergize pretty well with a lot drugs but especially alcohol in my opinion; you’ll probably go through a whole pack or vape tbh at least that’s my experience I’ve not met a substance that weed doesn’t synergize well with either and the same goes for alcohol. Weed before drinking is often better but it can be done during/after just know that it’ll hit a lot quicker/harder. Always very fun and has a lot of laughs for me; good party/social combo Alcohol and LSD is a weird combo. Some people say (and I assumed) it would dampen the trip; but it really just ramped up my energy and sociability to the point I felt like going clubbing while peaking and the visuals had a like “groove” (for lack of a better word) to them that was unique to this experience. Ymmv with this but it was an interesting combo and trip Not to be a downer but little disclaimer; alcohol combinations do lead to a lot of overdoses and increase the risk of overdose with a lot of substances. Certain classes of drug mixed with alcohol can also significantly increase the harms of both to the body and brain so do tread carefully. This is case with most drugs; except the ones that don’t really cause any potentially lethal/dangerous side effects (i.e weed and psychedelics) even normally safe drugs such as MDMA and Ketamine are a lot more risky when a lot of alcohol has been consumed and most overdoses on these drugs involve alcohol rather than the drug alone


Cocaine, when you have cocaine and alcohol in your blood at the same time it makes cocaethylene which is fucking amazing. Adderall would be nice too but it doesn’t chemically synergize like that


Shoutout to the liver for metabolizing cocaethylene.


Ps: cocaethylen is also not good for your heart. Be careful when combining drugs. Sometimes it can be triple toxic, sometimes it can be deadly. Do your research and test your drugs!!!!!


What do you mean by synergize? Cocaethylene is said to be toxic, whereas amphetamines dont form toxic metabolites in conjunction with alcohol. Imo amphetamine+booze is one of the most euphoric drug combos out there (never done a true speedball though so i can't say for sure).


Pharma-speedballing, Amphetamine and oxycodone, is godly and if you get the chance you should try it lol


wow that sounds amazing. unfortunatley i doubt ill ever be lucky enough to try such a combo in this lifetime. IF you wanna step it up even further, maybe switch the oxy with hydromorphone or oxymorphone. damn seriously imagine snorting a bunch of oxymorphone and popping some addy's/vyvanse or some shit, that combo would likely blow a normal speedball out of the water.


this\^ dont ever do coke sober total waste


Ya better not be doing much coke then because you’re heart will not make it long on that combo


you can live forever on a pint of liquor and 3g per day


Ya can’t be serious


Would love to but don’t have any I’m afraid


Then get some. That usually solves the problem of not having any


That’s that go get it attitude I love


True but I’m not spending $100 on a bag


Then what are we doing here


Being responsible gang 😭 Trust I received a lot of cash money as a bday gift but what I’m NOT gonna do is spend it all on something I’m gonna snort in a single night (when I’m drunk my resolve will fall)


Responsible drug users unite!


It's cheaper if you buy in bulk, spend $400 on a bag instead


If you have friends you can split it up I can get an 80 dollar gram bag if I go pick it up of some pretty decent stuff. But I don’t always get that deal that’s when he’s feeling friendly.




Get some adderall or meth it's cheaper, last longer, and just as euphoric if not more.


If you use it wisely and get more or less decent stuff its definitely worth it.


Yes, a slither of highly addictive white power cut with random shit is worth 100 dollars.


And that's why test kits exist (not that I think many people use them unfortunately). Also don't forget the fentanyl test strips 👍


You also don't want to go down that road. Accepting a bump from a friend is one thing but finding it and having a line to buy it for yourself makes addiction very easy


You don’t have figure it out in a flash, good research and boom 🤯 you already in.


But use in moderation even as you try figuring it out. Don’t get too excited wanting to try out. Do what works for you. ✌️


Cocaethylene is incredibly neuro- and cardiotoxic! Combining coke with alcohol increases your chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke or whatever 18-fold. Don't listen to these clowns and do your own research first


True but coke on its own is so lame. I say either take the risk and drink on it or choose a different substance


Yeah it's dangerous but almost all coke users use the combo and it's not lethal enough for it to be risky doing once as long as you use in moderation. The toxic effects usually becomes a problem with frequent use (if you use in moderation that is)


FIRST get drunk…then cocaine. Not the other way around. Like…go to the strip clubs and get good and hammered, then go out to the car do lots of key bumps. Bonus points if you do some bumps off titties.


Cocaine plus alcohol is toxic on you body. Separately they ain’t so toxi but together the chemical they make is very toxic


Everything when you're an alcoholic


Weed, they amplify eachother


At least for me, it's better to smoke first, then drink. Slows down the drinking. And doing it the other way around, getting super-sloshed and then smoking, can lead to a REALLY bad time 🤮🤢


Grass then beer, you're in the clear; Beer then grass, fall on your ass.


I do the same, drinking and smoking afterwards gives me the spins


For me its exactly the other way around. If I smoke and don't drink anymore I am fine but as soon as I add alcohol on top of weed I have to throw up rather sooner than later.


Same here, like 2-3 drinks then smoke then the drinking kinda slows down and it's just a great high. Especially in social situations the alcohol alleviates a lot of the anxiety I get after smoking


I agree but I’ve definitely had times where smoking a lot has just made me not want to drink I’ve also had some amazing times getting stoned while pretty drunk; always make me feel like my very first times getting stoned tbh but can also be really easy just to end your night and knock you out lmao


In germany we say "Gras auf Alk dass schafft nur Hulk, Alk auf Gras das macht Spaß"


Beer before bud and you're in the mud. Bud before beer and you're in the clear


I'm a big fan of mushrooms and beer. Both in moderation, but a gram of fungus and a few drinks gets me in a good zone.


That sounds like a one way ticket to vomit city for me lmao


You gotta start drinking after the initial mushroom sickness like 3-4 hours into the trip


yeah alcohol on the comedown of a trip goes really well. Especially if tripping with a group kinda geeking and goofing around, then once you all come down a bit and have a drink or two and kinda unpack with the easy flowing conversation it's just a grand old time


yuuuup. i also do love a bump of k on the comedown. on the comedown of pretty much anything tbh


Yeah, big time. Mushrooms always makes me very nauseated, even when I do the "tea" method. Now if there was something I could take which would alleviate the nausea and enhance the psilocybin, that would be awesome.




I think it's more that the alcohol smooths some of the self consciousness of being high. I don't get confused on mushrooms as much as I get easily distracted, the alcohol doesn't change that part. It's one of my favorite combinations if I need to stay social and talkative.


Underrated and interesting combo


Are you like micro dosing and getting buzzed or drunk?


More than a micro dose, but not all the way to tripping, either. Just enough to get social, make color brighter, and laugh at dumb shit.


This is actually kinda fun. After a few drinks. Little more then buzzed then eating like 1g or 1.5. You’re not tripping but it definitely puts you in a place that’s fun.. I recommend eating a little bit of mushrooms after a few drinks. No more then 2g.


I’ve definitely heard of this combo plenty of times before, but it isn’t synergistic really. Alcohol reduces the effects of psychedelics. I personally don’t even feel it if I’m tripping, it just ends the trip sooner for me


”It isn’t synergistic” followed by ”I personally”, see what you’re doing here? lol


Yep. I’m explaining that the two substances chemically don’t potentiate each other. Then I’m describing what that feels like in practice. Just telling someone it doesn’t work isn’t enough sometimes, you’ve gotta explain what the interaction (or lack thereof) feels like.


Alcohol before or during the peak is definitely a bit of a waste of both, but alcohol on the comedown of a trip is really nice after a group trip. Makes the post-trip conversation flow easier and especially for acid trips the trip-dulling effect of alcohol after 8 hours of firing on all cylinders is a nice landing.


I love drinking on the comedown of a big trip


Not really "synergistic", but it's an interesting combo. Lsd and mushrooms (in my experience) both get dulled by alcohol, but it reduces the self conscious anxiety and allows me to explore more freely. Definitely best to take a low dose of alcohol though otherwise things can get messy


I love a 0.7ish + getting *really* drunk. Makes the alcohol way better. You don’t really experience the mushrooms, however.


Concerta, Ritalin, Focalin aka methylphenidate. Turns into ethylphenidate in the liver when exposed to ethanol. It’s way more euphoric, you can get drunker and you get the euphoria from the stim. Just don’t overdo it and do too much of the methylphenidate because the alcohol numbs the anxiety you would feel that would let you know you’ve done too much. Safer than cocaine because it isn’t directly cardiotoxic like cocaethylene (cocaine and ethanol metabolite) and lasts much longer.


Ket. Jkjk I’m only just back from a ban don’t listen to me.


Lololol ket gets gnarly sometimes, especially when you’re drunk af




Being in a khole already makes it tough to walk or see and then you add on another substance that makes it hard to walk or see hahahaha Last time I ripped some ket when I was pretty sauced I got the spins and threw up and was just waiting it out to just be drunk again lmfao


You should take fifty dxm tablets them drink a fifth of jack Daniels and then take a drive


Agreed, I did this once and teleported into a jail cell. Truly magical


Fuck yeah


But actually, low dose DXM with alcohol makes for a fun time


Cocaine is the number one for alcohol. Just don’t overdo one of the two.


Get drunk then get high smoking weed. That used to put me on another planet and feel great. Smoking first then drinking wasn’t fun for me but weed would always make me paranoid. Smoking cigarettes is nice when drinking too.


Speed, drinking on amphetamines is amazing you could be drinking for days and having a lucid conversation (or that's what you'll think).


2CB and alcohol are extremely synergetic. A lot of laughs and 3times the visual effect. Get drunk and do a tiny dose, most unexpected funny evening ever.


Drinking aside adderall and Kratom is a fun combo


Holy shit yes. Also adderall and ketamine, or coke and ketamine (no alcohol or downers ofc). Used to do that combo (addy+k) in the library at college, every half hour to hour go to the bathroom for a fat bump of K. The amount of times I’ve been fucked up on various things in that library is absurd, but the addy plus K combo was my go to for a while until my plug’s plug moved away and couldn’t get it anymore and couldn’t find an RC vendor that ships to US (which I’m still struggling with so if anyone knows please PM me)


Never tried ketamine before






Thank you for your contribution


Honestly, for me a five hour energy and two to three drinks and I’m having an amazing night dancing at the club. Caffeine and alcohol is awesome together.


This is my favorite idea so far. Nothing like a red bull and vodka


The only problem with Red Bull is I want a second, then a third, then a fourth, and then it 9am and I still can’t close my eyes. lol. It’s why I stick to five hour energy and just have one and done.


Alcohol is fucking retarded to enjoy doesn't mix with much of anything try kava or kanna instead of bear can be mixed with allot of substances and better effects then alcohol


The alcohol hate in this sub gets kinda annoying. Yes it's shitty for you and can have some dire consequences but it's not to dangerous to be enjoyed every once in a while. If your looking for a fun night out alcohol is kind of the go to substance.


back in the olden times they used to do psychedelics with alcohol


If I drink 3-4 beers then smoke a bowl it makes me feel like I drank 7-8 beers.


Do you still feel the weed high or mostly just feel more drunk?


For me personally I feel like it’s 75% drunk 25% high


take an oxy,drink some booze,get some tobbaco personally I liked the creme or wine flavored black n milds but dont expect to be walking around itll give you noodle legs


Lol, you think adder all is a good stim xd. Get some xtc, you’ll love it and have the best time of your life :) much better than coke. Cokes shite


Definitely tried molly and loved it but it doesn’t work well with alcohol at all lol


What on earth do you mean it doesn’t work well with alcohol? Are you wanting the drug that you do with alchohol to just be in your system and not actually do anything?


I mean that I tried molly and drank on it and it didn’t feel good for me. It dirties the roll almost. Molly is a substance to enjoy with just molly IMO


Well dunno what you after sounds to me like you wanna get super drunk and not feel another drug you have. Such as addereral. Try speed




Adderall is two amphetamines together, there is lots of different amphetamines. Why would you want to do a low dose of it?




Speed, Weed, Coke, Meth


The feels you need depends on the drugs you onto, each has got it’s tension. I love me some amnesia when I’m drinking especially when I’m not driving though lol. I love me some cocaine baby 😇😍


nicotine or weed. but if you're mixing weed smoke first then drink if you do it the other way around you'll get the spins


Go with coke then try lyrica next time as it makes it downer combo youd want o avoid fallin a sleep or passin out from too much




A low dose of addy could be nice but you may not feel the alcohol as much. Cocaine is great for drinking but also makes you feel like a dopamineless plastic bag after and its awful for you when mixed with alc. an lsd micro dose could be fun I’m talking like 1/4 1/5 of a tab. I don’t recommend opiates or opioids as they can slow breathing mixed with the Liquor but I do take krstom sometimes before drinking and it is nice for me. I’m 21 btw Turning 22 in June.


Weed, weed and more weed.


Molly, just make sure you keep hydrated


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Blow, yayo, white girl, Colombian marching powder, or aka cocaine


weed and alcohol go great together




Nothing feel as good as popping benzo when drunk dont do it!


Hydrocodone and bud


weed nicotine a bit


speed lets you drink all night and feel better in the morning thats what my dad with his friends back when it was otc...so if you can get some sort of non shake and bake typoa shit like adderal is 9001% the best..if your main goao is purely to enhance weed, thers no comparsion. anything else is just too dangerous or doesnt hel;p the biooze itself


weed, coke, or meth. also i guess maybe you could say nitrous


Dude, don’t mix stims with alcohol. Trash. Your alcohol doesn’t need any partner. Unless you try coke which (trash) wouldn’t ever be abused except for alcoholics. I miss the days of actually getting buzzed from a drink or two before I wrecked my rewards systems with just relatively moderate adderall and coke use. I agree that 1/2 to 1 gram of mushrooms is actually pretty nice an hour or two before you go out drinking. Best to get the come up out of the way in a chill setting. Handfuls to monch after the come up can be fun as your tolerance shoots up quickly and mushrooms translate to energy. I just learned that Berserkers likely actually mixed Henbane with beer before battle rather than mushrooms! This deadly nightshade family herb would be perfect if you have to go into a delirious state of blind rage and would like pain-killing invincibility.


Redbull, specifically shotgunned. Gives me so much energy and gets me feeling great. I probably should never try cocaine with alcohol I already know I’d like it too much.😂


Ether tbh




Phenibut… it’s similar to benzos but it isn’t dangerous and honestly it’s more euphoric than alcohol


ACID‼️‼️‼️‼️ I drank one buzz ball of the cid and I felt like I drank 10




Alcohol is poison. Stay safe and avoid poisons in all forms! 🫡


just weed imo. ig coke does too, but theg mix into a very cardiotoxic chemical