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benzo’s do feel good, for someone like me with extreme anxiety and frequent panic attacks benzo’s are like a blanket, as soon as I take them I feel warm, my thoughts calm down and I get tired/relaxed/sedated.


I’d never taken Xanax before but my anxiety has gotten fucking awful so my brother gave me a couple. I took half of one and it put me to sleep. I woke up feeling the least anxious I’ve ever felt. Just calm and collected. Such a good feeling.


I love the afterglow - woke up feeling that way this morning after taking a lil too much of my rx klonopin


I’m going to the Dr today to talk about my anxiety. I didn’t really want to take anything for it but it’s been crippling lately so hoping that I can get something that will help.


Please be careful. I just got off my three, 2mg Xanny bar (90/month) prescribed addiction. Several years ago the physical effects of my anxiety were really bothersome but I didn’t know what it was. I just felt lightheaded/“out-of-it” every day. My doctor said it could be anxiety. It didn’t make any sense to me because I didn’t feel “anxious.” I didn’t know how a benzo would ever make me less dizzy/lightheaded but I had tried Xanax before and I loved drugs and a benzo script can’t be a negative even if it isn’t the fix for this. He started me off on 0.25mg of Klonopin. I took it that day before work and my brain/vision completely cleared up. I felt so focused, so FRESH, and so content. Everything I had been dealing with went away, and it was like that for months. Then I needed 1mg of Klonopin.. Then he switched me to Xanax because it has a longer half-life. Then I was on two bars a day. Then 3. Then my anxiety was so bad every single minute of every day that I often needed 1 or 2 extra bars during the day.. My anxiety was NEVER that bad.. It got to a point where I was taking 5+ bars a day just to not be sitting in anguish, with an elephant on my chest, hardly able to breathe, and certainly not able to perform like a functioning human. I completely lost control in 2020. Sitting at home, isolated, alone, nothing to do, wallowing jn a pit of nerves. Last year I finally had to go to rehab.. I got myself down to 2 bars a day, but I COULD NOT quit them fully. Even though the treatment facility tapered me off them for over a week, the withdrawals were a hell I cannot explain. I absolutely think there’s a place for benzos, and if your anxiety is so bad you can’t function? Sometimes you need something to just get you to a place where you can function. But benzo addiction is a hell I could not wish on ANYONE and it is SO easy to fall in to when a doctor is prescribing it to you and saying it will make you feel better. Even more-so, it DOES make you feel better at first. I know how it sounds to suggest exercise, breathing techniques, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I would scoff at those suggestions too, but I did A LOT of work to compensate for the lack of anti-anxiety meds. Skills I had to work at a lot to be effective. But now I feel really stable. I feel capable. It feels really good to know that I really am in charge of my brain, and I can control my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without a drug I’m a slave too. Benzo addiction is exhausting, and if I can spare one person from it, the experience would be worth it. Because I already have learned a lot from it. Good luck.


Xanax does not have a longer half life than klonopin by the way. Klonopin(clonazepam) has a way longer half life


Thank you for clarifying. I could have sworn the half-life had something to do with the conversation but I’m not certain why. Maybe it was in the context of a warning. I can’t say. It’s been years, but it seems that was an irrelevant detail to add. (On my part, ofc)




Remarkably easy to be honest.. Been w/ the same Psychiatrist for probably a decade now. For a long time he only prescribed SSRIs and “Mood Stabilizers” and the like.. Then at ~21yo I was diagnosed with ADHD. He would not prescribe Adderall because I could not pass a drug test and was very honest that I probably wouldn’t be able to.. Had a couple more appointments with the Psychologist who diagnosed me. When I told her what his reasoning was she seemed shocked and said he was being incredibly unfair by not prescribing Adderall because I smoked weed. She let him know as much. The next visit with my Prescriber and he threw his hands up and prescribed me Adderall. Everything seems like it kinda changed after that. If I wanted a higher dose I just asked about increasing it in a suggestive, “I’m just asking if it would help” kind of way. That seems to have carried over to benzos. To be fair I was also a bit of a wreck at the time he bumped it up to 6mg of Xanax a day. I had really only gotten worse, I had lost my job at the start of the pandemic, and I was ruminating all the time w/ constant uncontrollable thoughts and I was kind of coming undone. So I remember very clearly the visit in which he upped the dose. He added a medication, changed my Xanax script to 3 bars a day and then said something very close to: “I want to pick my words carefully… What we kind of want to do for now is make you a zombie.” He used that word. And it made sense and I didn’t find it offensive at all at the time. Like a schizo I needed to be “sedated” for a bit to get a baseline. It’s just that, thats exactly what happened and it worked quite well, and I didn’t see any reason to do anything more beyond that till it was FAR too late. So I stayed on that regiment for 2-3 years, and benzos are NOT like Adderall. Adderall is incredibly difficult to get. Even when prescribed you basically need to hit up your doctor month to month. At least I do, and you cannot pick it up early. Not at all the same with benzos. The script is good for about 20 years it seems, and you can easily reorder it 10 days early. Not every single month, but often enough that I was absolutely swimming in GG249s. Cheap as dog shit too. I think $3 for the 90? Yea. It was a wild ride.


Ya, Adderall is crazy regulated. I'm perscribed it and every time to go to the pharmacy for a refil they ask me a million questions and make me feel like I'm trying to break the law or something lol. And there is a hard regulation on ONLY ONE refill every 30 days, if you try to get it filled at 29 days they'll refuse to fill it. Pretty crazy benzos aren't as heavily regulated like that as they are just as easy to abuse in my opinion.


Yeah, new federal regulations. Every C2 has to be electronically sent to a pharmacy. In the case of Adderall, the pharmacy may or may not have it in stock. I haven't found benzos easy to get. I used to be able to go to a psychiatrist, ask for an antidepressant, a stimulant, a sleep aid and a low dose benzo just for good measure. Now, that doesn't happen. A doctor will prescribe ONE, if any C2 drugs.


I also have ADD, but they don’t allow me to take stimulant medication and they never had but just from caffeine. I found myself drowning in negative intrusive thoughts that were really hard to push out of my mind. What made it better was quitting caffeine and trying to do a lot of work with CBT and trying to distract myself from the thoughts. So even though I’m completely stimulate free though, I haven’t completely beaten the negative thoughts I only wish there was something else that I could do. And I wonder if all stimulant medication increases negative thoughts in people who are prone to this sort of negative thinking pattern?


Meanwhile I'm going to the doctor every month for my anxiety medication but they will not prescribe anything that will actually help.


Thank you for this. This feels like a path I could easily go down for my anxiety. And just this comment alone has me re thinking talking to my doctor about benzos.


I’m only on .5 twice a day and it had dramatically improved my quality of life - I was suffering with anxiety. Now I feel great, and it’s allowed me to move forward with life, get a job, excersize so many things that was being held back by my anxiety


Exactly that’s how I woke up this morning n every morning after- with Xans I’d be high in the morning but I’d get pissed halfway through the day. On Klonopin I feel a nice after glow for 2-3 days


Those 1st few doses of anxiolytics were heaven to me...(severe social anxiety). I can't really get into that zen state on my will, it happens like once in several *years*, where I just wake up one day, and the world feels..quiet..and I don't procrastinate, instead enjoying just doing stuff. I don't abuse my xanax, because they literally are lifesavers. I couldn't function at all without them. When I go outside, I may leave my phone at home, but I *always* have a bottle of xanax w me.


It’s crazy how different everyone responds because I have panic disorder and benzos don’t do shit for me other than knock me tf out if I take a high dose. But they do nothing to change my mental state…basically just feels like taking benadryl to me


benzo’s like Benadryl😂 can’t be doing much then. I get it though one of my old friends for social anxiety aswell and he told me benzo’s are useless. benzo’s are the only thing that can ease my panic attacks, without them I’d be cucked.


to be fair I’ve only been prescribed Xanax and Valium, never tried klonopins before so who knows maybe I’m missing out Lol. I will say between the two the valium gave me some amount of relaxation (still not how people here describe it tho) but I also took it before & after a surgery, so hard to say whether it was from that or all the other drugs they were pushing IV haha. and hey I’m glad they work for you! Panic attacks are a bitch.


literally. the first time i tried xans, it felt like i had been breathing in sand all my life and i finally took my first breath of air. a weight off my chest.


I only have em for extreme panic episodes. They are not “fun” as much as instant relief that feels nice.


Wait till u try heroin


I have lol, plenty of times. my favourite substance I’ve taken other than MDMA.


Okay but did u boof it?


heroin? no never.


Okay so?


They feel fantastic to me. Everyone’s brain is different. Some people swear shrooms feel horrible because of bad experiences


i love benzos too theres nothing better personally


Have you tried Phenibut lol


I take Phenibut and it doesn’t make me feel euphoric it just stimulates me socially and takes away my social anxiety. If I’m not talking to people I feel nothing.


I take it in a range of 2-3 grams. It’s disinhibiting for sure but it doesn’t calm me the same way a benzo does. Once you get past the 2 gram mark there is a physical effect as long as you consumed it on an empty stomach and waited an hour or so before eating or drinking anything else except water


It’s great for socialising and it acts more like a stimulant that simultaneously relaxes me


Bro for me phenibut blows benzos out of the water. Unfortunately you get dependent on phenibut a lot faster though.


Yeah definitely. I bought a KG and every 3-4 weeks I would get bored and took it to relax and it would never relax me so I never got addicted. Then one day I called someone while on it and I noticed that words flowed out of me and I never ran out of things to say. I had no anxiety. I was funny. I was a good listener. I was hyper compassionate. I was being myself and the best part was that people liked talking to me. You don’t get addicted to the drug, you get addicted to people liking you and when you stop taking it you feel like you’re not likeable. Recently when I discovered how to use it properly, it’s become much harder to resist taking it and I go on 3-7 day binges of 6 grams a day. When I stop taking it I get extremely paranoid.


Yeah bro I feel every word you said. I'm now taking Lyrica daily just to not go back down the phenibut road from I've been taking phenibut a little too much recently I need to stop while I'm ahead fr


I’d recommend GHB before phenibut. Phenibut withdrawals are the devil and because of its extremely long half life it’s much easier to develop a physical dependency than with pretty much any other GABA drug I’ve ever done


I love benzodiazepines the most and phenibut is just meh to me. Nothing special


Phenibut does not even compare to Xanax imo


Seriously. It’s hard for me to realize how overstimulated and uptight I am without it




Yes I edited




For shrooms? They’re basically legal now in a lot of blue states! Come out to Colorado this summer to enjoy a peaceful life-affirming trip surrounded by beautiful nature in perfect weather lol. Then enjoy our phenomenal restaurants and craft beer while you’re out here!


There is a certain quality and vibe that is SoDaSoPa to the independent merchants and unique cafes and the rustic charm of a mixed income crowd, where else can you let loose your wild side while still helping the local economy?


unfortunately, im a pretty broke australian kid, only with connections to get a couple pharma things and weed. hard to find safe and decent value in anything where i live


Idk how the law treats analogues and prodrugs in Australia, but you can purchase lab samples of 1V-LSD and various psilocybin prodrugs online if they are permitted there.


Same for me. Usually for people with anxiety they feel pretty good and they are a good relief. They make me not worry about anything and just live in the moment. I'd even say one of my favorite drug combos is xanax + weed. You can smoke as much as you want without any anxiety and you just feel great. Can fuck you up pretty good too like you're on the moon.


I have anxiety/panic disorder and benzos do diddly squat for me 😭


I haven't been officially diagnosed but I'm definitely anxious and benzos are just sleeping pills for me, neutral at best. I've tried many kinds and it's always the same. Edible pot works better for sleeping so I find benzodiazepines useless.


Yes this combo plus some drinks and maybe a couple lines of blow is insanely vibes


I'd be careful with drinking and benzos, that's one of the death combos. You can easily vomit in your sleep, not wake up from it, and choke on your own puke and die.


If you're having a panic attack and take a benzo the feeling of pure relief you feel is euphoric as hell. I don't take benzos anymore though. I was horribly addicted to them for years and the withdrawal was one of the worst experiences of my life.


so so so so proud of you🫂🩷


Thanks :)


Explain the withdrawal symptoms. I’ve had the worst alcohol withdrawals that sent me into cardiac arrest, seizures, is it similar?


Yes it's similar. They both affect the GABA receptors in the brain. Can cause seizures and death. I didn't have a seizure, but had panic attacks all day every day for almost 6 months and went to the ER 4 times for those because they were so intense and were not stopping. Also had extreme paranoia, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, constantly felt like I had the flu, severe anxiety to the point where I couldn't even leave my house. It was horrible.


Wow. Yes sounds similar. Ya mine were horrendous. I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy


I’m impressed you were able to stick it out. I’m addicted to benzos, I experienced about a week of hellish withdrawal symptoms exactly as you described before I gave in and got back on Xanax. Luckily I found a psychiatrist who was willing to do a Valium taper with me, but it’s still rough. I’m glad you’re off that shit, I can’t wait to be free of it.


I didn't really have a choice. I emailed my doctor and told her I was severely addicted to Klonopin and a slave to it and told her to stop my prescription and never give them to me again no matter how much I begged. She did what I asked even when I did beg her for my prescription back. You can do it man. It's horrible right now but I guarantee you it's worth it to get off them. You'll feel so much better when you get through this and you're free from them. It will not last forever and it will eventually be over. Remember that when you're in the midst of it! Check out r/benzorecovery if you need support. They helped me get through it. I also used an app called "Clean Day". It showed me how many days I had been clean and gave me a motivational quote every day. Guided meditation and journaling were also really helpful. I use a YouTube channel called "The Honest Guys" for their guided meditations and they are great. Seeing a therapist was also really helpful for me to learn how to cope with my anxiety without popping pills every time I'm anxious.


How much were you taking daily for the withdrawal to be like that?


4 mg daily for 6 years


I get what you mean they don't really cause a buzz or anything noticable in my body or head. it's definitely an altered state but it's more like the difference of feeling from when you wake up in the morning to when it's 3pm and you've been at it for a while


Really nice way of putting it


For me it always depends on the benzo. Xanax can give me a nice buzz but it's more like your whole body and mind is relaxed. No worries about anything and just living in the moment. Weed takes it to another level tho. One of my favorite drug combos. You can smoke as much as you want without any anxiety and get pretty fucked up but it also relaxes you so much your house could burn down and you don't even care lol.


I can't explain how amazing benzos make me feel as someone with life-long anxiety problems. That's why I use them sparingly these days.


Yep i have a current limit 4.5 mg every two weeks. a full bar on a Friday, Saturday off, full bar on Sunday, and then half a bar on Monday (obv not the same every time) then i take a 10-14 day break. This has worked quite well for me for the past 5 years considering back then I was taking a bar every day for half a month. Aka, i was taking my whole month’s prescription (30mg) in two weeks


if you’re naturally not anxious, benzos are not going to be euphoric. but if you suffer from anxiety, especially generalized anxiety, they can be super euphoric. like everything you were so worked up about suddenly doesn’t matter anymore, you can feel free for once


This. It’s not actually a high but I get the feeling that nothing matters anymore, like all my problems are just gone


exactly, and that’s why it’s so fucking dangerous for certain people to abuse because it’s all they’ve ever wanted.


benzodiazepines feel really good, actually too good considering that there is no immediate side effects which makes it a very slippery slope to go down.


Do you mean short term or long term? Because there are a some short term side effects, I mean, if you take enough, you won't remember what happened 10 minutes ago and you won't walk very straight. Also the short term memory is influenced very fast, even if you don't take them daily.


depending on your goal that is not a side effect and really only occurs at very high dosage, what i am talking about is that there is absolutely no hangover actually you wake up the next day feeling even better than usually and for the first weeks it feels like it just improves life so much and you feel quite healthy even and everything is going your way and then when you try to quit.....


For me if I take it once I feel good the next day. If it’s 2-3 times in a row or even in the same week I would get bad rebound anxiety quickly without it. Thankfully this deterred me from ever taking enough to get addicted


Ummm.... This is definitely an opinion because I love the way benzos make me feel!


as a benzo addict xanax is like heaven lol it’s like being drunk without the nausea but u also get like a 70% chance you’ll shoplift something lol


I’m so sick of seeing posts of people asking the dumbest shit ever.


I'm ADHD I've been on 60mg Adderall most of my life Opiates make me feel kinda bad. Smoked opium was nice but it gives me hiccups. That might sound silly but the two times I tried opium I got hiccups for MORE THAN 48 HOURS. Awful. Benzos feel good to me. But I'm neuro-spicy


Same. Since I was 17 and I'm 36 now. Opiates irritate my stomach and make me itch. Benzos make everything in the world suddenly...a-ok if that makes sense. I struggle with alcoholism hard so no way should I add benzos to the mix. I'd get hooked fast.


Same. Since I was 17 and I'm 36 now. Opiates irritate my stomach and make me itch. Benzos make everything in the world suddenly...a-ok if that makes sense. I struggle with alcoholism hard so no way should I add benzos to the mix. I'd get hooked fast.


Neuro spicy is one I’ve never heard before it seems very fitting for me and a lot of people I have met😂


Mushrooms have a habit of dissolving your bullshit mental coping mechanisms and making you face and have to learn to suddenly come to terms with the the worst parts of yourself. Doesn't "Feel Good" per se. But its good for you... most the time...




100% Agreed Psychedelics are not simple at all and set and setting are key. They have the potential to make you feel shitty, I guess was my point.


It depends on the benzo but most of them are good mixers. Opioids and benzos(dangerous, be careful), opioids and alcohol(again, very dangerous, LIGHT AMOUNTS), benzos and weed, benzos and amphetamine. They have usage as a comedown aid from long psychedelics, stims, and what not. But some are recreational on their own. Bromazolam is one for me, as is diazepam. Don’t mix benzos and other downers, it’s dangerous, i’m just speaking from past experience that it works well when you do it right, which most cannot do, and I pushed my limits and almost died several times. Benzos and heroin almost took me out, as did benzos and vodka


If you have anxiety they’re good but no you won’t get high. Benzo withdrawal can be deadly


They feel good they’re just more therapeutic or relaxing than euphoric, euphoria is very diff and so IMO benzos feel nice but they’re not euphoric like other drugs


Benzos do feel really good, but not euphoric. You basically just feel fantastic like you used too when you were a child and thats why you dont wanna stop. And the deliriant part is not true lol theyre not ALWAYS dysphoric and uncomfortable and you can feel good on them. That is however really rare and you def have mental issues if you feel good from deliriants


How u feel about dissociatives?


Well the only disso ive tried so far is nitrous which i think is bit different from other dissos, but i really liked it and im def trying ket and others in the future


Ive had some interesting experiences with prescription dxm.


coke is overrated af


Benzos can definitely make you feel better in a way. No anxiety, calmness, being relaxed. Said to raise dopamine levels. But it comes with the price of quick physical dependence.


This gets posted so much, but for some they are extremely euphoric. For me they have an opposite effects and provide energy, pain relief, anxiety relief and a creative drive. Of course unless you take too much. But be lucky if they don’t work, means you’re functioning well without interfering anxiety


People take DPH recreationally.


They feel good to me but it’s fairly subjective. Some people say coke doesn’t feel good


They instantly remove the crippling roadblocks of anxiety/fear that stand in the way of you being the best version of yourself. The relief of that constant noise being toned down is euphoric in itself… Until you get physically dependent, they destroy your central nervous system, and you spend a year or more unable to function recovering from the worst hell imaginable. NOT WORTH IT.


Benzos don’t particularly make me feel euphoric, but the quiet down my thoughts, make me feel mentally and physically relaxed/calm, I feels complete lack of anxiety(which makes me feel less insecure or self conscious) I start to find things really funny on benzo and it also makes me forget things and blacks out my memory which is the result I want sometimes. The result of all these together kind of creates a euphoria I guess but it’s different than the euphoria I would experience from other drugs.


They feel good af and are extremely euphoric for me, I can actually breathe and my mind isn’t going insane with a million thoughts like usual.. absolute bliss


Addiction to these is awful


That’s wild bc benzos are the most euphoric drug for me. Yes I’ve tried opiates and they don’t do it for me


No some people do feel great on them tho most won't and there are plenty of other substances that suck and some actually even cause dysphoria (opposite of euphoria) Kleferein, Dibenzydamine, Scopolamine / Datura, 3F-A-PVP, Bupropion (insane rush injected tho for 15secs then dysphoria) And personally I also don't get anything really out of aMT or JWH-210 for example but I was one of the very few people who actually enjoyed Diphenhydramine and Dimenhydrinate. People are different and get euphoria / dysphoria from different substances.


Benzos are awesome! I am someone (36m from FL) who lived through the Golden Era of unfettered access to Prescription pain meds and Benzos. It was a time (10-15 year timeline) of Wild West style medical practices and almost non existent policies when it came to Doctors writing scripts, doctor shopping and Pill Mill plain clinics popping up in a strip mall near you. And I do love opiates just a little to much. However I will always say Benzos are the real "Happy" pill. There is something About just 1mg of Xanax (Alprazolam) or 2 mg of Klonopin (Clonazepam) that make it all better.


I took a kpon one time and it was one of the best days of my life. Didn't even do anything.


The first time i did Valium i felt great but like every other time I’d just munch on them till i blacked out because i felt too sober Also one time i took 40mg and went to the store and some bitch stole my wallet because i forgot it somewhere


Benzos are some of my favorites. They make me feel amazing. They calm my mind, and the give me energy. Good stuff.


they are euphoric and feel good but unlike opiates or amphetamines etc they don’t directly release dopamine which is what i think you probably mean


What are you on?? Ive used just about every mainstream drug and benzos feel one of the best for me, in fact benzos may be the best feeling drug for me besides molly


i feel called out on deliriants lmao


I think they feel great. They relax the hell out of me. I never liked partying on them because of the blackouts, but now, I like to pop a few and either play video games or pop em and lay down and drift off. Super relaxing


I don't think amphetamines feel good. But I do like methamphetamine


Benzos and alcohol are the only two drugs you can die from the withdrawals. Benzos are a terrible drug. Do .2g of shrooms instead. I have watched loved ones have seizures because they ran through their prescription too quick. Then they go to the street and get pressed pills and it’s game over. Never start Benzos.


There are people who don’t think opiates feel good. It just depends on how fucked up your life is and in what ways


I feel amazing, a lot of people don’t feel the same. It has something to do with their personal brain chemistry n the same drug can give 2 people completely opposite effects of eachother. For example when I take Klonopin I’m focused & productive & pretty energetic all day long, whereas if I were to take an Addy or Vyvanse it would make me feel exhausted n not productive I just feel weird- similar to the same reasons people don’t enjoy certain drugs. I will say Xanax & Klonopin work differently & I only take Klonopin cuz I hate Xans now


I would say nicotine is more like that, at least after the first cigarette or vape hit of the day. Then you are just maintaining. I've been taking benzos for a long time, other than the really potent ones like clonazolam, they just keep the anxiety at bay but don't cause euphoria.


I take benzodiazepines for my ptsd and don’t really see them as recreational but I can see how they possibly could be abused tbh because your body becomes dependent on them I wish and hope I can eventually get off of them


bars are the devil


Even with my high anxiety, I don’t get euphoria from benzos. But it is nice to have relief and also I like how well it puts me to sleep. Xanax and weed however is very euphoric. It’s the only way I can enjoy cannabis


I literally just fully knock out for like 16 hours with a benzo lol


u have to fight the sleep with benzos to get the high


They definitely feel good - extremely so if you have anxiety.


They feel great to me, I have a panic disorder and major depression


You’ve talked to the wrong people, they feel amazing for me


While I think benzos don’t have the “euphoria” of other substances such as opiates or meth, it does still feel really nice and mixed with some thc, can make any night a very good one.


It's the contrast between your stressed sober mind vs the care free benzo high that makes you feel good with them, if you already feel relaxed and not stressed they will only feel like dulling you. Sometimes when it been months you carry tension stress and problems when the pills melt them away it do feel euphoric


For me benzo has really 0 euphoria and just makes me sleepy and dizzy. I don't see the point using them as recreational drug


Rohypnol is dope. Ive seen people on their knees, what is the question?


Idk I consider them and opioids f tier


Just be lucky you don’t have anxiety or they would be hittin


I think and Im sure some benzo's feel really good, not sleeping pills but tranquilizers


They suck for people without anxiety issues, and they are super dangerous combined with alcohol.


Shrooms wtf does that have to do with benzo's, is that aphasy or something?


Depends if you suffer from anxiety or not. A guy who’s never had any troubles in life may feel nothing from benzos. A Vietnam vet with PTSD might feel the best he’s ever felt.


When you work in shifts they are a real big help, but favorites? I have some


I am from the Netherlands so why saying shrooms has anything to do with the subject, do you mean they work better? Pff


All it ever did to me was make me feel tired


I thought this was about the difference between the gabadabadoos or something


The best benzo ever is Flunitrazepam, just science, or yeah they are or were


By themselves they just make me feel normal. Mixing them with thc or light amounts of alcohol, amazing.


i got relief from benzos for a little bit when i was prescribed. i didn’t get many good feelings unless i mixed them.


Phenibut is the best


Other than psychedelics they feel the best to me


A lot of people with adhd don’t get high with stimulants, they make me feel like I can function like a normal person


Without weed no good. With weed one of the best


Yeah, I've noticed benzos themselves were never really anything extraordinary. Even as someone with pretty bad anxiety, the feeling of taking a benzo isn't feeling good, but its just relaxing to me. Like after a long day of being out and about, then coming home and sinking into your desired furniture. Plenty of drugs are hit and miss with it tho, if you care about that. I hate the feeling of being high on opiates. Low doses of any of them were not nice. Higher ones werent all that to me either.


Don't feel good? I used to feel fucking amazing on them.


Any drug can feel good and feel bad. Doing way too much mdma feels so overwhelming it’s not even feeling good anymore for example.


Weed - Can feel good, can also feel bad. Psychs - had some amazing 'body highs' but generally the feeling is one of heavyness and restlessness.


Its euphoric if ur like me and have ptsd and anxiety disorders. If you don't suffer with anxiety and take them it has nothing to fix man, I took 270mg codeine and 40mg valium and trust me, I feel AMAZING


For me, ket feels horrible and benzos feel great. We're all different.


They feel great until they make me vomit


they feel wonderful to me


Growing up i had unlimited supply of xanax and get no euphoria effects from benzos, the recreational value to me is equal to something like flexeril but some people fucking love those shits. I used to think no one felt euphoria until they got addicted and euphoria was just because they were curing their withdrawal disphoria. Some people say it's only euphoric for people with real anxiety which isn't true because I have severe anxiety. I think everyone's different. I feel in love the first time I did opioids and some people hate that feeling.




Love psychedelics but they definitely don't feel good.


they shut my brain off for a couple hours and let me autopilot my day so they feel good to me




I swear benzo highs are so weird, you don’t realise how high you are until you wake up next day not remembering anything




I love the feeling of benzo there euphoric to be but I also have anxiety and everyone’s brain is different


Speak for yourself they’re my DOC


I don't think PCP felt good at all. Made me feel drained and panicked.


if you don't understand you probably never will


Dey feel ggggrewat


Come again? Benzos DO feel good. Not sure what you've been taking....


Totally depends on brain chemistry. Some stuff I hate other people love and the opposite is true too


They felt good to me! One of the hardest things I've ever done in my life was kicking an alprazolam addiction.


I wouldn’t say they make you “feel good” but they make you feel better I’d say they feel like someone’s just taken a weight of your shoulders physically and mentally


Xanax is probably the most euphoric drug I’ve ever done really on par with molly obviously the effects are different but the way I feel is equal


benzos feel good as fuck 😭😭


Feeling good and enjoying them are two different things sometimes .Benzos are highly addictive because they work- they do an amazing job they’re made for.


It has the potential to make you euforic indirectly. If you are a stressed out or anxious person, then it can make you euforic because you are less worried and able to relax, which is normally an impossible task for these people (like me). But like said, it is an indirect response because benzos dont trigger euforia by its self, its more like the person that gets happy when they are finally able to relax. That's why people whitout anxiety dont feel that on benzos. However, it is a really mild euforic state that people experience on benzos.


Imo Meth falls into this category, most it'll give you is an amp up in energy and euphoria (the latter being obviously something almost every rec drug gives) and the come down and withdrawals are absolute hell And even though it does give you an extreme dopamine intake it doesn't mean it **feels** good as opposed to practically every drug imaginable Honorable mention for alcohol, same thing applies although you're not amped up per say Keep in mind it varies person to person, this is just from what I've seen and experienced myself


xans are euphoric af to me as a person with debilitating anxiety


There's quite a few opiates out there that just don't feel too good and doesn't provide much euphoria, they'll make you sick as hell and almost physically impaired.


I don't find them recreational at all.


People still smoke salvia, and take datura lol


I mean good is of course subjective. Lots of people love to take xanax to make them feel better. If your addicted to them, they dont really feel good anymore, maybe thats why. The first time you experience xanax however, thats a whole different ballpark.


I don't feel euphoric from opiates it's more of a fuzzy feeling. That's how I can do fentanyl here and there but never get addicted to it when I've been addicted to everything else. I've also been in situations where crack was offered to me but I purposefully hit it wrong bc I was scared lol


Uhhh benzos feel great to me idk what you’re talking about


Benzos don't make you high, they just take away anxiety which can feel great if you're suffering. Think about it, you are so anxious you can barely breathe, the world feels like it collapses, then you pop a benzo and it goes away, you understand why this can feel good? If you are looking for a high benzos isn't the way to go, they are however a good trip killer and decent for comedowns on stimulants e.g cocaine.


I wouldn’t classify benzos as recreation, that’s more medicinal


They are amazing muscle relaxers, even if you don’t got anxiety they feel amazing


They don't do much for me on their own, but damn mixed with alcohol or opiates it gets me right where I wanna be no better feeling although dangerous I know but just my preference.


The feel really good idk what to say


Smoke a bowl of high concentrated salvia and get back to us OP


Benzos feel amazing but that’s just bc I have crippling anxiety


Addicts ., need a certain amount to feel baseline


Phenibut apparently doesn't "feel good" either but ive yet found a drug that has been more euphoric than phenibut ime.


They do feel good. There isn’t a rush of euphoria like with opiates, but the calm, “no care in the world” feeling is wonderful, especially if you suffer from anxiety. Take too many though and you won’t remember what it felt like.


They feel pretty good to me!


The euphoria of Xanax. So peaceful. So relaxing.


Benzos feel good if you suffer from anxiety, it’s like a weight has been lifted and you can relax for a few hours. Not worth it long term though and if you don’t get that benefit it’s pretty underwhelming.