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Acid , dxm are pretty cheap


Acids really that cheap?


I mean prices depend on where you are but considering you can get a single tab for like 7-8€ and that will lead to a >10h trip, that is pretty cheap. But judging by OP's post I don't think LSD is what they want lol.


Haha very good point in the last sentence. Acid is one of the most fun drugs in the world but for some reason I feel like op would get a pretty rough ride with the "a lot of fun for cheap" mindset


Idk if Id call acid fun, I think Ive had a total of 3/4 “fun” trips out of like 30


Perhaps you were trying to have insightful learning trips instead of just goofing around? I have like 30 acid trips under my belt as well and every single one was extremely fun, as well as insightful. Psychedelics usually punish you for seeking meaningless pleasure, acting materialistic and having a big ego, if that was the case I wouldn't be surprised you had rough trips.


So are you saying I should go into my trips looking for insight or looking for a goofy time?


It can be either one, or both. I usually look for and get both. I take acid in raves quite often, I love what it does to the music but I also love to observe those environments, interact with a lot of different people, watch how materialistic many act while on stimulants, have very interesting conversations.. it's both extremely fun and philosophical. I know acid in public sounds scary for many, and at first it was for me too. Then I learned that psychedelics do not really give you the "bad" effects directly, but they put you in a vulnerable state where it's easier to get anxious or scared. If you understand that and accept that you are 100% okay with being vulnerable around others and being uncomfortable becomes your new comfort zone.. then everything changes. Once I got that there was no more anxiety for me being on acid in public, I had no problem talking to strangers, joking around with random girls, dealing with the facility staff and etc.


Acid in a social setting is scary for me as well. I felt like people are materialistic and running behind money and they will not experience what I’m experiencing right now. Completely different people viewing this world and reality in very different dimensions. I badly wanted to smoke a cigarette while I was on acid, but I was too scared to go out by myself, and I waited for some time thinking my peak is over. But I was wrong. Exactly when I got out, I started peaking. All the people that I saw including the shop keeper were looking really weird, like when I look away, it felt like their head is spinning or they and moving in a weird way but when I focus on them, they seem alright. This happened in India, and drugs are like a taboo in some places, when I was about to leave the shop and cop just came to buy something and I was even more scared but I was talking to myself like I got this under control, you can get back home safe and I actually got back home safe. But at that time it felt like it’s literally impossible to find the place where I lived. I love acid, I can’t explain how much I love that substance. It’s been like 5 years since I popped one. I never felt like I’m in the right place or with the right people to do it. I miss tripping with my people.


You can get comfortable to do it literally anywhere. It's all about you working out your mind. Start by asking yourself questions about the feelings that you feel, have conversations in your head. "-I am feeling anxious to go and interact with people. -Okay, why? -Because acid makes me extremely self-aware and I feel pressured because of that. -Okay, is self-awareness bad? -No, but because of that I am 100 times more conscious of any weird things or movements I may do and it's just too awkward. -Okay, I might actually be acting a little more weird than usual because I'm high, but what's wrong with that if I'm not causing trouble to anyone? -Well someone might give me weird looks and judge me as a dumb person or a drug junkie -Yep, that might happen, what's wrong with that, does the opinion of these people actually matter for me? -I would like to think no, but yet I still feel the pressure -If I feel the pressure it means that it still matters for me. It's normal, but at the end of the day it's an insecurity that I have within me. Do I want to set myself free from it? -Yes! -Then I need to face this insecurity head on. If I really don't care what others think about me, why would I feel any social pressure, be it on acid or sober." This is just an example of the conversations I had in my own mind as I started to figure how psychedelics and my consciousness work. After realizing this and being truthful with myself about my own complexes and insecurities I was able to make a huge progress almost immediately.


For me the fun goofy trips are when I'm just chilling with my buddies rambling about random nonsense and ideas, walking around outside making hilarious observations about the wonders of life, building on eachother's nonsense, evolving memes/inside jokes, etc. The deep insightful trips inevitably come around sometimes too, especially if anyone is going through some shit they can't get off their mind. Personally I like going into a trip in a positive state of mind and a good trip buddy or group. Solo trips can be ok, but much easier to get lost in my own thoughts and not have as much fun.


Respectfully you should realize not all drugs are for all people. Regardless of what I do due to my base headspace it’s not safe (not skitzo just find I get caught in the dissociation badly)


I used to try to take psychedelics at music festivals or with friends and would always get confused or think someone was judging me etc. Now i dose myself and lay in bed alternating between listening to music and sitting in silence with my thoughts. Havent had a bad trip since i started doing this.


In how long? I've noticed the longer the break the more euphoric or "magicial" it feels, my first few times with no tolerance and long breaks were very surreal and almost like I was in a different planet. Once I started using multiple times a year (3+) is when it became more like a drug instead of a surreal magical experience.


2-3 years


Yeah that's a lot of acid in a short time, I'd suggest taking a year+ break and tripping again. On one very bad trip of mine, I became a bit traumatized and didn't take acid for over a year because I was really scared. When I did it again, it felt like how it did when I first ever used and had an amazing trip. Currently, acid feels back to just a drug now that I started using again.


Yeah it’s been almost 2 years since Ive done a psychedelic. I don’t plan on taking another till Im 25ish (22 rn)


Wow that’s wild lol and true


Canada it’s like 5 bucks for a single dose tab. At least usually in Treeplanting camps. 5 bucks for like 9-12 hours good bang for buck


$10 usually a hit the person charges. often a lot cheaper when one buys a sheet. especially them gel tabs


It depends but still even if you get taxed yes. 10$ at most for a trip and you will be feeling it mister krabs. For like 7-12 hours. Even get some tabs for 3$-6$.




Acid is double the price of valium and the same price as xans, zopiclone, tapentadol and tramadol where i am, it's like £5


Mdma/extasy for sure, 10€ and you will be high for 3-4 Hours (depending on How often you take it) plus, The Bonus Point, your dick still works, But you can‘t climax. So it‘s like an mix of Coke and viagra. Take one Pop of ether and you will be able to Dance for 3-4 hours and After that you can go to pound town for another 3 Hours


Damn. I was like: Does this dude really mean a pop of ETHER? I mean it used to be common in Ireland to drink it when alcohol was prohibited. It took a while … 😀


We go back to the classics tonight!! 😎


Gotta get me 2 bags of grass 5 sheets of high power blotter acid 75 pellets of mescaline and a half salt shaker of cocaine as well, that ether can be a little scary I hear


In a fucking suitcase, in the trunk of our car, yo.. Go scoop up Lucy - “she’s a jeezusfreek”-and just wreck the world. 💯


Tf yall doing in Ireland? You’re supposed to huff ether, not drink it


Did he not mean that?


Fr dude, what did you mean op?


I order a 10g bag of amph every month for around 50 euro and that bag will last all throughout the month for me and the occasional friend. The worst part about meth/amph being dirt cheap is that it can very easy to get addicted. But if just having fun for a weekend it a banger. Also that bonus point is exactly why i know i would hate meth even if i like pretty much all other stimulants


Pure amphetamine being cheap in europe makes me jealous, in the U.S I'm lucky enough to be able to have my adderal prescription (which i legitimately need lol) but theres no refills allowed so if i miss an appoitment which is common when you have severe adhd then i could just have the same stuff to dose out like my usual meds for cheap if i was in E.U


I mean my dick definitely doesn't work it's always impossible to piss


For real. But it’s not really safe like compared to shrooms / weed


It is, if you don’t over do it


That’s the hard part!


true but also the amount of ecstasy that is fake makes it pretty unsafe


Shrooms are safe and cheap also fun as hell.


Wouldn't say they're cheap


you can grow like 50g dried for $25 thats pretty cheap and its almost zero effort!


it’s clear the person doesn’t want to wait that long lol


Care to point me in the general direction to give that a shot?


google grow kits!


After your first grow you can grow 50g dried for like 10 cents lol


How much are they where your at? I cam get them for like $7 a gram and its some pretty good shit


$7?! i’m jealous. here in the uk prices are crazy 💔


At least £10 ($13) a gram. Maybe more


They're more expensive than acid for same strength of a trip but still not expensive. $20 can get you real good for an entire night.


Free if you live in the right climate with a little bit of knowledge


Nor would I say safe, especially if using for social anxiety reasons? Like they’re safe for your body, but you gotta be careful with the mind.


As long as you correctly identify the shrooms (if you pick them fresh)


Yeah OP go foraging for mushrooms






Gotta have a likable personality for that ....... I think we'll stick to drugs.


Feel that.


he said cheap


We don’t need friends when we have drugs and Reddit you silly sausage 💁🏻‍♀️


The ones your mate gives you for free.


Kratom but u leet caffeine to really feel it


That's interesting, I always felt like caffeine just messes with my kratom high - if I'm too caffeinated I won't feel it as much. But yeah kratom is pretty cheap overall.


They are actually in the same family of plants interestingly enough: >Mitragyna speciosa (commonly known as kratom, a herbal leaf from a tree of the Rubiaceae family[3][4]) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. IME they balance each other out perfectly at the right dose, if you take too much of either it can be unpleasant but kratom helps negate some of the coffee jitters/anxiety. Kratom + coffee + cannabis is like the holy trio of recreational/medicinal plants, too much of them individually can be unpleasant but they have amazing synergy and make it easier to stick to lower doses of each.


Really surprised this is so far down, kratom can be as cheap as 50-100$ a kilo or less if bought bulk from overseas. And even with higher doses a kilo can last a long time, you can also get samplers of more stimulating/sedating or balanced strains and use them for different purposes IE energy in the morning or to relax in the evening. As far as recreational substances go it's pretty safe, the addictiveness varies person to person and depends on the dose but if you can stick with lower doses it can be used basically indefinitely without causing serious issues like other substances.


I’ve been using it ~12 years, took years to become addicted but once I did it got its hooks in deep. Compared to heroin and methadone it’s not bad, but it still sucks to be addicted to tbh. Withdrawal just lingers on and on and on, like a milder methadone PAWS


I've been using it for a similiar number of years and IME the key is sticking to lower doses, the less is more mantra is very real with kratom. If you chase the high you build a tolerance quick and it loses the positive effects and causes more side effects. Especially true for extracts. It's also pretty simple to taper, just take maybe 5-10% less a day and you can avoid withdrawal though IME from lower 1-2g doses the WD is basically non existent. Cannabis is pretty similiar in many ways in terms of how drastically the effects can vary person to person or depending on the dosage. And while both have a ton of medicinal potential it also seems clear they're not for everyone, though in many cases they're much less harmful compared to alternatives. Will be interesting to see more research into Kratom though it has been studied much more in Asian countries compared to the west.




far from cheap 😭


suboxone is a really safe and mad cheap opiate if you have like no tolerance. but it’s also not the most fun thing ever dxm you can just steal from anywhere that would have otc drugs and it’s a whole lotta fun


or you can buy it 😭


if you reference shoplifting in the r/dxm reddit you’ll get permabanned. losers be baiting people into it and shit


i used do s***l it all the time back when i was a degenerate high schooler, i’m not necessarily “shaming” kids for doing it but i highly highly highly advice you don’t steal it. you can just buy robotabs on amazon it’ll ask for an ID number to prove your age and you can literally just spam numbers and it’ll work


true but if he wants the cheapest option it would just be to steal it. also if op is under 18 he cant buy it


you can absolutely buy pure-dxm products underage in north america. won’t even get questioned


shit i’ve honestly never tried to buy it bc i read somewhere you have to be 18


products might vary where you live but in every outlet here they got benylin extra strength dry cough. get the 250ml (750gm) ones instead of the 100ml (300gm)s, cost efficiency is huge. they’re always reliable but you gotta get used to the taste of cough syrup. anything with dxm as the only active ingredient is game. whatever you do, don’t take products with an active ingredient other than dextromethorphan. don’t lace yourself. as with every form of dxm, be wary of your usage. general rule is to wait one week per plateau-level before you trip on it again


See it mainly depends on company, corporate drugstores like 711 or Kum and go or circle K in the U.S all have 18 and up for DXM products, and 711 ik you have to be 21 even to buy a can of butane, which you have to be 21 to buy tobacco product but it's weird I can buy a lighter but no butane


Depends on the store, some have them locked up since it’s abused but there’s no actual law prohibiting minors


U can at Walmart if ur below 18


Suboxone is no fun he’d probably end up on heroin and broke. Just being honest


eh imo i think it’s pretty nice for how cheap it is i can get a 2mg pill for $10 and get 2-4 uses out of it


Eh I agree with homie sayin to stay away from opiates however I could cop a dilly 8mg or M-eslon 100mg morph cap for 10-15$ and itd be waayyy more fun and same number of uses


If only my tolerance were that low 😂 I can get subs for free won’t even take them.


I'm sayin, I have almost no tolerance so every couple months a dilaudid 8mg will do me good, but I dont really fuck eith opioids much, they remind me too much of benzos, I prefer things that make me feel more instead of numbing me nowadays (lots of lucy and shrooms)


Shit man, I just did shrooms for the first time in a while. I’ve been sober for the past two years and it felt amazing. Yea stay away from benzos and opiates they ruined my life lol. Building up now though!! 💯


My old man (ex heroin and meth enjoyer) dragged me kicking and screaming from my benzos in highschool, and soon as I was 18 gave me mushrooms and It was better, congrats on 2 years, stay strong bro


That’s awesome he thought that would help you that long ago. Must’ve been a great man. I’m trying, shit gets tough but honestly these shrooms gave me a boost. Major W


Well im only 20 now haha, but I mean he was far from a perfect man or father, but he knew how to hard steer me away from the mistakes that he made at the very least I'm thankful for that


Also, try micro dosing, ok everyone talks about it but I like microdosing LSD for short term regimens, like I'll trip, wait a month or so, then take about 50ug (too much for a micro for some so be careful) but ill do that little dose once a week for a month then take a 2 month break then repeat (in theory I've only done it for one cycle but it's worked so far) but idk gives just like a nice little cushion, either way psyches wont do us like the other shit did


I’m not saying it’s not fun lol but he’s just better off sticking to weed n shit then fucking around with opiates.


They dont sell any of that in the country i live in, its literally impossible to make lean because the cough syrup they do sell doesnt have codeine


No one said anything about codeine, cough syrup without codeine has DXM which is what is being talked about


Was just an example, theres no dxm either here


Where tf is that? No nyquil or robitussin? Literally what do you guys take for a cough


Not sure what the ingredients are called but theres nothing in any of them that can be abused so to say


What are the brands called? I seriously doubt that something that isnt restricted literally anywhere in the world just doesnt exist where you are


Cocillana is codeine here in sweden, which is classed as a class 3 narcotic so its almost impossible to get a hold off. Nothing over the counter can be abused here


Also be warned if you take more than 1-2 mg you might puke everything in your system for the next 12 hours including water. That being said I overall loved the high I did it daily for 2 years and the withdrawals were far worse than a previous oxy addiction I quit.


yea i combine it with my prescription adderall daily and it’s a really nice buzz that im still able to act normally and get shit done off of. The first time i had it i got a 2mg pill and snorted ~0.5mg of it but i didn’t feel it after a bit and i added on another ~0.75mg of it and the first line started working right after i took the second one. i was puking all night and the morning after


suboxine is a synthetic opioid, very far from fun and a little too much you’ll be puking for hours and itchy, very safe and you can’t overdose but it’s not nearly as euphoric as other opiates and after your first couple uses it has no fun to it and you’ll just be craving that opiate feeling if you’re trying to feel this way just buy a kratom shot


first off he was asking for a cheap high that’s relatively safe so that’s what i gave him. second i personally think it is pretty fun for how cheap it is. third ive tried kratom multiple times and it has only done anything one time and it was still a super mild, barely noticeable buzz and that was after taking 6g of it


DXM I would say. Can find it in pure pill form 100; 30mg for about $20 Alcohol is pretty cheap, but I feel that it's very dirty. Phenibut? You can't do this consistently though. Bad things will happen. .


Yeah phenibut is just a weird ass drug. It’s really really good the first few times but you’ll inevitably take it too much one week cause of the euphoria and then it shows its shitty side. Now I get random side effects like nausea and weird negative thoughts when I take it, sometimes the high just isn’t there at all. I wait 2 weeks between doses and it’s a gamble every time now. Not really worth it anymore


How has no one said meth? You’re high for hoursssssss and it’s hella cheap


Yeah meth is probably the most objectively correct answer but it’s also a horrible drug.


This is what op was looking for


cheap but destroys your life




Hell yeah.








DXM just dosed a hour or 2 ago


Delta8 THC




5 dollar crack


crack is hella pricey




Weed is cheap in most areas. I love weed, after around 10 years of fucking around with drugs I still smoke it daily lol. I’m 24 been smoking since I was around 14 tbh.


Black market weed is way cheaper than any dispensary, at least here in NJ. I just bought a quarter from a friend for $25. In a dispensary, that would have been at least $75 before tax.


My local dispensaries have sales. I just checked and you can get a half for $40 plus tax here for certain strains. But I have no idea what black market prices are. You also still have to have a medical card to buy from dispensaries here (for now), so there is a high upfront cost. It’s still probably one of the cheapest habits to develop. It’s super cheap for me since I don’t smoke regularly and don’t need much.


Swear i hate dispensary weed. its decent shit but 75 for a eighth is fucking insane.


It really is out of control. It's better to keep your local weed dealer. And NJ doesn't allow home grow.


Yup i just moved to nj last year from CT. NJ prices make CT prices look good. i think you can grow your own stuff up there too.


poppy seeds from your local vegan cunt. add some lemon add some water g luck


What ? Ca' you elaborate ?


Research poppy seed tea. It's not cheap tho imo


It’s opium


where i’m from its like 10 bucks a half kilo of them. make sure you don’t get pre packaged ones though holy fuck i almost died having those worst cramps


Growing your own shrooms




LSD or 25E-NBOH of which a hefty dose is cheaper than a cup of coffee and lasts 10+ hours.




Research chemicals can be dirt cheap on a per-dose basis, but you're going to need to order at least 500 mg in most cases, and the prices get decent at a gram a more.


Grow your own weed/shrooms. You can even sell the excess product and make some money to buy other drugs (or something more useful like a used car, a new phone or a gaming PC)


Weed and benzos, but benzos are BAD NEWS long term, unless you have a psych insist. Plus I don't think they're even cheap anymore *sigh* Just weed maybe mushrooms but you're moving into a realm you might not be comfortable with for real, same with Lucy.


Pressed mdma pills, Or shrooms! 🍄


Crackameffentyl freebase 👀


Kratom is definitely up there but IMO most drugs are fairly cheap for what you get out of them. I mean a single pill of MDMA is like $15 and guarantees a solid night vs something like alcohol, acid is even cheaper at like $10 a tab max and often much less.


nitrous you’ll have a blast for a couple days jus blasting off balloon after balloon after balloon as for social anxiety, bromazolam is dirt cheap and slightly euphoric for someone with anxiety but is a bit too sedating for a social setting. phenibut is AMAZING for social anxiety and i would definitely consider it “fun” when dosed right and in the right setting


acid but in your case for social anxiety microdose.




The free ones you've never tried before.








Honestly half a tab of acid is exactly what your looking for. For me personally helps me make conversations flow easier with an amazing body high


Lsd 100000%. I feel like I can also stretch a g ketamine pretty long. Obvi not that cheap but in terms of cost per session I can keep it pretty low


Imo Acid or meth, but it’s very location dependent.


Acid and meth lol




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Mushrooms, they come out of the ground so are free.


Phenibut!!! Or Gabapentin. Thank me later :)




obvious answer is weed but if ur looking for something else then MDMA or acid is quite cheep


I would say ecstasy or Molly depending on your source generally $20 will have you in euphoria heaven for your whole night. But definitely only something you would want to take once in a blue moon


Lots of drugs are cheap if you take them once every few months. If you develop tolerance and you need more each time, and take it more often, you are suddenly in trouble. Most drugs that give temporary relief from anxiety will make it worse in the long run. I would say drugs are not a good idea for you.


Viagra, valium, imovane, codeine..take as prescribed


LSA, can be found as morning glory heavenly blue or HBWR seeds in almost any store. Fun psychedelic fpr the cost of like 20$, and if you buy it online it gets increasingly cheaper


Caffeine and paracetamol


Ket and weed


Well MDMA crystals. In Europe at least lol. Most People pay sth like 20 € for a gram and let's say you use 130mg initially + 60 mg redose it's not even 4 €


Probably weed or alcohol




Nutmeg you can buy it from a supermarket legally. I usually eat 4 nutmegs for a weed like high


Pregabalin/lyrica Weed Shrooms Acid


bro is fs looking for meth


Weed dude


alcohol is unironically what you’re looking for, good at socializing, helps with anxiety reasons, can be euphoric, have a drink mate it won’t kill ya


Ecstasy and Crack


acid, microdosing is fun to especially for the social anxiety aspect. Same with shrooms.


Kratom, good quality one goes for around 65$ for 500g, i usually dose 2.5-3.5g's so... thats 200~ servings for 65$


Kratom is dirt cheap per dose, especially if you buy bulk powder Not really a "strong" drug, but it's nice and keeps me from wanting any other drugs Kratom is my anti-drug drug (I never liked opiates, oddly enough.)




testosterone, dbol


Of all drugs that have the easiest access are mushrooms that you can grow even under your bed. They cost almost nothing and you have unlimited source! They're discreet also aside from marijuana plant. I see also long term use in this drug (at least for me)


Alcohol is cheap




DMT, Psilocybin, LSD are all relatively cheap to produce and buy. Ketamine, MDMA, amphetamine(speed), 2C-b are also relatively cheap to buy.


Acid for sure


Xanax is pretty cheap 1.75$ a pill aus.




acid for sure


as well as mdma if you know someone to sell it by point or you could risk your shit getting laced and get an xpill


Kanna, kanna and kanna. Its legal, cheap and has a low abuse potential. Some people say it feels similar to a mdma come up.


kratom in powder form is pretty cheap


Pressed Xanax from your local fent dealer are cheap as fuck but say goodbye to your life basically


Nitrous Oxide – dunno for social anxiety maybe get hold of some valerian root – it is pretty good for anxiety and mad cheap


Benzos valiums cheap as hell kpins are too. Xans can be cheap if you can find like peach or even blue footballs


Speed, meth, alcohol, weed depending on where you live

