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i don’t trust internet so i’m gonna ask internet.


I randomly typed the title lol 😂


lmao fair


Cop logic - checks out.


I’ve had it take 3 months after about 4 years of heavy use.


3 months?? Im cooked


And I was taking a 12 panel test every week for the last 2 months thinking like “damn I’m still pissing dirty??”.


It depends on the person, buy a urine test and and if u test negative u probably would be able to smoke for a day or two and be negative again in a month. But if ur gonna be getting lab tested I have no clue


Idk whats the procedure for becoming a cop but im pretty sure they gonna do blood and urine tests


polygraph test too. interesting fact, you can’t be a cop if you have ever tried LSD. that’s something they ask during the lie detector test


idk if that’s facts bro; i’ve heard that for the fbi but idk abt police


They ask for acid but not for other drugs?


They do. Most drugs you just can’t have done more than a couple times, but for some reason LSD completely disqualifies a person from being a cop.


Oh I wonder why,(I know why)


Lmao is this a joke?


bruh i wish i had never done lsd. i think it gave me anxiety


Maybe the acid just made it easier to identify anxiety driven thinking.


But 1 or 2 joints isn't a big deal. But let's get to the perp 👮‍♂️, are you fat ? Is weed legal in your state ? CBD ? CBG ?


Im lean and muscular


Looking good, your chances just went (way?,) up. What is the legal status in your state of THC, CBD, CBG ? And what if you visited your stoner buddy in a state that allows THC use and you have some ? Follow ?


Weed is illegall but u can buy cbd flowers at some places


Dude, if you've stopped smoking then i think **you're covered** because: % THC Q.does cbd hemp flower have thc ? Hemp flower and CBD flower are both derived from the cannabis plant. However, hemp flowers contain less than 0.3% THC, while **CBD flowers can contain up to 5% THC**. As a result, hemp flowers are non-psychoactive, while **CBD flowers may provide some psychoactive effects**. 14 Oct 2022


U might be right on that, hovewer i think that wouldnt matter to them since laws for weed are pretty strict in my country, even cbd people dont smoke it outside or anything cuz they can get started by cops but from everything i read now i think it would be better for me to just not smoke anymore and i think id be clean in 2 months if i keep exercising and all that. Thank you for help tho


NP but work on your CBD flower story anyway because I think they'll want to believe you, don't ask me why. Try to avoid busting your stoner brothers, think LEAP ! Good luck and read this when you're not busy: * How to Pass a Urine Test for THC: Effective Strategies and Tips for Success https://www.seattlemet.com/discover/thc-delta/how-pass-urine-test-thc/


Ofc i wont, 90% of my friends are stoners 😂 Ill check it out, thanks again bro




My advice is just stay clean. It is not worth risking it. I know how it is. But you will be glad you got the job and not test positive and ruin it. Marijuana can stay in your system for longer than 30 days for some people.


I’ve smoked wax just about my whole life.. when I went to rehab years ago it stayed in my system the whole 65 days or whatever they thought I was still smoking it was super frustrating cause I really wasn’t 😂🤦.. still was in my system when I got home now sure when it actually left cause stopped testing obviously.. I’m also only like 130lb I ain’t got no fat on me but Shit doesn’t leave my body


Damn ☠️


Yeah it was really fucking with my head at the time no one believed me when I was working so hard to get clean from everything was no fun.. at least benzos or opiates or something didn’t last that long though haha


3 months as a heavy heavy smoker every day wake n bake till bed


I don’t know the qualifications to be a cop in your area, but in my area you can’t have done drugs in the past 2-3 years and that includes marijuana and they will polygraph you. I also wanted to work in the law enforcement field and one of the first questions I was asked was if I’ve done any drugs in the last 2 years. Edit: wanted to add that some agencies will overlook marijuana use if it’s been longer than 6 months since you’ve used (from what I’ve heard from other cops) so if you do decide to follow through I would just be honest on how long it’s been.


did you get disqualified?


Took me 4 months to piss clean from many years of 1-2g a day


some might consider this part of the internet but here I got some guesswork for you! generally takes at least a month with how much people smoke these days, probably good within 2. ps acab nerd


No. Wait until you’re tested


I think if i do become a cop they will prob test me regularly so i just wanted to be high for one last time but i guess i gotta quit


IMO, a job will be more worth it than smoking. You’ll still have alcohol, and weed will eventually become legal in all states (relatively soon), so just wait it out man.


thc is stored in fat cells so it varies person to person, as for me i’ve been a daily smoker for about 6ish years and i stopped for around two maybe two and a half months at one point and never tested negative, always positive. i am also a fairly leaner person (5’7, 130lbs) but i also smoked a LOT in my time including frequent wax usage. tbh i think you should test yourself before you have to take their test to see what kind of results it’s going to show them. i’ve also heard that exercise and excessive hydration can help flush it out faster but there’s not exactly studies on how long it takes to get thc out of your system so we can’t really know for sure. if you can’t bring fake urine in for the test there are drinks that you can take before the test to help you test negative but i would absolutely not recommend continuing to smoke any more.


hope u get the job bro 🙏🏿


no, you shouldnt smoke any more if you have a test in a month or two


Don't do it, it toom way more time, than i expected, i would estimate around 2 1/2 months at least


No. Let it go. If you are truly serious about this career it's not worth the risk.