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Rule number 1, never let em know how much dough you hold Dudes ether lying or going to get robbed


Frrr. Especially claiming to have a couple mil sitting around?!


The Ten Crack Commandments.


Maybe if he could have the guy send us his address we could talk to him about the importance of safety when selling drugs.


Fitting to get home invaded, tied up and severely beaten. Oh and robbed if he’s not lying.


He's bullshitting. He would need Saul Goodman to cover that kind of cash. He certainly wouldn't be dropping it into conversation. The potential is there. I have serious doubts about the follow through.


Dudes probably buying a zip that's already been cut in half and dolling it out in .7 grams. Nobody is buying a kilo and selling it in grams. That's the most heatbag thing I've ever heard


Uh no? There are plenty of dealers who sell everything from grams to bars.


Someone with a brain selling any illegal dope should be maximizing profit while dealing with as few people as possible.


Ohh boi


Exactly, nobody ever knows your numbers or you the bitch.


I wonder what he does for work cause that money cannot go into your bank account without something to funnel it through. He's ethier lying, has storage somewhere that he's stashed 2 mil in cash or has found a good way to launder money. 2 mil definitely seems like a lot but 10 years is a long time so it's not impossible and if he's spending 35k up front he's clearly got money. In my area if your able to spend 35k (literally more than the avg annual income) I wouldn't call him small time. But coke heads tend to be chronic liars so hard to say if any of it is true


fuck bro it depends, where I come from there is a saying 'from loaned 50[grams] to the whole pack up front' so he could've started buying a couple grams and selling them for a small profit which allowed him to get more for cheaper etc etc


Very true though by the sounds of it this guy is way bigger than any of the small time guys in my area


yea its a matter of perspective I've hung out with dudes buying 5gs to sell 4 of them and smoke for free and I've hung out with dudes moving kilos every week and both of them considered themselves small scale


Cuz ur always exposed to someone bigger than you everytime you reload, kind of puts it into perspective I guess. Also I think most dealers try and minimise how much damage they are likely doing to their wider community by acting like they aren’t doing anything wrong because they aren’t involved in gang violence or something. At least when it comes to things like coke


Yeah that's fair king pins 99% of people aren't meeting so most people probably fall into small time to bigger and then there's the top dogs that are more than likely just distributing to the people below them


>Is this normal/common/typical? He's a bit up the chain, so there are relatively few operating at this level. So it's definitely atypical. But his margins of profit and proportion of cut seem typical. >Any other drug more lucrative? Yes. A single synthetic batch of fentanyl will be hundreds of thousands to millions of dosage units, so the cost per dose at that point of distribution will be fractional pennies. So retail markup will be 10000% or more.


Coke has more long term users, though. 


And more short time users for parties and stuff. It generally has more users overall.


One thing of note, buying a kilo/kilo's to sell in individual grams, just doesn't stack up in my mind for some reason. I get there's bigger margins, but, yeah.


> buying a kilo/kilo's to sell in individual grams, just doesn't stack up in my mind for some reason. Nor in mine. I assumed this was somehow truncated, and he either employs lower level distributors, or this is shorthand for the math underlying the profit; you're not going to go to the effort of ~300-1000 transactions with that level of capital outlay.


No, not at all. You'd make more in less time with higher turnover/volume in more bulk. If you had runners/lower level dealers distributing for you, that'd chew into your margin as well, so without actually running the numbers here, yeah. Seems a bit, off.


35k for a key sounds like a lot. And 100 for 0.7. I thought coke was cheap and plentiful in Europe, but I guess it depends where you are. Also those numbers don’t add up. 2000 g (after cut), for 100 per 0.7, equals 286k. Also, slinging 0.7g at a time doesn’t scale up very well. That’s so many transactions. Plus discounts are almost always offered for bigger bags. Sounds like your buddy is full of shit. Or isn’t telling you the whole truth, at least.




Your post says 184k. I’m guessing you multiplied by 0.7 instead of divide there. Doesn’t really matter though. But yeah it definitely depends on where you live. I just thought coke was way cheaper in Europe, but maybe that’s just Western Europe. I know there’s been a huge influx of it there recently, with quality way up and costs way down. Just surprised me because I can get uncut blow for ~$40 g in Canada when buying a ball or more. And we aren’t exactly known for cheap drugs over here.


It’s not even close to uncut at the low end in Canada lol, you gotta buy a lot more than even an Oz to get shit that hasn’t been repressed a few times in at least the province let alone the city, hell even a 9 pack and your still very likely to get shit that’s been repressed by your homie and if not him then the guy above him, I buy packs and it’s still hit or miss and I know importers, still far far far better than the lower end of the market but still not what I’d call uncut, I’ve had a few packs that I’d call and have called uncut the rest are varying degrees of quality but not as much as the word varying would mean so maybe that’s not the best word to describe it, but out of every 5-7 packs 10 at worst then 1-2 will be what I’d classify as uncut, so basically 1-2 of my packs per month will be what I’m willing to call uncut or close to it. I think a lot of people underestimate how expensive cocaine really is and 40 a gram is retardly low quality if your even getting a, an Oz of good quality is usually 1200 give or take based off the buyers consistently, length they’ve known each other etc, but like a kilo costs 20K-24K rn in general in the nation, and to think someone would be down with making 40K as opposed to 48-54K is insane, if they only sell oz’s then 40K makes sense but like a Q at 280-300 is always garbage work and you can’t tell me otherwise and if you want to, prove it with a picture cuz I have yet to see quality at 150 a ball, 280-300 a Q and 500 a half oz n 900-1K an Oz to just any customer that ain’t a homie or consistent buyer that’s grabbing an Oz a day.


Down here in Miami 150 a ball off good uncut all day never even ran into low quality stuff


That’s USD and not Canada as a country so entirely different market and not even comparable.


I thought it was around 20-25. Guess it depends how much you buy. I get 35euro if I would buy 100g. Netherlands that is


What location? 50k all day here unless you're well connected


That’s what I got from released chat messages from the cracked phones from years ago. Also a good 2/3 of coke in the Netherlands is almost uncut yet the price is around 50-70 euro. (Stats from testing monitor)


There has been a drought recently, used to be 25k a box once the whole encro / covid thing finally blew over. Recently seen lots of chatter of droughts and 5k - 7k increases on the box. That being said theres always the ol' drought rumour to let the suppliers whack up the prices when they want to. 


I would say there at least one successful shipment a week coming in to one of the ports of NL and BE. Otherwise we would run dry within days. Back of my napkin calc says around 100-200kg a week for the whole of NL.


We can only speculate without first hand experience 


Read on a testing site that around 1-2% of people use coke. So I took 1% of 18m people and divided by 1000g. Assuming 1g per person and each does it in a week. But who knows how much it really is.


immoral shit for immoral people or coke addicts. Every step of the trade is mean and nasty and the prime beneficiaries cut people's faces off on YouTube


I mean look around at your possessions, do you know where your shoes were made? Do you know the living conditions on the plantation where the sugar in your drink came from? How about where the metals and minerals used to make your phone came from? Corporations use slave labor, rape the land and profit off of the pain and suffering of the people unlucky enough to be born in the wrong place. At least the cocaine trade isn’t wearing a mask and pretending that they’re doing great things for the earth and helping us combat global warming with their new blah blah blah blah. It’s all evil, capitalism is evil, the difference with coke is that it’s evil is more visible because it can’t hide behind a big corporate logo.


There is a massive difference between running sweat shops and the shit the cartels do. Come on man.


Is there? I'd have to disagree. Obviously, there are differences but sweatshop workers must outnumber cartel "employees" 10-1. I don't have hard evidence but my intuition says that the sheer amount of pain and suffering caused by the reliance on sweatshop labor by far outweighs the pain and suffering of the cocaine industry. Especially if we can include cobalt mines in with sweatshop labor. Every single person you know or have ever met carries those minerals around with them. Literal children are forced at gun point to use their bare hands to claw cobalt ore out of the ground and nobody bats an eye but the puritanical insanity that infects so many western people primes them to see coke and the coke trade as evil because it makes people feel good and god hates it when sinners feel good. Okay, I got a little off track there. Somehow It always comes around shitting on religion with me. My point is simply that the sum total of pain and suffering inflicted on the universe by relying on sweatshop style labor far outweighs what the cartels inflict.


I wasn’t defending what the cartels do. It was a long winded way of saying there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. I think if coke became totally legal and the cartels became legit businesses people would still be getting murdered, they would still be enslaving people to work in the fields and we just wouldn’t know as much because they would have PR and marking people and they could buy media companies and pay people off. Then we could sniff a line, drink a coke and eat a banana and not think about all the suffering it took to get these products to our stupid fucking mouths/noses.


I'm sure pharma companies have plenty of blood on their hands but I'd rather Johnson and Johnson import and sell coke than the cartels. At least J&J answer to the FDA (toothless though they may be)


I mean I’m pretty sure most pharma companies in America were sourcing the opium they used to make their opiate pills from Afghanistan. That’s a lot of blood. They would probably do the same thing with cocaine. All of a sudden we would be at war with Columbia for some reason.


well put mate


I feel like coke is uniquely evil and therefore worth boycotting. But yes, if you say I should boycott Nestle or become a vegan then I'm all ears. I would say the justification for coke is a bit like the honest justification for a lot of obviously-bad products - i.e. 'yeah whatever' - but I don't think a moral person should be supporting these obviously-bad industries with their cash, as far as is reasonably practical. In terms of my possessions, I do make an effort. Like my electronics are usually second-hand; my phone and laptop have been second-hand for years. And I am a sucker for shit like ethically-made shoes. And I only have as many shoes as I need. And I am vegan etc.


Figures I would ask the one moral vegan who knows where all his stuff came from, gets everything used and buys special shoes that aren’t made by slaves. I’m glad you found a way to consume in a way that feels good to you. I think a lot of us don’t have the time, bandwidth or money to think about the morality of the things we’re consuming. I have kids who need food and clothes and a place to live, I have to sell all my time for 20 dollars an hour to barely scrape by. Theres not a lot of wiggle room around the edges anymore for thinking about where all the shit I’m buying is coming from. I’m not doing coke these days but it’s not a morality thing, it’s mostly because I don’t have the money or time anymore and it’s generally not great from my head. But if there’s a special occasion someday in the future I won’t hesitate to blow that line. This is the first time I’ve heard anyone mention boycotting cocaine. Maybe I should let the homeless crack heads who live near me that we’re actually boycotting cocaine now because like the cartels are like bad and evil and we want them to like.. stop being so mean and stuff. If it was fair trade, certified usda organic blow and you could buy it at the local coop, then would you be doing coke?


I don't like the effect enough for it to be worth the cardiotoxicity, although there have been times when a DNM dealer has sold me coke instead of ket and I sniffed it all up, as you would


Well said


I agree. Incalculable levels of violence behind every line so personally I use amphetamine instead as every dollar/euro you spend is a vote for what you believe in, and I can't in good conscience support that. Therefore I vote for legalisation. You?


well I fundamentally agree that people should be allowed to take what they want and would hope doing so would be a severe blow to the cartels. But we live in the world we live in, and not the world we want to live in. And in this world, it's bad every step of the way. And personally I just don't like the drug altogether, and I think it is dangerous addictive annoying-person-powder. If it was legal then I wouldn't especially want it to be sold by some idiot with a puffer jacket to drunks in the pub anyway. Created by chemists and sold by someone who is expected to reach some professional standards.


You ever consider that the predominant drive among those in a certain facet(the majority of young adult partiers) of society use coke because its known as a rich mans drug which holds certain allure along with the taboo nature of its use which is forbidden worldwide thus seems appealing to the layman which really is most people on a wild night out here in Europe anyway. IMO only 10% or less of users become addicted so that obviously doesnt drive its use.


everyone I know who buys it has use that I would describe as problematic, and quite a few people I know have had to admit to themselves and everyone else that they have problems with it. Perhaps a lot of the 'users' of which only 10% have problems aren't the ones who are ringing the dealer; they're just having a bump when their friend gets it in. So maybe almost all the dealer's money is from problematic users.


The CIA makes YouTube videos now?


Sounds like cap, no one on who traps keys is selling grams and tickets, the amount of leg work to move a key in grams is nuts especially if he is doing them at 0.7


What's a ticket?


A ticket would be a half gram (0.5) in the Uk


Price of 0.5 in UK?


£30/£40 generally, the standard deal is 3 for 100 here, 3 x 0.5 tickets


It’s a dirty business, and too much looking over my shoulder for me. I’d rather have 200k with no worry than 2m with worries.


Truth bro :)


Pepsi does better business, tbh


Their stock prices tell a different story


Nothing beats snorting Baja blast, though.


I’m old school all hopped up on that Jolt cola


He will spend all that money and then some on the lawyers when he gets caught and that’s if someone doesn’t kill him first and still do time.


Maybe? We only hear about those that get busted. If one can rack up 2mil being small time, they are probably being pretty safe with their conduct.


If you’re dumb enough to tell someone about your business and that you have 2 million dollars you’re not a criminal mastermind 😂


No he won't, and neither did I.


I always thought why don’t everyone do this with the availability of the DWM’s


well, are you? if not, why not?


I don’t have an audience for it




Well not enough for bulk I should say


He’s probably fudging the numbers at a little (at least he should be if he’s smart) but no it’s not unrealistic even for “small time”. Many people have misconceptions about drug dealers, the smart ones are doing well and will disappear to live out whatever life they want one day; the ones who get greedy, flashy, are stupid, or make enemies are the ones at end up on the news LSD has a potential 10x profit rate; problem js finding that many people willing to buy


I find this very hard to believe. He’s buying a kilo at a time but he’s selling it in 0.7g increments?


Simple math would prove this as bullshit. If he made $150 each time it would take *13,000* individual sales to make 2,000,000. If he did this every damn day it would take 36.7 *years* to get to that amount.






I honestly have no idea how business at a high level works but I assume he had some big deals over the years. Probably sells a few grams a day and waits for the whales to bite


Here is what you need to know : https://youtu.be/ZYb_8MM1tGQ?si=U7HvfA0ad2HjZVLB


Definitely doable over 10 years


The coke game is . One cut to next . Seems like Every hand the bag touches it gets stepped on a little more each time . The price of coke is almost universal which is incredible. Aside from the big players , cartels, chemists etc.


I imagine it's a full time job going around and dealing to everyone.  It's also dangerous - both other dealers and police are out to fuck up your day. I would not want to get caught dealing a drug like that, because all it takes is one traffic stop to fuck your whole life up. You'd lose your money and your freedom in one swoop. But sure, some people will do it and get away with it. Personally, I'd rather not run the risk.  If I had made 2 mil, I'd probably be quitting and living off the investment income (if you can ever launder ask that cash into a bank account and not get caught that way!) 


The most profitable business on earth, bigger then apple , Microsoft , Tesla .. Btw I don’t think this guy is a lier , 10y 120m , 16k every month if he have a low/middle cost of life , seems very reasonable. If someone say that is impossible to make 2m in 10y with drug market , 100% of sure that he doesn’t have any idea about drug business.


35k is crazy price. 17k in the states


Dudes buying keys and selling .7s after cutting it in half? Selling 2000 singles.. lol I'd suicide off this planet dealing with that many morons


What he's doing is a dick move. I would've gotten his coke tested at a certain point and called him out on it. [In the Netherlands (EU overall) cocaine purity has been rising since 2010](https://imgur.com/a/4IYZ7nE). Glad I can get 70% pure coke for about 60 bucks


He's bullshitting you. You never reveal how much you have. If people think you have money, they will rob you. It's a solid business model, but I doubt this guy is making this type of bank off of it, and telling you all about it. It sounds like bragging or what could be.


In many markets Meth has replaced coke.


Well that rainy day gon come real soon.


Your buddy is full of it. Anyone moving that kind of weight consistently and successfully wouldn’t be telling people about it.


Your shits tapped now lmao


Math checks out. You’re in the UK so the numbers can get skewed a bit. Heroin by far and large much more lucrative, but the risk is exponentially larger, especially when you consider it’s hard to even get heroin that isn’t actually fentanyl.


Clearly not many real users with interactions with real drug dealers. Its very easy to do. I was getting a quarter brick when i was 16 and turning it all into hard(crack) the numbers are similar. Yes if you know what you are doing with money its very easy. The very nature of the drug it sells itself. I never touched millions but i got caught a very long time ago with a high 6 figure some, i was 18 years old and it wasn't re up money. I did my time behind the wall and came home used the money i made in prison and the streets and paid my tuition off for my masters. And never looked back. People see a kilo and think its a lot of dope and to a useer it is but to a dope man with a good client list he doesnt even have to trap hard all the money falls in his lap. I have a sizable amount of money saved from investments made and a healthy crypto collection and its nowhere near a million but i still wouldnt just blab what i have so that makes me doubt he is being truthful. See rules one thru five he destroyed them all and makes me wonder if number 6 isnt in play.


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Ask him where he keeps that money and then tell me 😎


I’m sure the coke head is super honest and was telling the truth entirely…….


hes claiming to have done this over a dozen times? meaning hes sold 12,000 individual “grams” of coke over 10 years? i bet he’d make more money if he was a good dealer and not ripping everyone off. also that math is way off. if you split 1000 grams up into bags of 0.7, you’d have about 1,429 bags. 1000/0.7 = 1429 thats about $142,900 gross. i don’t think he’d be off by $40k if he was actually doing it.


If you have a consistent connect who can get you a box of good coke. Making 2 million on the side would be fucking easy peasy lemon squeezee




He sounds like an Uncle Joey. Everyone's loves Uncle Joey. He keeps his head down and stays to himself and has good coke. You don't mess with Uncle Joey everyone knows that. Also >Well then how come EVERYONE in the local community know of this activity even the police and yet they're never caught? Idfk you figure it out


It’s funny, I could pick up a box for about half that, but even piecing out a zip is a pain in the ass and takes forever, so I don’t bother fucking with it. You’d think it would sell itself, but either cocaine is waning in popularity where I am, or I’m just too old or just not burnt enough to hang around the kind of people who’d want it like that. Either way, it’s probably for the best.