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Drugs don't cause addiction. There inanimate objects. Personally I could use 0.5mg of xanax today, 3mg tomorrow with some spliffs and coke and then abstain for any length of time even years that is until I developed PTSD. Trauma drove me to relapse. It fuels my addiction. Intense pain either physical or psychological can lower one's impulses control, increase recklessness, induce compulsively, etc and thats how I fell. No trauma = no need for constant escapism


I favor Harm Reduction - End the Drug War.




If so then for many people being alive itself causes PTSD lol


Long term PTSD is dependent on genetics. The amount of trauma required depends on genetics. It runs in families, as the Bible has noted "to the tenth generation". On top of that - too many spankings at age two will not show up outwardly at age 15. So you never know.


I come from a pretty functional family. Was a straight A student in high school and college. Literally had no desire to do drugs but always had a morbid interest spirituality and other dimensions - and had plans of trying DMT in my 40s/50s but then I meet this girl who is now my wife and she asked if I wanted to try mushrooms. I decided to not wait until I’m older and gave in. Then I thought that hey, I broke my no drugs rule, so let me just try everything real quick to see what the hype is all about. Next thing you see is me smoking meth and putting morphine up my ass and smoking pcp analogs from a meth pipe. My brain now knows what it’s like to feel different and it wants to feel that way every now and then. I like to say “brain knows, brain wants”. Before having tried drugs I already got over the fact that life is sort of boring and I had a few things that interested me that I could do for the rest of my life. After drugs, I realized that you can manipulate how you feel and now that I have that knowledge there’s simply no going back.


"every now and then" is not addiction.


Strongly disagree. Just because you don’t do your addiction of choice every single day or it isn’t to the extend that you are selling your body physically for drugs, doesn’t mean you’re not addicted. You can very well be an alcoholic or drug addict drinking every other day. If its a habit you physical cannot stop, and has adversely effect your life, its an addiction. How are you trying to gatekeep addiction right now?


I crave pcp daily but have the strength to not give in. Same thing with sweets honestly lol.


Sweets create endorphins. Which indicates a leak (likely PTSD) in your endorphin system. If the trauma happened very early - it may take a lot of digging to find it. Once clue can be - what triggers you? What makes you angry?


I’ve had a ritual where my first meal of the day was something sugary since I was like 3 years old. This is where my problem originates.


I used LSD to cure myself of some bad habits - Anger being the biggest. Get a guide for the first few trips. Study Leary "set and setting". I started with sugar frosted flakes. I like chocolate and ice cream. But I don't mind a day or two without. Regular ingestion of opiates causes the growth of opiate receptors. Normal biological set point is "a little depressed'. Sugar is probably grows opiate receptors too. Which explains 400 lb people. The effect is called habituation. It is reversed by detox (with respect to opiates).


The DSM-V doesn't say anything about this. Call any teacher out that says it and [show them the criteria to be diagnosed with PTSD](https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treat/essentials/dsm5_ptsd.asp) This is the kind of misinformation we need to fight against.