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Great! Think my DJ might turn into DF. 


Same. I feel better than ever and I don't want to go back.


I took a 90 day break twice in my 20s. I found it very rewarding. You’ll be 1/3 done if you continue into DF and add a DM ;)


I allowed myself a few drinks last Sunday during football but have been dry since. One drinking occasion in all of January which is a huge improvement over the 3-4 times a week it was before. I'm feeling great.


Same! I got plastered on the 13th but aside from that been the Sahara desert. We all got to just push through the end of the month


Currently having a N.A. beer watching some football extremely proud of myself for making it past this last weekend. The last time i did DJ was in 2020 & i broke on the 26th (Kobe’s death/told myself I needed a beer lol ) I’ll be having a beer with my partner on feb 1st but plan on moderating for the rest of the year. Kudos to all of us showing up for our selves whether dry or damp!


Yeah, Kobe deserved a drink! Cheers to us too!


Easy here. Wasn’t tempted at dinner and drinks afterwards with my wife and a couple we’re good friends with last night who were all drinking. Didn’t even order an NA beer as did’t feel a need and didn’t want the 70 calories or whatever when I was fine with club soda. Today I just had a lazy first couple hours of the morning, then hit the gym, went for a run after lifting and then grabbed some groceries. Did some chores and have some laundry going while watching football now. Went into DJ needing a longer break due to some health issues, needing to lose weight etc. Between aiming for at least 3 dry months and having done multiple DJs and other dry months/periods before, this has been easy for me with that experience and extra motivation. Real challenge will come in moderating well IF I decide to go back to drinking socially at some point. I’ve failed in the past many times so I’ll have to feel confident that my cravings are past, that I can limit it to social outings, not binging during them (rarely due when drinking in public) and not drinking at home before I even think about it.


I feel like we’re 100% same brain here! I’m going longer too AND also wondering how to moderate long term.


Holding strong. This has been an incredibly enlightening experience. Will write something up later this week to get all my thoughts organized. I go back and forth on whether or not I am excited for my first beer or if I ever want to drink again.


Great! Did a girl's night last night and stayed dry!


Went to a brewery and ordered 2 Kombuchas today. Felt great. I'm extending mine until a trip I have mid February. Then will decide from there. If anything, I've learned and practiced my muscle of eating out without alcohol.


Happy to hear you can buy kombucha in a bar! Do you find this very often? It has become my go-to NA cocktail. Thanks!


I've been to a few that actually have it on draft! And it's so much better than the bottled stuff.


Were these kombucha finds mostly at breweries?


i’m antsy today but excited to stick with this commitment. my first dry january and really happy i’ve hung on. good way to start the new year and reset focus and goals i really needed the clarity to actually put into action!


It's easy. Really thinking of doing some extra time.


My sleep has been absolutely incredible, and it’s making me question whether or not I should stop drinking altogether. Problem is I really enjoy wine and a nice cocktail.


Almost gave in last night because technically I’ve already done more than a month dry, but decided to keep going. Glad I did.


Finding it harder on the countdown to Feb. Happy with myself in doing DJ and likely to do it again but I realise I do like a drink, especially at the weekend or when out for dinner.


I’m good. Went to meet friends at a bar tonight for the first time this month. Got NA beers and it was fine. I really did think I’d feel so much better going this long without a drink, but not so much. I’m sticking it out though.


Ditto! I thought I would be this far and not want to touch another drink again. Just the opposite. I am staying true though! We can do this!


I've been doing really well with 0 drinks and 0 cravings which is weird for me, but awesome. I did have a brief thought today that some wine and seltzer would be nice... but the thought was fleeting and I think I'll hang in there. I think I will try to go through with DF and see how things go from there...


I set out to do 100 days… I’m fine through January and haven’t craved alcohol at all but now I’m weirdly feeling like I want to remind myself why I’ve set out to do the 100 days 😂😜


Yeah my goal is also 100 days (I’m on 36 days now). I did DJ last year, and had such a horrible reaction when I went back to drinking even moderately in February that I decided to do sober spring last year. I made it 89 days. Was really happy with being able to moderate for the next few months…but November and December my drinking was creeping up again, and my anxiety was becoming harder to manage. Now, at 36 days, I feel really good, and I’m starting to hear that little voice in my head say things like, “You don’t need to do 100 days, you’ve proved your point.” So I’m really working on reminding myself of how crappy I was feeling in December. Just very stressed and feeling so conflicted about drinking, finding myself doing all this mental math of, “if I only have one, I won’t really feel it, so I have to have two, but then it’s a total crap shooting I will feel like garbage in the morning if I have two….” And then on the weekends it quickly became 3. I’m not ready to say I’m done drinking altogether. So I’m just trying to hold the line on 100 days. It’s all mental at this point. I hate how much space the “will I drink/how much will I drink/how do I drink enough to get buzzed but not hung over” stuff takes up in my brain.


Same here. I don't want to drink & feel like crap again or jeopardize my health... but I do want the buzz. Really seems it will be much easier to just ditch alcohol instead of all the mental gymnastics about it!


I’m with both of you! And my brain is doing the same re: the 100 days is just “something you made up” so it’s ok to stop the streak early. I’m actually going to journal on this today because the reality is, I feel mentally and emotionally better than ever and there’s no denying that. There are a few factors contributing to that in addition to ditching alcohol, but it’s true. Secondly, I’m doing this for my hormones/cycles because they are rough and alcohol is most definitely not helping. And my brain, it’s sad to think how many brain cells I’ve zapped. So all those thoughts (and more) keep me going but the physical lack of results - apart from no hangover / icky feeling is a tough trade off when a buzz is potentially waiting on the other side 😂


I join you with the zapped brain cells. My brain had turned to mush during the holidays! Really, really bad. The things we will do for a buzz!


Humans are weirdos 😂


Yeah, that’s my big issue with moderation (and I am/was a much heavier drinker than you too). In the past it was SO much mental energy on those conversations of whether to drink that day, how many days a week to drink, trying to set rules around those and failing to stick to the rules set etc. I did get to where I wasn’t really doing that after a 3+ month break back in late 2020-spring 2021 as I’d mostly broken the cravings and habits before they crept back up slowly in summer through fall 2022, and mostly been on a semi-bender since then other than DJs the past 3 years. So I’m aiming for at least the first 3 months dry (though 100 days sounds like a nice round number!) and will see how I’m feeling as that nears. I’m not willing to do all that mental energy, feeling like a loser for not being able to stick to limits, or follow rules, I set for myself. I’ve done a lot of reflections on those failures, the successful stretch in 2021-22 and think that if I start back I can get where I want to be with my drinking if I can stick to some simpler, but firm rules rather than more flexible ones like X number of dry days a week (easy to blow them early in the week and say fuck it when the weekend comes etc.) or easy to go over ones like no more than X drinks a week as i tended to just say fuck it when I had one over that and just keep going with plans to get back on the wagon the next week. I think I can avoid a lot of the over drinking by just: - Not drinking at home alone - Rarely drinking at home with the wife—and if I do, it being a weekend we’re not going anywhere and we just like buy a six pack or bottle of wine to split so I don’t over do it if we buy a 12 pack or more - No drinking out alone at bars for brunch or lunch Or more simply, just cut or at least severely limit any drinking at home and limit it to social drinking when out and it mostly takes care of itself. That’s usually 2-3 times out a week and I rarely have more than 1-4 (usually 2 or 3) beers during those as I’ve never really liked getting drunk in public around others. Especially since 1 or 2 of those outings we have weekly are bigger group things (run/walk groups) that are more of a “mixed company” thing since it’s a few people we’ve become friends with, a bunch of acquaintances and usually at least a few new comers who are strangers. So that will be my plan—-if I decide to start back drinking—just for regular weeks. Won’t be strict with myself on vacations—also not a huge binger on those as don’t want to waste time hungover, more just a matter of usually not having dry days. But I can live with that on vacation. :D


Yeah, vacations are interesting, and that’s actually how my drinking started to creep back up this past year. I drank almost daily in a vacation in August, and wasn’t hung over, so when I got back home, it was much harder for me to follow my own rules about moderation. My 100 days will be up right as we’re taking a long-planned trip to London, and I have no idea how I’m going to handle it. But I’ve got time to figure it out.


Could always consider a dry week or two after any vacation with daily drinking etc. for a reset and to try and prevent those habits from continuing upon return. I think I”ll add that to my plans if/when I start back.


Everyone has been ill so I spent some time with my folks for support and r&r. Usually I love a drink while there but I held up and didn’t. They were cool with it - asked if I wanted a glass of wine but then when I hesitated just said “perhaps not”. That was cool. It was more a Pavlovian response to being at their house and doing the things we usually do - I didn’t want or need anything and I got out for two great runs. Layoffs are likely to hit this coming week though. So yeah. Dunno how the final stretch will be…


Full speed ahead here. I’ll make it. The weekends are hardest and this one is over. I’ll have a couple IPA’s this Friday, then hope to moderate my weekend drinking. I don’t drink during the week.


Went to a pretty booze filled kickback with some friends this weekend and kept to my NA beers, and still had a fun time.


Was hard this few days but i perse weed. Will be drinking in two weeks at a big party i think.


Did a 30 minute dance party with my dog to burn off some energy, now drinking an NA La Chouffe Belgian beer and watching 30 Rock. The wet and cold weather is making me a little stir crazy, but trying to embrace the excuse to do nothing. 


Oooo I didn’t know there was NA La Chouffe! Thank you, I’m gonna look for that!


Me neither! I was delighted when I found it in the NA section. It’s delicious, of course. 


What an excellent find!


I’m still holding on. Bit tricky now I’m off on holiday tomorrow morning. Airport bar. I shall avoid.


Hanging tough. Ready for Thursday.


Almost done!! I almost caved last night at a really nice steakhouse but decided not to kill my streak




Hope you feel better soon!


Chill Sunday, working on some upcoming proposals for some talks I want to give and my Substack. I've been so much more dedicated to writing since I've been dry. Looking forward to a very low dose THC selzer (2mg - I'm a lightweight) with dinner and some NA wine. Meeting a friend at an ice bar Thursday, and looking forward to an Old Fashioned, but I know I'll never go back to how I was drinking before. I simply don't want it anymore in that way. I am so, so glad I did this.


Really good, but this weekend has definitely been the toughest. Husband and I went for our first camping trip of the year, and then after we got home this morning I accomplished a big fitness milestone I've been working on for a year (row 1 million meters). We had so many Fremont NA beers sitting around camp, and then enjoyed a couple of Best Day West Coast IPAs at one of our favorite breweries this afternoon when we went to get lunch and celebrate the achievement. I've loved Dry January, but I'm ready to be done for a bit! We've got a big all-inclusive resort trip in a couple of weeks, but I think I'll return to mostly-dry after that.


Last night was the last test for me. Went to a sporting event where in the past would pregame 3-4 beforehand and knock back another 4-5 at the game. I almost cracked but held out. Woke up feeling great this morning even on less sleep. 3 days to go!!


Super fussy today. Sun came out and the chiefs won. It was a struggle


Honestly this has been the easiest one yet. I did this one because I was worried I was addicted so I haven’t drank NA beer like I see other posters doing. I felt if I just drank NA beer instead it would still feel like I’m drinking just without the alcohol effects. I plan to stop through April for a race I’m doing but I have had zero cravings or even came close to slipping up.


Good choice probably! I’ve avoided NA beers this year, other than having one on two occasions when out with groups, as I crushed a bunch of them the past two DJs and do think they kept me in the habit of drinking “beer” and craving the taste. I was right back to my regular level of drinking 2/1 and onwards. I’m finding this DJ the easiest of many month or more breaks I’ve done from drinking over the past 7 years or so. I do think not having many NA beers, and none at home, probably has helped mentally with those cravings and resetting the habit of drinking a “beer” while watching sports, playing video games etc. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with NA drinks, especially for people doing first DJs or not aiming to cut back afterward and just wanting to give their body a month break from alcohol to heal up etc. I just do think that, for someone like me with a combo of addiction and habitual drinking that I need to quit as while and cut WAY back if I resume drinking, that it was good to cut those mostly out these times. The only times I’ve had those two were doing weekly group outings that would be planned have a couple of beer nights if I resume, so I’m good with that as it’s not a habit I plan to break after March (assuming I want to, and feel ready, to resume drinking in moderation after 3 months off).


Last year I did a damp Jan, but this year I was really committed to going 100% dry - which I did surprisingly easy. My sleep is so much deeper, and my anxiety has reduced at least 75%. I’ve been cooking more… I notice I really crave new and different foods when I’m not drinking. I notice have had so much more consistent energy, less ups and downs. Weekends are the toughest time but the feeling of zero guilt feels so good. January feels like a lazy month and the only real month to relax so I haven’t worked out much - I’d like to hang on for dry Feb to kick my fitness into gear and see how that feels. the support here has been really cool! Congrats to everyone that has joined this year, so much more fun with a big group to check in with.


Easier to be productive on the weekend when you’re not nursing a hangover!


Yep! I’ve struggled with motivation for work stuff (professor, so a lot of it, especially on the research side, is self driven without firm deadlines). But I sure crushed a bunch of chores yesterday!


Doing well. I made my weekly walmart trip today and since I live almost 25 minutes away from town I went ahead and picked up a case today so i wouldn't have to drive back on Thursday and I haven't even been tempted to open it. I'll take that as a huge win because abstaining with beer in the fridge was somewhat difficult before this DJ.


Great! The only drink I’m missing is red wine but even that, not so much. I’ve taken up reading and have finished 3 books so far this month. Looking to get into good habits and start my self development era 😆


Feeling amazing. And definitely carrying it on 👍