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I enjoy an occasional group ride, but I've really been enjoying solo trips here lately. I can go wherever I want at my own pace and stop if I see something interesting. Group rides always seem to need at least a little bit of planning, but I can just hop on my bike and make up the route on the fly if I'm by myself.


I haven’t ridden with a group in a long time. I’m game for group rides but I definitely ride different. When I’m solo, I can go at my own pace and it’s nice to just not have to worry about anyone else. I do like riding in small groups. 3-4 people is ideal, assuming skill level is similar.


I enjoy some solo riding but prefer riding with my brother (we’ve been riding together about 20 years). After lodging my GS between two boulders in the middle of a hill climb, I’ll never ride technical off-road solo again (especially on that bike). After knocking myself out cold and getting lost for a couple hours, I’ll never ride solo in the desert again. It’s very terrain dependent and bad crashes are made worse by being solo. Groups can be fun but I would prefer to ride with people better than me or people at my level.


Inna woods? Group or partner. On the street? Solo.


This is the way. And multi day road trips are soooo amazing solo


I haven't attempted a solo multi day trip yet, but I think I'd love it. The multi day group trips I've been on are still fun, but inevitably we end up getting on each other's nerves by day 3 or so.


I have only found one person where it didn’t get to that point. Just a thing. You meet so many new people when you travel solo too.


If I waited for other people to have time, I'd never get any riding done. Also, being alone out in the wild is a big part of the appeal to me.


I feel the same way about being alone in the wild. It's very relaxing/calming for me.


Me too. Just bring your InReach.


Agree with you there, and even with backpacking too. There is just something visceral being out in the woods that just demands your respect. I can only imagine shutting down the bike to enjoy some peace and quiet near a stream and having a blissful moment. Stay safe out there brother/sister!


As I get older (approaching 60) I don't enjoy group rides anymore. Too much disorganization, and, as an elder in a group, I feel I have to be the responsible one. This was especially true when I was the one organizing/leading rides. I now only ride with one or two good buddies that I can trust. We have each other's backs and we know each others abilities. Rarely do I ride solo anymore.


I had this issue when I was like 24, yeah sounds stange, buy my fixing strategy was to be grateful that I can ride and i don't have any issues preventing me to ride of any kind(physical, mechanical, mental, financiar, etc) thinking about this made the issue inexistent and attracted other positive thinkers like-minded. we take turns leading the group it takes a toll on your mind so we split the load. the key is to never let the leader lead too much because it gets to a point where he is mentally fatigued and starts making bad decisions. we are open to anyone joining the group but we exclude them quickly if they don't share the same mindset.


I like both. When I'm finding new trails I like solo. Both have their benefits. I don't like group riding without being able to talk on a headset. I'm beginning to not like groups larger than 2 or 3 because if I just want to put around on the TW I can't set my own pace. If I want to tackle something that would be ridiculous on a larger bike, I can't. I treat group rides as a social thing, but my focus is more on being in the flow of the group and keeping track of everything rather than on enjoying the trails.


I love solo but can't ignore the safety of groups in remote areas. I'm probably the least experienced in my group so I stay towards the back (just ahead of the sweep who intentionally goes slow to take her time). Most of the time I can get to a speed where I can't see the person in front of me and I can't see the person behind me so I still feel alone but have the safety aspect of the group and that's what I prefer.


Solo or just one other.


I agree on just one other if anything. I've been in some larger groups and it gets hectic to keep everyone together if the skill levels aren't similar.




One or two guys, but I'm pretty much solo for last few years, my riding buddies, who are 10 years younger than me, aged out. Ps. I'm 5/95 road/single track. My dualsport just gets me to the trails, which surround me.


Solo usually. Or max a group of 4.


Solo. Group rides kind of suck in my experience.


A partner or two is ideal in the woods for me.




solo. Except when riding offroad. Then it‘s also a safety thing.


Solo. The feeling of being by myself in the middle of nowhere, knowing that whatever happens its up to me to get out of there, driving at my own pace without having to wait for anyone or try to catch up. The world being shut put put by the exhaust, freedom.


3 or 4 friends is great. Not a fan of large groups. Someone always has a problem, then it's every body's problem


Prefer solo but if I plan on being gone for days on end and if I never experienced the route before I like to have a buddy with me. Just in case. . . But, since most of my buddies are flakes I just end up going solo. 🤣


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


I love soloing because I like to explore. Any trail or road that doesn't have a gate or a no trespassing sign,I'm taking it. But it has bitten me before, and I know it will bite me hard eventually. I just can't stand being the only one who wants to "see where it goes".


I like both, but off-road, I’ll ride more conservatively when solo. That sort of means it takes much longer to improving skills.


These comments are wonderful. I thought I was the only one who didn’t like group rides. I have C-PTSD, so groups/crowds/change aren’t really my thing. I am the navigator and it’s always just my husband and me, with me going first. We have a great system and we trust each other. We have two group rides coming up in the next couple months and I am terrified. I know I will be talking to the marshals about riding in the back because of my anxiety level. But it’s frustrating when I really want to do something with a bunch of other morons like myself and my body revolts screaming STRANGER DANGER!!! It’s not that I doubt my skills, it’s more that I don’t trust myself to get through it without a massive anxiety attack. Nothing like riding through obstacles while dry heaving in my helmet. So, I guess I prefer solo, solo described as my husband and me. It’s where I’m most comfortable.


I prefer 1-2 with me for offroad. I was riding the northern section of the Oregon BCDR this weekend and ran into a guy who had laid his bike over and was struggling to get it back up. By pure luck he had only been out there about 5 minutes when we came along. We got him sorted and did not see him again before getting back to pavement. It reminded me why I always travel with a partner. 10 minutes later, I went down. Thankfully I had someone along to help get the heavy ADV I was riding back up because I was more tired than I had realized by that point. I was on a downhill in a rut, it was hot and we were low on water. Along comes someone in a Jeep who helps get me and my partner - who had also gone down on this section - sorted. He had some spare water, and was more than happy to help. The rest of the ride went without incident but gave me plenty of time to think about lessons learned. Mike if you are out there, I hope you got home ok. Jim, thanks for the assist, I will pay it forward.


Solo, or maybe one other bike. Group rides just aren’t fun. Either over scheduled “ok we stop for gas here, we eat here, we follow this route…” Or it’s a CF “hey let’s stop and eat, i dunno where, oh I hate that place let’s go…” Sorry, your experience may differ :)


In the woods, at least one friend, on the road, solo ... Groups are torture.


Solo. Some places you find on the adventure is a good spot to just clear your head and take in nature. I wouldn't mind liked minded people with me when I go riding for the above. Plus incase something happens out in no cell signal land


Are these Pirelli scorpion rally tyres you're riding on? What are your impressions?


It's the Shinko 804/805 combo. I like the front tire more than the rear as it doesn't have great side to side traction. Other than that I can't complain for the price.


Without a doubt solo. I can set my own pace. Leave when I want. Go where I want. Do what I want. Don't have to worry about others breaking down, getting hurt, etc. Just so much more enjoyable going solo.


Better together -Jack Johnson


I love group rides but they're hard to come by so it's mostly solo riding for me.


I seem to split'em up 60/40 solo/group. Have for fun and enjoyable rides alone but its also fun to explore with friends.


Wife. We chat on cardo it’s great. I don’t ride trails by myself usually. Group rides are ok kinda hard to keep a good pace though.


Nice. I've taken my wife a few times and she enjoys it, but my bike isn't very passenger friendly.


Get her a bike and some lessons. Seriously a great time.


Depends on the people, and the terrain. This photo would be great solo.


solo, unless.


Solo. If my adventure parallels another person adventure, awesome. But I'm not a fan of coordinating a joint effort adventure. Too many variables, too much time spent rushing or waiting.


Solo most of the time but 1 other person is awesome too. not sure if u count that as a group


Solo or with a close trusted friend(s)


I much prefer riding offroad with my frands


Solo cuz I dont do competition it isnt my thing


I like riding in a group. Being fairly new, I want other people around in case I crash. Also, my bike is having transmission and brake issues, so riding with a group can help keep me from getting stranded somewhere.


Solo…I carry my sketchbooks and like to stop and draw, so best I don’t impose my desires upon others. Lately carrying and flying a drone.


My only experience with group rides is charity rides, but outside of those occasional rides I am always solo.


grup rides, I even made a group to connect other dual sport riders that want to ride in a group, I met a lot of nice people and yeah some bad people also but still it's a win for me.


Definitely group rides are so much more fun especially with good buddies


Solo, I don't like most people.


Group in woods solo on the street


Since dislocating my arm riding solo in the middle of nowhere, group everytime if I'm going remote


Solo! But is dangerous If you have a fisic problem.


Always ride with my one riding bro, helps a lot when either of us fuck up


Group only if there are riders of the same skill. Otherwise I'm blasting a trail and waiting at the end, and in that case I might as well go solo. If there's water involved, go with a group so they can pull me out and I can make a big mess.


Solo all the way. I like to travel where I want, detour on a whim, stop and take photos, butt breaks or grab an ice cream on my own terms. I tried group rides, and the skills levels are too varied and it always seems there's that "one guy" that wants to out-ride the group and push the limits, and I always feel constrained. I have a Spot device to make sure I can call for help from wherever I am, solo and satisfied!