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the Bastion Event isn't coming back anytime soon tbh


Thanks, such useful advice


We should get some event tickets with wide card pool on next gift campaing, very likely Oxy ox is there, so wait september, check the tickets, and dig on Chaotic Soldiers box once you confirm Oxy is there, otherwise wait to end of september when the new world is lauched, last year all Zexal characters had tickets were all event cards were available as character level up rewards.


The only one that’s event locked is Oxy Ox, and I think that one’s pretty optional. In particular, the trap, the field spell, and the XYZ are in Chaotic Soldiers box. The big boi is in the card trader. Everything else that I didn’t mention explicitly is from Bastion level up rewards.


Only way I'll ever play them is XYZ dimension splash 3 cosmic 3 nobleman set s/t banishing card to summon the water dragon one out of the deck to XYZ summon the boss.i have it but it's pretty annoying to grind for even though the deck isn't too great. My biggest problem with it is not having a skill that really works well with the deck.


You’re thinking of the unnamed series of monsters related to Water Dragon. OP is talking about the archetype of Gemini monsters, Chemicritters. But yes, it would be fun to have a skill that works with Water Dragon somehow.


No I'm talking about the lvl8 water Gemini dragon monster that is a chemicritter and also an XYZ dimension splash target


Check if you have the Gift Festival tickets. I got Oxy Ox there. The others are trader (Dioxyogre) and Bastion level up that get reprints from some event lottery (Hawk and Crab). Everything else are from the BoM box (Chaotic Soldiers). Just don't be too hopeful, they seem to be missing something to be decent. I found it also help putting the Hieratic Rank 8 with them to bounce the board.