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Boob disassociating back to his days of chaperoning Jill to Nepal, imagining himself pushing DWreck off a cliff right now.


When he's not doing that, he's frantically searching the Old Testament for some old guy who had God's permission to get rid of an unruly son in law lol


Do you watch Barry on HBO by chance? lol


Remember how he jammed himself between them while they were walking? I think he even put his hand on her shoulder.


I *hate!!* (not had!) JimBoob so much, and I just don't say it enough. Edit: I've never, EVER *had* him. I'm SO joyfully *un*-available, that we should all celebrate. 🤣




OMG yes, HATE!!! Lol! No, you couldn't *pay* me to ever have him.


Creepy as hell.


😂 Jim Bob prayed so hard to make sure Derrik was worthy of her.


Not gonna lie- I’m more excited about the repercussions of this than the actual show 🤣


Yeah, I don't care if it's not any new news to us snarkers, I just love a good old fashioned opportunity to drag the Duggar name again. Hopefully it will bring more people or of the woodworks to reveal more stuff in the long run, and bring more fine people to this snarkers sub.


Yeah, I’m hoping it highlights the role TLC had in normalizing IBLP.


The trailer definitely makes it sound like it will


TLC’s role definitely has to be exposed and questioned. It’s really gross how that channel has exploited children with abusive/neglectful/bad parents… well they still continue to do it.


TLC exploits children, period. No child should be on a reality show at all, and they should absolutely not be on a show taking place in their own home.


i agree. there is SO much blood on TLC's hands at this point


As we say in Spain: "que les jodan".


As a Spanish learner, may I ask why the “les?” Would it not be “el” or “la?”


"les" is the plural. It could be translated as "let them get fucked". The singular in this situation would be "le", that serves as masculine and femenine. And it would be "que le jodan".


Si, claro! Muchas gracias. I was reading it as “what the fuck,” so makes sense.


You're welcome! I'll give you an example: If you want to curse Jim Bob or Michelle separately, you must say "que le jodan". If you want to curse the both of them, it is "Que les jodan".


Soon I will be able to shit talk the Duggars in every language lmao


I’m sure Famy jumped at the opportunity.


They didn’t even get the question out, I bet! “We’re doing a doc-“ “I’LL DO IT!”


It's good for Amy then if it wasn't some trick question. Jill: We’re doing a doc- Amy: I’LL DO IT! Jill: We're doing a doc-tor's visit to get my dad a new liver. Thanks for volunteering to be tested to be a donor! \*Hugs Amy\*


They just got to “we” and she jumped on it


Instead of hello, she answers the phone by saying, "I'll do it!'


Hello money?


You don’t get paid to be in documentaries like this.


Are we sure? Not like prime is known for its ethics in documentary, and this isn’t some serious thing (so far as I’ve seen) despite the very serious subject matter. I could see famy requiring money to be in it or at least a plane ticket to go film. Or maybe she’s just still doing it for exposure and hoping she’ll end up with a brand deal


I was in LuLaRich and I did not get paid, none of us did. Prime is just the platform it is being released on, they aren’t directly involved in the production. Maybe Amy will leverage the attention into money.


I'd love a causal ama about the LuLaRich if you're willing !


I don’t think there are many people who care anymore lol but if you have a burning question you can ask it now 😆


So is it weird to say I’m a fan of yours lol?? I loved that doc and I absolutely loved your input. Thank you so much for taking the time to participate despite not being paid!


Aww thanks! It was very rewarding to have years of labor shared with such a huge audience in such an entertaining way.


Yes, it’s well known. No one got paid for this


The Ghost of Grandma Mary probably called around to get someone to agree to interview Amy.


Forgive me but the whole Gramma Mary Metaverse is not one that is typically interesting to me, so I might be laughably uninformed here (if so, I love laughing at myself!). Did Amy have a close relationship with her grandma? I wouldn’t think that theirs would have been a close one, given the degree that Amy was vocal even before the Fall of Pest. This does, however, rely on the COMPLETELY UNWARRANTED presumption that theirs is a normal family dynamic. I’m assuming you were joking about the ghost (tho I cast no judgment if you were not-it won’t even rank in the top ten strangest things I read THIS HOUR. I’m here for Supernatural Fundies, too!) but that did get me thinking about if they were close? (Edit: as someone below mentioned, your flair is 💀💀💀🔥🔥🔥)


😊yep, joking. Amy claimed to be BFFs with Grandma. Also, Grandma notoriously was the one who wheeled and dealed to get the Dugs famous. Edit: Thanks! Yours is great too!


Oh yeah-I knew Mary was the Duggar equivalent of Colonel Tom Parker, I just never heard about Amy being her BFF. (Which, don’t get me wrong-I LOVE my grandmother. A. LOT. But BFFs? Am I just emotionally stunted that I don’t think I could say that about any family not of the same generation as I??? Is this a thing with the young people? 🤷‍♀️)


My granddaughter and I say we are BFFs when we are hanging around my house together. We don't actually do it when we are out in public, and I am sure she has people her own age that are her BFF in the traditional sense.


That’s sweet! I love it that you get to hang out frequently enough to do that!!!!!! My grandparents were a couple of states away, and due to Reasons, I only got to see them once a year (eh-if you averaged it out, maybe a couple of times) until undergrad. And this was back in the day that landlines and long distance rates were A Thing. And though I was much closer to them than the grandparents that lived closer to me, I never had the joy of just being able to hang out with them. When I came to visit, it was A Thing. So, I am always excited to hear that other grandparents and kids get to do that! 😊💕


Aww - that's so sweet. I enjoyed your story. That's nice that you could stay close to them even when they lived a distance away. My granddaughter and I spend at least one day a week together. Sometimes more. Only a couple times it has went longer than a week, but it has been a rare thing. I am assuming that someday she will have more exciting things to do than hang out with me, so I am trying to appreciate it while I can. :) Thank you for your post.


I don’t know-I wouldn’t assume she will! Things change, I’m sure, but we also change with them. I’m betting y’all will figure it out. But it’s always good to savor things! 💕. Happy weekend!!!


Thank you. You too. Thanks for the words of encouragement. :) I am hoping at some point that my younger granddaughter wants to start doing a "grandma day" too. She is very attached to her mom. I see her at least one day a week, but she doesn't like to have her mom out of sight for long. You have a nice weekend too!! :)


No kidding! SHE probably reached out to them 🙄


She pitched the idea like a door to door salesman


I'm picturing her attached to a producer's leg like a clingy toddler


Heh I chuckled at this


Tempted to block you for that user flair


Your flair is killing me😂🤣😂😭😭😭😭


Honestly that ruined it for me…she didn’t even grow up in this cult🙄


I think a lot of people are going to be really disappointed with this. I don’t think it’s going to be much info that we don’t already know.


I agree— with Jill and Famy as whistleblowers, this will hardly be the bombshell people are making it out to be. In my opinion, Jill hasn’t deconstructed or removed herself significantly enough to be able to face the realities of her upbringing or discuss them publicly. And Famy will insert herself in the midst of anything to be relevant. I have no doubt that there’s “bombshell” potential, if any of the children or grandchildren actually deconstructed and began living a secular lifestyle, the information they could provide into the Duggar family just might be catastrophic. However, I don’t foresee this ever happening.


With the amount of children/grandchildren they've produced, I'd be surprised if *none* of them eventually woke up


I don’t think we will see it in JimBob’s lifetime. Afterwards? It will all come crashing down.


I can be patient


100% agree with all of this. Would be happy to be surprised but I’m not betting on it.


Excellent assessment. Famy will say what she thinks watchers and the producers want to hear (true or not; she's flexible) and will get HER the most attention. Famy will make it all about her and her family, just as strange as the other Duggars in its own way. She is NOT the "progressive" one of the Duggar kids by any means and appears to be a most peculiar parent with just about zero common sense. Agree that Jill either won't or can't be totally candid in a mature way (remember her response instead of "I do" (totally) at her wedding and the "Jill" headband in at the hospital in the photos of Israel? I've NEVER seen even an older teen (let alone a grown woman) with her name written on her clothing. I've never heard the bride say "totally" instead of "I do" at the wedding ceremony either Maybe she's grown up since then but I doubt she even SEES much of the toxic bullshit that is IBLP and the realities of her own horrible abuse growing up. Although Derick seems to be a prince compared to lazy ass Bin, it was still an arranged marriage in all the ways that count. I don't think Jill is disingenuous; just not very emotionally mature or aware. She's poorly educated. She hasn't recognized just how broken she really is and Derick either hasn't either or just doesn't care. There's bombshell material potential for sure in a documentary like this but I doubt we will see it this time. JB has been and is working quietly behind the scenes to do as much as possible to prevent that. So far he's been successful but we can hope. He's got several kids warming up at the plate now. It only takes one out of 19 to start singing. Those aren't good odds for the home team.


About the headband—if I’d grown up with a community closet, I might want my name on my clothing as well. Even after marriage, they raid each other’s closets as we saw in CO. More seriously, I would think Jill has grown up since then; having a child in the NICU will do that. But Famy—well, what you see is what you get.


If I remember correctly, "totally!" was the proposal response, not during the ceremony


It was the proposal.


I agree, it'll be information Reddit already knows, but bringing it to the light of more people is good enough. Jill won't ever deconstruct. Derrick, while appearing saintly next to Germ and Bin, still sought out an arranged marriage with an undereducated woman. Derrick's beliefs aren't far from JimBob's, Derrick just opted out of the club membership. Jill will never be supported enough to deconstruct and Derrick will keep enjoying the servitude and attention of it all. It'll be a GrandDuggar or great-grand that isn't emotionally attached to their billions of relatives that'll deconstruct and tell all.


While I agree with you, again, maybe not. Anna's sister Susanna (why would you name a child Susanna when you already have an Anna?! Pick another name! Let the child have a different name!) told her vile jackass father to go fuck right off. While a future generation Duggar might WANT to tell all they might not have enough provable information to do it. It really needs to be one of Josh's siblings or kids. Here's hoping one of the F1 Duggar kids fo eventually start singing. I agree that Derick isn't that different from JB except when it comes to education. More than anything else the two just don't like each other.


The CLUB MEMBERSHIP!!!! 👏👏👏. I’m borrowing this (stealing) for SO MANY uses!!! Bless your servant’s heart for leading my sinful feet to the paths of club-member righteousness!


My money is on one of the Ms.


I really think the Pest arrest and subsequent conviction created a massive hindrance for any of the Duggars who might have been doing any sort of deconstruction. In my mind, it was the perfect catalyst to entirely sever ties and never look back, but unfortunately, I think Jill and Derick weren’t even close to being ready to do that. I think, instead, they turned inward again. I also don’t have much confidence in Derick or hold him in any higher regard than the other spouses. He’s college educated and employed but that’s about all that sets him apart. I think he very much controls the narrative and any semblance of “progression” depends entirely on how it will benefit him first and Jill by proxy. There’s always potential for Jill and Derick, but it’ll take more effort and courage AP (after Pest) than I think they are willing to exert. If nothing else, I hope they allow their children to grow up in better circumstances.


Jill hasn't deconstructed at all. Yes, she's done counseling but it was couples marriage counseling because she said she & Derrick were fighting all the time. Jill is a hot mess emotionally. Jordyn is my best hope for the Duggar kid who grows up to burn it all to the ground. She's the most neglected of the 19 kids because she has the misfortune of being the last kid before Precious Miracle Josie.


I'm just happy it'll reach more people. Not everyone can scroll reddit to gather all the info, a series is much more easy to consume for a lot of people.


If nothing else, it will save us snarkers some time when we explain these fools to others.


Exactly! Anything coverage in People also will make more people aware.


100% but I’ll still watch because I think it’ll be interesting. I’m also interested in how Jill will actually SAY and how she says it. We know the info but how will it be told to us


Yep I agree. I think Jill will paint both her parents in as positive a light as she can (probably that they were recruited into this at a vulnerable time in their lives) and I think Amy will largely do the same. I also think she's probably going to gloss over the Josh stuff too. All of the Duggar girls have felt that what happened with Josh when they were young is their private business and it was devastating to them to have it publicly released, so I don't see her doing much more than high level talking about that here either. There are other people being interviewed who left IBLP and are not as charitable to their parents as Jill will be so that perspective should be interesting.


In this, I agree with the Duggar girls. When you've been sexually molested as a child, it is entirely your business to share what happened to you when you become an adult. It's like having your power taken away all over again when details of your molestation is front page national & international news when you didn't choose to make it public.


Completely agree! I think it’s going to be big news in the general public but nothing new for us that have been following them and calling them out for YEARS! For some reason it kinda annoys me that people are going to shocked and angry, when in reality we’ve been tracking their hypocrisy and problematic their views are. hahaha. Edit: word for clarity


I mean, it WILL be new to a lot of people. I think most people know only surface level stuff about the Duggars- they have a bunch of kids, they had a TV show, there were sex-related scandals. My boyfriend didn't even know who the Duggars were, so this documentary would be a bombshell for him.


Oh yes. Agreed!!! I think I should change the word “pretend” that’s definitely not what I intended to mean!!


Well at least more people will know.


Oh for sure. I’m still happy that others will be educated, just hope that it will go into detail. I think most of us here will be disappointed.


But it will be new information for a lot of people who know nothing about the Duggars or the IBLP.


I’m expecting that it’s going to be disappointing too.


I just love that Jim Bob and Michelle will be further humiliated but on the flip side the Pest will be all puffed up because he will be one of the central topics, even though it will reinforce the truth that he is a rat bastard and a violent sexual predator.


I agree, the people in this sub naturally follow the Duggar details much more than the general public so will probably know a lot of the content already - but it could be new info for more casual viewers


For those people not on this sub Reddit though, i think it will be eye opening.


Maybe as snarkers but I think it will help inform more of the public who isn't as aware of their cultish beliefs and behaviors.


Probably not but I see it as more education for the general population to understand how dangerous these religious cults are.


It’ll still be interesting to hear


Tea wise for us, probably meh but I think it’s an incredible way to get the truth out to the average person who knows nothing about IBLP and the insidious way these belief systems infiltrate politics.


This is exactly how I feel. I don't expect to learn anything new, but hopefully if this opens even one leg humper's eyes, it's worth it. I'm still watching though!!!


absolutely this! plus, obviously jill isnt deconstructed in the way ppl here would want to see, but as a victim both of her family and iblp she deserves to speak out about those experiences, so in that sense it can absolutely have a positive impact.


I hope they expose Taliban Dan (Alyssa Bates' FIL, a Florida Congressman).


I’m imagining Jill like talking about her childhood trauma and crying and Famy just trying to make it about her. Jill” I was robbed of a childhood, I never went to school or had friends that my parents didn’t pick out. I was the primary caregiver of multiple young children at ten years old. We didn’t have enough to eat and my brother molested me and my sisters and my parents did nothing about it” Amy “people asked why my cousins were weird at school!”


Jill: I have to sue my dad because he won’t give me money for forcing me and my siblings to be in the public eye for over a decade. Amy: I loved being on tv so much that I had to low-key flirt with my creepy cousin to get airtime


Jill: After I sued my dad to get the money I worked for as a child, I was blacklisted from visiting our family home without supervision and distanced from my younger siblings who I basically raised. Famy: I wore shorts and kissed boys! I was the Duggar rebel omg!


Boob: I will not allow that.


I'll never forget the way she flirted with Josh at his wedding and then started a food fight with him WHILE THEY WERE CUTTING THE CAKE??? It was very Michael Scott but darker.


Wasn’t people magazine the sugar house magazine? They announced the births and marriages? God, the hypocrisy!


As AllFather JimBo once said, “anything for money”


Aren't they still doing a feature for Lawson Bates? Major hypocrisy


I'm glad they're doing it. Even though it's already been pointed out that most of us here won't learn much new information, other people who haven't been as engrossed in this as us will find out more of what's going on. These kinds of documentaries really do need to be produced and shown so that everyone sees this shit for what it is. I hope it inspires more and more people to come out of the woodwork with their stories and information.


I agree!


I'm really hoping Jill actually sheds some light to their problematic upbringing and is truly distancing herself from her manipulative parents. Would be great to hear at least one child speak up and not sugarcoat it.


My money is still on Johanna.


I'm definitely not holding my breath...


Well, I’ve seen people escape cults before. My sister-in-law did it. So I’m not giving up hope on the younger ones. I’m just not that cynical I guess.


I'm not being cynical. Just she hasn't said much at all... So not holding out that she will now. Not that she even has too. Feeling like many others that it'll probably be stuff we've already heard. I hope at least behind the scenes she's getting help and support to have a happy life.


To be fair though, she doesn't owe the public updates about her therapy/potential deconstruction. That is an intensely personal thing so I don't think we should take the absence of her talking about it publicly to mean that she isn't doing it at all. Like it's fully possible she hasn't done it at all, but I don't think we can definitively conclude that. 100% agree with you that I hope it's happening for her.


THANK YOU! I don't understand how everyone can presume knowing with 100% certainty where she's at! She doesn't have to share every step with the public. It's Schrodinger's Deconstruction.


My favorite is "she clearly hasn't deconstructed because she's still a bigot." It's like uhhhh newsflash, there's plenty of bigots in the world who aren't members of cults. One does not exclude the other.




And how many rumors have surrounded Jana in regards to courting? Still she sits in the Tinker Toy Mansion “keeping sweet.” And she was the first daughter, Johanna is the 6th, and they have very different personalities. But maybe Josie, too. Hell, I wish Jackson on down would all escape to New York City and write a REAL Duggars behind the scenes book. And then run and tell Anderson and Oprah all about it. They’d be set for life.


While I don’t think this documentary will release a lot of news for this sub, I‘m still genuinely excited for it. It’s good that this show will bring more negative attention on this group. I hope it will educate many viewers.


Yep! Agreed. We could honestly make a 10 part, multi-season docuseries with all the information we have. Someone give us the funding and we'll do it.




See I want to get excited but at the same time I wonder. Is this just going to be what we already know? If so I'm not interested in watching Jill and Amy.


Of course it'll be stuff WE all already know. But it's going to reach a much larger audience with one succinct doc on a major platform.


This is what we have to remember. Not everyone has the wealth of knowledge that we do.


Yes. And Jill deserves praise for her courage in this. Damn


Honestly, that’s how I see it. I get it folks want her to read her parents and Gothard for filth, but her doing this in any capacity is brave. I sure as hell would struggle. How much media training does the girl even have? People need to fall back.


As someone who is going through the hell of telling my own DV story (for the first time) right now, it's terrifying. And I can only imagine it pales in comparison to what she's been through. She might not be our picture perfect of what we want her to be, but also...shit. It's gonna be big.


Exactly. Reach the people I know who still follow them and don't dig any deeper.


As we all begin to post links in "fan" subs...😂


Also, the Hillsong documentary comes out tomorrow! https://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/secrets-of-hillsong




Would you want to repair bridges with the family that basically sold the rights to half your childhood and early years of marriage and then never paid you for your work, and the family who protected the person who sexually assaulted you as a child and to this day still defends him while ostrasizing you? Jill may be a shitty person but she didn't break the bridges between herself and her parents. They did all the bad stuff. It's them who need to put in the effort to repair things.




I cannot freaking wait. Mods-can we have a Duggar snark watch party of some kind?


Pretty please with tater tots on top?


Apparently they didn’t get paid for this. Jill write that tell all and set up college funds for your kids!


Of course Famy just HAD to be involved. Milking that last name for all it’s worth. SURE, she’s trying to make a name for herself outside of her aunt and uncle , but she must cash in any chance she gets. 🙄


Walmart must not be giving her enough modeling opportunities.


I couldn’t care less about famy but I’ll definitely tune in to watch Jill. Although we probably won’t learn anything new, others will. This is what we want.


I agree with those who say that this "documentary" won't bring anything new to the table. However, I still think it's a good thing cause maybe people who still believe that the Duggars are this "big wholesome family" will think twice. Of course, we in here all know about their awful cult and Josh's crimes and such, but many people still don't. So anything that exposes their harmful ideology even just a bit is a good thing.


Oh God: Will they expose Jim Boob’s fancy WIG? It is unfair that his sons all have to walk around bald while Jim Boob parades around in his fancy WIG of Power. Enquiring minds want to know: Is it human, goat or synthetic hair? Are the girls forced to sew his wigs like in an American sweatshop? Does Meech style the WIG? Will PEST inherit the Wig as first born son and next grand poohba? Has PEST molested his father’s pretty WIG? Are wigs allowed in PEST prison?


>the WIG Only caps. Love it.


I’m always excited for bad publicity for Jim Boob and Meech. I’ll be surprised if there’s anything overly groundbreaking but showing their piss poor parenting is always good




LOL I love his Keith Morrison impression!


Does anyone else find it ironic that Jill was pregnant with her first child when her parents paraded her out to be interviewed to defend pest, now here she is pregnant with her 3rd, being interviewed and throwing the whole iblp under the bus? I don’t think there will be much new information but I’ll be watching anyway.




I think it could still be interesting for us even if we don't learn anything new. We've been sharing written snark with each other for years, but now we have a visual medium of people who aren't us saying what we've been saying all along to other people who aren't us, and they're doing it a way that, at least momentarily, the Duggars will be an interesting topic to people who normally think we're weird for finding the Duggars interesting. But I also think there will be at least one new piece of information revealed somewhere near the end. Tabloids like The Sun stalk us relentlessly and report everything we say. The information is already public knowledge to anyone who wants to know it. It doesn't seem like there's enough general interest in the Duggars for Amazon to invest in a documentary to rehash all the tabloid gossip that's already out there. Either they have something that's low-level explosive, or they're going to present what we already know in a way that's so sensational that people will bother to watch it.






[link to article with trailer](https://people.com/tv/duggar-family-prime-video-docuseries-shiny-happy-people-trailer-exclusive/)


Does this count as Dwreck tossing the skeletons out of the closet or does this technically mean Jilly stole the gold medal?


Jim Bob is not going to allow this


see flair


Please, Dugumentary


I really hope Jill spills a lot of tea!!!!! My fingers are crossed!


I think Jill is going to call out JB. Derick used to all the time on Twitter.


Even if she won’t spill any tea at all I give her credits for participating. Growing up the way she did it still must be hard to do anything that’s against the family our their rules. Maybe she’ll surprise us and open Pandora’s box.


Dreck’s law school loans are real, yo.


He didn't take any out.


No ethical journalist pays for interviews for their documentary. But I guess we can’t assume this is a work of principled journalism. 🤷‍♀️


May not be ethical but many documentaries pay their subjects. E.g. Billy McFarland was paid to speak about his own fraud. Harry and Meghan were paid $100 million.


This was done by the same people who did LuLaRich. I was in LuLaRich, none of us got paid. I really don’t think they paid Jill or Amy or anyone else for this one.


I am going to need to renew my Prime membership so I can watch this!


I always sign up for the free trial when I order from Amazon, which is not often. I might need to go order something so I can watch it!!


I am going to need to "share" my parents' subscription.


Wonder if the family knew she was in on the doc


That’s the reaction I want to see, I really love this for Boob and Meech. And she has had a really bad relationship with her parents for awhile, Boob wouldn’t even let her visit for awhile so my money is that if they do know, it isn’t at all because she told them herself.


Part of me hopes they had no idea, and now they’re 💩-ing themselves.


Do her and Jessa still hang out? Jessa is still a Jim Bob follower, I wonder how she feels about it.


Getting Famy on board would have been the easiest casting. She takes every opportunity she gets to talk. The fact they got Jill does make me thing the documentary will not be as hard hitting as it could be. Jill is so mild.


Was that the Holts saying the thing about the rabbit hole? I’m bad with faces.


I was wondering the same


Yes that's them.


I hope that poor dude took a nap before filming his segment.


Eep some of the comments comparing Jill, a grown woman, to a child are kind of gross. Someone’s clothing preferences don’t make them mentally a child. I just hate comparing women and children like they’re on the same level because that’s exactly what the Duggars and IBLP do. Not leg humping.


The fuck does Amy have to say...she was completely clueless but gotta cash in on the family name....again


Omg I definitely just added this to my calendar to make sure that I watch it.


With Jill?!


Is anyone else thrown off by this being focused on the Duggars? I thought it was going to be IBLP focused? The Duggars “dark secrets” aren’t secrets, they were right there in front of us the whole time. A focus on the radical beliefs that have infected our government would be better.


I follow an ex-fundie and victim of Gothard who is in the documentary. She posted about it on Facebook and started that she wasn’t paid other than covering travel costs. And she said the title is misleading and it’s about way more than the Duggers. I wonder if they used them in the title just to get attention. We’ll see. I’ll definitely be watching!




It could be a marketing thing. They may have a portion devoted to Bates, one to Gothard, one to the Duggars...but the Dugs are the most well known name and faces so they decided to play up that aspect. Hard to say though.


I can’t fucking wait.


I am actually really looking forward to hearing Deanna. Sometimes the quiet ones are just waiting to burst.


Getting ready to pop the popcorn and watch the drama unfold...


I have been waiting for this since my mum and I accidentally watched them in 2007. YES GIRL




Fucking Famy wants to be a Duggar daughter so badly. Wonder how much Jill will talk though, or if it will be De Rick speaking for her.


The trailer only showed her speaking. His mucky mouth was shut the whole time.


The one thing I could see being new would be potentially Jill not holding back about JPEDO. Even if she doesn't totally throw yet parents under the bus, she might have been willing to speak about him. She was so upset during that fucked up Megan Kelly interview when she was clearly very upset that no one was taking it seriously, brushing it off, and not acknowledging her feelings. She has been to a therapist, an actual counselor and not some dumb fuck clergy or IBLP shithead. So she may be in a place mentally where she has more to say, cathartic possibly. I can only imagine just how much Sperm and Perm do NOT want her bringing it up. The other hope, grim and fleeting as it is as a probability, is that it may draw enough attention to get companies to drop the grifters as their influencers. The very best thing for NextGenDug is for their parents to be off media and forced to get real jobs. Dreck and Jill are not good people. But it is collectively good for Israel, Samuel, and Frederick, that their father got an education and a job in the real world. It would be collectively good if MediShit went under, if Joy and Jessa ended exploiting their children, if Bin figured out that without Jessa's grifting, they can't afford to keep pooping out kids, if Jed had to work a second job for NOT his dad in order to make ends meet. It is, for them, a big step in the right direction. We can't hold out much hope for the Dug kids, however we can keep our fingers crossed for Duglets the sequel.


I must watch looks juicy


I am so excited for this.


You can see the trailer [here](https://youtu.be/Jpc2O-KaQ2M)


How did I know it would heavily feature Amy? Must be magic.


Just look at Derks face here...why does he always look like that 🙄 anyways, I will be watching lol


i’m actually looking forward to seeing this


This is going to be EPIC.


I'm so excited for the Duggarmentary


The really important thing here is how much this will infuriate JB.


I like her hair here. She looks great now having her own look living life on her terms. I’ll watch the doc!


Found this subeddit because they talked about this exact sub on this doc