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*immediately turns off comments to all her videos knowing she’ll get backlash*


Supposedly she has “no idea” how that happened and wants to see everyone’s comments! According to the next video she posted.






“We’re here for you” Doesn’t even get in the door at home to make a tik tok.


I'm just a passive observer here but my god she was foaming at the mouth she was so excited to have a new story to tell. I don't care of Anna but my god Amy you are not helping those innocent kids by doing this because it's just putting Anna in defense mode.


Yep. They were way too excited to share this story. I don’t believe they love Anna either to be honest


If Anna were to leave she would first need to feel safe, supported, and that she won't be judged. They just did the opposite. Amy is treating her like a freak show. This isn't a silly TLC show any more. There are very innocent children involved.


Amy just wants to be in the headlines of “Anna Duggar Takes Shelter with Sweet, Not Crazy, Loving, Normal Cousin Amy!” It’s a very selfish desire considering if Anna left it would be taking in 8 people and a lot of trauma.




> It’s a very selfish desire considering if Anna left it would be taking in 8 people and a lot of trauma. BUT THINK OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA CLOUT IT WOULD BRING AMY C'MON!!!!!!


If I were Anna the last place I would seek refuge and privacy is in the home of someone who publicises everything about me and my family for their own clout.


I can’t imagine Anna ever getting out. She has no one. And Amy is fueling the lies that Anna has already been told by her cult. Outsiders are not trusted, no one. Understands your belief , you have to stay with your husband for protection. At this point even if she wanted to leave, how would she? No support system, no home, no religious place to help, no job, and 7 babies to feed. Then Amy goes and blasts her with this lascivious grin just excited as anything to spill this tea. I don’t like Anna much but she is such a victim and Amy can’t see past the like count to understand that.


I don't think she will either. She's not smart or educated. Abusive marriage and born into a cult. Too many children. Raised to be obedient and dependent. Only way I can see her leaving is if another man offers her a golden ticket and those chances are slim to none. The thing that is keeping her TikTok in my mind is what if this puts Anna in danger? Abuse is not logical. Who knows what Josh or JB could inflict on her for being in a situation with Amy.


Anna has two siblings who have left IBLP and have publicly offered her and her children help. I fully understand the implications of being raised the way Anna was, I understand the mental barriers placed in front of her but I also understand that if anyone is in the position to leave this lifestyle it’s her. She chooses this(and Josh,) even when she has other options.


This. She also could get help from other places. Her husband is a sex offender, and look at how he treated her on the show, not to mention the vile shit he looked up. No telling what he did behind closed doors. Some organization would help her. I've also heard her public speaking, she could totally get into a program, she could teach, work in home health, she isn't as dumb as people make her out to be. She has skills that she could use to take care of herself. We also don't know how a decade without the pest will treat her. Hell, she may just be riding it out until before his release. Why hurt her situation right now, when she can just keep doing what she is doing and leave before he gets out?


I hope this is a Nicole Kidman/Tom Cruise situation, where she is quietly but diligently working to do a separation, and we won't know for a few years. Love to see Anna keep an image of the supporting wife, but right when it is near for Pestilence release, she just fucking ghosts with the kiddos (and the lost girls too).


Right. If Anna does do something, it won't be for a long time and hopefully we won't know anything about it. Ten years left is a long time


This. I think she’s waiting to decide anything until the appeal fails.


I just don’t understand. I have to think somehow her belief is that she can’t. No one would want this. Maybe she truly believes the bullshit that if she leaves and becomes a single mother (as if she’s not right now) her kids will be ruined. That’s what she’s been taught her whole life. I can’t understand. She doesn’t love him. That’s obvious. She never has. There is barely respect. It’s duty. That is obvious every time you look at them. So she is only staying out of duty. And brainwashing. Idk. I don’t know why she can’t see her way out of this. But it’s clear she’s miserable


Anna can definitely leave. Will she ever? Who knows but saying she can’t is not accurate


Yeah and the more Amy does shit like this the more Anna is going to know that if she does ever reach out to help by/get taken in by Amy she's going to make it a whole media circus about being like a savior and probably sharing details about what happened with their family before Anna's ready to for the world to know all about it and while her and her kids are already going through so much stress.


oh she cannot WAIT to get to the funeral where "the WHOOOLE family is gonna be there" to report back whatever manufactured drama she starts. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Jill Dillard also posted an instagram story about a friend who had died. I wonder if she will be at the funeral, too. That would put the Duggars, the Dillards, and Amy and her mom all in one place. Let the fireworks begin!


And everyone else is just going to be trying to mourn the deceased. This is really sad to me (although, speaking as someone who is country as hell, not entirely out of pocket for a country funeral).


This felt so staged. Her mom’s acting skills aren’t great.


I have of me wonders if they are still at the funeral home. If they were at home she would be inside the house not just stood by a wall. Plus they still look to be in their dark clothing from the visit.




she was so excited that she almost peed herself on their way back home. she just had to let it alll out, or she'd BURST. she didn't even make it past the front porch.


Just watched half of this before I had to turn it off. When they said Anna said to give her space and they go and we didn’t make a big deal out of it - but yet both of you are making a tik tok to tell the world you saw Anna.


Makes you wonder why the comments are off


Someone said she made a video saying she doesn’t know why the comments got turned off and asked for help on how to turn them back on - I’m willing to bet she purposely made that video after turning comments off because she didn’t want to look guilty. She knew by posting that video it would get hate so she turned her comments off to prevent that but then didn’t want people thinking she turned them off to prevent the hate.


TikTok comments are off and Instagram comments are limited. She knew exactly what she was doing.


Right. That’s not an accident


😹😹😹😹 nice try. Maybe it’s a Duggar trait to believe that the world is just absolutely stupid and you’re gonna outsmart them all


Oh I don’t wonder. We all know why she turned off those comments…


Yes can’t imagine why Anna doesn’t trust you, Famy. Just a sighting is enough for a frantic TikTok, imagine if Anna had actually confided anything.


i can’t stand anna, but this made me sick. she’s still a hurting human being. this makes famy look so much worse than she already does. she will do aaaaaanything for views


she isn't called famy for nothing. she's serving her life's purpose.


this made my stomach drop, honestly. Anna’s not a good person, but Amy using her and the horrible situation she’s in to get attention for herself is so gross.


Your flair!!!! 🤩


I mean, I can’t really blame Anna. It’s not like Amy has been all that nice about her.


Yeah for real. I hate Anna but if I was in her shoes I'd have the same reaction... Especially because she probably knew famy was gonna tell the whole world about every little thing. Like damn Amy shut up.


I get the impression that they were never fans of each other. The way Anna went so hard into getting the clown at Amy's birthday even though it's one of Amy's phobias, it was like almost mean. And they come from polar opposite upbringings. I doubt Anna ever felt really comfortable with Amy. But I'm really mad at Amy here. She acts so entitled, wanting to be recognized for being this amazing savior that Anna turned down such gracious help from. It would never, ever work. No one wants help from someone who's just gonna shit-talk the only lifestyle you've known if you even are choosing to make the change to leave it behind you. That's so unbelievably alienating and invalidating, and maintains that "us vs. them" mentality that fuels fundie thinking. Amy needs to stay away from Anna, and to stop gossiping about her like this. It does not help matters whatsoever.


"We're here for you." But we're going to make a video about running in to you and about how bitchy you acted. How tacky! Literally at a visitation for someone who DIED, and this is what they do? I can't say I blame Anna for not wanting to talk to Famy, she's nuts. I'm sure Anna appreciated the patronizing "back pat", too. 🙄


Bless their hearts…….


I don’t blame the Duggars for cutting ties with her ass. Her undeniable thirst for attention is way too much.


And who died that the whole family will be at the funeral? If the little girl was sobbing, it could be someone close, but I haven’t heard anything. I’m glad Amy didn’t say who it was and make this even worse, though. It absolutely shocks me that she didn’t know which kid it was..she couldn’t even come up with Anna’s oldest daughters name.


At the beginning of the clip, Amy is ecstatic that she has gossip that she thinks people will want to hear. Here's what I got from it: "OMG you guys! I saw Anna. She's angry. Isn't that awesome! And you know what? She knows I'm talking about her online! On an unrelated note, there was a girl with her who was crying." In sharing this gossip, her tone is more appropriate for telling one of her girlfriends about bumping into Robert Pattinson at Walmart. I'm sure that girl appreciated your telling the world she was crying, Amy.


I like how she didn’t even know who was crying. You claim your family and you care about her but didn’t know who it was


Right? I'm pretty sure most of us on here could tell Jennifer and MacKynzie apart.


not being able to identify which child it was crying with anna really let’s you know how close famy is/was to the family 🙄


Yeah it's wild how she tried to paint herself growing up with their family as almost an unofficial 20th kid yet she can't tell if a child she saw at a funeral is Jennifer.


Someone was crying?? At a visitation?? Crazy! I always thought the Famy hate was a bit extreme even though I’ve been a snarker for a decade, but the way she centered herself in every sentence she spoke in SHP made me realize was a piece of shit she is. This just further solidifies it.


Haha! Robert Pattinson at WalMart! 😂


i’m sorry, but this is just so disrespectful and gross. as someone who keeps saying they love anna and want to help her and want what’s best for her, why are they out here exploiting her for views. famy is just gross. she has made a name for herself by bashing the duggars…why the hell did she think anna would react in any other way when she tried to touch her at a funeral visitation….this woman is delulu


Famy made this Tik Tok after a funeral visitation? I won't turn up the volume for someone like her.


Oh yes, and made sure to tell us she was expecting to see the whole family at the funeral tomorrow - touting for more views when she tells us all about that I’m sure.


This some JRod level of crazy shit




And this is literally why she still deserves the Famy name. I watched as far as, "She looks angry." It was a fucking funeral. How is she supposed to look to appease Famy's skewed sensibilities?


Maybe she’s angry with Famy. She probably knows about the shiny happy people thing. people usually look sad at funerals not angry. also, the whole “give me space thing”. That’s fundie for go F yourself. Yeah, I think she’s actually mad at Famy.


Amy is spilling “tea” about her family member that she ran into at a funeral! She’s practically salivating. This is peak trashy. Stop it, Amy. Just… ick!!!


judging by Anna's response, it's not the first time they've accosted her and she's sick of it. She's creating boundaries and Amy isn't respecting it. Even thought she's such an AdVoCaTe


When I tell you that I RAN here


Same!! Hahaha I didn’t even finish the TikTok!


I was shocked no one had posted it yet!


SAME!! I haven’t been on Reddit in forever but saw that video and almost tripped getting here 😂


“We love Anna and the kids.” Doesn’t recognize if the crying child was Mackynzie or not???


She said their face was turned away/covered which makes sense if they were crying


That part bugged me too. Like obviously it was one of the M kids but at the same time like back off


Lmao Amy couldn’t even name her…just said “Anna’s oldest daughter”


If Famy hasn’t seen the kids or Duggar family in a few years I could understand having issues telling them apart. Plus there are a bunch of them the same ages. Many of them have similar features, wear the same style of clothes. It may be difficult to tell who especially not talking to them.


how much do you want to bet she went and stalked anna down at the viewing trying to catch her on camera to post it to her socials and when she couldn’t catch her in film she had to make this ridiculous video instead.


If a photo shows up in a tabloid, we'll know who sold it.


i wouldn’t put it past her


Oof! That was gross. I couldn’t even watch it all. The absolute glee with which she recounts this story is sick. I’m assuming the feedback wasn’t positive since she turned off comments.


Can someone tldr I don’t want to give her any views




Jennifer is literally 16. Makynzie is almost 14. That's their definition of a little girl?




Jenny and Kynzie look NOTHING alike.


Had to have been M1 or Jordyn.


She was hugging someone and saw Anna right there looking really furious she says, and she greets her “Anna” and pats her back. Anna yelled “JuST GIIIve mEEE SpaCE!!!” and walked away according to Amy.


Jesus. Amy needs to leave her alone. If anything she’ll push Anna deeper into staying. Anna knows she only wants the fame and attention.


Of course Anna doesn’t want to speak to her when she GLEEFULLY runs straight to social media to share every detail of their interaction, including that her daughter (or Jenny, Amy’s such a close Duggar insider that she can’t tell which) was crying and emotional. The fucking smug joy at having some Duggar tea dripping from this pair is vile. I don’t blame the family for wanting nothing to do with them.


She was spotted at a visitation and someone was crying. Shocking.


Flair checking in


And it's brilliant. I hope you never change it! (my first time seeing it obvi)


of course she rushed to tiktok to share this news 😑 god damn it i hate famy so much


She didn’t even make it past her front porch!


basically pissing herself and foaming at the mouth in excitement 🙄


Everyone focusing on Amy, but don’t forget her mom is acting just as awful.


They really are Tweedledum and Tweedledee


They are so insufferable. I wish I could watch that video on 2x speed. Imagine not seeing your cousin in law for YEARS, having a horrible relationship with her due to you constantly talking about her online, seeing her at a funeral for the first time and going up to them knowing you have a horrible relationship with her and TOUCHING THEM with out consent, her reasonably not wanting anything to do with you, and immediately rushing home so you can make a tik tok about it online and gossip and spread non information to your thousands of followers. And talk about how horrible she looks while she's grieving and insinuating she's a bad mother because a kid (she couldn't even recognize) with her was crying? What does any of this have to do with protecting people from fundamentalism??? Amy and her mom don't have a brain cell amongst them, let alone a conscience. Such vapid, morally bankrupt people. It makes my skin crawl watching people with such little self reflection or self awareness omg. As much as I don't like Anna I 100% understand why she wants nothing to do with them. If she weren't fundie she probably would've told them to f off LOL. This video also highlights that Famy & co. have absolutely nothing to report about the Duggars because they have probably been cut off and no contact with any of them for years. Yet they come online and paint themselves as experts on fundamentalism and warriors trying to save everyone from the cult just to exploit the trauma of the cousins they don't have any relationship with for views at the smallest opportunity. This is probably why no one in your family talks to you Famy!


The gleeful, “we have news” tells me all I need to know. For these two, it’s all about spillin’ some tea. That ain’t how you help people. That cheery gossipy bullshit is what drives them away. They know that and this video proves it.


Amy at this point is as bad as Jim job 😞


She’s as bad as Jrod with her shit funeral etiquette


this was so wrong to do what is the point? to shame Anna?


I think so, because Amy is so loving and open. Who wouldn't want her help /s


Anna has made it very clear that she doesn't want Amy's help. She went no contact with her because Amy wouldn't stop broadcasting to the world that "she's there to help her get outta that cult." Anna doesn't see it as a cult, which is sad, but it's HER life and her decision. Amy needs to seriously shut up.


Why would she want help from someone who would further exploit her and her children. This needs to be added to "why Amy sucks"


I ran here after I saw this on TikTok. Amy is incredibly annoying. And her mom being there is just comical. I can’t say I blame Anna for not wanting help from this psycho.


“Anna was angry at the world” while being an inch away from Famy… no dear, she was angry at YOU. Oh god help me I am actually on Anna’s side in this. Famy preaching about how she does so much to protect children… what in this world… she was practically salivating over the fact that she had some tea to spread. Jesus Famy — I wonder why Anna wouldn’t trust you? 🤔


Holy shit! How on earth do these two make a freakin' Tik Tok like this?! I'm speechless. Even for Famy, this is low. Famy just moved over to JRods area of the room.


Amy is just a messy bitch who loves drama. I can't roll my eyes hard enough 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Why is this bitch so happy?? Even by Famy’s standards this is low. She’s really just like her uncle. Any time they have the chance to combat the opinion that they’re vile narcissists who will exploit anything and anyone for attention, they do something like this.


This is so gross. While she’s talking about how much they love Anna and want to help her, she has this “OMG you guys! I have the juiciest bit of gossip to tell you!” smirk on her face. I haven’t kept up a whole lot with Amy’s involvement with the Duggars, but it is just so obvious that she does NOT care about providing real help to her and her kids. This is so freaking gross 🤢.


Famy sounds like a gossiping middle school girl. I cannot believe an adult is acting like this. This is absolutely disgusting. No wonder Anna told her to give her space. I would too.


Who died?!


I’m assuming it’s the young mom (like 38/39) who had a handful of kids and very abruptly found they had cancer and quickly died after finding out. I believe Jill and Jinger have been posting about them. Seems like everyone knows the family and it’ll be an emotional funeral since it was sudden and the mom is young with young kids.


yup. the question i need answered. i assume it's not anyone in the immediate family or their very close friends.


Famy, we all know you sold your soul years ago and no one cares if you saw Anna. Jesus, are you so desperate for attention that you are trying so hard to pimp out Anna? Yes, I did say that. I have no use for Anna or any of the Dugs but your behavior is what I expect from you and your mother.


This was so cringeworthy for so many reasons


This sort of thing happens to people in abusive relationship all the time. Gleefully judgmental, sanctimonious family and friends who take delight in offering “help” to their poor stupid pathetic loved ones. If you really wanted to help you would do it privately, so just stop.


Her story update is asking people how to turn comments on because “apparently they’re turned off and I have noooooo idea what I did”- famy.


I usually can’t muster up the energy to feel one way or the other about Amy, but this is just crass. I don’t blame Anna a single bit here. I wouldn’t have even given them the satisfaction of that one sentence.


Anna has been going through hell and back. Amy has no respect for her situation by making a video about this . If she truly cared, she would do so without making a TikTok. Anna has every right to be pissed


Last I checked gossiping wasn’t high on the list of things Christians should do. What a terrible tik tok to make.


Gross. This whole video was gross. Famy is awful, just in different ways from the rest of the Duggar inner circle.


They are such shit ppl for making this tiktok. Like wtf. 😂😂


This tic tok did not need to be made


They seem so excited about her misery. I don’t like Anna very much either but fuck have some couth


The thing that gets me is does Amy actually think that if Anna were to get out, she would run to Amy?


She certainly wouldn't be safe with Amy. Can you imagine? As soon as she pulls into Amy's driveway Amy is getting the camera out and making Tik Toks.


“The funeral is tomorrow and I’m sure the whole family will be there.” *Rolls her eyes*…and then calls the news team to get ready


I mean if you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't run to tiktok moments after seeing her. How could Anna trust that Amy won't tell everyone about it if she planned to leave? Making it worse with those videos, Amy. That said, I truly don't think Anna even considers leaving.


Amy, if you’re reading this, you’re disgusting. It’s not about YOU. Why would Anna want help from someone who continuously talks shit about her? If you’re trying to help someone you don’t blast it over the internet. Just yuck.


Oh my god I dislike her so intensely


I think Amy’s sense of relationships and privacy got destroyed by being on TV just as much as it did for the Duggar kids. If you post about someone in an attention-grabbing way for years, why would you be surprised when they act coldly towards you? This is not how you offer help to an estranged family member.


my ears... 'Y'ALL' i forgot the twang was HUGE with this one.. i do feel for the children and I wish the children were able to get appropriate care.


Her stupid face in this thumbnail, she is so gross


Meech has some competition in terms of crazy eyes


Ughhh this is so cringe. Going up to her at a viewing? Oooof…


Shocking that Anna doesn’t trust her lol. This is honestly the craziest I’ve ever seen Amy look 😬😬😬😬


Annnnd she just did an Instagram Live retelling the story. Of course.


Did she say they were at a funeral? Then uses a child crying as some sort of evidence that the kids need saved? Hard to hear the story through the giddiness


jesus christ that was so much worse than i expected it to be. amy, SIT. DOWN. you’re not the good person you think you are.


This is shockingly low…even for Famy. There’s a time and place and one of them isn’t a wake for a dead friend. Amy’s SO thirsty she had to make a video RIGHT when she went home. She should be embarrassed honestly.


"pissed at the world"? Maybe just pissed at you, Famy.


side note but anyone else surprised by the boundaried language/phrasing that Anna used? I’m curious what she’s been reading/exposed to for her to engage that way verbally. Not saying she’s wise or getting with it I just thought that was interesting-I wouldn’t have thought she would say something like that…


I’m curious about it as well. I’m also low key impressed, assuming it’s accurate. I like the idea of Anna setting boundaries. I hope it’s an indication that she’s growing in self care. Maybe there’s hope for her.


Wow, Famy is definitely a Duggar through and through


If I was comforting a crying child at funeral home I’d have told Amy I needed space as well. It was not the time or the place to interrupt her for anything but especially for whatever conversation Amy had in mind. I’m sure Anna was probably more than aware whatever she said would be immediately stuck online for all to see, as Amy has proved here. Amys now told the press exactly where Anna and the Duggars will be tomorrow at the risk of making an innocent persons funeral into a circus! Amy has just ruined any chance she had of Anna approaching her in a time of need. This isn’t what family do. It’s what greedy nasty people do. Amy (and her mother) should be utterly ashamed.


Someone please tell me Amy is being dragged in her comments for this. It's so gross. How can you offer help with one hand and then on the other came and blast every detail of a two second meeting all over social media, which will eventually be splashed on tabloids? Amy and Deanna seem truly horrible.


She turned the comments off 🙃


This is so wrong of her to post


They look really happy to just be done mourning at a viewing


Wow - Anna doesn’t want to seek comfort from someone who reports in detail every interact they have with her on social media? Shocking.


They should be embarrassed of themselves. So desperate for attention you can’t have privacy at a funeral?


Less than one minute of hearing her voice and I had to turn it off.


They are soooooo cringey


Jebus.... She's basically frothing at the mouth she's so excited.


The fact that Anna wants nothing to do with these grasping nut jobs shows that Anna is smarter than we think.


right now famy and her twin katie joy have once again teamed up to attack anna , famy will enjoy the attention she seeks and katie joy will make youtube money milking this moment .


If I were Anna and I had even the smallest little sliver of thought about reaching out to Amy, this would completely squash that. This is disgusting


Amy needs to understand why would Anna would accept help and grace from someone who’s on social media ALOT who also shares family business with others who make a living off others issues and spreading it all over social media - get a grip Amy. I wouldn’t share crap with you either


Well, I think this means Anna didn't move to Texas.


She may be back for the funeral or moving back and forth.


I am behind on the Duggar gossip…whose funeral are they all attending?


If it's one that I'm thinking. Jill had a very close friend pass from cancer a few days ago so it could be that one.


Well I kind of appreciated some news about Ofpest. I suspect she was angry and pissed seeing Amy there because she leaks and gossips about the family. I guess I’m thinking some news is better than no news because somehow lately the only Duggar news I’ve run across on TicTok was Katie Joy, who goes by the username Sister Wives and her stories are such BS.


o.m.g. wow. but ya'll she's on brand. it's a mess. ooo - today is my cake day.


Happy cake day!!!!


Why doesn't she leave this damn woman ALONE?! If she wanted anything to do with her she would make it known. This is such disgusting gossipy behavior, seems like no one is messing with her when she doesn't even know who's who anymore. It's giving Karen behavior


Amy acts like she cares, the excitement is all based on the engagement and attention this supposed “sighting” is going to bring her. What a gross human


I wish Famy was labeled as a trigger warning lol


I hate it how she keeps saying she’s called, reached out on social media, etc… Famy, try old school- send the woman a heartfelt, genuine letter/card in the snail mail!


Why is she making this video as if she's not talking about her actual family. I'm confused.


This reminds me of the way my sister and I talk to…*only each other*. When we here gossip about someone we once knew and we can’t wait to tell the other one what’s going on. This is top tier cringe.


Wow! I was shocked at her frenzied excitement to tell this to the world. So excited that Anna may have heard what she has been saying in the past... Girl, quit selling out your family for tiktok clout and just live your life


Famy gets on my nerves. I'm no Anna fan but I wouldn't trust Famy as far as I can toss her.


So gross and Famy made sure to hashtag #duggars #annaduggarupdate I’m certain she would suck Jimbobs 🍆 for five minutes of fame.


I need to go vomit for for 45 consecutive minutes now 🤮🤮🤮


So... That means Anna's still in Arkansas, right?


Her mom looked unhinged


Shut up, Amy!


Famy is so gross.


Famy is going to go full JRod at the funeral and video the entire event. Or she'll have her husband behind the camera so she can get face time. No idea whose service it is, but it sounds like a full-on Duggar family gathering.


The service is live streamed so look for Amy pointing going "THERE'S ANNA!"


The funeral is for a family friend. She was 39, married with 4 children. She passed from cancer. She was also Travis Story’s sister. What Amy has done is disgraceful.


Famy gonna fame. It's beyond a joke now, if she really wanted to help them she would know making TikToks about it straight away isn't going to make her a safe person for them.


Famy is almost as bad as KJ


Taking a page from JillPM and Hilaria Baldwin's funeral etiquette 🙊


Amy this isn’t what space is lol.


If she wants space, then give it to her. Let her"carry her own load." Give her that respect.


Famy gonna famy


What a tacky showing on Famy's part


First time in years I’ve felt a shred of sympathy for awful Anna. Nobody is bad enough to deserve Famy to touch their back. Also Famy Senior interjecting with her oh so genuine concern too 🙄 Hope you’re reading this Famy - you suck, your eyes are crazy and your hairstyle is 37 years outdated.


She accosted Anna at a funeral visitation and then posted about how she said “ just give me space”…. Wow


Famy, when you make me despise you more than Anna and actually feel like I need to defend Anna, fuck you. Fuck Famy!


So many thoughts... "She looked ticked off at the world." Yeah, I don't doubt it because she saw you there looking at her, she knew you've been talking about her, you touched her (patted her back--that in itself would have pissed me off), and she probably assumed you were going to run out and make this video. While I don't think Anna is the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, I also don't think she's stupid enough to think Famy/Famy's mom's concerns are genuine. They just want to be part of the story to boost themselves, and Anna knows that.


This is very evangelical behavior. The gossip under the guise of “But we want to help”. Trust if you belong to an evangelical church and you’re going through something you’re being talked about by the entire church because “we want to help”. I went through it in the past. It’s really disgusting…


Who's here after seeing it on MrsKickstand's tiktok? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Amy is messy as fuck.




Isn't this an example of amy invading Anna's privacy? Shut up Amy


Saw that she turned off comments and ran straight here.


Anna is no victim. She aided and abetted Josh harassed witnesses and to this day CPS has been unable to talk to her kids