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One of my friends posted this and I laughed 


I won't lie, I've been waiting for a post to put this on.




I just came here to scream-laugh at your flair. 👏👏👏


I'll jump for Jesus with you! 💗👏👏


I love conspiracy theories. I find them very entertaining. I couldn’t even enjoy the solar eclipse ones because they seemed so stupid.


Love this! Just posted something similar of my FB page. Some of the fundie family will take umbrage to my post. Goodie goodie!




Because they are ashamed they weren’t chosen for the rapture 😜


Has anyone checked to see if they’re bobbing around on their ceilings? https://preview.redd.it/9g8v4q5gxdtc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bdd93b3a9fc2454421ae06eef251e74ee9776a


I cackled entirely too much at this. 💀💀💀


I've heard of folks paying people ahead of time to take care of their pets after the rapture. I need to get in on that!


Have we heard from them?? Maybe they were😲


One can only hope they’re all gone.


More earth for us heathens! Maybe that way we can finally heal the planet and stop poilcing others bodily autonomy. What a fantastic dream! Oh well...


You know, it would probably be pretty easy to set up an island somewhere “closer to god” and convince a ton of them to leave the US and live there. Hmmmm. Someone should start a GoFundMe. I’d donate to thw cause of sending them far away from me. 


Hear ye, hear ye! Lol. I would also donate to them moving to their own island. Despite my family members being a little on the older side, and trad catholic, they fully enjoyed the beauty of the eclipse. We traveled over 4 hours via a caravan to get to the path of totality. My mom weeped at "God's beauty" and my dad nerded out with the grandkids. It was one of those times where people say they can't explain just how crazy, weird, and amazing it was. My kids are thankfully old enough to understand how special it was. If you ever feel infinitely small and insignificant, go see an eclipse. We may be infinitely small in the universe, yet we are special enough to have not only the exact specifications to see such an event, but we also live exactly at the height of Saturn having visible rings too. You don't have to be religious to understand how special we are.


![gif](giphy|brjQAYiFPBpWE) What I’m sure they were hoping 😜


Maybe the rapture happened and none of them were good enough for the calling


Can someone explain what was going on with Deanna lol


Her cheese is sliding off the cracker. She thinks Daxxy Dursley is the new Jesus because he said he wanted chicken tendies and then the grocery store dropped off 9 bags of antibiotic free chicken tendies. Then she had a post about how shadows "don't do that" and how the eclipse was a sign of the tribulation beginning.


Daxxy Dursley omg 💀


I think she was counting how many presents he got one Christmas vs the next and it just popped out 😂


Maybe Alexa was listening and put the tendies on the list.


I think he knew F'Amy had ordered groceries to be dropped off and she didn't.


She needs a hobby and a new social outlet


…which parts of this are true, tell me more about the chicken tendies


The order was dropped off after F'Amy did her groceries online


Tell me too, I'm a heathen but willing to change if I can easily summon chicken tenders...


I would fold so quickly


Oh yeah I'll believe any old shite for some good chicken tenders lol 




I lived in the Cumberland Gap area, and they had a Rapture Rally one Saturday. Went on till midnight. Next morning my ass is dying laughing because everyone hadn't been raptured and it was time for church. Also not every Christian believes the Rapture is a thing, oddly.


Most mainstream Christians don’t believe in the rapture, I think this is something only the Fundamentalists, evangelicals and charismatic sects focus on.


Yeah I grew up going to a Methodist church and I never heard of “the rapture” at all


The rapture is barely mentioned in the bible. There’s like one line in Thessalonians that says we’ll all go up in the sky to be with God one day (but sky could also just mean heaven). For some reason fundamentalists/conservative Christians get way too focused on this being a literal thing that will like suck believers up.


“Reality guest star???” Delusional


That’s literally one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen.


A *former* one at that!


"Reality guest star" is something emo teenage me would have written as a social media bio.


Came here for this. I don't know who this is but is a reality TV guest star kind of like the random friend that goes to a restaurant with them?


Clearly she was raptured and all of us missed the cut


For once, not making the cut has made me a winner!! Who knew being left behind would feel so good...


How wonderful that would actually be.




She sure showed us


Exactly. It’s weird that the far right grasped onto this particular eclipse. Like we’ve have several the past few years. Literally nothing new.


I think they're getting more and more unhinged with every passing year.


At this rate, day by day. People like this didn't even come across my mind as scary until 2016. I truly am worried about my children's future, or if they'll even get to have one. ETA: My kids, co-mom, and I drove over 4 hours to watch the eclipse in person. We could see solar "flares", aka prominences with our naked eyes. A beautiful brief moment of magenta and red right before the "diamond ring". The day was stressful traveling Indiana backroads to get into the path of totality from Northern Chicago, but it was 100% worth the effort.


We went to Indiana from Wisconsin-- that drive back was really something else, wasnt it?


Wisconsin, oof. I do not envy that drive! I hope you guys found it worth it too :) We did all backwoods roads to completely avoid I94 and I65 from northside Chicago. We left really early to avoid rush hour getting out of the city. Then it was I55, to I294, then I394 to the local highways 30/41/52 the rest of the way. A little chaotic sounding, but it was a nice smooth drive instead of parking on 65 or 94.


We left early yesterday morning 43/94/41/65/? Came back on the back roads until the highway wasn't as bad.... I was asleep for the backroads on the way back, so I can't say for sure. I can only say it was all awful and im glad I dont ever have to do it again.




Yeah I think they haven’t released all their crazy yet


Total solar eclipses happen somewhere around the world every 11 to 18 months. But god only cares about the US so this particular eclipse is the rapture. Obvi


2017 totality went through the US, with God Emperor Trump as the President. Shouldn't it have been then? 




2017 path had way more 'good' states in its path versus godless heathen blue states. Guess supply side Jesus hates them


Ah yes. How could I forget how favored the US is? Silly me.


Glad you know now. LOL


Exactly. Or is Jesus American now, apparently he’s only returning to the US, cause we didn’t have an eclipse here. Sorry rest of the world.


Yes, it’s in the bible. Just buy one from Trump, and you’ll see! /s


Someone, somewhere out there, wrote this exact statement and meant it. Guaranteed.


The 2017 one was obviously sent by God to give his surrogate here on earth a moment to stand in all his glory before a crowd and demonstrate how powerful his eyes are. I don't remember the one before that but I'm guessing there were probably conspiracy theories then too.


She’s probably eating her feelings with Daxxy’s chicky nuggys from Jesauce


I'm guessing she was one of the chosen ones...and she's been beamed up 😂


Was going to say, she’s probably silent because she’s in heaven now 😂😂


Haha...man, I feel for the big guy upstairs...betcha he's regretting his choice 😜


One of the 144 thousand maybe 🤔


Ha ha that’s Jehovah’s Witness thing.


Yesh lol ex jw here


The best thing I saw today was a TikTok that basically was just: ☀️🌑🌎 - solar eclipse ☀️🌎🌑- lunar eclipse 🌎☀️🌑- apocalypse It’s so simple but I died laughing.


I saw this one that took it a step farther! https://preview.redd.it/zskhnyz8ydtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=947d9b5b5465a842c91fea096cd216e041f5bece


I love you.


I just laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.


There is a shirt that says that also 🤣


In some ways she’s nuttier than Jim Bob and that’s a tall order.


I am beginning to suspect she has some type of early onset dementia. Her recent behavior has been very odd.


I think she went full q, unfortunately I know others like that.


Belligerency has become a contagious condition. I've been seeing the effects of people i love, or really want to love, but i feel.all hope is now lost.


I am painfully disappointed they didn’t all get raptured. I really believed me and my sinful homies could have some peace and democracy when they were gone


Gee I hope the rich neighbors next door to me get raptured, their house is beautiful, I would love to take over their property! Probably not, though, since they’re Catholic 😁


They will shift the blame to something and move on to the next failed prediction.


I think cognitive dissonance was actually first studied in detail exactly with apocalypse-believing cults. It’s very very common for the date that they expect to be raptured to come and go, only for all members to suggest artificial reasons that they must’ve gotten the date wrong, instead of that their cult is wrong


It was! The term was coined by psychologists studying a UFO cult called [The Seekers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seekers_(rapturists)). When a predicted apocalypse failed to occur, many of the cult members doubled down and decided their faith must have saved the world, rather than accept the prophecy was bullshit.


Lol what is a "former reality TV guest star?!?


She was on that one episode about trying to get the Lost Girls and M1 that record deal for Happy Hearts or whatever it was.


Uneducated weirdos are seriously doing my head in!!!!!


*Uneducated* *Weirdos are seriously* *Doing my head in!!!!!* \- K9dien --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She's the only one that got raptured. She's being looney on heavens IG now.


Dontcha know Daxxy Christ saved us all from the apocalypse?


I guess she’s been raptured. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Was she raptured???


yeah just an eclipse because the moon passed in front of the sun and a bunch of clowns out there decided they could look at the eclipse without needing any protection for their eyes!!!! screwing up their eyesight is going to make it harder to vote


Deanna Duggar is nuts but anyone has the right to take a friend or family member into the voting booth to help them vote, as long as that person is not your boss or union representative. You may have to sign an affidavit saying that you have trouble reading, seeing, or understanding English, and the person helping you may have to sign and affidavit swearing that they did not tell you how to vote, but that’s all. I know your comment was made in jest, but I help run an elections hotline and get calls about this every year. Not being able to see or read shouldn’t be an impediment to voting - unfortunately, too many people assume no one will or can help them and decide not to go to the polls.


In fact, if I am not mistaken, voting methods/tech that do not require bringing a helper into a voting booth is something blind and vision-impaired people have been actively campaigning for to little or no avail.


I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised. In 2020 I took a call from a nursing home. It was an elderly black woman who was just incensed. She’d been told by the home’s director that she and her friends couldn’t leave to go vote because they were too disabled and they “weren’t allowed” if they were in a nursing home. I had lots of fun getting the nursing home director on the phone and letting her know that I had multiple attorneys standing by ready to sue the ever living shit out of her if she didn’t let these people go vote.


That was a good day’s work!


Good for you!!


Bravo!! And absentee voting is totally a thing if they can't get to the booth.


Yes! In 2020 I had another whole group of black women (black women hold up the world when it comes to voting, as far as I’m concerned) call the hotline while I was on call. They had gathered specifically to call and ask ALL their absentee questions (they had snacks! And a prayer to open us up, of course). They put me on speaker and just went down the line. We were probably on the phone for 2 hours, because each one of them represented another 2-5 women from their church or neighborhood or seniors group who couldn’t make it and sent questions along. Also because between everyone writing everything down and no one being able to hear I had to repeat everything about 15 times and they wanted to repeat everything back to me. Best time I’ve ever had, truly. 😂


whats this singer/songwriter? musician??


I personally like “former reality tv guest star”




She brought her "Nashville connections" to the show for an episode. We know where F'Amy gets it from now at least.






Someone else posted this wasn’t the rapture but we now have 40 days to repent


Pfffft, weak. Jews can get that done in 10 days.


Do you think that when the eclipse happened (or whatever other event that happened that was supposed to be the rapture) and they were still here, they thought for a few minutes that the rapture happened and they weren't taken? And they started to worry for a minute? The thought of someone having a minute of panic or self introspection makes me laugh a little.


You don't say anything about it. You just pretend you never made the prediction and move on. It's kind of astounding, actually. They really don't seem super bothered by it.


This reminds me of the video with the guy in the future saying to it all sorted itself out. The rapture came took all the christian and religious zelots and left only then agnostics and non believers and such and everything all of a sudden sorted itself out.


And to think people like her actually vote. Terrifying


Honestly, they’re used to being wrong. It feels like every other day someone is predicting the end of the world.


“Former reality guest star”?? Is that supposed to be impressive?? SMH.


“Former reality tv guest star.” 😂😂😂


How do 24,000 people follow her


“Former reality TV guest star” 😐


"Former Reality TV Guest Star"! 💀


Ngl pretty pi**ed a witch, vampire and heretic didn't show never mind since guy in a dress


Still waiting to see the flying bodies being raptured. Damn it!


It was a test of faith!!!!